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all women are built for BWC
These threads are illogical since every woman on earth wants a white man
big dicku
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Anybody has the source of this?
why the fuck is the most prominent thing in the vid multiple dicks jerking off?
It's always like this with splitscreen shittery
The first part of this was difficult to compress below 4MB
Be sure to send some lovemail to @TaimaninMizuki if you've got the chance
There's only a few Bleached connoisseurs who make HMV's, and even fewer who can make good ones like these.
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Disregarding race entirely, what causes someone to do something like this? How do they continue living their lives afterwards?

I'm a NEET and sometimes think degenerate things, but when I do go outside it's like a different realm. I don't at all think about porn, 4chan, or any of this stuff. Were I normal, I wouldn't know of this shit at all.
Humiliation fetishes make some people experience anxiety, and feeling anxious releases dopamine for some completely retarded reason. Maybe it's an evolutionary thing... Well, I just looked it up and supposedly that dopamine release is supposed to motivate you to do things and "achieve the future you want"... But that only really works IRL, not when you're watching humiliation porn on the internet. Our bodies and minds were not designed for the internet at all.
Hating yourself and living in a society/environment that reinforces or generalizes those traits as good things to believe. People choose the path of least resistance and get brainwashed in the process. The only thing that then frees them from their self-imposed misery is gooning to porn that yet again validates what they have conviced themselves to be reality.
(Hating yourself + consistency + time = this)
Yuck, not only is it cuck shit but he's also fucking a nigger
What... did you expect to see itt?
Hey that's my edit if you like them do follow me on Twitter - BleachedBoi2
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BleachedBoi2 on Twitter
why are all splitscreen vids just gay porn then?
Because the type of people who make these edits are such self-hating faggots for 'enter a dick color' that for them the next step is not giving away their women to the other race, rather just becoming a woman for that other race. What do women like, dick. It's all just sissy porn for asians males, that's the target audience. How you can't put 2 + 2 together is impressively retarded.
Some hot chinks or latinas - and definitely not a nigger sitting on the bed while another nigger gets fucked
nah, sounds you like you are just a kike trying to push gay porn
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East India Tea Company
i think this jeeta unironically got wet
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Lol at the chopsticks
Handcrafted for BWC
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holy shit y'all need to put down the crack
super extra hardcore bleaching bleached bleachers
That makes it logical dipshit
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>>27410196 is correct, >>27416044. I often have this exact fantasy.
lmao so one guy on crack about cocks
and the other guy on crack about kikes
Damn, even in fantasy whites are still the chads
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>I just want to fuck asian and brown girls
>videos have dicks in them
>people talking about other mens dicks in thread
I just want to cum inside brown girls wtf
>Site full of white incels
Kek at least the black version of this thread isn't a delusional cope.
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>this projection
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Because we gay asf dumbass
The girl is brown and the guys are white so it counts but here’s a video:


Can anyone tell me if there’s a specific name for the position where a girl is getting fucked missionary while sucking on another guys balls? It’s at like 04:45 in the video
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another thread to help insecure white boys cope with the reality, that's cute
Who is she
Shalom Rabbi
no, you can like different phenotypes just like you've chosen to be a nigger lover. The only difference is most of us still have pride unlike you.
>cope with the reality
your insecurities are only real because you're too pathetic to better yourself.
I think it's called spitroasting.
Her man isn’t white lol she needs to get some bwc tho
sauce please
Any stuff having to do with native americans?
that’s a good one
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More kpop plz
good ol kpop splits
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Her boyfriend is black and ugly. She posted him a few months ago and got a lot of hate for it. I had a feeling she was only into black guys. What a waste.
exactly bro. some closeted homo shit in these threads i swear
>>27432570 Erin Moriarty if she was black.
Is this fetish for white people or anyone but white people?
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>>27434076 I'm not white, so I gues both.
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Kiki Minaj Prized Possessions
She’s so hot and loves bwc the most
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White skinny manlet who never had success with white women here. The only success I've had with women were with a Filipina when the Army stationed me in Hawaii, a Korean in University, and a Native Paiute girl from the reservation I lived by. The Korean was 8/10 hot and the others were 6's. But I fucked everything up and am forever alone now.

It's some other asian girl

The video is behind a paywall on the site: aznrp.site/83-chinese-girl-doing-harsh-humiliation
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>>27436242 Oh, my bad then.
thats just how splitscreens are
me personally, I love White cock so I enjoy them.
please come to the philippines and let the girls throw themselves at you
bleach them so they never have to suffer from these filipino pindicks
More like this kek
Reality just about makes you kill your self every day but you keep on fighting against it every single day just line this kek
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I absolutely love these tranny delusions just complete denial of reality and total devotion to fantasy of the highest order can only imagine how much longer until you rope kek
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I guess as good as thread as any. I lost a webm I'm trying to recover kind of on subject here.
Selfshot of a black girl in a blue and white triped bikini. She just turns a bit side to side and then leans forward. Not much to it but I regret not backing it up.
Does anyone have any more msdumpling edits?
>tfw you can tell by her dancing this isn't a built for BBC thread
I got confused for a second.
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….nah, I just don’t see it.
Of course you don't. It's too dark.
Go outside.
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I want to sniff those panties so fucking bad
Why is a heart the BLACHED symbol? Spade I know because it's a brit slur for blacks
Because White guys are the most romantic lovers
>White guys are the most romantic lovers
that's why they finish last, just a bunch of faggot trying to be cute and romantic while BBC destroy their girl's asses lmao
Ok ranjit stop seething and coping porn is real and real sex isn’t smashing lol
I thought it was the French or Italians
What good is BBC if the nigger's just gonna get shot by the cops?
I have never been jealous of a dick before, but this fucker... big and it stands almost straight up?!? fuck this is some unfair shit.
I figured it was a reference to paying card suits. Hearts is typically considered the equal and opposite red suit to Spades.
Reference to the spade. Plus the idea that blacked is mostly degradation cuckold trash, whereas bleached uses a heart because it is, comparatively, less focused on that and more focused on European men and ethnic women and their romantic desires to mate and start mixed families.
Damn. The bbc threads go fast, this one's taking its time
This thread is real people organically posting new content when we come across it, not tranny shills spamming the same shit over and over
French and Italians are whites
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It's because bwc is a massive cope and no one believes in it. Hell the term didn't even start until after bbc became mainstream. It also hurts that wm don't actually breed all that often with other races save for asian women so there is not that much in demand for it. I can bore you with statistics but I think you get the point
>with statistics
The ones that you cant understand, the ones that btfo your cuck fetish or the ones with made up sources pulled from your ass?
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This one you fucking coping loser. This is a comparison of births between white males and black females vs black males and white females. It's not even close black men breed white women more than white men breed black women that's why your bwc threads never take off.
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Can we have less gay shit and more hot women getting drilled by superior men
>rate 1000
nice try, but that's pathetic considering BMWF are the rarest of all cross-ethnic couples, nobody wants jobless poor gay hobos, not even black woman

Who gives a shit about couples when white women are more than willing to be single mothers just to get that bbc. Also the only population that's diminishing is the white population so don't even lie about being "not wanted"
You only see fat, dumb and ugly women with black men anyway, so no wonder they end up single mothers they're too fucking stupid.
Smart people are diminishing because they're the only ones who can figure out how to use contraceptives, it's why niggers are sub 80 IQ right now. Only the dumbest motherfuckers reproduce since it's just a terrible idea in modern society with the way the economy is going.

It's funny watching the goalposts keep moving but I will leave you with this: everything you say is absolutely correct and that will be your downfall. The smart people will diminish until they will eventually be overwhelmed by the low iq angry majority who won't want to hear anything about advancement. That is when humanity will stall and society collapse that is when whites will be nothing more than a fairy tale and that's when the eternal dark age begins
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Not enough pajeetas getting bleached in this thread.
Because it's a cuck fetish.
It feels good to finally admit the truth
It's for the most clueless, brain-damaged culture warriors sitting at the very bottom of the barrel for their demographic, white hispanic/asian groyper stereotypes, neonazis and pedophiles. It's 2016's id metastasized into an incoherent nonsense movement that's more meme than fetish and for their sheer obsession with having their identity angrily revolve around Blacked at the expense of their own dicks you almost get the impression a lot of these guys just want to be white Bubba.
same desu, and i have 18cm dick
>You only see fat, dumb and ugly women with black men anyway
and that's how we know you're just coping.
It was true 20 years ago but now most BMWF you see is either a regular black guy, a thug or a very muscular black guy with the hottest white girls. It's trendy now to date black men so hot and popular white girls want it. Fat ones are only getting fucked, bred and dumped by black guys.
cope harder faggot
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>Kek at least the black version of this thread isn't a delusional cope.

>he says, as he posts delusional cope
Source: Trust me bro
>I can bore you with statistics but I think you get the point

Imagine Coping this hard. Here are some fun facts for you:
-WMBF relationships are growing exponentially in comparison to BMWF relationships
>In the United States, there has been a historical disparity between Black female and Black male exogamy ratios: according to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 354,000 White female/Black male and 196,000 Black female/White male marriages in March 2009, representing a ratio of 181:100.[84] This traditional disparity has seen a rapid decline over the last two decades, contrasted with its peak in 1981 when the ratio was still 371:100

-Black Wife / White Husband relationships are the least-likely pair to end in divorce
>whereas Black wife/White husband marriages are 44% less likely to end in divorce than White wife/White husband couples over the same period.[25] According to Census Bureau data Black wife/White husband marriages have the lowest rates of divorce.

-In 2010, Pew Research found that whites were among the lowest of percentages of all newlyweds who married someone outside of their race
>9.4% of whites, 17.1% of blacks, 25.7% of Hispanics and 27.7% of Asians married someone whose race or ethnicity was different from their own.

-Among all interracial newlyweds, White / Latino and White / Asian were the most common
>intermarried pairings were primarily White-Hispanic (43.3%) as compared to White-Asian (14.4%), White-Black (11.9%), and Other Combinations (30.4%).

The webm you posted is not surprising in the slightest, since black women marry white men at a significantly lower rate, but what is surprising, is that in comparison to the marriage rates, the birth rate for the black female and white male is significantly higher than the black male white female.
The amount of cope on you right now, lmao.

>that was true 20 years ago
It's still true today.


>this was filmed only 3 years ago
>bwc is a massive cope

Is that why White interracial marriages are the biggest portion of interracial marriages in the US, and it's not even close? Lmao
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Can you dissertation discussion faggots post some relevant webms, or fuck off?
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>the number of births of BMWF from 2016 - 2022 increased by 2.6%

>the number of births of WMBF from 2016 - 2022 increased by 15.3%

I'm not sure those statistics proved what you wanted them to prove.
>some random retard said it so it must be true.
Insane levels of cope. The fact that this is the only "proof" you have kinda says it all.
>go to this thread for porn
>it's full of whiny insecure slapfights
Everyone in this thread is gayer than aids.
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>no they're not, even other black dudes, such as Boosie, who is a well-known rapper, complain they only get fat chicks

Holy hell, go back to your discord you axe-wound monkey, lmao, your arguments are pathetic.
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This isn't a giant cope?
A more light hearted webm

It has yet to hit the 30 thousands while bmwf is cruising to 90 thousand that is still 3 times wmbf.


This makes me laugh. You value relationships and yet the stats show more women are willing to fuck and breed with black men and be single mothers just to get a taste of black dick. Cling to all the survey data you want the truth is in who is breeding and it isn't white bois they are fucking with
That’s because they’re ugly. They date Hispanic and Asian women. The ones blacks date are also trailer trash while white men get all the good black women
Indians always forget Mughals fucking retards
Wow 90k out of 3.5 million births? You're both arguing over rounding errors. The truth is nobody wants to fuck blacks, men or women, except a small percent of white men who keep taking the very few actually hot black women, much to black dudes' dismay

You have no statistical proof to back up any of your claims. Thankfully there are plenty of proud singles mothers on tik tok and numbers to back up mine
Everyone who’s lived in America has seen this on a daily basis. Makes me wonder where you’re actually from…
You should probably post nose before continuing this discussion.
>seen this on a daily basis

Yeah sure buddy and I have seen pigs flying over rainbows. I can't prove it but trust me it happens
Ugly fat white women have to settle for blacks or be femcels
Muh muh evolution theory

You're a faggot
>that's cute

Weird fag detected
Can both of you faggots get a room? Neither of you are reproducing anyways. Bunch of insecure fags
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Checked and correct. Also black-white mixes tend to produce lightskin women who crave white cock and skinny nerdy "men" like Obama, except the vast majority don't get made into token "black" presidents they just remain weird nerds
Kek but if I write nigger on the usual threads I have to ban evade again because some tranny or cuck reports it instantly. Kill coalburners btw
I have two sisters, and they did indeed marry skinny white men.
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Stop spreading lies. They are about even with blacks having a slight edge
>Half of lightskin women are having kids with white men and continuing the bleaching
>Only 13k births out of 3.5 million going back to black dudes
Imagine being such a blackcel you have to try to find a bright spot in these stats. If you think your heritage is worth preserving you better wife up a full black girl anon.
>captcha NGRDX
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Is Obama really half-black by American standards? American blacks are, what?, thirty-forty percent European on average? Obama's father was an actual African from Kenya. So having a European mother puts him in line with American Africans, and is not representative of a deviation from them.
I don't know how you can characterise this thread as being for aggressive zealots. The fundamental underlying point of bleached is that [ANONS_ETHNICITY_HERE] should peacefully intermarry and merge with [IMMIGRANT_GROUP_IN_ANONS_COUNTRY_HERE], which is the exact antithesis of a zealous or aggressive belief.
Any one old enough to remember Tumblr's porn scene before it got purged will know that raceplay, as it contains inferiority, humiliation and domination, is pushed by women who just use raceplay as a prop for their dom/sub fetish. Likewise, aggressive raceplay on 4chan is pushed by women (male) or cucks who want to be made to feel inferior, not men getting off on superiority over others.
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Honestly these threads would be a lot better if we ignored the race baiting trolls and didn't try to dunk on non-white men or white women.

I've always had a lot of success with non white chicks, but I've never had any animosity for non-white guys.
Is leftypol down again or something?
That has to be the best looking indian ever (even if that is a purely relative concept lol).
What lengths of breeding did they go to to get her? They're all born naturally ugly, but there's a few that aren't. What does her bloodline look like?
good thread
>barely legal
Any chance we could get a sauce on that?
If John McAffee and Tim Curry had a son, lol
is there more or sauce to this?
>dunk on
You're obviously a basketball american
No. But I did play basketball for about 7 years as a kid/teen. Then I switched to traditional jiu jitsu and wrestling.

Also there are some more in another thread but I'm not gunna post them all










Feel free to save them for future threads.
>It has yet to hit the 30 thousands while bmwf is cruising to 90 thousand that is still 3 times wmbf.
Cool, now post the total number of interracial children from White Male's and the total number of interracial children from Black Males. Let's see what those numbers are.

>You value relationships and yet the stats show more women are willing to fuck and breed with black men
Please, post the Asian Mother / White Father, Asian Mother / Black Father birth statistics. I'll wait. Although I know you won't, since it destroys your narrative.
>You don't have any data to back up your claims, but I've seen lots of tiktoks!

Holy shit, you need to try harder. Whites are outbreeding blacks if you want to talk pure numbers, retard. How are you even trying to dispute this? White people made up around 52% of all births in 2020-2022. Hispanics came in second place with 24%.
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>his entire narrative is that attraction to black men is growing
>this literally debunks that narrative, as the gap between birth rates closed by nearly 60% in only a span of 6 years, starting at a difference of 1200 in 2016 to only being a difference of 500 in 2022

oh fuck lmao
You don't understand, butthurt blacks, jews, asian incels, and mentally unhinged trannies have been waging a propaganda war for the last 10 years pushing BNWO / cuck shit. They absolutely deserve to be dunked on.
dont have a source for this vid, but go to
idol sankakukomplex and search for japanese_candid
youll find tons of these videos
I agree.
>no they're not, even other black dudes, such as Boosie
Some random black guy saying it doesn't make it true. I've heard white guys say dismissive things about their own race that are also false. This isn't evidence you coping retard someone of a group saying something about that group does not automatically make it true.
>Look I posted a laughing gif that means i'm not mad i'm actually laughing
It's so funny to see you seethe and cope and misrepresent stats like this. Keep crying, no amount of laughing gifs hide your rage.
I don't have a problem with bwc/bleached porn but the people in this thread are the most insecure whiny faggots ever. Also stop falling for obvious trolls you god damn retards.
>This isn't evidence you coping retard someone of a group saying something about that group does not automatically make it true.
It's just as much evidence as that retard is saying the opposite.

>Oh no, stats for how BMWF have higher birth rates than WMBF, while White men inter-marry and inter-breed at a higher rate than blacks with literally every single other racial group!
Lmao, look at your absolute seething, you mad as fuck.

sauce on the one on the right?
Jasmine Sherni
Someone should save these.
What's hot? The thread in general or a specific post?
Asian women hate colonial history but they absolutely love getting their pussies colonized.
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White men colonizing them is the only thing that can save East Asia without totally destroying the population with turd world immigration.
Just came to this
>Asian women prefer white men
>only 32% would be ok with dating a black man
>46% was willing to date a latino man

>White women are the least likely to date outside of their race.
>White people are found the most attractive by participants of all other races.

>Latinas don't like chinks and niggers, prefer White men.

>Women of all races exhibit a preference for White men

>in para-african countries like Brazil 95% of sperm donors are White, 52% have blue eyes.
>70% in india
>China - unknown number but 'experts say regardless of the availability of Chinese or Chinese-American donors, women are still choosing to have mixed-race children'

to add to our humiliation you can also google:
>I wanna have a white boyfriend
>I wanna have a black boyfriend
repeat for any other race
and see the images

brown bros... it's so fucking over for us
what is the last bit supposed to mean? i mean what are we meant to notice
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>brown bros it's so over
In the same post showing that over 40% of Asians in 2024 are down to get some brown cock, not to mention over 30% want black dick. What a silly post.
Holly fucking shit bumped
>See kids, now THIS is a clear message from the almighty one. Follow his words
60% reject you by default
then the remaining 40% still prefers white men
I'd say that's kinda bad
Keep coping shitskin it’s called virtual signalling
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Hey now that's friendly fire, I'm White. I was just saying that part of the post was silly for Pablo to doom post about since it shows he still has a chance, not a very high one but still a chance nonetheless.
She's cute as hell.
I watch a lot of her videos but still can't find this one has anyone found the full version?
I don't understand all the ranting. I can tell you as blue eyed, broad shouldered, bearded white man, that when you are in public with your beautiful hapas women of all races become very aggressive. Its honestly annoying af because they get all pissy when you don't return their gazes or attention. Just want to be left the fuck alone.
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for fuck's sake who gets off to watching guys jacking off
African Americans are culture group nowdays. Not just racial group.
look at the fucking acting from the black guy, he doesnt look like he is getting cucked, he looks like we dropped a little bit of ketchup on the ground on the middle of a McDonalds
Important points here. Real anons on here just like brown women who like white guys, anyone else is gay or a shitted shill and should be avoided. To all you asian cucks, stop. I don't want to cuck you, it's actually disgusting. I will give you a white girl if you just shut the hell up. why can't we all just get along? ignore shitted spammers, they want engagement, they want to annoy you.
cool now say something like this in one of the 12 black threads and see what happens
No cause those threads are filled with annoying leftists.
>He thinks white women want asian boys with 4" rickdicks that even asian girls don't want
Being cucked is optimistic, more common is asian girls just going straight to white guys
you got a higher quality version you can post on catbox or somewhere?
Who's the first bitch
Yea saar it's over for now get back to you desk and scam the goyim
This is the good shit.
Gotta love to see this fucking estrogen copers in every thread related to bbc and bwc.
> The white race is the dominant one for a reason my friends.
who is this
nigger shills got a little quiet after this got posted
Hot. Chinks and niggers exist to serve the White man.
If you think thats real then you are really rotten in the brain
I just want pretty foreign ladies naked and talking higly about white men
I dont want to see other men fucking, i dont even wanna think about other men.
I keep forgetting this is the gayest board on this site, eclipsing the lgbt board itself
That bitch has to have THE best WMAF scenes of any Japanese pornstar.

Fucking kek, remember: Don't stare at the balls.
Don't know who the first girl is but you can get the hq mp4 at the twitter name in the vid
tried, but his account is suspended on Twitter
Who is she??
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Imagine if advertising was honest
Like how the second one is just alternative universe Pewds if he got with a Japanese girl.
That's his son in 20 years
Don't screech at truth
one of the heartiest keks i've had in a white, thanks anon
Translation: You're a bitch. Got it.
Because the main audience is non-white men.
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BWC character select screen
no u fag
post nut clarity type language. just admit you love being degraded due to some inherent sense of inferiority you feel from white men. i mean after all, why would you be bumping this thread so much if you didn't secretly enjoy it?
Make more

>why the fuck is the most prominent thing in the vid multiple dicks jerking off?
Because these are literally psyop threads where OP is trying to condition you to associate sexual excitement with dicks.
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I hate women so much
What compels a person to become this?
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>that crusty vagina
She was transfixed and so let down when it ended...Asian women NEED White men
>Be White man
>Go to random African country
A tale as old as time
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why did he do it

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