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Or asian female fingering to WM, any asians into this ? (female or male ?) share them.
how could anyone have this as a fetish i burst out laughing
This icy shudder of cringe must be how blacks feel when they see the usual cuck shit
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there's black cucks too. i seen videos of them jerking off to wmbf on twitter. the nigcels there cry about ghetto gaggers
>any asians into this
Yeah but i never recorded myself doing it. Maybe one day
forced fetish.
everyone and their mothers are jerking to bmwf and bmaf .
Why don't these glorified faggots just bypass the middleman and suck my cock directly?
This is not at all the same as a white man jacking off to BMWF.
Because the Asian is jerking off to an upgrade, while the hypothetical white man (in reality a tranny), is jerking off to a downgrade.
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lol i recognize this voice, i wonder what this guy's channel ?
I'm cuckcurious not gay
Oh hot, didn't know this stuff came in different flavors.
Best one.
Wait, so asian men actually are into wmaf ? So what's the AsianMasculinity on reddit for then ? This is Trolling right? I'm guessing this os only an asian american thing though
If you want to be dominated go all the way in, you're into huge cocks anyway.
Okay so the only reason I have a twitter is because of the asian porn and there's a lot of adjacent asian cucking. It's almost always a white man who's traveling and bangs out their wife/gf for their stay
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1. Yes
2. A way of coping
3. It's global, but mostly in the West.
I don't like to frame wmaf sex this way, it's gross. It's the same as the amwf threads that sometimes come up. There's no reason to make interracial sex between white and asian people so disrespectful. Both are good races.
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Average aznidentity user
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It's not disrespectful, it's just an acknowledgement of the reality of the situation. Way more Asian women are going White than the reverse. The options are to be a bitter incel about it or find a positive way to participate in the dynamic.
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there should be another video of an asian dude jerking off to an asian dude jerking off to wmaf
>it's real

Don't have original videos but bottom left is watching a splitscreen that includes bottom right
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More chopsticks
So true. If you genuinely love Asian women there's no reason beyond selfishness to be upset about them getting White men.
anybody got the vid he's watching?
>porn video not full screen
>camera focuses on the woman
Fake and gay
Why are the jews going after Asians now?
Da joooz forced him to jerk off on camera

Are these Jews in the room with us right now?
they definitely are. asian female black male is getting spammed fucking EVERYWHERE. it turned on like a switch. and then you have the drama of the shows and videogames with black actors in them.
Are you asian
South America is literally Hafu already. The only difference is the Anglosphere gets with the Whiter East Asians with High IQs

is it possible for you to be less of an american please? go inside yourself and ask yourself questions of being under indoctrination, because this is pathetic
Based Thread White Asian or Blacks being cucks for each other is really hot and i dont care keep cumming to white man taking your women ricels
I don't want to be dominated by men and I'm not into huge cocks, just big white cocks and asian women.
Definitely less forced than spamming multiple threads about what's fundamentally the same garbage. You can thank Greg Lansky for your filth.
More saerosoh please! She's the best paag porn history
There's not enough AMWF. Getting cucked by a ricecel has possibilities
I'm curious. How many of the Asian bois in here who are jerking it to WMAF also read and contribute to places like r/aznidentity and r/asianmasculinty?
wtf is this ?!!! The guy actually filmed himself behind a green screen to this porno ? who the fuck would do such a thing ?
Source ?
I would figure 95% of the asian guys that browse communities like those have a WMAF fetish. The asian dudes with a WMAF cuck fetish often struggle with feelings of inferiority and low self esteem, which is why they browse those forums in the first place.

Normal people don't go online and seek out niche forums filled with freaks to feel reassured that they are masculine enough or feel secure about their racial background. That is ultra bizarre behavior. The feelings of not being good enough are likely related to the same psychology that is driving their WMAF fetish. They probably hate that they have that fetish, and try to feel better by going on those forums to be reassured that asian men are masculine.

What they really should be worried about is the fact that they feel the need to go on to those lunatic forums. Normal people don't live their life consumed by schizoid ideas they read on the internet written by people who are struggling with some kind of mental hangup about their gender/race/sexuality.


That's somehow gayer than just touching dicks with a stronger big dicked white man.
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so cute how hard he is for real men breeding
Not white nor asian but this is so fucking hot. Great job OP
>>27420909 It would be so humiliating.
>>27417277 LoL
How many asian cuck bois end up sissifying themselves and becoming traps to seduce white men as revenge?
This has nothing to do with the thread, but do the mods moderate the threads based on your preference?
For example, if I specify that I don't want gay or trans stuff on a thread I created and someone posts it anyway, will they delete the post?
Source of the vid he's jerking off to ?
Some dude on twitter who provided his services to Asian women and couples. This was the only video he got that was worth saving.

Miko Dai.
They do. There's already proof >>27416888
>Some dude on twitter who provided his services to Asian women and couples. This was the only video he got that was worth saving.
do you still have his page on twitter ? i wanna check, that was pretty hot, the way he talks and dominates that married asian pussy. That was pretty hot.
Ricecels are high IQ and tech-savvy and take pride in producing the best content
Sauce plz
lol, we need more asian cucks doing more "artsy" shit to afwm.
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HOLY FUCKING SHIT !!! She can't even fit that thing !
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why would any sane asian guy stay with a slut like this is beyond me ! (seems like that's the guy she's seeing "on the side" for her "other" cravings)
based delivery man
No sound though. Shame.
seems like she wants a hapa bastard child considering what she's saying near the end.
the girth on that thing :l ! = asian pussy, ruined!
Kinda scary if true. wtf ?
Uncommon and rare
Nearly zero interest, does that shit even exist?
WMAF is where it's at, nothing hotter than seeing oriental women surrender themselves to superior Aryan genes. Also it's the most popular interracial coupling around.
Kek, typical cuck ching chong "males"
Many such cases
Asians were warned this would happen yet they ignored it and stayed quiet and kept voting left and pro-immigration since they weren't the current target, but after whitey they were obviously going to be next, dumbasses.
And once whitey yellow boys are gone brown and mixed people will be next yet those retards think they'll be exempt if they shill wokeism as hard as possible. Even bigger retards.
I came to this as an asian boy...
many of them including me lol. my asian features are perfect for being trap material
As you should.
Korean boy here. My mom, sister, and gf all love BWC.
could be a larp anon...
What do you mean your "mom" ? what about your dad in this scenario ?
And how do you know about your gf ? just you having a feeling about it or are you an actual cuck ?
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That guy basically sounds like a Chinese darth Vador. Dunno what he's saying though.
What do they say about it.

Also for anyone else, let's say I got my bwc bulge going, what places do most asian women go.
I live in Japan and I'd love to be this for some guy who wants to see his girl get taken from him by a big foreigner.
Great one! (Sounds like Japanese, i wonder what she's saying). Is that you jerking off or did you take this vid from someone else?
Where's the cumshot?
My Japanese is not very good, but she say something along the lines of "truly, I love American guys."
Meant to reply to this one. It is kinda of hard to hear, but I think she says "oki no amerikajin no chin daisuki" or something like that, which I think basically means "Put American dick (in me?), I love it"
Don't these things kinda Hurt ? (Getting your cock locked in a cage while having a hardon).
>his cum causes it to zoom into her face as she's filled with pleasure from that white cock
Incredibly hot.
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Here's the version with subtitles in case people don't hear what she's saying.
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It is Japanese. I can't make out the first thing she said, but then she said おっきいのアメリカ人のチンコだ~いすき okkii no Amerikajin no chinko daaaa~isuki(I love big American cock)
So lewd, I wonder if he actually ate it.
Asian male here.
I finally convinced my petite white girlfriend to let huge cocks fuck her brains out... of course after I've had my go of 3 to 5 rounds with her... lol it's that she's a sex craved maniac. Fuck it. Lol who elese let's their chick get slammed by random big bros?
Asian girls like "big" white dicks, i.e. like 6-7". The average asian pussy can't actually fit monsters. With white girls, there's usually more space.
Good enough but that's not how it is really supposed to work.
You need to have a petite asian gf for the meme to reach its maximum potential.
whats the video shes jerking to?
can you share some links?
>Both are good races.
>Asian girls like "big" white dicks, i.e. like 6-7". The average asian pussy can't actually fit monsters.

An actual 7 is pretty big though. You fo realise that the ones who claim to be 12 are in reality 9 or 8 inches right ? Also, what you said doesn't make any sense. Biologically speaking, on average, a woman's vagina is highly elastic, During sexual arousal it can increase of up to 200% from its unaroused state.

You're talking about a thing that's designed to stretch significantly during childbirth. It can expand to allow passage of a baby's head. That's where you came out of.

It doesn't matter if asian pussies are "tighter".
The cervix is only so far back on each woman, and that is distributed from girl to girl like dick sizes for guys. And the stretching in childbirth is totally different than stretching from arousal and, if you somehow forgot, the most painful experience of a woman's life.
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Not when your "hardon" is barely bigger than the cage
Fuck I love this. I'm a native american and I say the same thing for my native mom. I'm so glad I grew up being bullied by a white kid
This is what I've found. I'm a bit over 7 inches and my Chinese wife thinks I'm some kind of cock god. We've even swung with other couples before with guys that had larger cocks but she can't take it and doesn't like it. I make her uncomfortable if I push too deep, especially in doggy, and we've been together for 10 years with two kids.
even the guys seem to be really happy about it
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>This is what I've found. I'm a bit over 7 inches and my Chinese wife thinks I'm some kind of cock god.

What's "big" for you though ? Would you consider this as "monster" cock ?
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Jerk to this one, take your fucking cage off and let's see a cum shot haha.
can anyone add subs ? what's he's saying ?
He's saying. "Xīfāng rén 西方人 Luke, you are the father of my babies"
>everyone and their mothers are jerking to bmwf and bmaf
ahahaha no one likes scat rabbi
to be fair, even the right is ok with the population replacement. Jews controls both sides. Only nationalism can save Japan
Not a single asian female baiting to WM?
I did this when my old crush from high school was doing a live on Instagram
Cuck shit is cringe. I'd rather them dress up as femboys or transwomen and talk about wanting BWC in their bussies. If you're going to submit, at least be a part of it. And us bi men love coloured sissies.
>Cuck shit is cringe
>I'd rather them dress up as femboys or transwomen and talk about wanting BWC in their bussies
get a fucking clue buddy
Wounded Cuck
She's even more beautiful with that massive euro cock in her mouth.
Post more!
I am proud of Hiro for being brave enough to make this vidya
who is "Hiro" ?
This is why the world can't wait for jewish extermination
lurk moar
Fuck please post moar. Reminds me of my Asian friend from university
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eyy another man of taste. I'm 8" on the dot and my own chinese wife goes back and forth between sizequeening it up and (more often) complaining that its too big. takes a lot of warm-up but thankfully she's the type to get crazy turned on by sucking dick
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Need sauce champs
bumping this gem
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Actually according to the websites and media distributors themselves, it’s overwhelmingly people from south Asia and the middle east, areas with which I’m sure you’re familiar.
so true. lot of us grew up in controlling environments and feel insecure with larger white guys being bigger, better, stronger and more dominant. then we get mad and post online while furiously jerking to wmaf afterwards. and it really doesn't help when you see the Asian baby girl types hooking up with big chad white guys that you know could beat the shit out of you instantly and mog you in height and dick size. like how do you even compete with that?
I should also add that these girls are often bleached completely, have dyed blonde hair and probably never fucked an Asian guy in their life. Gold star girls basically.
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chinkcel cope, literally the most common interracial couples are WMAF
lmao, keep coping chinkcel
>Reminds me of my Asian friend from university
don't tease us like that, now you have to say more..
That's pretty wild to me. Pretty insane actually. That the guy who go as far as to film himself entirely while watching this in front of a green screen and everything. While watching some white guy getting his cock worshiped by some asian slut.

I mean, why ?
So ok, you have this weird fetish, but why go as far as to show yourself entirely online ? What if anyone stumbles on this shit ? Isn't he concerned at all ? Or is he so mentally ravaged that it no longer matters ? LMFAO !!!
>What if anyone stumbles on this shit ? Isn't he concerned at all ?
What are they going to do? Report him to the horny police? You could say the same for anyone filming sexual shit online. How is it different than >>27442962 >>27442965 for example? Or even people posting thirst traps on their accounts with their real names. Everything scandalizes someone. It sounds like you're projecting your own insecurity about this particular fetish or something.
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Hey guys, what would you like to hear if you were doing ntr raceplay?
If you wanted someone to degrade you or your gf what would you want them to say in this context?
Not really. It could, but most times it's not. You gotta mess up for it to hurt. Worst that happened to me was my balls get cold I guess because they shrink and skin tightens causing some pain
I love seeing pathetic cocks cum to videos like that
Ever go on a-list? Natives are rare, but I love talking to em
F-list, my mistake
No I haven't, haven't even heard of it. Tell me about it
Fake, likely photoshoped. Nice try though!
cope and seethe

Free roleplaying site. Make a character, fill out kinks, chat with people.

You can meet people on Bleachbooru, but it's easier on f-list.
It's pretty hard to navigate, but I'll get into it. Thanks for showing me
You'll get used to it. We should chat there sometime, I do like bullying native boys.
Hopefully i find you on there then
I came to this as an asian boy...
I came to you cuming to this as a white man.
Show us cutie
Nice! (but no sound ?) Post more !
So pretty.
I laughed too
Based lmao
I must luck out with everyone then, even my little chinee gf can take my 7.5x6 balls deep like every other woman I've been with

Still set in my belief that if you "can't fit" it's simply because she's not aroused enough
It's not about it not fitting, it's about it going too deep. You're telling me even doggy your girl can take your 7.5 without it hitting her cervix?
Fuck this bitch. She’s with an ugly ass black guy
That's the centimeter side, you have to flip the ruler around and measure in inches
Me with my first girlfriend
that's hot!
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blick poopoo have already lost to Latinxoids
and yet the media keeps pushing for the eternal white man = exclusively bad. exclusively responsible for all the world's problems. And blacks are happy to trust this narrative 100%. They all went apeshit when Georges Floyd died.

and yet, In 2022, the FBI reported 10,470 Black murder victims in the United States. About 80-90% of Black homicide victims are killed by other Black individuals but they don't give a shit about that, they'd rather focus on the very rare ones who get killed by white men. No wonder mexican gangs are having an easy time getting rid of them. Blacks are their own worst enemies.
yes black people are absolutely retarded no argument there
It's hot how quickly that cute thing got hard over her getting stuffed with White cock.
It always makes me sad when there's no cute small cumshot as well
I love this
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this shit can't be real lmao
dude probably make 6 figures a month.
Anyone have the image he's looking at?
this thread
Tranny nigger-faggot coping on every non-nigger thread. Cope and seethe, tranny boi.
Where the fuck do you find all these fresh new videos? I don't see shit on xhamster, pornhub, or xvideos...
Sauce on the video?
>I don't see shit on xhamster, pornhub, or xvideos
New stuff especially edits appear right here on /gif/ sometimes and also reddit/twitter.
cope harder chang.
Bro there's no way. I know that Asians on average have smaller dicks, but really? This small? I don't believe it, this must be porn signal boosting size like it does with Black dick being big despite most Black dicks being normal size.
The guys who do this will clearly be on the lower end, but average size across Asia is genuinely in the low 4" range
Average Europeans are 1.3-2" longer, while the gap between Europeans and Africans is 0.3-1" (top end only for certain countries)
Therefore, "BWC" is a much more dramatic difference for Asians than "BBC" is for Whites, despite what the tranny spam would have you believe
Lower end meaning most Asians really aren't actually this small as in the videos correct?
the fuck is the university trying to tell you? to pull out your cock and edge during an exam?
i'm into this but WMLF
It's a prank you dolt, someone projected porn as a joke
Oh? Do you have examples?
Being born with a cock that tiny is one of the cruelest fates I can imagine. There are worse things but goddamn…
Classic case of how hyperfixating on race can literally mindfuck you
i rarely save porn so no
any more like this?
Sauce? He's really cute. >>27442965
Is this him too?
Reddit, twitter and sometimes here on gif. Like the other guy said

Perhaps a based gentlemen can upload these gems to pornhub, xvideos, etc.
WMAF is based on love and devotion
It’s always when the male is not White that it becomes some fucked fetish
Good lord
This one was good, cute thigh highs too.
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Mina1230. Really pretty, I hope she does more cumming to WMAF
Longer version with sound, in 2 parts. Got a lot more vids but I have to convert them.
Part 2
Source on the laptop video?
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You chinks need to talk in this videos like >>27411501
Nta, but thanks. She's fucking adorable.
What are you weirdos thinking when you fap to this? Do you imagine yourself as a cuck Asian guy? Are you even Asian?
You're not supposed to ram her cervix, you can go past it without hitting it
I came to this as an asian boy...
I wish it was mating press or if she was facing the camera though
There are no Asian man
Asian boys make cute girls though
Why are asians penises so small bros? Onions? Low T?
I'm sure you were too young, but this actually happened.
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>This is forced, b-but the 20 shitdick nigger threads are totally organically posted though!
Sure troon
This. It's by far the most common interracial relationship and it's funny how non-Whites seethe at it.
please someone have sauce on this video
Im desperate for any Asianboi cuck videos, and I especially love the ones that degrade the viewer
Does anyone know the source of the film he's jerking off to ?
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You might like this.
There are also some short edits in this thread:
I would genuinely fucking love to be cucked on a video call
this is so cute. even the asian bois love BWC
Source on bottom right video?
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>start jerking off to these for a while
>yesterday fucked an asian boy in the ass
UUuuuuuuuuuuuuh... am I doing this right?
bro this shit made my whole week, i can't stop laughing at those chopsticks, unreal
How does one find people interested in this?
Came here to jerk off, ended up with fits of laughter instead
speak for yourself, faggot
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>forced fetish
UHHH...UUUOoooooOOH. Uhh, mhh, mhh. Mhhh. UUHhhh. Uhhhh. MMMmmm. mmmMMM. Mmmhmm.
I mean the video caption, smart guy.
here's some audio wmaf amsr for any cucks who want it

higher quality?

nice, much appreciated
not so nice
there more stuff if you click on the name above the audio clip
>no content for almost two days
>post this 10/10
Worth the wait, this was so fucking hot.
what's the source of the last clip ? @2:13
So instead of catching a fly like in 'karate kid' blud really be catching his own dick lmao
>Lofi playing on the TV
what did they mean by this? kek
I came to this as an asian boy...
It isn't.
That russoid asian caters to diverse fetishes.
You are also a fetishist, you think you are punching down but you are actually punching across.

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