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moms, older women, etc
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sauce on this?
Your mother, fucker
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Some old dude who goes by janderson32151
'sup tard?
You are right and agree with your assessment on power dynamics.
However, I am not a larper. I am just a woman that has nothing going right. No, getting a good dicking won't help because it is not what I want. Last time I slept with a dude, he was just as depressed as I was, then he tried anal and to choke me, with I both declined so when I tried to leave respectfully, he kicked me out. Texted me couple days after saying he missed my tits. We fucked for what... 2 hrs? As a woman that prefers women, I know what I am able to offer... I prefer to not waste my time in nonsense. I am in my late 30s, had long relationships only...
I know I am fucked.
>Tits or GTFO
I'm good.
I'd fail like at everything else, why don't you do me a favor and do it for me?
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Lisey Sweet needs to come back. It was probably fucking up her cuck husband's career as a professor at UCLA though.
Keep this thread bumped.
Some faggot made a similar thread and it's killing this one.
More gilf please. Older is better
>It was probably fucking up her cuck husband's career as a professor at UCLA though.

Didn't know that
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Only about a 5 hour drive for me!
Andie Anderson
In my old job I would frequently take advantage of older lonely horny women. All it took was to make my fat cock jump in my pants a certain look or corner her alone when I knew she was obviously enjoying my company and having a man around.

Got head on demand and have bent more silver haired thots over, on their beds, in cars and just where they stood then I care to admit.
Not going to lie, it wouldn't take much for me to hit that. Like a month long dry spell would have me booking a same day round trip.
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me on the left
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Aunt Zelda?
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>It was probably fucking up her cuck husband's career as a professor at UCLA though.
unlikely, knowing UCLA
fucking hell she's perfect
Lesbianism is a mental illness with an 80% divorce rate and highest domestic abuse rate among couples.
Fix your diet, go outside, find God. If you lived in a nomadic ttibe eating hunted meat the men provided, falling asleep under the stars, raising children around a campfire you wouldn't have the opportunity to think of this modern nonsense.
You mistake the consequences of modernity and our unnatural lifestyle for your identity. You confuse mental illness and mal adaptive practices for identity
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Forgot my contribution
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can't for the life of me remember, but there's this tiktok milf who is/was renovating a ranch or something. She would do vids of her in the rain, i think she's in florida, i dunno, but she was pretty hot, kinda looked like zoey holloway. if anyone has a name, i'd appreciate it

webm unrel
I posted that webm. She is so fucking hot.
Even now with grey hair and pushing 70, I'd fuck her. I wish she did moar nudity in her career.
This is my dream.
I love the acting on this one.
Seems like one of those hentai doujinshi where the old hag has not had sex in a lot time and the young guy is too much for her.
As an incel, I'd love to plow a MILF who hadn't been fucked in years.
It's the closest thing we can have to an equivalency.
aint no such thing son, most women cant go two weeks without dick and the ones youre talking about are rare as hens teeth if theyre under 50.
What job?
Yes, this is why I look at over fifty.
Perhaps the last of the women who have not been corrupted by fuck apps and online dating.
Anyone younger has been run through by at least a hundred Chads.
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My gf is 39 and i am 28. We're eachother's first. There are older women that weren't ran through and had their pair bonding ruined. I'm gonna marry her. I'm gonna keep her creampied with my cum leaking into her panties 24/7. We want children but i don't care either way i can't imagine life without her. I've fantasized about being in a real relationship with an older woman my whole life and now that i'm here it's better than i could've imagined.
I honestly can't care about children, not without her. My life has sucked too much, i want her first, children second. So be prepare for that eventuality and devote yourself to a good older woman. It's heaven on earth.
Is she autistic, disabled, ugly, or mentally ill? If she is none of those things you should strongly consider the probability that she lied about you being her first.
Magnificent. I don't want kids, just to creampie a woman every day.
Sauce on that video?
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I would not trust a window that thin, one strong enough thrust and you're sending her plummeting.
She's christian, cute and built like a fertility goddess, and i know what an intact hymen looks like
>"Find God"
>mental illness
>average 4chan user
Check yourself, mate.
i miss emma so much >.<
I like this. Raw hornyness taking over decency
And here you are on a milf thread haha.

Shes cooked.
need sauce
she looks like my ex, based
Who is this?
Go have a wank and move on man, fuck sake
That's perfection
Hi there Larpy McLarpface lol
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Persia Monir
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Andie Anderson
More more More
Sauce plz
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Keep this thread bumped over the dupe one. FFS.
Bro thought saying "4chan user" meant anything
The things I'll do to this GILF
Mallinia or something.
t. a bird told me
bro really do be like that bro bruh no cap fr
If that's a milf then i must be getting old
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I hope it comes true. They’re so cock hungry especially if they haven’t been laid in a long time and a young man gives them attention. I’ve only been with 3 but they all immediately do what this webm featured as in they suck me off after i come
He probably works in a nursing home and all the old ladies speak of him
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Tits or gtfo whore
Keep the thread going.
I would cum in her immediately. Sauce?
Seriously WHO
Andie Anderson
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Why are there like twenty chimp threads while we’re still resigned to one milf thread? We gotta just stop following Janny’s “””rules”””
What is it that you want?
stop trying to rush life, if you know your worth just stick to your guns
what will you gain from stooping so low as to fuck menchildren and bpd whores other than a darwin award? just call your parents once in a while
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don't bother. i don't think this man is actually a doctor
I think you're blind
The majority of /gif/ is tranny shit
So conflicted since my my MIL is a total milf. She's always starting at my crotch and I caught her trying to take a photo too. Her husband is 12 years older than her so I think she might be sexually frustrated
LOL. Find god. No such thing.
fantastic body on her
It's more about this thread being undermined by a dupe thread that posted just about all the limited content in it.
It was allowed to stay up and only died because it hit the limit way before this one, which almost dropped off page 10 more than once.
Multiple (shit, any) chimp and troon threads are also wrong.
There are more than fifteen shitdick threads up, yes I know that you could consider that a subset of tranny porn because they’re the ones posting it.
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I'm surprised nobody uploaded either of the Bill webms. I partly came in here for those
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get the fuck out of here retard
Christy Love
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link ?
She sounded like Boomhauer in the beginning
God, she's a dead ringer for a woman I used to fuck. I worked part time doing maintenance at a rehabilitation village and roughly half the tenants were over 50's. One of them was this beautiful older woman with chronic pain who hated being there because a disproportionate number of things would just break, forcing me to spend hours there. Things progressed and I would start stopping by on my way home to have a drink with her, so when she mentioned being sexless during menopause and suddenly noticing men again, I jumped at the chance. After the first few times, she asked me to do away with the condoms and start wearing a wedding ring when we fucked. She'd never been married and wanted to know what it felt like. Cumming inside her as she begged me for it was amazing. Eventually one of the other women, who I'd turned down when she asked to suck my cock, told me that my "wife" was talking about how she was going to take her frozen eggs and hire a surrogate so we could have kids. I confronted her and told her there was no way. After that I just traded jobs with some other guys to avoid her. I did eventually go back and fuck the woman who snitched, after a long dry-spell, who turned out to be into incest roleplay.
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Who the fuck crossed out the onlyfans ID? Need to know who this goddess is!!
>TFW no fuck buddy like this to keep my balls drained.
Was about to tell you to fuck off with the blogposting, only to be suitably impressed and also horrified. Thank you, anon.
goddamnit, kek.
Missy the milf
this is based
poor sad milfs ;(
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old polish whore on chaturbate ?
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some random amateur on pornhub before the purge
I would have done it tbdesu
>Lisey Sweet

this was a tough find. Facesitting must not be a popular kink. I love it!

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Such a good one. I want to see her boobs so bad
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Britney Amber
> I did eventually go back and fuck the woman who snitched, after a long dry-spell, who turned out to be into incest roleplay

Story? What did she look like?
Name? Sauce? More?
..I love this site. I wish we had more women like her.
I'm a younger guy trying to hook up with older women. Anyone with experience that can help? Places or sites to look for? How to win them over etc...
Shes like 35. Fuck off you dumb nigger.
Page fucking ten.

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Please help find source
Page ten.
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God I love this dirty old slut
gods I was young when I first saw this
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Opened a portal to hell and summoned the fuckin devil
kill yourself you mentally ill cunt, you will never be a real woman
Jesus christ...
I would change my whole life for this.
On the off chance you come back you're probably talking about mary burke. She has an OF.

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>>Tits or GTFO
>I'm good.
i tried finding more but seems like she deleted allot of her stuff. got any more saved?
clearly something too embarrassing to mention
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Source? link? name? anything?
She got them reduced so it doesn't matter

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Ughn! I wish I had a MILF like this to cum in every day.
Best fuck I’ve ever had was this 50s-ish lady who lived down the hall from me in my first apartment. Fuck these threads make me miss her.
Same way you get younger women: be 6'2 and have good facial bone structure.

Inb4 "noooo my KHHV 5'10 friend who is 3kg overweight had to wait 38 years before he was allowed to become a provider for a woman who ignored and ridiculed him his entire life while he pulled 70 hours weeks to build a career while she just jumped from cock to cock and waited at the finish line for him nooooo just be confident bro"
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it is fun
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I started swiping on older MILFs again and I am still too incel to get one to fuck me.
It's just fucking pointless because the 99% of males who have been excluded from the pre-menopausal dating market all flock to doughy old grannies thinking they're a fucking genius for having that idea. Competition for MILFs is probably even more intense than for hot young women as a result.
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Fuck apps and social media ruined everything. We are in the worst timeline for male inceldom.
And I just want to regularly creampie a woman without having to date, or being baby-trapped.
Fuck, how many parts are there? Any link to the full video?
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a few and no. I have the original.
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This is my dream. Explain more.
I agree. Unfortunately we're not allowed to experience what was previously just a normal part of life because we weren't exposed to enough testosterone in the womb.
Sure. Met organically. Both used the apartment gym a lot at the same times. I moved in during the summer and was a new teacher so it would be me and her in an empty gym in the afternoons. After a week or so she started chatting me up and we’d just talk about random stuff. She was super chill and down to earth and easy to talk to. Eventually I mentioned I live on my own for the first time and she was talking about how it was a tough adjustment etc. She left me a pan of lasagna outside my door later that night.

I brought it up at the gym the next time I saw her and mentioned how good it was and she invited me over for dinner that weekend. I accepted, thought it was kind of like a motherly friend kind of thing even though there were some flirty undertones.

When I got there she was kind of dressed up, not like a ballgown or anything but looked nice. She was probably like a 6 in the face but had a great body. We talked a lot over dinner, learned she was a widow, and long story short things got kind of flirty and we ended up having sex.

After that, was at her apartment like every other day. Probably would have dated her if the age difference wasn’t 30 years.
Mandy arrowsmith fb

She gives it
What happened? Still fucking?
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>TFW lived here since the 80s, grew up here and none of my neighbours, MILF or otherwise, ever showed interested in fucking me.
Kind of sad actually. When we met I was 22 and I’d say she was mid 50s. Like 4 years in she kinda mentally started to decline. Super panicked a lot, forgetting a ton of stuff, very cyclical conversations, etc. Started really small but progressively seeped into bigger and bigger things. Found out she had early onset dementia. She moved out like a year later when I was 27 into a more assisted living type situation.
Skill issue?
wtf I came to fap not get sad
Let me tell yall a story
>be me
>22 years old
>just started dating current wife
>ff been dating 3 months already
>meet her mom
>look like my gf but brown skinned older with massive tits and no ass
>one day I come over her and her mom have been arguing
>have to take a massive shit
>only one not being used is in her moms room
>go in and do my biddniss
>come out and she starts asking me what’s wrong with gf
>within the span of a 5 minute convo this slut had me laying on my back with my cock in her mouth
>she sucked my cock like if the cure for cancer was at the bottom of my nutt sack
>swallowed my seed and everything
Next day it’s as if we never anything
Never gotten a bj like that she used her teeth and everything and I blew the biggest load of my life
Thanks for this, finally get to see her feet. All this bitch does is yap on the bate.
>used her teeth and everything

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She was a fair bit older, in her mid-late 60's, and from the pictures she was a fertility goddess in her youth. Copper red hair almost entirely grey, still carrying some weight, but it was negated by her exemplifying child-bearing hips. I'd seen her around quite often and while I was doing an installation in her room, she offered to suck me off and maybe more. She'd flirt with me when I saw her, and I didn't mind flirting back in good humour, but I wasn't interested.

After the disaster I saw her more often and one day, after she'd been to lunch with her family, she asked me to help her with something in her room. This time, in makeup with a black dress and hair all done up, when she asked if I'd lie down on the bed and let her suck my cock, I was desperate enough to agree. She clearly just wanted to watch and feel me cum, but I asked if she had lube and wanted to do some more. She did, and at first she was pretty normal, right up until I started fingering her to lube her up and she started moaning about "Oh, you know how much your nana likes that", which was new to me. I thought I was going to have to ease her into actual penetration, but she was ready from the jump and started encouraging me as her "sweet baby" to go harder. The rooms have a certain amount of soundproofing, but not enough to stop her neighbours hearing her beg her grandson to fuck her harder. She started out fairly raunchy, wanting to turn over so I could pin her down and fuck her prone, but toward the end got all romantic and wanted to finish rocking gently and kissing so she could see my eyes. She kind of ruined it when she made a somewhat heartless comment about not being needy or wanting babies at her age, but the sex was actually pretty good so I saw her again a few more times, and I even went out to dinner at a nice restaurant and fucked her in a hotel after that.
>She was ready to thaw her eggs
Holy fucking shit. Some women just fucked it all up while playing on easy mode. Imagine being a women and easily able to attract a suitable mate, but you always want better. So you ride the chad cock carrousel till you are barren, then jump the gun when a random plumber appears. Hope it's all elaborate roleplay, but it's not hard to imagine such a story
Yeah, that's sad, i'm only attracted to older women and i still wouldn't do it. In normal conditions i'd totally make babies with an older woman if i thought she's the wife i've been looking for, but nobody with self respect wants to be a woman's last desperate pick. It's obvious this is just to satisfy her selfish desires
She like gently ran her teeth on my junk it was fucking amazing busted in minutes highly recommend
Like have them remind you they have teeth don’t straight up let them bite it
Julia Robbie
hey i remember that whore
>>27417552 sauce?
source please
Reena Sky
Any more stories about either of Anon?

What did you do that worked in this place?

Live the dream Anon, someone needs to.

God DAMN I wish she lived next door to me. She seems like a lot of fun.
Most of the sex we had was pretty casual, so just one more.

After the roleplay session, she'd lured me back a few more times and asked if I'd take her out to dinner. She turned out in her best dress, makeup and accessories, intentionally risking my job by ensuring she was seen getting into my car. I took her to a nice restaurant in the city and the second she got there, her favourite roleplay started as she made sure to mention the reservation was for her and her grandson. Throughout dinner she was playing with me under the table, running her feet up and down my legs, then moved over so she could grope me. I was nervous, but rock hard when we left and she made sure to put my hands around her waist and kiss me deeply in the foyer.

In the car, she immediately slid the straps off her dress and drew me in to play with her tits as we kissed. She was giggling and giddy, but with her aches and pains we couldn't fuck in the back seat. The hotel was last minute. Once I got her undressed, she became so coy that I thought she'd changed her mind, but she really just wanted me to be forceful, so I forced her onto the bed and slipped 4 fingers in while lubing her up. She was squealing like a pig. She was resistant, but smiling as I forced apart her legs and pinned down her wrists to slide inside. Once I'd built a rhythm she started taunting me about the restaurant, talking about how predatory I was to prey on my sweet grandmother. I got really into it and at one point she started grunting, then groaned and moaned, and fell silent before spluttering "Oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph...you...Good God. That was like being 20 again..." She hadn't cum like that in decades. Her taunting had me riled up, so I lurched forward and shot ropes down her throat. She balked, but was too tired to do anything but swallow. I could have very nearly lost my job when she came staggering in 3 hours late, but thankfully she convinced the staff she'd just had too many sherries.
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>99% of males who have been excluded from the pre-menopausal dating market
this number just keeps going up every time you pussies tell this story lol
What is it about the older ones that makes them be into anything and everything? Younger girls almost always put up some kind of moral/self judgemental barrier preventing you from doing fun stuff like fucking their face, intense fingering with squirting or cumming over them, the older ones are just all into everything, never even pretend to put up a fight. It's a lot of fun.

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