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Anything and everything to do with eunuchs and castration.

Cis/het preferred, however all content welcome (IK I dont have much of it either)

Animated content would be much appreciated.
I really need to burdizzo my nuts one day like a good little girl
cutting off the balls is fine but the dick getting chopped off is too far.
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I hope you fucks die horribly and alone, the fact that you walk around is an insult to existance, that your vote is elwctions is worth the same as mine, that you use up tax money to try heal your fucked up mind albeit in vain and surgery to heal your mutilations, id kill you if it was legal
Thank god your life is miserable and you are in hell
Some people have their balls removed due to cancer or severe injuries. Can’t hate on people for that
i wait for the day i get a boyfriend who makes me get an orchi for him
There should be a law that makes castration mandatory for white bois by 14
welcome to the mentally ill thread
Found the kike.

The world would be a much nicer place if Israel was nuked off the face of the planet.
Youre supposed to be an agit-prop agent, but it doesnt work when you are this fucking blatant. You are dogshit at your job, utter fucking dogshit. No shekels for you today.
I'm only into troons/femboys who do this. post moar pls

this thread is important
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Helea Fauvel
Evelyn forever (fatter than I've ever seen her)
Who is she anons ?
jfc i wanna become a eunuch even more now.
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Best trans porn type ever.
They should all do this.
or the other way around - remove the dick, leave the balls, so they can cum only from anal.
Damn name?
and femboys. You're not really a "femboy" if you still have balls.
Fucked a castrated trap and it was unbelievably great. Not into the gore aspect you guy are on here, but being able to grind that asshole in missionary without crushing the balls was incredible. they came a lot easier than any other trap i've been with from just fucking which was even better. superior fembois really.
this page has many orchi-trans fems
Do they still cum after taking the balls off? Isn't there like a lot of problems from not having balls?
final fetish on pixiv
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I love this so much it makes me want to stir
>Do they still cum after taking the balls off?
Yes but their cum looks like this >>27433666
The biggest issue with no balls is no sex hormones. They actually regulate your bones and without them you’ll develop osteoporosis. So you’ll need to take testosterone or estrogen to prevent that. Also no reproducing but that depends on whether you want kids or not. Orchiectomies typically lead to longer lives in most animals though.
i cum but its runny af and its usually only a few drips. Orgasming still feels the same tho.
there was a crappy B movie where these 2 chicks this guy raped captured him, tied him up, and one rode him and just as he cums the other girl cuts his balls off, like late 80s early 90s movie
Maybe a stupid question but can they still make kids without balls?
Only if they stored sperm in a sperm bank. By the time they decide to get their balls cut off they have typically already been on hormones for a while and might not have any viable sperm anyways.
Obesity is the biggest issue. Eunuchs and trannies have astronomically high obesity rates. Those hormones are necessary to keep weight off.
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That might be the hottest thing I've ever seen.
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So hot.
>They actually regulate your bones and without them you’ll develop osteoporosis. So you’ll need to take testosterone or estrogen to prevent that
all right guess i will take test pills when i get old. Or is that a completely different issue?
trannies have such a bizarre and childish concept of how their bodies and drugs work. no you cant just take it once your bones have all withered away
not a tranny but when you do get to senile your body just produces less and less of these hormones so I would like to be an old man without any of the bone issue or atleast not as bad to have osteoporosis.
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>I can't have these taken out
seems like a transphobic statement since FtM exist
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i mean, her whole shtick is extreme forced fem/sisification/trans fetishization, i dont think shes too worried about being called transphobic
Please use me
Trannies arent legitimate. Deballed femboy seems like the logical place where trannyism should settle. Anything beyond a deballed femboy is deranged. Also theyre docile n feminine and showing just as much conmitment to being fem as a mentally ill tranny. Lets be honest guys mess w femboys bc they occassionally want to feel a hard dick. Thats why deballed femboy is the ideal
>tfw I want a femboy to deball me
Deballed femboys used to be common in the roman empire before castration became taboo for some reason
Testosterone is necessary to stay young, fit and feminine. Deballing leads to obesity. There's a reason why every tranny is a fat load of shit and every femboy is cute and slender.
Yes, removing the balls is actually the way we can break physics and have perpetual energy. Remove the balls and they get fat from nothing.
Obesity comes from over eating, that's all. Unless by your logic you're assuming all fatties have no balls because they'd be cute and slender?
Are you retarded? Ever heard of metabolism? Estrogen dominance leads to obesity in many men.
So keep ur femboy lean by restricting her diet?
you're a moron. eunuchs historically always suffered from obesity. it's a well recorded fact.
Metabolism means fuck all, it's the amount of calories you eat vs you burn.
By having more estrogen, your body will form in a manner in which you burn less calories. Smaller muscles for example use less calories doing every day things.

Aside from seeing above, no they didn't you moron. There was millions of eunuchs, the fat ones are the ones you're more likely to read about on Wikipedia because they served mobility and had access to excess food.
The fuck is wrong with you people, go outside and get some air
I’m shitposting on my phone outside
In many cases, eunuchs were able to maintain high enough levels of testosterone by either working out or by diet. The adrenal glands will produce testosterone if the testes are removed, however from what I know that is very diet/lifestyle dependent. it is possible to become jacked as a eunuch, it just requires more work and a very carefully planned diet.

The other thing is that based on what I have been told, guys need testosterone in order to metabolize it into estrogen, so you're still producing the testosterone somewhere.
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Casual googling says that the fat distro will change. So yes we want thick thighed and breasted femboys who we dont have to worry about penetrating us. Dont be femboyphobic
sauce pls?
"progesterone?" "no, no..."

yeah, we can tell. get some titties on this bitch for fucks sake
Holy shit, sauce?
Dude ain't actually castrated, she's just shoved his balls up into the pocket, you can tell they're up there because the area above his dick is bloated
Low testosterone is linked with higher rates of obesity. Yes, you can diet and exercise and you won't be obese but if you stop you're more likely to become obese and at a faster rate.
If u all dont stfu and keep posting desperate balless faggots idk what ill do.
We need to hear from the horses mouth (that sometimes lurks here) did you break them balls, or they can still go back to normal?
Jean O.O?
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This reminds me of when I would jerk off before I could make sperm. When I was around 8 I would wank using plastic water bottles as masturbators.

Good times. G4TV late night nocturnal emmisions
it looks like a kind of deep-sea worm
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I fuckin hate when a good Fred turns into a yapfest. Post more good shit and stop waffling
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Oh wow, would love to smell her feet!
Anybody has sauce on this?
source on this hubabuba
If only I'd had that body at that age, my life might have fit better.
Osteoporosis is irreversable. You cannot recover lost bone density no matter what you do
One visits here, maybe contemplating what change remains available.
Where does one go to find a good cutter to get castrated? I don't feel like going through the standard medical services because they would require 6 months to a year of therapy before allowing me to get an orchie especially since I'm not trans and they would also force me to use anesthetic.

I'm looking for someone under 30 (preferably female or femboy/passing trans) who is willing to preform the procedure on me with no anesthetic. I had a cutter lined up however she ended up backing down for reasons she has not made clear to me yet.

I would also like to become sexually acquainted with my cutter and I would be willing to reimburse for that part, as I would prefer the actual day of the castration to be mostly unknown to me and left up to the judgement of the cutter for when they think I'm ready to be castrated. Ideally we'd have some normal sex with a lot of castration play intermixed so I wont know its actually going to happen until they get the scalpel out.
bro half of all men dont reproduce anyway settle down. let faggots be faggots.
You are fucking retarded if You think that somebody will cut You without anesthesia. If you would twitch just once out of pain, You would end with scalpel in your fucking abdomen and nobody wants to explain that at hospital/police station.
They did it for thousands of years without anesthetic, its called being tired down.
I'm missing a nut, and there's a lingering fear in the back of my mind that I'm gonna lose the other one. Maybe I should freeze some sperm and wear a cup all the time

This actually happened to me. I had one functional testicle then it got infected and I lost both. I was was always preparing myself for it just in case. I suggest if you intend to have children that you do save your sperm.
Fuck you for making my fears more real lmao. Did you get prosthetic balls or are you like the rest of the thread?
your usual agitprop/shill threads are that way sir, you are not welcome here
Wow cant guess why u cant find someone.
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>Fuck you for making my fears more real lmao

Sorry bro, it wasn't my intention to scare you. I would suggest you could avoid it by just being healthy, keep hydrated so you are pumping out, don't get your pee hole dirty e.g. no anal, no women with yeast infections, herpes etc. if you go camping or are outdoors a lot keep yourself clean. My infection came from a UTI that spread.

>Did you get prosthetic balls or are you like the rest of the thread?

No I was and still am comfortable being a eunuch, I didn't like the idea of having silicone in my body or having fake parts. I had my scrotum removed as well. I just have a penis.

>My infection came from a UTI that spread

Huh I didn't even consider UTIs and like STDs, I've always been more worried I'm gonna get a torsion or just straight up intense trauma.
If that happened to me, I'd probably try to find a dominatrix willing to castrate me so that I'd at least have a final erotic experience as a goodbye to my balls.

Nope it was just a regular old UTI that got out of control. I hardly even experienced any symptoms it was very mild but then I started to get weak and run down and I didn't know what was going on until I went to my urologist and had my t-levels chekced and my testosterone tested really low it went from 100 ng/dL to zero over the course of a few months.

I had a real surgeon remove them, it's far to risky to have them removed by an amateur. You could bleed out. Also it happened very quickly and I didn't have much time to consider erotica. Being a eunuch is really not as big a deal as you might think.
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Yeah they look nice and meaty
This is pathetic
Have your castration had any impact on your sexual preferences/kinks?
Do you take testosterone supplements?
Medicine is amazing.

Why? You can't leave them in there once they go bad. I didn't have a choice and I didn't cry about something I couldn't change.


Not really I am still heterosexual, no change there. I do feel more like an exhibitionist than I used to, I go to the nude beach to show off the attention is fun. I feel like being nude more often. But I still have the same kinks as I did before I was castrated. No change there. I am less of a slave to my sex drive.

Yes I take a testosterone injection into my muscle (thighs) every two weeks (0.5ml/100MG). I am not going to lie this is the worst part of being a eunuch. Being dependent on medicine sucks, having to give yourself an injection sucks.
Olivia Munn was the foundation of my fetishes
I need a boy who will push me to castrate myself for sure
See this is why castration is ideal. No change in kinks didnt lose mind. If he was gay we could convince him to grow breast tissue and get railed. No brainer rly. Oh did you get fat anon?? We want our femboys lean…

>did you get fat anon??

No, I have always been a light weight male and my testosterone injections keep me from developing eunuchoid body fat.
but if i were to take prior will it be ok?
How much does that hurt?
Rent free

You're gonna shoot up a shopping mall and then off yourself as soon as someone with a gun shows up

>being this insecure
Russia too. The only appropriate way to deal with fasc trash
No, this is. Loser
not just white ones.

from the age of 12 all boys should be naked in swimming and sports lessons & of course in the girls' self-defense courses.
at 14 they are locked up, they should also have to show themselves in sex education classes and the girls should practice with condoms.

In biology classes it should be compulsory to visit a farm so that the girls learn how to use the elastomer and after graduation all boys who are not in the top 20%, except for athletes or who have 3 classmates as advocates, lose their balls.

In a ceremonial ceremony their classmates put the castration rings on them and not everyone who thinks they are happy because they can keep their balls will be so happy when they find out what the girls are up to at college. CFNM Ballbusting and a lot more fun.

the remaining intact males will live under Female Controll and have to give their Semen to a big online database where the woman can play Sperm Tinder and Ki whil progonse how the baby would look like like and pre-sort so that a good genetic mix takes place
Alo, total, as in absolute, female supremacy is realy the only way to save the planet and end war
So logicly anyone who rejects this should be treated as a enemy of all humankind
All you dumb niggers need to learn about the endocrine system and stop relying on bathtub estrogen discords for your information on the human body.
im a tranny and i cant wait to cut my balls off
anti androgens are annoying
and i dont like knowing my transition is still reversible
getting castrated also makes me horny since im AGP
You might lose your sex drive and become a cat lady.
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my balls are already offline, im at
>19ng/dl total T
>0.29ng/dl free T
>6.6ng/dl bioavailable T
my testosterone is at cis woman levels

nothing will change hormonally speaking when i get deballed
adrenal glands will still make testosterone, about the amount i already have

during the first months i got ZERO sex drive, i was asexual
then 5 months into it it came back slowly
nowadays i often wake up horny wanting to jerk off
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and my erections havent been affected at all, only orgasm intensity and cum amount
plus my 1.5 norwood is now 1
you are on a website created by degenerates for degenerates. I hate trannies more than anything, but this places was always full of them, they just called them futa back then
why troon out just to be a fat lard pig
her life is way easier than yours, moid
>mentally ill man
>cut off his testicle
>easy life
Lol. Lmao even.
Cope and seethe tranny. Kill yourself
buddy, there is a reason why trannies detransition WAY LESS often than poons
life as a man is hell on earth
Ok, I'm on the fence about balls so if you have to you have to. Keep the pp.

also post asshole
yeah my dick isnt going anywhere, but balls NEED to go
i really dont like the idea of remasculinizing if i run out of my anti androgens
yeah because they detransition from a living person to a dead one instead of a failed male back to a normal one
A new one for the filter.

OP start a new thread please.
What are the stories behind each of these deballed femboi thots? There has to be an online trail documenting their descent into eunuch.
who is this?
Nah, just run a razor across your throat and quit contributing a carbon footprint you genetic dead end.
>Thank god your life is miserable ...
Speaks volumes.
Said the boneranon in the "EUNUCHS!!!" thread. Kek
I had my orchi 4 weeks ago. Still healing but loving it
sauce? this is hot
How the fuck does he coom without balls? >>27433685
how the fuck do you freaks find ANY of this attractive?
no, i wanna be able to make a cute femboy cum hands free and you can't do that with no balls.
it's the fluid produced by the prostate that is normally added to semen to help it survive the vagina
Wanna see that Gucci asshole getting plowed
why does she talk like she's having a stroke
Post asshole pics
Testosterone and estrogen are both poison and a blessing
wow y'all are into this? ngl I love being a eunuch, it's like so comfy and amazing omg! kinda wish a real man would come pin me down and bully me about it sometimes tho... ikr pathetic
are u dumb? orgasms aren't stored in the balls silly, it's gonna feel just as good for her when they're gone lol
make some OC anon
id do it but I still have balls atm
I'm just not hot enough unfortunately
It's not agitprop, he probably just watches too much porn
Take hormones until u grow tits n a fupa
Sauce? Tasty girlcock
for some reason I thought men couldn't get a boner without nuts.
I'm a little sad to find out that they can
trannies are disgusting
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I can't imagine what mental illness and childhood trauma brings someone to decide not only to neuter themselves but to then not feel regret or remorse. Unironic genetic dead ends who should've been institutionalized before they became a harm to themselves and their families lineage.
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Get skinny and a pro makeup job and reassess.

Vid for reference no eunuch afaik.
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more like this one, it's good shit
Its a shame this isnt real. I have seen a video of a guy getting burdizzo'd with pain medication and even with anesthetic he was in excruciating pain.
very hot, I wish there were more videos like this one

When you really close a burdizzo it make a loud snapping shut noise. I am sure it hurts just to clap down on the cords but it's not the same as shutting it and crushing the cords. Still a hot clip though I am not try to take anything away from it.
I've been on hormones for over 2yrs just had shit results so far and started at 20
I'm already skinny enough and have ok makeup skills, I just need ffs and a better body
Any more verbal teasing like this?
I think the trannys say that if u follow doctors dosage u wont see any body changes. 20? U low key have the opportunity to feminize and become a trad wife. Adopt some kids from thailand and call it a day w ur homophobic husband. Im so happy for you
I’ve also seen them say to go through a doctor for best results
I haven't been on a shitty dose tho
>U low key have the opportunity to feminize and become a trad wife. Adopt some kids from thailand and call it a day w ur homophobic husband. Im so happy for you
lol what's ur problem with trannies anon?
>I just need ffs and a better body
Exercise restraint, especially with your nose. Don't want to look and sound like donald duck.
Trannies are mentally ill.
I'm conflicted, because on the one hand taking away a girl's balls is hot, but on the other, a little pair of balls can look so cute
Wish this one had more professional scenes. She's just a camwhore now?
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silicone replacement balls

I like the way you think but I think we could meme it into reality if we just toned down the hyperbole a just little. For example most women are not sufficiently rational for the management of such a task but Amish girls and girls who are members of the 4H Club have been doing animal husbandry for decades. This included gelding/castration and the like. They would be far better suited to the task. Selective breeding cannot be given up the the hands of the average woman.

This is him https://www.instagram.com/lilliansawyerfiddle/
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anymore clips of her
Has Sulka been fucked yet? They post like once a year.
how can she cum this much without balls?
You are not human you mongrel faggot. You'll be haunted with the rest of the shitskin obsessive faggots. Hopefully soon
Maybe that anon who kept rambling on about AI generated cum was onto something...
Just hit over a year for me no regrets love being ball free

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