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File: Lulu-XXL-dildo.webm (1.21 MB, 608x1080)
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1.65 MB
1.65 MB WEBM
File: Lulu-XXXL-dildo.webm (1.5 MB, 608x1080)
1.5 MB
sicflics bot still at it huh
File: starry-xxxl-dildo.webm (1.8 MB, 608x1080)
1.8 MB
More like the site's unpaid intern forced to post and solve captchas for hours on end
My sides goddamn. What a cursed fate.
Humanity is doomed, and women have doomed us. This shit is foul as fuck.
Yeah just imagine trying to play an honest game of Uno with one of these freaks
Ah, the incles have arrived. Its not like 99% of the coomers who watch this are men.
File: marie-lampwick.webm (2.89 MB, 608x1080)
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2.89 MB WEBM
>these are the women insulting your 7'' dick
Miss Rachel no!
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lulu is marriage material
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1.99 MB
1.99 MB WEBM
File: marie-horse-dick.webm (2.87 MB, 720x1280)
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2.87 MB WEBM
Lulu Blair put more of her
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One of the best
Please tell me she also puts it in her ass~
Does she also do anal w/ these??
Who is this?

LOOOOL if you could pay your mortgage or rent by showing your ass on camera, don't even try to tell me you wouldn't do it.
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3.8 MB
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In fairness most guys claiming 7" are 5.5" at best
oof. there's gotta be something less degrading like selling plasma
File: starry-vein-dildo4.webm (2.84 MB, 720x1280)
2.84 MB
2.84 MB WEBM
all that wetness...that precum near the end <3
No I wouldn't you fucking loser. This is why nobody respects or wants to be around you. Soulless lemmings
I'm sure you know fag
A lot of these are made so they squish down. They compress more, vertically. That is how.

It is still a lot to take, for sure, but not nearly as much as they are made to seem. They are designed to impress visually.
oh hey wow it's all the exact same sicflics clips that get posted but this time they're in a different order
File: 1595449406479.webm (3.89 MB, 1280x720)
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They're always new to someone. If you weren't perpetually online maybe you wouldn't have them memorized and you'd have a girlfriend or something.
File: Green-1.webm (3.86 MB, 1920x1080)
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nah man, these women are heroes and give me hope
File: selene-cassini-dildo3.webm (2.23 MB, 1280x720)
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File: maria-horse-dick16.webm (1.77 MB, 720x1280)
1.77 MB
1.77 MB WEBM
Damn that's magic trick tier
>lilijunex but fansly
Only horse cocks?
File: yoni-vegetables.webm (2.63 MB, 1280x720)
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2.63 MB WEBM
"Trust me bro, girls' vaginas aren't that deep! Your five inches is totally adequate, you stretch her out and fill her up for sure! She's having a great time little bro!"
Notice faggots who post cope like that hide from these threads.
File: 1688198351572021.webm (3.85 MB, 405x720)
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3.85 MB WEBM
"Trust me bro, all vaginas are huge cavernous buckets! We're all inadequate and will never be satisfactory to women. Ensuring others also feel inadequate like me is the only way I can cope!"

Notice how retards who can't understand that both naturally huge or fucking busted out vaginas are not the same as the average vagina, are the only ones who constantly attention-seek out of incel hopelessness, unprovoked, on these threads.
How is this sick?
fag lol
File: Tweetney is 175cm tall.webm (3.71 MB, 1280x720)
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3.71 MB WEBM
lol, you call that extreme penetration
File: marie-flint.webm (2.74 MB, 720x1280)
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a man
File: Big 1.webm (3.93 MB, 1280x720)
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File: Big 2.webm (3.75 MB, 1280x720)
3.75 MB
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File: yoni-bottle-fuck6.webm (2.68 MB, 1280x720)
2.68 MB
2.68 MB WEBM
checked and this is the first time I've seen this. Quality post.
kinda reminds me of baddragonslayer's squat challenge. squat above a partially inserted dildo until her leg muscles give out, and when she collapses, she's forced to take the full length.
Is that Tweetney? I didn't know she vaped.
I'm a fag and I talk to women that sleep around alot- so I know guys with 9 inch dicks and I know what girls have to say about them- and getting your cervix smashed does NOT feel good. Size queens are a thing but you have to really practice and practice or be a total whore.
Keep copin' copin' copin' copin'
Keep copin' copin' copin' copin'
Now I know y'all be loving this cope right here
Tiny peen beta boys are right here
bigger is obviously better but too big and (most) girls will outright reject you over it and that's a fact.
>bigger is obviously better
The only factual thing you said. Everything else is cope, hope and bullshit.
More LiliJune? She's like a hyper-sexual, hyper-stretched doppelganger of my vanilla GF and I can't get enough of her
keep spewing more buzzwords kiddo, i'm sure it'll work the next time
yeah.... no.. you know how the average dick is 5.5 inches when hard? You will be stunned (fucking stunned!!) to know that men and women co-evolved to be as compatible as possible. Almost like they are they are two different genders of the same animal!!

But, yeah, the average pussy is 5.5 inches deep, when turned on. there are about as many girls with foot-deep cunts as there are guys with foot-long dicks. The average girl does not want your 9-inch bratwurst. she would be killed, and she knows it.
So many words! And yet here's a whole thread full of girls taking sizes you could never dream of.
Just face it, you're inadequate. It's ok. Learn to love yourself despite your tiny flaws. And I mean TINY little flaws. Itty bitty little baby flaws that girls laugh at behind your backs.
>And yet here's a whole thread full of girls taking sizes you could never dream of.
there are 4 different girls itt. 60 webm's full of 4 or 5 different models. glorious and talented models, but the same 4 repeated in a loop.
Does anybody have the laladywitch clips? Her videos got deleted from xvids and I have seen the clips on here before a few times?
you sound like an angry nigger desu.
I've known guys with cocks the girth of one of those 600ml soda bottles, even has a hard time finding a size queen faggot to take his cock more than once, everybody, boy and girl, tries him for a thrill but nobody will stay with the poor fucker because frankly, he's packing 11 inches of orifice destroying meat. surprisingly he's not black either.
bro you need to touch grass.
Take notes, sicflics guy.
File: marie-bosshogg.webm (3.28 MB, 720x1280)
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3.28 MB WEBM
You project more than a drive-in cinema holy fuck, we get it youre insecure about your tiny dick shut the fuck up already
It's her. There's also some clips where she seems to smoke pot, and looks kind of fucked up.
File: marie-Goliath.webm (2.93 MB, 720x1280)
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File: marie-xxxl-dildo5.webm (2.72 MB, 720x1280)
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I can't knot any of my dragon dildos. How do I train my butt to take my XL Rex?
File: alex-manbearpig.webm (2.22 MB, 1280x720)
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its funny and saddening how there are still men who think that average dick can satisfy a a woman.
honestly average dick can still do work, but after using horse and dog dicks for so long I genuinely worry that I'm loose and wouldn't satisfy the person fucking me (gay male btw)
What's funny and sad is the insecurity of some people. The girl in OP got in a shitstorm and lost a bunch of subscribers after an uncalled "humiliation" clip on OF (she was fucking a big dildo and commenting on how she couldn't feel a normal dick anymore). She had to do an apology video because some retards took that personaly.
How fucking pathetic do you have to be to feel threatened by a piece of plastic?
isnt that the point of this? to feel like your average dick wouldnt do anything for her?
They squish and bend, hence why you never see these chicks doing it with a glass dildo
no the women that do this just fry their brains and cant get off to anything else
truckloads of lube. gradually increase size over long periods of time.
t. knower
check alex bree cooper for anal stuff

my favorite part is hand/blow/titjobs the girls sometimes do at the beginning, but its never enough
They don't squish very much at all. The main thing is that they bend so they can slide through intestines and the like.
File: masha-anal-plug.webm (1.95 MB, 1280x720)
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File: helen-pussy-wrecked6.webm (3.12 MB, 1280x720)
3.12 MB
3.12 MB WEBM
Helen is so revolting. Looks like a fucking jaundice golem
File: helen-swollen-cunt.webm (3.58 MB, 1280x720)
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3.58 MB WEBM
File: masha-horse-dick.webm (3.04 MB, 1280x720)
3.04 MB
3.04 MB WEBM
never any hot girls wrecking their pussies
either landwhales, SEA creatures, mentally ill freaks like tweetney or boring anal
i wanna see a cute girl next door just casually decimate her pussy
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sauce plz ;)
File: 1715555647738755.webm (3.07 MB, 1920x1080)
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3.07 MB WEBM
same stale shit. post bjs, couples or big dicks in addition to extrememe pen's
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1.25 MB WEBM

note on laughably fake videos? ok einstein

maybe i should also take notes on how to make a floppy silicone toy magically steer itself around inside while i only hold it from the bottom

please enlighten me, sensei

note to others: number of fake vids/webcammers has shot up over the last couple years as this kind of content has become more widely known. 20 years ago, or god forbid 30 years ago pre-internet, the only women who did this shit for money were women you'd probly never give a second look in a bar (aka 99% of sicflics). Unless you lived in an urban area with an underground scene or had access to vids from europe somehow, you never knew this existed or was even possible.

point being - if you don't know who Denni O or Amazing Ty are, get on your knees and thank god for the internet cuz it's the only thing that saved you from the horrors of that era
Goldilocks Fist (larger video it was from was named Gold_04.mp4 from wherever I found it if that helps)
File: alexis-wrecks-her-hole.webm (1.99 MB, 1280x720)
1.99 MB
1.99 MB WEBM
File: mabel-ass-fisting9.webm (3.81 MB, 1280x720)
3.81 MB
3.81 MB WEBM
i mean the girls itt arent exactly lookers either. its just that being a total wreck is more accepted, even glorified by some and make up has gotten muuch better. but i get your point.
>Uh guys this specific thread needs something totaly unrelated to the theme ok guys
Absolute room temp IQ shrimp brained mongoloid
File: alexis-titan-stuck-in.webm (3.86 MB, 1280x720)
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File: Yoni-dragon-egg.webm (2.55 MB, 1280x720)
2.55 MB
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File: alex-kong-birth.webm (1.85 MB, 1280x720)
1.85 MB
1.85 MB WEBM
File: Alexis-dog-dick-fuck.webm (2.93 MB, 1280x720)
2.93 MB
2.93 MB WEBM
Who is she?
Would love everything you have of her
File: alexis-plumber-dildo.webm (2.62 MB, 1280x720)
2.62 MB
2.62 MB WEBM
File: alexis-cunt-wrecked9.webm (2.67 MB, 1280x720)
2.67 MB
2.67 MB WEBM
This is true. Ever since my teens I fantasize about being fucked by aliens and monsters. It all started with a little 3d comic about a women send to ancient mars and being used as a sex slave.
Then I discovered alien/monster dick dildo's we're a thing. Those we're big and I couldn't take them. At first. I've adjusted since then.
What you do have to know is that these huge dildo's are very soft and squishy. If they we're as hard as real dicks can get, they'd probably tear me in half. And also that doesn't mean my boyfriends cock isn't enough anymore. It is and it's size is average and adequate. Sometimes I just like to live out my fantasy but it always takes prep to be able to sit on an alien cock the size of a horse.
File: alexis-goliath5.webm (3.68 MB, 1280x720)
3.68 MB
3.68 MB WEBM
>if you don't know who Denni O or Amazing Ty are, get on your knees and thank god for the internet

Jasmine was the best i wish there was more videos of her

Nah fr. If I was hot enough I’d totally do this shit no issue.
File Name
File: Alexis-double-dildo.webm (2.35 MB, 1280x720)
2.35 MB
2.35 MB WEBM
What is it about this dumb tatted-up cunt that I find so appealing?
File: alexis-double-fisting.webm (2.61 MB, 1280x720)
2.61 MB
2.61 MB WEBM
SCP caught on tape.

It will de-birth you.
Dilate yourself
I like what they've done with the place.
this is what happens when you ban abortions
File: natusamare-mateo2.webm (1.91 MB, 1280x720)
1.91 MB
1.91 MB WEBM
Starry used to post on Bestiality subreddits, before her Manager told her to delete these posts and never mention the subject again lel
She uses her toys while watching zoo porn on Telegram, but always gets "angry" if you talk to her about it on Leddit.
How the fuck does she do it? Is she a horse?
with this information, i can somewhat overlook her strange ugly proportions.
she seems to have a very stretchy posterior fornix, which is the (normally) tiny pocket of flesh behind a woman's cervix. if you watch her full vids she will talk about "the pop" ie the moment where the whole fist-sized head of the horsecock is forced into that little pocket. often you can hear it happen in the video, and see the whole dildo suddenly go deeper.

she used to be all about girth-based toys and then there was this one video where she tried a long horsecock dildo for the first time ever and when the head popped into her fornix it blew her mind. from that point on most of her content is bigger and bigger horsecock dildos as she chases the sensation of "that pop." she's completely addicted to this shit, it's the hottest thing ever

true that, it's LaladyWitch here.
It just takes a lot of effort and "normal" cocks feels good anyway.
File: mayya-3amaigos3.webm (3.63 MB, 1280x720)
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3.63 MB WEBM

ah wow yeah forgot about her, legit hot. even more rare then than it is now
tfw theres never any hotkinkyjo stuff in these threads
File: abigial-dumpnstump.webm (1.93 MB, 1280x720)
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1.93 MB WEBM
File: bella-ream-and-scream3.webm (1.82 MB, 1088x736)
1.82 MB
1.82 MB WEBM
I wanna buy some of these toys
That looks ALOT like where I live, in fact I think I know where that is.
point me to the directions, because i can't find any free full videos...only paid...are you doing ads for her or what?
her face kinda reminds me a friend from high school lmao; bodies don't really match though
is she preparing to make childbirth as painless as possible?
bunkr, dummy
File: mayya-3amigos.webm (2.18 MB, 1280x720)
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File: natusamare-boogeyman.webm (2.55 MB, 1280x720)
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File: bella-giant-dildo-fuck.webm (2.03 MB, 1088x736)
2.03 MB
2.03 MB WEBM
File: mayya-beefcake.webm (1.89 MB, 1280x720)
1.89 MB
1.89 MB WEBM
>used to post on Bestiality subreddits
she still posts on r/knotty
there's quite a few users there or used to be until very recently who adverstise their telegram channels with that kind of content openly

man, shut the fuck up, that shit might fly over there on stupid ass fucking reddit where they simp over the slightest shit women do

but that's the thing, women are the instigators here, the creators, and the perpetuators

once they stop doing this to themselves, men will stop watching it too

it's like calling someone watching a house burn down a pyromaniac just cause he's standing there, he didn't do anything to the house, it decided to shove a horse cock up its ass and now we're jerking off to it, you fucking retard
the pure raw lust that wants to be satisfied any means necessary.
File: 1692192078113297.webm (1.98 MB, 428x240)
1.98 MB
1.98 MB WEBM
There's insertion vid for this.
what the fuck. why is this so hot?
>While thread fill of girls!
Are you actually paying attention? There's legitimately been like the same 4-5 girls posted over and over.

Please don't be an asinine idiot and assume it's trolling people. Trolling is a art.
I'm gonna sayyyyyy at least one of you have bitch titties, pale white skin, and are a raging faggot. And at least one of you have way too much oestrogen in their system for a "male". The last one? Doesn't matter. Will definitely hang themselves soon.
Holy fuckk
File: NatsAmare-foot-fucked.webm (2.25 MB, 1280x720)
2.25 MB
2.25 MB WEBM
File: 1694693483530812.webm (321 KB, 640x316)
321 KB
Don't think I have it, though I'm pretty sure I've seen it before.
You CAN'T top out in an asshole
If a woman insults a 7 inch dick it's because her 6 inch ex lied about being 9 inches
>OF name literally watermarked on the fucking video
There is absolutely no excuse for being this retarded, I don't care how many paint chips you ate as a kid.
File: nikoletta-beefcake.webm (2.01 MB, 1280x720)
2.01 MB
2.01 MB WEBM
So that's how you clean these.
File: 1686727047566530.webm (3.77 MB, 1280x720)
3.77 MB
3.77 MB WEBM
>perpetually online
Yeah, fuck off. It's literally every thread and it's board-wide, to the extent that if you visit once a month you STILL see the same low quality redgifs rips in every single fucking thread. This board has completely gone to shit lately.
File: bella-cunt-stretch.webm (3.19 MB, 1280x720)
3.19 MB
3.19 MB WEBM
Does anyone else find this hot as hell
where can I find these videos and that Telegram
Not the brightest bulb, are you...
>This board has completely gone to shit lately.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Water, rocks, moss, yep I've got it pinpointed as well.
File: natusamare-ass-ruined.webm (3.2 MB, 1280x720)
3.2 MB
Ha! She couldnt fit it in! kek imagine what would happen if she figured out how to climb a telephone pole
She's wife material, my friend. Would all day every day/10
File: nikoletta-latin-lover.webm (2.37 MB, 1280x720)
2.37 MB
2.37 MB WEBM
best thread on the board in a sea of bot threads
Sad to report, I couldn't find it, but that rare plug deserves its own collection.
File: sashas-prolapse.webm (2.17 MB, 1280x720)
2.17 MB
2.17 MB WEBM
How is this even possible? Should something with that much size difference even occur? What’s it doing to their insides? Serious question. Surely that will damage them?
This is the most anti-fap and anti-turn on thing I’ve ever seen and yet so many questions
less yapping and more hooking a brother up with one of those whores you little faggot.

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