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peak animation, but low detail sketched/monochrome/line art
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so specific. Hope the thread lasts tho. Bump
You can find line art animation porn anywhere
froot's pre-fuck animations are always more appealing than the actual sex. It's life he gives up halfway
>peak animation thread
>posts absolute low effort SLOP

I should have sex with your mother, OP
god, please do
im so sick of fucking that needy bitch and her blown out holes and so is the rest of the board
didn't mean like that, just meant that it's uncommon to see a thread with such a specific topic, usually it's just 'animation' in general
post better then
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>this shit is making 8k a month between patreon and subscribestar combined
lol i had no idea you normalfags liked this slop so much, better start learning how to animate
>prehensile tail
I swear most people are NPCs with only vague understanding of the world around them
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Sorry that would require you to have the ability and skills to talk to a woman
thread ruined
god I hate gays and that futa trash so much
Yes, because the cat also being a human woman is completely based in reality, and the entire animation should also adhere to that reality

You're retarded
He doesn't even have to draw any fucking lmao its awful
I swear you're autistic
Shut the fuck up faggot
hot stuff aside the animation in this is super damn good, props to the artist
source? its clearly cut off in the end
here, mate
dog bless
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>8k a month making low effort sex anims
holy fuck what are all of us wagies doing
Share your manifesto
kill all gays and trannies
that's enough
paying for shitty sex animations apparently
yet you niggers do the same for AI and that's NO effort
shut the fuck up
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rich coming from the homo that fantasizes about being pegged all day, but with mental gymnastics, copes by saying it's a woman so it's """"okay"""""
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Aspiring animator here, its way harder than it seems. Even if you have the skills to animate there is no guarantee you'll make a living off of it. I know of animators who are much better that can't break into the market. Just like any other artistic business if you don't have connections then you are practically invisible.

>Picrel is one of my first attempts at animation
Awfully defensive. Hoping we don't see your bad dragon shelf while you're sperging here or what?
i didnt even notice till you mentioned it.
Who made this?
Amerimutts and their constant >muh projection
Game. I am telling the truth. You trying to "throw it back" won't save you.
2 colors until nigger lmao this board
>They hated him because he told the truth
These worthless faggots will infest anything they are not explicitly excluded from
which sites do you guys usually use for this stuff? I usually go on pixiv or da booth but it's a bitch to sift through all the mid porn to find decent anims
Agreed i especially despise futa fags because of how fucking prevalent they are. They get into absolutely everything and ruin it. I hope they all kill themselves
NYMPHOPOLIS Trailer for >>>/aco/8245442
Thomas og Tim pa a Skattejagt for >>>/co/144204979
its very good
maybe some more frames or something around the actual drop to emphasis the jiggle
eyecontact with the viewer around the actual drop and smugger eyes
iliac lines and hip bone crest is a nice touch
i overall love her curves

would oogle again, but never pay money for it
Enough with the fucking calarts style
time to bust out the Manyakis folder
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same nigger who loves cuck BBC threads btw
holy FUCK that animation is smooth, not even cranking to the tits just the movement gotdam
"gays can only exist if they don't make themselves known"
I'd love to hope that you die in a car crash or something but you sound like you don't go outside. Congrats on finding new ways to be a disappointment.
wasnt this like a story or manga too?
I'm not sure, but here's the full thing in better resolution
ill never understand how people get upset at the fact someone is gay. Someone on adv told a story about how they came out to their family, and someone was like "why does your family need to know your sexual orientation" its good to know someone's gay before they come home with a dude
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because being gay is vile
it's against nature. You can you just say that you will end your line here and now. You have defiled life itself. You deserve to be an outcast
>it's against nature
This is always the dumbest thing to say against gay people, plenty of animals do gay shit, just say you don't like them and keep it pushing
and they die out with no heir
i have such fond memories of watching this as a kid, didnt even know it was a danish show
'tism the post
Why do you act like doing gay shit is exclusive?
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By this logic birth control is also vile and so is jacking off to cartoons on 4chan, so why are you here?
Animals that exhibit homosexual behavior can still go mate with female too and have offspring. Giraffes regularly engage in homosexual behavior, but the species hasn't died out. The problem is calling this behavior "gay" as if animals have lifestyle choices or identities based on their sexual preferences.
You're retarded if you think the animator believes cats have prehensile tails.
by becoming gay or trans you forfeit the continuation of life
jacking off or taking birth control pills doesn't do that.
Your university proffessors/school teachers and american media feeds you poison
stupid nigger, why do you act like all animals are gaying it up all the time?
>forfeit the continuation of life
How, retard? Does being gay stop you from being able to impregnate a woman? Is fucking a man not "vile" if the top is bi and then goes on to marry a woman have kids? Your logic sucks.
there's dudes that regularly do gay shit that have 5 kids, get your head out of your ass
Because you're argument is being gay is not natural when you can literally find it in nature
>sexual "preferences"
Nope, no such a thing, you either engage in reproductive acts or do not.
Gay shit is just an evolutionary dead end, you're destined to die out and are a failure of evolution. Might as well off yourself at that point because your entire existence is wasted.
I thought this was a porn thread
every frame is another day of work, anon. please go easy on the newbie.
did you not click the pictures?????
they are rare and what is happening with humans is not the same. It is pushed on us from early age from media and school. Planting ideas from very early stage. This wasn't common before, now they are FORCING. They want humans to die out in big numbers by pushing LGBT agenda. It's vile, repulsive, and quite frankly it's anti-life.
i wanna jerk off, not see a debate over if gays are natural or not
>broad gestures at the image posts
quit being a bitch and beat your dick
"bi" is just another word fo being a pathetic excuse of a woman, dumb attention whore
Sounds like you have your whole head inside of your asshole, disgusting faggot
Cool, so two guys can buttfuck each other and it won't be a problem for you as long as they both go have kids later. Got it. That's very progressive of you.
>they are rare
It really isn't
>They want humans to die out in big numbers by pushing LGBT agenda
You retard it's about money
absolute garbage
That looks great. Are the head wings referencing that old anime? But either give her a pussy or panties, smooth crotch looks weird.
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>die out
Well they're doing an awful job then. Population is still swelling. Get something legitimate to be angry about. Like political corruption and corporate greed, speaking of which, both politicians and businessmen want more human chattel to pay taxes and buy stuff, so that's another nail in the coffin of your retarded gay human extinction conspiracy theory.
now i can jack off to corporate provided porn in the 2d space as well!!! thanks jews
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anyone have that animation that's like a girl removing a bit of tape from her pussy and a dick pops out and she fucks another girl?
this? Gif's tiny bc this was the only one I found that fit with the file size limit, but if you wanna look it up the artist is tagged as nosoul/no soul in sankaku. Also, fuck captcha
dude that's such a classic
>ill never understand how people get upset at the fact someone is gay.
Well, you eat poop, spread disease and touch way more children than any other demographic. Since we've determined public health isn't a matter of personal choice (thanks Covid) your tendency towards unsafe sex and coprophagia is harder to overlook.
The point is that it is a multi-pronged generational attack on White Western societies. It’s
>further radicalization of faggotry
>anti White anti Western sentiments pushed in White Western societies
>progressive demographic collapse by nonWhites
>erosion of social fiber
>institutional hegemony
Corporate and financial backing

All I know is the usually same people who support open borders support Democrats who support BLM who support firey but mostly peaceful BLM riots support Antifa support drag queen story hour support troonism being pushed on children support woke agitprop in media support…..
To summarize the goal is basically gay brown woke neomarxism
troons and gentlemen: the threads most schizophrenic nigger (you)
>Population is still swelling.
yeah, the hardcore traditionalist immigrant population that regularly stones, hangs, skins, or sets fire to gays
And they say Twitter niggers are terminally miserable.
This cuck says this like the fucking catholic church didn't have ingrained sex scandals.

or that orgies between straights are somehow any cleaner.
no doubt it's about money as well, to sell shit, but it's also about ending reducing the human population. For them, it's a "win win situation". Make a profit and kill the goyim. They want us fucking gone.
LGBT agenda is just ONE of the tools to do so. Feminism is another such tool.
Immigration to remove any will to resist them (white and now starting to attack some high IQ asian country as well) and for the remaining, create a gray, subservient slave mass they can whip and control
not bad for a first attempt. my main gripe is that there's too many things happening at once (eye blink, titty drop, wings flapping and expression change) you kind of want to lead the eye from one to another, currently it's hard to decide where to look despite the obvious tiddies ofcourse
Because it means they have to start looking around for who diddled you.
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>wah wah wah a computer can draw better than I can
cry more, drawcunt
you can't see the bigger picture of things, this is just one branch of it
imagine sucking coroprate cock this much
larping up all the poison they shove into your mouth
What, are we supposed to believe this is some sort of... magic catgirl tail? I hope someone got fired for this blunder.
>it's against nature.
So how many clothes to you have that contain polyester? Do you eat crops that are GMO? Ever eat fucking baloney? Guess what, dumbshit, everything we have in life goes contrary to nature.
It's funny because every time a major group makes an accusation about pedophilia and shit like that, 99% of the time it's because they do it regularly. He acts like the pope's never fingered a little boy. You know that cheese, Bishop's Finger? The joke is that it smells like a little boy's asshole.
>The point is that it is a multi-pronged generational attack on White Western societies.
lol, lmao even. Let me guess, the photocopier at work is backed up and that's a State-deep conspiracy against you personally too?
Sauce pls?
yeah most of the best coom animators are just professionals burn out from animating another pixar slop movie. you have very slim chance to learn to animate like that yourself in your free time
Are these from Daily Lives of My Countryside? Looks like the same artist from that game.
oy vey!
pedo hand
Yes its
>instant projection to other jewish demo tactics
you doing god's work man
thank you
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first ever animation, let me know if u want a "cleaned up" version with no after effects bs on it
I'd like a source. I go to r34 and look up Froot and it's just the fucking vtuber
Nevermind. I found it. They go by mossyfroot on r34
>b-b-b-but muh pope-!
Every time, like clockwork. They really only program you poop-eating NPCs with one response to print.

Here's the problem, though. The pedophiles within the church? Also overwhelmingly gay men. You know, the ones who eat poop, spread disease, and touch kids. No matter who you deflect to, you are ultimately the problem demographic.
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eye [SPACE FOR RENT] eye
blush blush
you are human trash if you can't see what is wrong with it, just kill yourself where you belong, in the dirt
You're absolutely right anon. I came to /gif/ to jack off to anime cat girls with REALISTIC tail abilities. I can't believe this artist didn't remember basic anatomy class on cat girls.
amerimutts have rotted brains
I think that's the skin on the vag getting pulled back bro
just evolution at work, it provides her with a wider field of view necessary to spot and track more cocks at once
I think the two guys pounding her holes are clipping through each other
sauce pleasee
Yutaka - Rosa from pokemon
The original video is from emmpyfour, the fucking and sucking part I have no idea where it came from
Takorin is so good
Butthole doing a little *pop* noise every time it opens
My fucking dick.
Tons and I mean tons of gays had actual kids in history. It's not that hard to nut into a woman several times if needed.
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im so mesmerized by how good takorin is, the swaying of the ribbon is sexier than the fucking titjob, holy shit
Yep, it's HUGE and looks so soft. Wish I could touch it.
Who made this?
put this in danbooru, artist is tagged as vinegarjar, there's also this fully naked version
You obviously go against the way you were designed if you're being fucked in. The ass lmao. You separate yourself from any idea of purity or nature entirely and condemn yourself to 'hell' ... You cannot be close to 'god' if you embrace any of this modern bullshit ideologies. Ask yourself what do you worship in your life and what should you be worshipping
'its about money' is cope. There is a well of evil ideas you can draw from if you chose to. People talk about illuminati but they are all servants under 'satan' . Satan is the king of this world
soulless? i know this is a pointless question, but what do you consider soul?
Wtf did I just watch?
actually, a huge number of animals, including mammals, are gay. Scientists never report on it because they are stupid and think that what they are seeing is too weird and rare to be worth reporting.

But when they actually do study it, it turns out to be really common. There was one study that reported that 8% of all sheep are gay. Like, if you stuck a gay ram in a pen with two ovulating ewes, and another ram, the gay ram would go straight for the dude. Also, there are tops and bottoms. some rams are more likely to try to mount other rams, and some rams never try to mount, but instead stay very still when they are getting... rammed...

Why does every single human need to reproduce? there are plenty of kids with no parents, or criminally unfit parents, who need guardians to protect and raise them. Gay dads and lesbian moms to a fantastic job.

Look at queer people as a backup plan for straight people. rather than one couple struggling to raise 8 kids, and accidentally starving or killing a couple. you can have 3 or 4 people raising those kids, and all 8 growing into healthy adults.
The only population that is growing is retarded Africans and Arabs. Every country with a higher average IQ than 90 is in population decline.
>amerimutts have rotted brains
That's just women.
The irony of this comment, absolutely retarded poster
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Hey wait, that's the same animation as Gumball's mom from that one r34.
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duh, it's made by the same person
pfft good fucking luck you talentless shite
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Then go back to your regular sissy cuck bbc worshipping you closet faggot.
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and again
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i love this thread, wish i had anything to contribute
There's nothing more annoying in porn than when a girl is moaning when she's giving a hand or blow job. She's not feeling anything pleasure wise, so why the fuck is she making such intense vocalizations? Takes me right out of it.
Thanks for the source.
I find it funny that people here raged at this, I really liked it. Reminded me a bit of Corruption of Champions with the land itself being lewd
I agree with you but in that video she is pleasuring herself while stroking / sucking
Mostly yes, but it can happen that they just feel really turned on by it, so they vocalize.
I also moan sometimes when I eat pussy, simply because I like the taste and I enjoy it a lot.
Because you don’t understand women. You project make sexuality.
It would take you five to ten years of practice to draw and animate like this, you fucking retards. Holy fucking shit they need to bring art classes back to schools. You people are way too fucking clueless, lmao
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>this is what third worlder yuros get off to
>random videos of their American masters
meh. you can make more by cloning any random game and putting tits on every surface. doesn't even need to look good, animate or play well. porn just cooks peoples brains.
oh no, but what of my vast kingdoms.
why, my evil step-brother would lay claim to the throne and cause a civil war.

i must spend 20+ years of my life looking after some screaming shite.
i hope they don't end up as some sad case who cries about the gays on message boards about anime porn
He's jerked off by that point, but still feels obligated to finish drawing it.
Next you'll tell me cat girls aren't real
So the only point of life is to have offspring. And their only point is to have offspring. And their only point is to have offspring. And their only point...

What a fun existence you must lead.
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sauce me?
Very nice
>This cuck says this like the fucking catholic church didn't have ingrained sex scandals.

He said gays overrepresent pedophiles, which is true. about a third of all charges are against gay men. You think you're smart with your "whataboutism" on the catholic church, but fail to realize, those priests that were doing that... were gay.
came here to remind the thread that gays are genetic dead ends.

you cope and seethe all day grasping for muh peer reviewed study to find gay shit in nature. by this definition cancer is the most natural thing there is you stupid fucks, which is what youll get in your rectum if you persist in your faggotry.

just because something is 'out there' doesnt mean its natural or good. start thinking better.

Manyakis was very good at drawing pussies until he asked for women to send nudes to use as a reference and then the result was a bunch of roasties.
No tits, no vag=femboy/r63 your not even complaining correctly baka
I typed baka what the fuck?
Ok so apparently s m h changes to that for some reason
>Underage teens are not allowed
why care
>muh peer reviewed study to find gay shit in nature
I mean if you ever grew up on a farm you would see gay shit from time to time
Of course the guy who complains about genetics is a racist, what a surprise
>>27455199 brilliant response
Ditto, we have too much room on this planet filled with homophobes and belligerent racists. Make more room for the “genetic dead end girlboss army’s” lmao
That's Gannondorf you WORM.
>Men can't become women!!
>Uhhhh if you're bi you're a woman!

Uhhhh Chudsisters..... how do we respond?!
Friendly reminder that lgbtq rights and acceptance has been steadily on the rise for the last century, with no sign of slowing down. We're at the point that if your NEET ass actually had a job, I could easily get you fired on the spot for voicing your bigoted archaic worldviews.
You lost the culture war, get over it chud :^)
Really dumb response. Making an appeal to nature is the worst thing you could of used to argue against being a faggot. You're more concerned about rhetoric and your feefees than actually making substantiated arguments. Also you're being a fucking pussy. Own your position don't fucking excuse it.
reminder that it all that progress you speak of has been lost as the LGBT community started telling people that not only do they have to like them, but have to agree with every stupid thing they believe, such as grooming your kids is ok.
Both sexy and cute. Fantastic, haven't seen this one before. Consentacles is so underrated.
Even the twinkiest of gays would beat you up.
If you knew anything about the lgbtq+ community, you would know that “MAP”’s (minor attracted persons/fucking pedophiles) have been trying to force their way into the community, and have been met with nothing but deserved hostility AGAINST them. It’s the same as zoophiles and necrophiliacs, everyone fucking hates them like the scum of the earth they are, including the people who you claim accept them.
Differentfag here.
And at the same time the faggots and troons are trying to say it’s okay for kids to go to drag parties and attend pride, which at this point is just a fetish parade. Sounds to me like they’re just buttering up society for some nonce activities to become slowly socially acceptable.
That's because you still associate gay and trans with pedophilia, despite them being actively against it... Probably more actively against it than say the rest of the world.

Let's say I start saying that everyone who is into car culture wants to fuck kids, and then say that kids going to car shows is just a way to groom kids for fucking. Sounds stupid, right? But that's exactly what you are doing.

Also, car people want to fuck kids.

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