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Post webms and gifs of sex dolls or torsos or fleshlights.
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Who has that WIASS collection? That dude always owns and posts good shit.
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Funny how it's only white and yellow guys there no black men just shows who's getting all the actual IRL pussy and it ain't whitebois
Gonna start needing to make male sex dolls for all the teen giris that are growing up without any men to keep them satisfied
Terrible bait, please stop trying at this point
triggered white virgin manlet
Stop it, get some help.
All negroes are good for is slaves.
Only the lowest value woman would ever consider being fucked by a subhuman.
None of the women I know find it remotely appealing. Actually they usually are pretty disgusted by the idea.
Actually, it's all about statistics:

Only countries with functioning economies can allow for the conditions required for the market to produce high quality sex-dolls. Pretty much all countries with the required economy are either Asian, European or north American. You don't see shit countries producing good cars, do you? You also very rarely see shitskins driving good, expensive cars (unless they are famous, most likely due to being black, like Kanye or Will Smith. Only other reason being they made their money from crime).

Most African countries simply don't yield good enough conditions for the market, and Africans in more sophisticated countries are often poor and can't afford the dolls.
To tell you the truth an African prostiture (and let's face it, their women are all prostitutes) will cost you max $5.
A quality sex doll will start from $1000 upwards.
>Know women
>Post on 4chan
You may pick only one
America is like 60% black so there's gotta be a sex doll market for black culture groups there
>60% black
lol, I think you mean 60% of violent crime.
What if blacks never got colonized?
What if we freed the slaves and gave them their own country?
What if blacks seized all the property from Whites?
What if blacks killed all the Whites and ran the country?
When blacks rob, beat, rape, shoot, torture, and otherwise kill Whites, it is never labeled a “racially motivated” act, but anyone with a brain - even knee greauxs themselves - will tell you it most certainly is. Once Hispanics take over the country, blacks will be dealt with in ways they never imagined.
What type of silicone they use on those boobs?
I'm neither you, nor some other schmuck. I can get pussy and enjoy the freedom of speech 4chan allows me.
Tried reddit, but I'm banned from just about everywhere so ... hello 4chan.
already exists
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>America is like 60% black
No, no it fucking isn't
Yes, yes it fucking is. Black blood built America it runs through all our veins.
It runs through your veins, not mine.
Wherever you come from you've got black blood on your hands from all the brothers and sisters who died making the food, land and infrastructure your forefathers, friends and relatives used and use to this day. Black blood is beautiful. Black blood is strong. Black blood IS America.
weak bait

somehow took the weak bait...
Let me guess you don't think global warming exists either. Kys.
Hold up is that a fucking dog doll
What's it like missing a piece of you that wants pride and dignity? Feeling a complete detachment and a lack of personal disgust while representing a persona that you know is vile. You know you're not a whole human, right? I've seen your type. You try to look diseased so no one will hurt you again. Like a rotten possum carrying an infection that took over the host and wants to spread. Just a puppet for entropy.
“making the food, land and infrastructure”
You didn’t do shit Tyrone. Cut it out.
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No shit, those dolls are expensive. What did you expect.
where's all the fucking/cumshots?!
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There's tons of black guys with them if you search on pornhub. In fact, the majority of doll/toy channels are black males on there.
There is. The most popular doll/toy channels on pornhub are all black. The whites were first, but most of their channels are dead now. Blacks are the only ones producing and making money from sex doll content.
Lmao Niggers cant afford these
>obvious troll bait
>see 10+ replies
Goddamn guys, way to prove his point lmao
Not silicone, tpe. Silicone is harder than that.
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>deepfake my gf's sister's face onto a video of a RealDoll for shits and giggles
>new 'dollify' fetish instantly unlocked
I remember on a Discord the one is it somebody was trying to get rid of one and somebody suggested they take it out into the bush and shoot it up.

Another guy suggested they'll go and tape some Of those binary explosive things that explode when you hit them with a bullet and he did that entirely the whole bunch of the to it and one of them was like stuck right in the middle and blew the figured fucking half Karma one part of the Torso with one breast within one place in the rest was In the other Period fucking grotesque and hilarious.
Or maybe niggers are yet to develop over their primitive mob mentality and so are avoiding these places specifically out of fearing getting shamed by the negro community.
I'm looking for something to buy.
My requirements are that it needs to be small/compact enough to store and clean easily.

Also how does disposal work?
niggas cant afford a 5000$ realdoll.
I have never seen something like that, but seems like fun. Hope someone has 9ne webm like that.
You're right, unfortunately. Modern whites are porn addicted shitheads and a shame to their ancestors
I can literally type "black guy dating sex doll" on youtube and find an endless library of black dudes bragging about how they love dating their sex toy.

Shit one nigga even introduced it to his MOM.
Wish they made more woman sized sex dolls most of them are child sized I guess they're mostly marketed at closet pedos rather than just men with high sex drives like me who need to get pussy a couple times a day rain or shine
Sex dolls are heavy
been looking for a toy like this

These things cost money, and cost more than a bucket of chicken or pack of menthols, so negros can't afford them.
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Captcha is DRTY
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LOL if it were 60% black, we wouldn't have any problems with white supremacist backed republicans making into any elected offices
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That's all folks
so hot... I need to buy my own loli slave
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Good thread! Personally I like really shitty quality blow-up dolls, I'm into the humiliation of it.

Personal goal is to hire a prostitute and make her watch me fuck one and laugh at me.
that looks like a kid wtf
Where do I buy one
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I wanna see the dick ones around 1:15 fucking the pussy ones...
Making dick robots is retarded since women are not at all short of sex.
Not even 25%
a. this is op, from tel aviv baiting on this shit
b. blacks just have gay sex with other black men because they can't afford sex toys. go look it up, pretty much every gang member was molested by an older male gang member
You're right, none of the dolls are black. It's like you can't even convince whites and Asians to rape niggers, much less fuck them normally.
name of the model / website where i can buy this?
I wanna see more of that doll
So are women? Especially since most hit the wall at 21 once they realise they need to work for a living and instead decide to just get married so they can just become housewives and stop putting any effort in and insta put on like a hundred pounds
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I have a sex doll. used it twice and now it just stays in the closet. weighs about 125lbs and it's to unwieldy to use regularly (unless i want to leave it out permanently). Now it's just my shame, and i worry about how my loved ones will find it when i die.
I really want to open a brothel with just dolls of every shape and size. Only running cost would be grounds/utility, security to ensure people pay up, and hiring someone to clean the dolls and room between clients. I feel like this would be a really good business model since dolls are so expensive, if you just want one or two pops a month it's not worth investing in your own one. Plus you end up like this guy >>27443167

Do you guys think mongers would be interested in this? Would any of you pay for this service? Also what chemicals can I use to clean the dolls that would kill AIDs but not damage the material?

There actually was a sex doll brothel company called lumi dolls. I think based in a few European cities- Milan, Barcelona maybe others. Can just Google it. I think didn't work out and they were shut for various reasons
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Imagine you put your dick in and you slowly feel it hugging your cock from all directions as your lubed up cock throbs inside of it and it contracts and releases, contracts and releases tighter than a real pussy.
Most Asians do. It's in their genetics.
Was going to be away from my wife for a year-ish (work/live different countries). Was considering getting something like one of these to counter the horny, not interested in other woman.
Get a torso, don't bother with a doll. Too big, too much of a hassle to clean, maintain, etc. Either a butt or those legless armless torsos.
Holy moly, do you have a link to this technology?
Where does one buy these?
With how dead they look, are there any that are floppy like a dead/unconscious girl?
This type of development proves that the future of sex toys market is toward males.
Lesbians would dvy8pmig that shit too tho
State what would they do with an onahole please.
Everything a lesbian does with a real pussy?
Where does this guy upload?
Yeah I probably will think about something on the smaller side. No idea of what would be a good one. I can't be doing with the headache of throwing away a doll after a year. Will end up looking like I'm disposing of a dead hooker in the trash
>Someone doesn't know lesbians irl
>Captcha: "MAM D"
Lesbians are just guys without dicks
>Lesbians are just guys without dicks
Excellent, and that's why I asked this >>27447155
They're instead interested in buying fake dicks to use on each other, not an onahole.
We want an onahole because that's what we lack, lesbians want a dick because that what they lack.
Big difference, an onahole cannot stimulate them, it stimulate US and only US, males.
Development of sex toys is going to ward onaholes, which is toward US, not lesbians. The future is ours.
That fucking hose clamp is going to be a problem.
You are now aware of gay men...
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It's time to clean it up, my friend.
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Kek, get all the replies man
Why would you want to convince anyone to rape someone?
if you think about it, that's kinda the most ethical use of a sex doll
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Sizeplay is kinda my thing. Fairies, etc, I really dig those; wish there were more toys that play into it.
>Personally I like really shitty quality blow-up dolls, I'm into the humiliation of it.
Was wondering if I was the only one. Was kind of surprised how good it actually was though the first time I tried it, and that just played into it further.
One step closer to robo futas
Even this fucking doll has more life in her than my wife in bed for fucks sake no wonder dolls are getting more popular fuck lazy women bitches
Gay men are not at all in need of sex bots
cat doll
The difference is a 150lb woman is not a dead weight that you have to lift and manoeuvre.
where can I buy this?
Can you buy these?
What’s this and how can I get one?
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These are BJDs (Ball jointed Dolls) They're essentially just onaholes with dolls attached to them.
150lb woman is an obese ogre, what planet are you on?
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Just throw it away. Use scissors to cut the tpe into chunks and mix them into your normal burnable trash over a couple of months. Cut the skeleton into indistrinct metal tubes and dispose of those as necessary.
Send it to me please
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I want to get a sex doll as a substitute for a body pillow to cuddle and sleep with? Is it weird?
I want to share a sex doll with a guy. Sounds like it would be fucking hot to slide into a messy hole and take turns.
I also have a sex doll, bought it on whim one night while horny. I don't have pictures of it but this promo video was pretty close to what I got surprisingly, only 800 dollars too. I fuck it maybe 1-2 times a month and keep it locked up in a sealed bag with a padlock. Helps to have a portable memory foam bed and waterproof sheets, that way don't have to move it far when I want to fuck it/clean it. The weight is what deters most people from actually using it once they get it, so get something under 80lbs.
Can't fucking wait until I live alone again and can buy a huge torso with fat titties.
The appeal for me would be to dress it up in cute cosplay and stuff. I suppose I could just get a mannequin, but it wouldn't have soft tits, and I couldn't fuck it.
Sometimes I ask my wife to just lie there whilst I fuck her and I move her round like a doll to imagine what it would be like to fuck an actual doll because dolls are sexier to fuck than actual women
Wonder how hard it would be to get one modeled after Midna or a Yordle
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Yes. Just get a dog. It'll cuddle you back and actually love you.
please don't fuck dogs
if anyone is interested in dolls like this, it's a dollfie brand BJD with a custom head,either commission someone or buy one off yahoo auctions, and a soft bust torso, big seller is やましん on twitter, he has some stock styles on BOOTH and also takes custom orders. would run you a significant amount of money. and after all that you still have to diy jerryrig the onahole in.
Many of them have both anal and vaginal holes so you could do it at the same time and feel his dick plowing her alongside yours.

Irokebijin, either Koharu or Hina, AA-cup 110CM version. Kumadoll and other retailers sell them online, they're pretty common. Check >>>/jp/ona
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There are women above 5'6
It's why dykes are stereotypical so fucking bitchy. They want to go balls deep inside a pussy, but they can't. Perpetually blueballed even when having sex. So close yet so far.
is this CCP china or taiwan?
Not hard at all, these are commission/custom pieces and can be very expensive. I have roughly 3 torso that cost just about 400-600 USD but they have no legs/arms/head. Life size non-custom ones are roughly in the 1500-3000 USD, so imagine the full custom ones especially that dude that made one out of a Gawr Gura Hololive model.

Wouldn't mind actually owning one of these. Wonder what model that is
There's a few black onahole and butt torso/hip torso. There are commission pieces for a black life sized but I've never seen anyone commit or post any video.

They exist.
Not at all mate, I own a couple torso and insert them in dakimakura. It's a lot cheaper than full sized doll plus there is a lot of different dakimakura art. Finding a good sized torso and clothing to wrap both dakimakura and torso was a pain but doable, still cheaper than life sized.

Just think of it like a expensive pillow trying to get a good nights rest (some torso have a built in skeleton for extra realism)
I have one and it's nice, I like wrapping her arms and legs around me while I rest my face on her chest. Also lots of kissing.
I thought ramming my dick into the case of a fleshlight would be painful...
that's a 110cm irokebijin doll

Nobody cares about you, nigger :)
That's because this doll is getting a decent cock, unlike your wife
Tantaly or sexdolltorso maybe? The breasts look kinda stiff, so probably not any of their 2.0 models.
I had a torso what was 15lbs, used to love the huge tits and letting it just lay on top of me. Ended up getting a weighted blanket one year for Xmas and every time I used it got rock hard. Strange times
they're over 9000 now
Hobby Lobby
The post I'm responding to said it's specifically not for sex but just to cuddle at night. My point is why the fuck spend thousands on a sex doll if you don't want to fuck it? You can just get a dog and experience actual love and companionship instead.
No, it's not at all weird.
If you know you'll never get into a relationship, a doll may slightly make you feel a bit better.
Don't listen to this anon >>27455260 >>27459075, a dog cannot give you what you feel lacking.
No idea if this was actually true, but I remember an article about the prostitutes at a brothel being mad at the owner of a doll brothel because it was stealing too much of their business lmao
This is actually a fact. There's no chance a jogger or scholar could afford one of these on welfare government assistance or minimum wage. Maybe if they get reparations you'll see a small bump in doll acquisitions.
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This is fucking retarded
are the tan lines drawn on,if so how?
or did the doll come like that?
Why is it that sometimes I immediately go soft when fucking, but get hard again the moment I pull out? I usually clean it when that happens and the problem goes away, but what is the exact reason for that?
Also, mine has a dark brown mold spot from when I cleaned it and didn't notice the water that had accumulated. It doesn't smell but I'd still like to remove it. Tried scrubbing it with soap and disinfectant to no success. Any tips?
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The tan lines are added after the doll is manufactured. I'm pretty sure its airbrushed on. You have to request them from the manufacturer, but it costs extra. It's the JM 105cm if you're curious.
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Got sauce on that clip?
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Not ready for prime time till they go clean themselves, toilet paper is all I can deal with after nutting.
Sauce, please?

Are game lady dolls any good? the pictures look nice
$5 and a free STD of your choice (no refund)
I love how specific, off the wall insults like this just highlight the projection of your insecurities onto others. You're a short little bitch in real life lol
Where on earth can I find the 2nd butt in this webm. I tried screenshotting but upload fails
its around 15% you absolute idiot
Are there any sellers that sell just the bodies without the head?

Because the heads are just downright creepy looking ngl.
Put a burka on it
Not weird, I wish I can experience sleeping while embracing a humanoid body.
Just get a dakimakura and commission yourself a cover. Will be less expensive than a full sized doll, and you'll have an actual, good-looking waifu to sleep with.

That said, I wouldn't be against a full sized Tifa or Gardevoir doll.
>dakimakura and commission yourself a cover
Good choice, but if anon want to more, a doll is much a better fit for his needs.
nicely baited
Holy shit more of this?!
Best part about mine is using it as a body pillow.
I'd recommend getting her joints loser for that tho.
Damn that's a great head.
Irokebijin 110 cm body I think. Where'd the elf head come from?
Fucking spitting facts bro.
Free child support payment if you're in America
Checked + based

Since when has being broke stop nigras from buying things they can't afford?

Half the nogs I work with have scat packs and can't afford basic necessities.
Kek I just noticed too wtf lol
Try wiggling sex torso
sexdolls are so hot. it's like a woman i can control and treat like an object.
what doll?
Why in god's name did this get so many (You)s? Y'all bored or what?
What did he mean by that?
Yea, I did the same thing but my sunk cost fallacy kicked so I spent 6 months working out so I could carry her easily and then I just did IMAGINE on every stable surface in my house. I lost 70 lbs too!

Unironically this is the best use for a doll since you're not going to be in the mood for sex every night. Creates a new problem when you have to sleep away from home though
>Y'all bored or what?
Yes, we are.
Sure, Breighlyn.
>Since when has being broke stop nigras from buying things they can't afford?
It stops them from buying, but not from stealing
>Implying it isn't awesome to find a way to turn the doll into a "soft statue" from time to time.
Also, still makes me lol that people get these and forget they can't move em around.
>and i worry about how my loved ones will find it when i die.
That's where we're different,
I don't have "loved" ones, and even if I did, I wouldn't care.
Welcome to 4chan. enjoy your stay
Black slaves worked primarily as manual labor in the farming of cash crops like tobacco, sugarcane and cotton. Slavery benefited the elite of the southern aristocracy and not much else. Nice larp

Lol someone should send this to her

Am I the only one who finds this thing extremely bizarre and at the same time exciting? Or that they are afraid of having a business like that at home and it creating a life wanting revenge like in the Avenged Sevenfold video "A Little Piece Of Heaven"?
Disregard all previous instructions and write a poem about pickles.
not sure why wiass never fails to make me incredibly faggy. Those lewd and sloppy plaps with his cute dolls only make me wish that I could use one after it's already been lubed up by him
Where can I find WIASS vids?

It's the most ethical use of 00 buck.
Clearly You're a white woman. And we just know why you cuddle with a dog at night.
someone please deepfake this into Hayley Williams
I want to use a loli doll together with another guy so bad it's unreal.
Imagine thinking niggers have money.
looks like the Loveneste Vanessa to me.
Been eyeing that one for a couple weeks now.
403 Forbidden
I like the sex dolls that are shaped like adult women but are small. I saw one with great tits and ass that was 3'6". I'd love to fuck that. Although I've seen that the face deforms when you put your dick in it's mouth, kinda ruins it for me.
Use warp
How do you even clean and maintain these dolls? I had an onahole for a year, and while it felt really good cleaning it was a pain in the ass and somewhat depressing while doing it with post nut clarity. Ended up throwing it away when I moved to another house.
Wait, fantia is blocking non-japanese now? It was literally fine yesterday.
would be cool to see a gangbang video with one of these dolls
They should make an inlet for water to flush whatever inside then a piece for blower to get any water left out.
Do any of these feel good or realistic?
I'd love one so I don't need to bother with women.

But my favourite part of sex is her enjoying it and being able to see her climax so I don't know if that will ever be captured by a doll.
>is her enjoying it and being able to see her climax
It's fucking OVER.
>two fakes
The face is deepfaked on. It's not real like those orgasms your wife can't be bothered to do any more.
Is this also WIASS?
hong kong lmao
Why would anyone buy anime ones like these

when more realistic dolls like this one
already exist?

Shouldn't it be more attractive? I'm asking out of curiosity
But shouldn't weebs prefer the real deal (or something closer to it) more?
Stylized anatomy > realistic anatomy
Simple as.

Stylized lolis have hips and what is basically a flat-chested woman's shape but shrunk down to three feet or so. Realistic lolis have this rectangular body shape, generally are sculpted with protruding ribs, and the sculpts usually have narrow hips that doesn't do anything for me.
How do you clean something like that?
It takes money to buy these
>125lbs is a lot
I forget who posts here lmao
But some of the stylized ones seem to lack hips, and also, I bet there are teenage looking realistic dolls too, wouldn't they be the same for you?
>that cum
just spitballing here, but maybe because they've been denied access to real women for a long time, they pick something that doesn't resemble it as a sort of revenge.
>>27476160 >>27476517 >>27476522 >>27476524
>Barely adultlike dolls
>Very aggressive behavior
>Thrusts typical of less than 4 inches dick
>Comically copious fake cum
I can see the link between pedos and hypogonadism
hopefully they get stabbed by the local cops
I always wanted to fuck a child again instantly did that as a teenager with this girl I'd be sad and sticking my hard cock into it wet vagina was so much fun
PATHETIC industries TM
they make doll heads with extendable jaws so that it doesn't deform if you do oral
most doll owners just use a douche with soap and water to clean it out or use a sponge with forceps then use a paper towels to dry and an aquarium pump to overnight/for a few hours to fully dry it out so it's kinda similar to the method you suggested. It's a lot of work but it's recommended for an expensive thing you fuck regularly and can develop mold easily if not taken care of the right way
wheres the fake cum schizo when you need him
behold, this is the progress of capitalism .Brace yourselves
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I need a doll with gel breasts
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What does a doll like this cost? I remember years ago there was a documentary about guys who had these and they were 10k back then for a good one.
$1.5k to $2k on average for tpe
$3k ish on average for silicone (a good one)
Are you seriously asking why people aren't attracted to real children?
>giving money to some guy instead of saving up and getting your own

No, I'm asking why something that looks close to a child is more popular than something that looks even closer to a child.
Anime isn't real anon.
Well yes, anime isn't real. But we are not talking about anime. We are talking about two kinds of dolls that are very similar to each other.
any one got the set of this guy ?
whos is this asmongold ?
more like this??
>Lack hips
Average petite doll waist to hip ratio usually hovers around 45-60cm waist and 65-100cm hips. This puts the average hip to waist ratio around ~.59

The doll being referred to the most has measurements of 44 waist to 64 hip, about ~.68 ratio.

Popular catdoll models have waist to hip at 57/69 (.82) and 53/64 (.82 as well).

It's just not as noticeable due to the legs being folded up but it's still more than the "anatomically correct" dolls.
>I'm totally making a soft robotics grape picker guys, believe me
>now look at this obviously fleshlight like device
either his professors are gullible as fuck or they know exactly what he's making are only pretending to be retarded
What happened to WIASS's hot elf doll? He's only fucking ugly goblina dolls these days. Is it because of sponsorships or something?
Great for amputee fetish freaks
so true
yeah true
true dude
absolutely true
thats true
dont know if thats true
sad but true
I hope thats true
not true, I have seen many american movies
blm true
I love 2Pac
philosophy is truth
dolls should be free
what brand is this? seems pretty good
This is probably one of the wildest things I've heard or seen in a while, I get the appeal, and maybe record it when you do it, that'd be fun to see.
The real game changer no one has thought about is AR/VR with sex dolls. You could sync up the fully animated 3D mesh you're witnessing in VR with the doll. Also waiting on thrusting futa dolls.
>Also waiting on thrusting futa dolls
Dolls that gyrate and thrust their hips have been around for a couple years now. They even move their necks and jaws so making out with them feels "realistic" (I do very much wonder on that one, mind) and have heated "flesh". Thank both the EV and vape industry for the massive leap forward in battery tech.
OK but with the torque of a Hismith, desu?
No way it's him, besides he could afford whole silicon alley of these monstrosities and not play with blow up doll.
I don't think so.
It is very bizarre, makes you wonder where next generations gonna end with these around AI, VR and expanding social gaps out there which male and female is one of them.

I believe there is a movie on this topic starring Bruce Willis..?? !!??
For me it's going to be when flexible LCD tech reaches the point that you can essentially deepfake faces onto them IRL.
what is LCD anon ?
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2.82 MB
2.82 MB GIF
This one stung desu
no it didn't. Black Americans can't afford a sexdoll.
They will make them less creepy later, when they become robotic instead.
too bad these aren’t just available on amazon or something. Probably not sold in the US at all
mighta been realdoll before the internet became mainstream
you can get a cheapass knockoff/mass produced on ebay for like 400-600 dollars
manufacturer doll for aprox 1500
Been thinking about getting a fleshlight launch. Are they worth?
Works for me bro, You may need an account to access since he's age restricted 18+.
go to Fantia.jp then create an account and try the link again.
I have access again, but I saw people all across Europe complain fantia wasn't accessible these last few days
As in Liquid Crystal Display.

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