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too bad latinas irl HATE white bois
Brehs, I live in Los Angeles. Why the fuck can't I have this? Is it autism? Is it because I live with my parents?
Are tou white
Albanian parents, but born and raised in the US.
I think they just don't like you because you're weird, I have never had an issue pulling latinas
Why you would want to fuck a subhuman native mongrel is beyond my comprehension.

My Anglo-Saxon genes are far too valuable, and I would never risk getting one of these beasts pregnant.
Hello, fellow NYC denizen
are you swarthy
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No, I'm pale and nerdy.
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Makes me sad and want to an hero desu
Who is the roommate?
Does anyone have the vids of the woman giving a bj in a car?
Don't do it anon, I posted that just to make sure this thread got bumped because I ran out of webms
WMLF is the most common interracial pairing in the US, you'll probably find one someday
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its never a true WMLF without your cope here, anon.
anyways go watch vicki6 on pornhub.
Lololol. Florida anon here and all I have to say is lololol
jesus CHRIST
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daily reminder, women of all races tend to prefer white men or at least exhibit a positive bias towards them
hence the seething
first time seeing a girl i know on here in a decade of using this site. wild
Most delusional post I’ve seen all day and I’ve seen trannys posting
Incels like you don’t have to worry kek
>hottest girls
>dead thread
because most of these threads devolve into just posting shitty porn.
I'll let my latina wife know that next time I knock her up
Because bitter incels spam the thread about racial garbage instead of posting actual content*.
>white boys can't pull hottest girls
well well well...
Anyone have the one of that chick in a colorful sweater giving a white dude a handjob w/ a toy? she's teasing him/etc

i think the name starts w/ k but idk
Hard cope latinofag. They love BWC.
Yes, you are very humorous.

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holy shit we can't compete
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I just love latinas, Sonic
I hear this quote every time I look at latina porn too lmao
He's the WMLF version of the Leaf poster in /pol/ humor threads.
Rose Monroe
Am I the only one that has specific fetish for Latinas in this type of jeans (denim) shorts? Always makes me imagine I am fucking a cowgirl or like riding a horse. Def creampie worthy

If anyone has this type of WMLF, share
Denim Booty shorts.
Happy its summer in UK now, all the curvy sluts are wearing them
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Wow, sauce?
More blowjobs. I demand it.
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I gotchu senpai
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Anybody got sauce ? This looks and sounds like my ex who I can't forget, great
Not Latina lol
I still remember in high school being in a friend group with 4 latina girls, all of them hot. I had just transferred in as a sophomore and had known them for about a month. I was riding the bus home with one of them, she'd snuck a little flask of tequila to school that day and we were taking shots and giggling in the back of the bus like the dumb 16 year olds we were. She ended up going down on me, and we ended up fucking like rabbits that day. I asked her later about what she liked about me, what made her want to after only knowing me for a month, etc, and her response almost word for word was "We all wanted to. The rest of them were talking about what they wanted to do with you, so I took my chance before one of them did."

I ended up sleeping with 3 out of the 4 of them before graduating and leaving for college. Latinas are amazing.
so hot. wish this was my sister
Much appreciated Anon.
More Bouncing on It. I demand It.
All of my cousins are dating white guys, I'm the only one who's dating someone Latina funny enough
Why are you even itt?
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white boys do not suffer in america
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>guy speaks Spanish the entire time
Don't think I've seen that one before.
Almost like there's a Latin country full of white people called fucking SPAIN where SPANISH is spoken, huh brainlet? Almost like Latin is a Romance language. You know, ROMance, as in, from fucking ROME?!
holy shit, source plz!
Are you fucking dumb you numb nuts? Spain isn’t in Latin America, they are the biggest fucking mutts ever, the worse that could happen to pure native blood was mixing it with ANY
Kek yeah it's more like lf/guy who might be a spic but at least isn't the short brown beaner type
The Spanish are not "latin" or latino since that term means from Latin-America (Latinoamérica). But yes, there are tens of millions of White native Spanish speakers, most of them in Spain.
Always the same 20 videos of some chicanas who fucks light skinned latinos or gringos for money
There are millions of videos of WMAF but no WMLF because latinas prefer brown men

si si senor (You)
spam harder incel.
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post the one where she says "you can cum in my mouth"
I don't think my girl is thick enough for white Chad's to want to fuck her
post her
is she up for it though
I don't think so. Also have no gifs
Latino x White is the largest interracial relationship statistic in the United States.

>The Spanish are not "latin"

What? You guys don't know what latin means.
>latinas prefer brown men
always the same cope, lol
Latinas prefer White men, accept it
lol, they prefer "White bois" over their own and other races
cope harder, incel
Jesus fucking Christ. Latin America is so-called because it was colonized by people who spoke Latin-derived languages, you absolute fucking retards. Holy fucking Christ you are stupid. Did you actually think Latin referred to the native tribal languages spoken by south and central Mestizos when the Spanish showed up 400 years ago?
they didn't exist back then
Get rid of all the roman fanatics.
You are the driving force behind stupid planet.
God damn. Where do I find one
Lol who told you that. Maybe your American 10% latinx "my father's friend was half Mexican" latinas in the US. Latinas in Latin American countries love white bois.
Over for spiccels
Dude wtf am I just old or is the white hispanic thing just a 105 IQ filter for the mutt masses? Can the average person not fucking grasp that caucasians colonized central and South America, and that the past 400 years have consisted of miscegenation at the highest levels, but that A SMALL AMOUNT of lineages have pretty much remained almost entirely European? Like does it take a fucking genius to understand that? I don’t think so
You’re retarded, opinion discarded. It’s this simple you fucking idiot:
Caucasians from Iberia colonized central and South America 500 years ago. Miscegenation has occurred since. Iberia is now Spain. Most lineages in Spain retained their Caucasian genes. FEW lineages in the americas retained their Caucasian genes. FEW. But they do exist , mostly in Argentina, chile and Uruguay. VERY FEW in Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador.

- someone who retained it, and it likely explains why I’m literally seemingly genetically racist. I believe it’s literally part of my lineage to be averse to those that don’t look like me
Nigger are you retarded? 1 drop rule. Do you consider Canelo white just because he has white skin and red hair?
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That tongue
Dumb amerifat
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If Mew2King can get laid my guy, you can too. Confidence is key
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They like the cock, not the guy it's attached to
I'm pretty sure she's Filipinxa.
She's Desi.
oh. brown is brown lol
My bedroom lmao
if you are a white incel you should kill yourself. incel should strictly be a brown person thing. no excuse for whites
No white person should kill themselves, apart from wiggers. Most white "incels" have mental illness or really bad parents.
They should become trans and be concubines for BBC
Good eye, autistic fren.
People like you deserve to live in a predominantly nigger, inner-city, urban community.
Thankfully I don't live among them. Be safe though
Accurate in my case. Seeing this latina and the only reason she’s still around is because I make her cum 10+ times in a row. She tells me she loves me and begs for me to creampie her while we’re fucking, but once we’re done she gets a lot more distant.
Although she’s told me that when she has gone on dates after meeting me, they turn her off and she can only think of me because she knows they can’t fuck her like I can.
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personal fav
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Nah. I lost my virginity to a latina MILF. I had a BWC and didn't know it. I'll always remember sliding into her and hearing "Damn, white boy...". Ever since then, I've loved datint Latinas and race play. One of my favorites lines with my girlfriends was "Tell me you love white cock..." Now, I'm married to a 5"10 latina who's 8 years younger than me, we're having our first kid early next year.
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Bump for more A cups
Latinas are superior to black and Asian women.
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for me its asians and latinas
Not even close to being true, I can promise you. Work on your game.
The thing is that I, knowing your dastardly plans, played along.
Holy fuck, sauce, she's perfect!!!
Does anybody have the video of the girl geting fucked face down on a bed while another girl is watching? It was posted a few threads ago
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apollostone1776 is the guy btw
Veronica Rodriguez
you can already see her mutating into an abuelita, they do age like fine milk.
she's a studio porn whore so thats to be expected
Same here. OP must be back.
taylorstiles is the guy dunno the girls name
Nannies hate wmlf
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Thank yoy
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She is addicted to white cock. Many such cases, unfortunately.
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Another example. This one always makes /gif/ seethe...
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This bitch might be half Paki but idc
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You can tell which webms are mine because I (OP) have a debilitating fetish for big latina asses
For real though, Sauce?
Can someone explain to me how to maintain decent quality of the video but still get it down to below 4 MB
who is this goddess???
go back to /int/, the board has become boring without you
even better
The only way is to decrease runtime length or resolution.
Yeah that's what I was thinking but I keep seeing these pretty good 30 seconds webm vids that are under 4 MB yet I have to take one down to crap level quality and make it 5 seconds long to be under

She’s like 70% + white lol
heh nice
Wheres the bwc
Even the most dorky awkward white guy can get with a latin girl. Which is not even true for black guys and white women. I used to fuck with a colombian girl and she would cum in under 5 minutes every single time.
>be me
>post about latinas HATEing white bois
>come to thread ready to post it again
>someone beat me to it

/int/ almost never has latina threads to post it in for (you)s though
I found it in the archives on /b/, I've done too much digging.
How do I get WEBMs from the archives?
You can only get them if they're anywhere other than /gif/. If they're on /gif/, you're out of luck. Even then it might be 404d.
What?! Puerto Rican girls love white guys. Up your game, son
One drop rule was from U.S. slave owners, it's not a real thing, doofus.
Yo these girls really put in the work when it comes to fucking.
Thanks OP, I now have my heart set on getting with a Latina woman so they can love me off like this. Pray for me that she's also of the Buttercup phenotype
lol, this faggot pops into these threads every time to spew copium
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One of the best cum too. She’s a good girl, riding dick. That’s what good girls do.
who's she?
God damn you got it good bro. Would love to see more. Prone bone, doggy, cowgirl all are fuckin mint I bet. Her back is sexy as fuck

Ava addams is italian and french
Bro, you have to do something about it. I used to be a nerd who would not get girls because I was too scared to do anything. I know it's easier said than done, but I just had to overcome the fear and just do something. It's that simple. If you do nothing and just complain about it, nothing is gonna change. It will always be scary and hard, but you gotta try regardless.
So latin and thus a latina.
These are some mental gymnastics I can get behind

Latina booty is transcendent. Been with white, black, and latina women, and all I think about is latina booty anymore.
what's her name brooooo
>Latinas in Latin American countries love white bois.
Not to burst your bubble, I like this thread, but they love your money more than anything, they fuck wealthy niggers just as much as wealthy whites for survival because it's hell and being a woman here is easy enough to leave
I'll post more when I get the chance to make them
La creatura
Yeah she's ugly, also skinny now
I've seen this in WMAF, WMIF, and WMLF threads.

I, Anonicus Faggotoli the 69th propose that this WEBM be stricken from the aforementioned threads until such time source is provided, and the race of the woman is determined
She needs a hotwife relationship with a brown guy.

You just give her the dick and the brown husband will provide her with the love
God damn who is this?
latino anons wife and her bull
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Turn on that wide angle lemme see all that juicy ass (thank you for sharing bro she's elite)
Not to be that guy, but its LATINA.
Latino are the dudes....

But what ever floats your boat.
>omnes hi deniqve
>non scivnt per definitionem "latine"
plvres hvivsmodi casibvs. tristis!
I want one
why hasn't sauce been asked on OP webm yet? it can't be thaat well known or something. anyone know sauce?
Depends on what you mean by white. I’m Italian. Very white in terms of my personality, job, style, etc.But I have black hair, a huge nose, and I have dark olive skin. I have never had an issue getting with Latinas. In fact, I’ve only ever really been with them. I’m now married to one. She’s literally a goth Latina with tattoos and huge tits. I couldn’t be luckier. You’re pretty right about them hating standard white people. Blonde hair, blue eyes, Anglican features. I was raised catholic, my name is already Latin sounding. So yeah I’ve never had a single issue even with the most anti white people in her family. But if your name is like Maverick Nuberger and you’re name brand white it’s going to be pretty difficult to find a Latina woman. A lot of them really hate you guys. I definitely am white but it’s different. I never tasted tuna noodle and haven’t stepped foot in a mega church. You people, cultureless Costco shopping white people. No one likes you especially these brown hotties.
>the amount of seethe this post caused
That's how you know it's true
lol no they love big white cock
you know you can make webms
Sounds like you have a lot of insecurities.

Maybe it's different in USA, but straight from the tap latinas in Latin American queue up for mid white guys. They're literally so easy, they spread their legs for blue eyes like it's in their DNA to do so. And once they have white cock it sets the standard, then cum so hard that they keep chasing it. Once you've been seeing them for a few weeks they start the race play: "fuck my brown pussy with your white cock" "get me pregnant with your white cock" "make me your Latina whore"
Yeah but they take longer to do and being kinda computer illiterate, I can't get them any longer or better quality than a gif
While remaining under 4 MB
Shitskin hindu cope
How do you make her come 10 times ? Any tips / techniques to lay good pipe like you ? Also how big are you down there ?
Nta but be white, have an above average cock, fuck Latinas. Every Mexican girl I've met loves to ride. Grab them by their hips or their ass and just bounce them up and down until they tire themselves out from multiple orgasms and then you can do whatever you want with them. It's always worked for me.
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Found one more in my folder just in time for bump limit
>I have dark olive skin
So you're not white
>Very white in terms of my personality, job, style, etc.
These don't make you white, do you consider a black guy who acts white and works as like an IT guy white
And the other anon is right, you sound like a real head case
Also a contender for gayest post in this thread, larping spqraboos are vomit inducing cringe
>I'm Italian aka an insufferable faggot
jannahho or hannah jo
Has anyone here had actual experience with latinas and can confirm they fuck good? Do they actually call you papi or is that just a porno thing?
My gf is Latina, she's amazing in bed. Doesn't say "papi" specifically but does start cursing in Spanish when she gets close to coming, and it's insanely hot. In general loves being dominated, doesn't like anything demeaning (I don't really either honestly so it's whatever) but anything about control or service she's absolutely into. Loves worshipping my 6.5" white dick, I've never been self-conscious about my size but she makes me feel like I have the biggest and most beautiful penis in the world. Best sex I've had in years if not ever.
Don't think I've had enough partners to tell you definitively what a whole race of women are like. Think it's really weird when people online sleep with one girl and pretend they can tell you how a whole hemisphere fucks because of that. She's only the second Latina woman I've slept with, but both were/are great in bed
Jfc bro you got any more prone? 10/10 s-tier babe. she needs her own thread.

If you want to keep sharing the love I have tele
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Talk about delusional truly insane what not being white does to people who are almost white women care more about blue eyes than anything else then light skin then light hair if hight muscles and a pretty face go with any or all of the aforementioned traits that man can literally go anywhere and be treated like a celebrity learned that in the military also why so many military guys marry foreign girls they are just better white women are insane first baby mama was white my wife is Latina best girl I’ve ever meet by a wide margin and I’ve dated fucked hundreds being a tall white guy with blue eyes that looks like a many movie stars
you can find the original video on PH

she's Asian, if I recall right
I don't have tele sadly
Keep em coming if u got em I'll gladly enjoy and cheer your wifey on. She makes my pp tingle
damn brother sauce?
Good morning saars
Hi, normally I don’t comment on this board but seeing you and your replies made me laugh. I’m literally in the same exact boat just on the opposite side of the country in NY. Catholic Albanian parents, and I’m also white and nerdy. I’m not desperate for a gf right now but I do also love latinas. Just wanted to say hi though really lmao.
Lol wtf. I wonder how much he spends on those girls
>Lol wtf. I wonder how much he spends on those girls
tv non albvs es, sed syrvs
>gayest post in this thread
scire te ipsvm, catamitvs
Needs sound bru
She's filipinx
I figured out the webm
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File: VID_20240627_2240176.webm (1.82 MB, 640x480)
1.82 MB
1.82 MB WEBM
An improvement
>have a puerto rican gf
>insane waist crazy booty
>cooks cleans and plays vidya with me
>be posting stories and pics of myself on instagram
>have a girl i grew up with that lives in puerto rico constantly dm me and heart my stuff
>leaves heart eyes under all my pictures
>i never respond
>she has a PHAT ass too and golden skin
File: VID_20240627_2240177-1.webm (1.7 MB, 1080x1920)
1.7 MB
I'd disagree with them all hating blonde hair and blue eyes. There are those who have preferences when they say it on the camera or whatever, but what women want is usually different than what they say, and in my experience, blonde hair and blue eyes works, both for Latinas in America and those from Latin America.

However I will say that in America you are correct about the Italian part and not being brand white. I'm Polish, and it has been a plus with Latinas, they see it as a plus if you're more "exotic white", and have an actual culture, and can relate to certain cultural or immigrant or societal struggles, but basically not being bland white as you said. Typical standard American eh, but a more "exotic one" with culture and all, yeah chances are better, at least in my experience
I’m about 6.5 inches and decently thick. I do think my size has a lot to do with how I make her cum so much. She’s told me she fucked a few bigger guys in the past but that my cock is perfect for her. The very first time we fucked, she was cumming in about 20 seconds. Also every girl who I’ve shown my dick to has Immediately started sucking it, saying that they couldn’t help it and they needed to once they saw it. I’d say the most important things to make girls cum are: Size, Lasting Power, Position, Rhythm, and Dirty Talk.
I’m cut and have been beating my dick for hella long, so if I cum earlier that day I can fuck nearly indefinitely. I usually start with missionary and then change it a bit when she cums once or twice. Simple things like lifting her legs up or having her move to the edge of the bed so I can stand up can help hit different places inside her. Finding the right rhythm for her and more or less sticking to it goes a long way.
You are incredible. I'm on my knees drooling and begging for more
Really wish this one was longer or you had more prone pov this to me is the goat
I bet you mean Kira Perez, just search for 'Kira Perez masturbator'
SOURCe pluz
I'll get more prone soon
Anything to hold me over in the meantime would also be sincerely appreciated. How can we carry on offline? Don't want to bog this thread or limit it
Well the webms and gifs on here are from the only 2 videos I have at the moment. She just started asking me to take pictures and record about a week ago
bump on sauce for OP?

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