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Zigger thread.
Thanks for the bump, ZOGgie.
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Romanians.. you mean gypsies?
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Is the pigger trigger'd?
That's how the russians tend to their wounded hey?
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its efficient and merciful, you have to give em that...
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seems like he literally asked for it
The tragedy here is that they wasted 2 extra grenades on him. Thats 80$ they didnt have to spend.
Total scumbag communist russians.

They had a chance to become civilized

But are following putler down the rathole

this time when the russian prostitutes fill the streets no one will even pay for it . . .
He did. Because he understood he's not getting a medevac before some pigger drops another one on him.
>communist russians.
Almost no modern Russians are communist. There is a communist party there but its mostly just boomers LARPing over nostalgia and doesn't adhere to Marxist principles.

Biden is a far greater communist than Putin.
>edited-in gay sound fx
gay and cringe
Why would you write up an actual reply to a butthurt pigger?
I dont speak troglodyte, mind putting that into an internationally recognized language vlad?
You needn't speak it. All you need to be, is literate in English.
Imagine getting so psyoped that you volunteer to fight in another american forever war
Pretty neat. I'd like to see more medic/evac drones. Smart
Was that English?
>"on your guns"
Ahhh. You understand the worldwide military use of the .223 round.
>pigger drivers
Was the drone trying to drop a grenade but it got stuck?
Oh my God! They killed Kenny! Ya Bastards!!!
Why no audio?
If those were the actual vans they used, the piggers would probably volunteer instead of being kidnapped.
pair this guy with the ABSOLUTE UNIT hohlusha and they'll be unstoppable!
>Why no audio?
It was just how the original source video was when I got it.
Classic warcrimes
Not a warcrime so you can call your paralegals and tell them to stand down, hotshot
Mean Gene is calling them out?
behead all the oinkrainian and nato niggers
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See that big reticule? Yeah dont land inside the box.
so who tf is winning?
>so who tf is winning?
My guess would be the side which has captured 20% of the territory of the other.
Nobody knows anon.
song name?
Austrian intelligence says that this is a war of attrition, so whoever exhausts his strength first, loses. For that reason now the international discussion is turning to North Korea delivering material to Russia and South Korea delivering war material to Ukraine.
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Don't know the exact song, but I'd be willing to bet it's Leningrad.
>North Korea delivering material to Russia
But I think it has really come down to manpower. Psycho boomers have mostly exhausted the two youngest generations of Ukies, those who didn't manage to get out of this shit show.
I'll never understand why these fags put their shitty cringy music over these videos? are the regarded??
I's to have something rather than nothing.
You see how he felt for his junk first. The drone blew his dick off. I don't know many guys who *wouldn't* have signaled "brain me plz" at that point.
yo this kinda slaps

that is for dropping ordenance bro, heavy cargo
it's so fucking retarded that white countries fight each other instead of just bombing india
>didnt have to spend

kek, this bitch is slow

this is just a weapons test , this is no war

god rests their souls, them and the rest of these poor anons
The cold war was a mistake, we should have bombed these white trash into oblivion back then.
These Russian animals bombing the last orphanagebakeryhospital in Odessa!
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It can be used for both. In fact using it as cargo delivery makes more sense, since flying a fuckhuge drone near the enemy will get it shot down for sure, as the piggers already found out with their "genius" Baba Yaga design.
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They did it again.
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These tiny suicide drones are fucking terrifying me
I really hope war stays where it belongs (near slavs and niggers)
Literally driving to the opposite direction. Rusniggers once again demonstrating their genius
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It's actually surprising no terrorists have used them for shenanigans yet. Imagine a swarm of them flying into aircraft engines. Or dropping molotovs on transformer stations, etc. Not to mention if some sandal wearing semitic fucks get somebody with brains enough to make grenades, then they could hit public gatherings too.

I guess Klitschko and his 'surrounded on 3 sides' isn't an outlier, but a rule for you piggers :D
so much for the liberation narrative
>day 853 of the 3 day special military operation
any day now comrade
>Milley's 3-day well poisoning
Why are NATO's top generals so incompetent? Milley wasn't even a POC or a tranny yet he got it so laughably wrong. But he's retired now, and replaced by a smoke detector chirper who is even worse than he was.
Jesus. Can't tell if you're serious or a Russian false flag to make Ukrainians look stupid.
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You know the answer.
Why is he fighting recruiters? I thought Ukrainians were proud warriors. Doesn't he want to defend his homeland from RuZZians???
The banking and investment institutions like (((BlackRock))), anon.
Mexican Cartels have gone all in on "drone tech" and have already used a drone drop at least once to assassinate a politician. It's not even that hard, especially if you have access to frag nades (which cartels absolutely do).
Hope you are not one of those faggots who continues to advocate for war with China/Russia after seeing these vids and how horrible real war is.
better question is why did putin believe those numbers lmao
He was so eager to go, they had to calm him down, you misunderstand!
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You motherfucker wouldn't let me rest, I knew it was a Leningrad song!

Better Gypsies supporting Putin than Trump supporting Palestine.
>>Milley's 3-day well poisoning
Russian state propagandists said it well before Milley, cope
Inb4 drone regulations on the level of European gun laws.
Or is the genie out of the bottle already?
>Russian state propagandists said it well before Milley
Show the dates and the proof to back it.
Who gives a shit? Why reply to the reddit talking points? As if it matters to the war right now who said what three years ago.
>Hope you are not one of those faggots who continues to advocate for war with China/Russia after seeing these vids and how horrible real war is.
Nah i want to be able to upgrade my computer without selling a kidney in the foreseeable future
Not to mention Putin said he'd take it in 2 weeks years ago or that Lukashenko also confirmed it was only supposed to last a few days at most
>you missed sucka
The zigger bots are still spamming their state sponsored propaganda, I see.
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>state sponsored propaganda
Pot, kettle, black, etc.
I wish America was as effective at anti-foreigner propaganda as Russia or al-Qaeda, but its nowhere close.
Meanwhile Russians have actual legit state controlled troll farms that have been publicly acknowledged
That's not how it works
That is exactly how it works. Anyone claiming exemption or special status is a hypocrite.
No one claimed any of that. Are you esl or using a translator?
>zigger spam bot keeps shuffling thread titles around to avoid being filtered
kill yourself subhuman
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Russia has already lost the war.
- if it was to avoid nato expansion, it's lost. nato expanded. Finland joined, sweden applied, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Georgia applied as well.
-if it was about keeping Ukraine away from europe, it got closer and it also applied to join NATO.
- if it was about showing power to the world, a so-called military power who struggles to project force in a neighbouring country, it's now ridiculous.
-If it was about money, their economy is going down the toilet.

Yeah they got some dirt, great job. at what price.
>Meanwhile Russians have actual legit state controlled troll farms that have been publicly acknowledged
You think America doesn't? Its been proven that we do this shit too. Read these articles for proof:

We live in the nightmare Dystopia that Orwell warned about.
>Russia has already lost the war.
Feds have been saying this since like March 2022. How much longer? 2 weeks?

The truth is, no one believes your lies anymore. You've cried wolf too often and now you feds that shill on here are just lolcows that no one takes seriously anymore.
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>You think America doesn't?
Certainly not as established, rooted in bullshit, or obnoxious as Russia's networks
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Georgia and Bosnia have not applied for membership, and it's questionable if Bosnia ever will, since Bosnian serbs, while Georgia is a non-starter because of reasons that should be obvious. Finland and Sweden were NATO partners anyway, so it changed very little in a practical sense for Russia. As would Bosnia's accession.

Russia never said Ukraine couldn't join the EU. But it will make damn sure it never joins NATO.

The reddit talking points about power, economy, etc. hold no value on the actual situation. Russia is Running out of everything, their economy is tanking, they're unable to produce anything for how long now? 2.5 years? And still they keep destroying everything sent and killing untold numbers of Ukrainians.
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>The truth is
Don't rationalize or deny. The Russians simply lost on all levels in the long run. We will not forget nigger.
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Oh shit! The reddit brigade won't forget! Putin must be quaking in his boots!
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>The Russians simply lost on all levels
On all levels except physical.
What is his role in the military? I mean, the only combat readiness he has is for a hotdog eating contest
If I had to be taken off the street like that, I'll just comply, bide my time and at the moment the live fire exercise begins, it'll be click-clack paddywack raining bullets to anyone right there and then, trying to get as many sent into the void as possible. At least I'll go out with a shot to the head by a fellow ranking officer and not a third grade Chinesium drone
The ones funding this training exercise
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All jokes aside, it's not uncommon for demobilized troops to let themselves go.

Especially low IQ ones Okraina is full of.
I guess you have no knowledge of how Russia fights wars for the past 400-500 years

Hired guns and tons of questionable quality meat for the grinder is just a regular Tuesday morning for them

I remember a battle in 80s Afghanistan where 350 men were given mere bajonets and one 12-clip pistol to take over some cave with about 20 goat lovers with rpgs and rifles. The Russians lost that battle 350-to-0, but it goes to show how they roll: that numbers don't mean jack shit
You seem to be retarded.
is this a mortar hit?
Drones are already pretty heavily regulated. At least in USA if you want to fly something powerful enough to carry its own camera (FPV drone) then you have to register with FAA.
Thankfully for (peaceful) drone users the limitation here is access to explosives and not the actual drone itself.
Based and neet-pilled, anon. Carry on.
Correct. If Ukis had just rolled over like they did in 2014 that would have been the case.
SHOCKER: Pootin and Luka were wrong and Ukis put up a resistance against a very disorganized and poorly planned Russian """blitzkrieg""".
What's your point again?
>stop fighting Russia
>you already lost!!1 T_T

>Finland and Sweden joined NATO
Ever wonder how they got accepted to quickly? It's because they were already 99% aligned with NATO standards and requirements. All that was needed was a signature to make these informal members into formal ones. If Russia would have ever dared to prepare an attack on Fincucks then Finland would have immediately been accepted into the NATO umbrella. This whole argument only impresses people who have never looked into post WW2 European history.
>Ukraine applied to join NATO
Who fucking cares? They'll never be let in while Ivan is fucking them up lmao
>struggles to project force in a neighbouring country
Yeah, war is hard Leaf-fag, who fucking knew?
>economy is going down the toilet
5th largest economy in the world according to World Bank in the PPP index, niggaboi.
>have to register with FAA.
Yeah, but that doesn't stop anyone from buying it.
No idea.
is that from cod lmao
damn you vatniks gotta level up your edgemaster videos
>Hired guns and tons of questionable quality meat for the grinder is just a regular Tuesday morning for them

well yeah but the difference now is they cant stop the demographic catastrophe soooooo how they are planning to maintain "grinding" whole generations on the long run? with mudslime migrants?
Why are Russians always fucking retarded? Is it the collective brain drain of centuries of brutal dictatorships, or do they secretly enjoy getting emasculated by every single opposing nation?
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I actually feel bad for this hohol. Dude was probably just a civvie worker, unarmed and undefended, just doing his digging work under threat. :(
>I actually feel bad for this hohol

See, that's where you made your mistake. Russians have been feeling bad for those retards for hundreds of years and look what it brought them.
You have a point. I don't like your point, I very much do not, but you do have it.
I am still not willing to hate ukies for being an occupied victim kike state. I choose to believe that they are as other slavs, given time to recover.
>look what it brought them.
You mean apart from being proven a laughing stock militarily and having to have their leader whore himself just to keep the war going?
I don't care who win, seeing russia crumble is funny. The whole "we are retreating as a show of good will" was golden.
How did this happen?
Why aren't all the trees burned down too?
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My guess is thermobarics. Not burning in a flame, but instantly singed from the TOS fireball.
Nonsense, Russia is reaping what they sowed by mistreating Ukrainians for hundreds of years
suck shit kenny
I hate them for being a made-up butthurt historical revisionist nation.
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>seems like he's a zombie
>because he went to the store recently, look at his nice new shoes
day what of the 3 day special operation again?
how many russians casualties again?
kharkiv status?
where is the black sea fleet again?
surely you didn't need all those undefended refineries, did you?
tell me, where are the 2300 armatas? the 2000 S-400? what's uralvagonzavod doing?
i bet you chose to drive in no man's land with dirt bikes and golf carts because the ukrainian resistance is so lacking, right?
i wonder what tanks will drive on parade next may, maybe you can find a working KV-1 somewhere in Laos
so, any news from belgorod? seems like a nice, safe place
oh man, i can't wait to see you destroy the meek ukrainian air force with your powerful Su-57s. you still have them, do you?
Lol, the butthurt spam is even more pathetic without the webms :D
how about you show me the progress you've made so far, instead of cropped videos without context? what's the next village of 600 you took with 50k casualties?
i mean the second most powerful military in the world surely has more to show for than 540k dead for a handful of hamlets, right? i mean you just went past the total casualties of the usa by over 100k in world war 2, and you're still 500 kms from kiev. kiev, mind you, not paris. and all it took was what? a corrupt country and gulf war hand me downs?
Who? Me? I made progress? The fuck are you talking about?
when will you learn that in the grand scheme of things these videos mean nothing? i have thousands of them, of russians blowing up in ways so hilarious you would think they're made up with cgi. wars have casualties, that we know, but the results are what matter, and now your results are disappointing. you had it all served on a silver platter and you still blew it, you couldn't get past your corruption and incompetence, and never in my life i would've bet that you, the mighty bear, would be humbled by a country that 5 years ago was known for truckers and whores. you are a disgrace.
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Jesus, the schizo babble in this guy...
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he does this for money. it's an actual job. he is just a faceless force shoving rus trash shit down everyone's throat. you think you're smart, but that's not the case. you're just not the target audience. and also they are abusing this instrument, that's why it often looks so ridiculous.
This drone could make short-range public transport redundant if the battery life is good enough.
Imagine being able to skip out on taking a bus, car or bike in favour of a literal tiny private helicopter.
Call me overly optimistic, but this might be one of those moments in history where warfare helps humanity advance technologically.
Great thread, good footage. NAFO fags coping and seething also nice.
He got blown up 5 minutes later, didn't he? Russians are fucking subhumans.
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Nah. I'm a simple man, pigger butthurt is payment enough for me.
is nafo here in the room with us right now
You can tell Russians are freaking out about losing their wunderwaffe S-500 because they are posting so much psyop nigger porn.
Might be one of the assholes in charge of "training" the conscripts. the guys abusing the conscript in this video >>27435369 are also fat as hell. Would make sense they'd use some fat fuckers, kinda hard to take down and more likely to do some terrible shit to keep up their food habits. Just a guess though, the pigger may also just be for PR.
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Sometimes the butthurt is so combustable they catch fire too.
based take
I fucking hope not. It's bad enough with the retarded drivers on the road, you want to worry about some dumbass crashing into you from above too?
Why no black Ukrainians fighting? They had plenty of nigger migrants calling themselves Ukrainian but they don't have to fight for her? No jews either? WEIRD
Of course "those kind" of women would deliver their husbands to the gestapo for a piece of paper telling them they're a good girl.
God have mercy on us all.
>Nah. I'm a simple man
no you're not. if you're not payed, it doesn't mean you're not doing a real job, someone else is being payed, someone who takes credit for encouraging you to do that shit. who is russian and works for rus propaganda. or maybe you're a lying ivan. don't tell me you're so dumb to say that rus propaganda is not a real thing. i've talked to those bastards on rus sites, one of them told me that he is serving his country. poor bastard, doesn't want to realize that he is helping to destroy it.
you mean like the russian mothers that reported their suns that flee from the horrors of the frontline?
That's because your roobles aren't worth anything.
Only the biggest retards would fight for Okraina though.
Sure, if it was real and not Russian propaganda.
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So now you're going to tell me what I am or aren't? Very presumptuous.
The difference between you and me is I freely admit to being pro-Russian, rather than espouse some hypocritical bullshit about a moral high ground.
Yes, dead piggers lying in the field is Russian propaganda. Does that make them any less dead? I don't get your point honestly. It's like when Nuland was exposed for scheming on who to put in the government. That was Russian propaganda too, it didn't make it any less true.
Oh you :)
Maybe North Korea can help you cope with the 500k losses

there's no advantage to be gained from these videos. A drone had to hover there to film them. They only exist as pornography - revelling in death and suffering. Sadism. That these get made and shared is truly horrifying. It breaks my heart.
>i cAn YoOz GoOgle.
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Should have stopped at the rouble joke. At least that one has some basis in reality which makes it funny.
why is the Mayor of Portugal speaking Ukrainian?
>immediate whataboutism
>immediate cope

The reddit brigade at work.
how come they cant dodge these things, just face it and then hit the deck.

clearly there is a training and equipment issue here, drones have to deal with momentum and fly straight at their target.
Why not make a smaller handheld m203 that deploys som sort of net?
it wont have to be a strong net, all it needs to do is disable 1 rotor and its over.

Also there is no point in not making campfires or smoking since they have infrared and scan areas for ages before they attack.
So mess with their imaging in any way from light dispersing materials and lasers to smoke.

I reckon they should develop a specialized anti-drone unit, maybe even add animals to those units like pigeons who are trained to look for food when the see and hear the drone.
that way you know where it is immediately and a pigeon wont stop a shot gun blast, so no worries there
Dodging could improve your chances, we've seen examples in this war already, but it's just not that easy to notice the thing in time and it's no guarantee you won't still get an assfull of shrapnel either.
Not to mention if the operator sees you doing shit, he might just make a pass and hit you from a different angle.

And it's more important than ever to have camouflage discipline. You could have some dudes starting fires all over the place as a distraction, but it's like a suicide run. Who's going to do it?

And as you say, all those anti-drone things are in trials and development. Even before this war animals were used to hunt drones and nets were being trialed. With varying results.
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Put it this way, if WW3 rolls in, I am 100% getting Mike Tyson's book "how to twain yor duv"
>how come they cant dodge these things
>Dodging could improve your chances, we've seen examples in this war already
If WW3 rolls in, you're screwed either way.
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He moves fast for someone weighed down with balls of steel.
tf you think those ukranians build this? This is years old chinese tech, these drones have been build to spray pesticide n shit over crops, so if anything agriculture was responsible for this not war.
this is glorious, I don't care what side he's on
Uber was trialing drone taxis in Houston and DC back in 2019. No idea what happened with that.
>feels the need to respond in a passive-aggressive yet le quirky reddit feminine style
yeah, pretty sure they are
why so many Russian faggot lovers in here? Why are you simping for a nation of fags? Highest rate of HIV in Europe. Fucking disgusting nation
>holy shit a Russian loss just flew over my house for the 27th time in two years
>if it was to
Purpose of the war was to keep Ukraine, or at least major portions of it, from being a de facto militarized NATO force right on the doorstep of Russia and that hasn't happened, and isn't going to happen. Game over, you loose. Good luck on your next homo military adventure, State Department.
That one is Russian designed and built.
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To make butthurt Eastern Euros mad of course :)
>On all levels except physical.
Same was as in they are real women. The transwomen are transwinning. It's real in their minds and you can't change that.
That sounds horrifying.
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>dude I'm so high right now
Ah yes. Mistreating them so hard their country tripled in size! The horror!

>>struggles to project force in a neighbouring country
>Yeah, war is hard Leaf-fag, who fucking knew?
Not that i support any of those Invasions, but the USA was quite quick in Irak (42 days), even though they don't share a border with it. Germany was quite quick in France (46 days) in WW2. Why is russia not capable of doing that, even though it has the 5th largest economy in the world?
Because one thing isn't like the other.
>because one is a major power and the other is a backwater shithole
you got that right
how long till russia announce another "show of goodwill" by moving back its forces again.
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See, I knew you weren't actually asking.
you're not replying to the same anon
but i wasn't expecting a vatnik to be able to tell
It's still funny to see Putin having to whore himself to north korea of all place.
why can't we just take every spineless coward rat loaer spy and blow them to bits???

literally praying for the children of cancer rat snich losers that command losers to sellout and act praying for their kids to get raped and die
imagining this place full of children that belong to rat spying losers
beautiful the death of some worthless dime a dozen loser that signed up to play stupid games with people's lives.

I WISH I could see that scumbags children get stabbed to death
what a loser thank God the world is free from 1 less dumb rat playing stupid games against others
what a fucking bitch death to rat coward losers that exist to exist against others
this is pretty well established already, just add to filters
It's worse than that. Not only did the Russia expose their abysmal lack of military might and hard power, they managed to piss away all their soft power at the same time. Russians are now even more globally hated than they were before, even in the southern hemisphere. Russia's fate in the next 10 years is that of Nazi Germany or that of North Korea.

Ironically, North Korea now being their only ally next to Iran.

Meanwhile, China is taking full advantage. Oil and gas is being sold at a loss to China and Pootin just gave away sovereign Russian land to China without a drop of Chinese blood spilled. Russia was a significant regional power but they are no longer even that.
He's clearly faking it.

Yes i was asking. But instead of saying Russia failed in the first months, you replied some meaningless phrase.

I mean every prerequesite for a successful and fast operation was there: vehicles, a bigger army, flat terrain, an unhindered deployment of their forces, yet they totally failed, and after more than two years of war they boast that they captured 20% of the enemies territroy (althoguht part of that was already in control of their vassal people's republics). How can one call russia on the road to victory in this scenario?
I agree. The whole thing feels jewish.
And may those rotten bastards and bitches who caused all those wars die a billion deaths.
I replied how I did because I knew you didn't want an actual discussion on the topic. It's just one of those reddit topic points to say Russia bad. And that's okay, anyone with half a brain can see the difference between the forces arrayed in the conflicts and what kind of tech is available to them.
LoL retard
It's used to confirm the kills, you need to know if you got them or not. Faggot.
The camera drone lingers over nothing more but meat. viscrera splattered across the floor & smoke puffing out of caivities in soldiers' heads. It zooms in on their faces as they fade out. There's always a badge in the corner of the image. it's about far more than confirming a kill. It's about glorifying and revelling in death. Which is why they're packaged up and find their way to places like this so that genuinely mediocre boys like you can get their little dopamine hits. That you can't even see this most blindingly obvious trend is pitiful.

seethe as much as you like. Your impotent rage and lack of agency are all you have. You're a walking red flag - I predict you'll beat your own wife and kids if ever a woman is foolish enough to let you pollute her with your weak watery seed.

remember - all you see on here is what you're fed, despite the illusion of choice. Your episteme is cold and dead. you rage over curated pixels. I pity you.
that video isn't in english tf u on
everyone uses drones to confirm kills, but they don't take the opportunity to make sure it's gore porn snuff shit lol
Literate; as in able to read. Which obviously you aren't.
idk if ur russian or english or something else but in any case no one should really trust translations let alone some shitty summary in a filename. are u trolling or retarded? do u know what nuance means?
I know, right?
>Irak (42 days)
It was an absolute ROFLSTOMP against an enemy who had no airforce of note and was not a peer adversary.
>Germany was quite quick in France (46 days)
Germs had the brilliant idea to go AROUND static French defenses.

Not surprisingly neither of these examples has anything to do with what's going on in Ukraine.
>I don't know what it means
>it means this
>I don't trust this

Then what the fuck are you complaining about? The only way for you to understand in that case is to learn the language. And I'm supposed to be the retarded troll?
Anyone know the song?
when i look up scripture i compare multiple translations and then look up the words one by one. whether it's greek, hebrew... or arabic

there's zero translation here lol. okay send me link to official russian government translation or stfu jeeze. russia does that. idk about belarus, seems like an interesting and mysterious country, like mister Lukashenko himself
furthermore the context of jews in russia and belarus is likely different, as russia has connections to russians in israel but they won't refrain from calling the west a satanic empire. maybe belarus will sooner call out jews than the west. though at this point the failed colour revolution attempts really making the west look retarded, don't even need to say much
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neither of the two big current wars are real wars.
They're proxy wars conducted by the US, principally to sell weapons, secure land and maintain their imperialism.
if that's true, they only had to conduct the second one after the first one exposed how shitty nato shit really is, even to many western powers
also it seems israel has better weapons than usa. they still shit though but now we saw some secret long range two stage missiles to hit iran and the first stage landed in iraq lol
though all the analysts outside of the west are saying that
>Tel Aviv’s underwhelming military counter to Iran’s 13 April military strike has destroyed decades of Israel’s carefully cultivated deterrence posture.
the west is still in the zion bubble so even if usa is literally doomed the weapons industry are all happy in israel. is what the kikes are thinking lol
how do u think 'ukrainians' treat their prisoners?
Because the Russian military is a sham. It's a front for oligarchs like Vova to steal resources from the Russian people.

So far 190,000 units of civilian property have been stolen for the military to use in Ukraine. That's why all these shitty old trucks are transporting ziggers instead of actual military vehicles like developed nations have.
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