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my favourite kind of thread
imagine the smell *shudders*
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Sar, Indian women are Goddesses and smell like Heaven.
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The only girls who hit on me during my stay in the UK as an exchange student...No idea if it's related to the fact that I'm white passing (maybe I have some Ashkenazi blood flowing in me, never got DNA tested)
Stop thinking of pajeets, you faggot.
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but her face (would)
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what are you
if your a white passing latino your just considered white in europe
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Anyone have a name? I know I've seen her before somewhere
let me tell you about this Delhi slut in my grad program

> 27yo white guy who started grad school
> became a teaching assistant with private sessions
> 25% of the program is inexperienced Indian girls
> they never have a personality
> just study, spend daddy's $$$, watch big bang theory, dream of BWC
> divya starts coming to my 1-on-1 sessions
> 24yo annoying, omg girl
> cute, glasses, slim thick under her conservative outfits
> always knows the answers but still comes every week
> every week she gets more and more personal
> "I can't believe your white gf doesn't love talking about programming"
> ignores any question about recent arranged marriage
> screams when she finds out I used to date a desi girl
> next session she wears the sluttiest outfit she thinks she has
> just a basic skirt and low cut top
> literally shaking and quiet the entire session
> perfect. finally shuts up
> puts her hand on my leg
> "how big are you?"
> "bigger than you've had"
> tries to kiss me
> idk about that
> "you can suck my cock"
> "i won't tell anyone I swear"
> cries at my slightly above average cock
> gives me the worst blowjob I've ever had
> tries to fit my cock between her teeth
> *crunch*
> "why do you want me to stop, daddy?"
> I feel bad
> tell her to turn around so I could at least use her
> treat her like the fuck doll I've never had
> literally tearing her in half like India and Pakistan
> asks to choke her and spit on her tits
> "I can only cum from white cock"
> squirts on the desks
> too loud and maintenance knocks on the door
> "everything is fine, she just likes learning"
> we just quietly leave
> stop sessions altogether
> find out being passed around by 2 other white guys
> her whale engineer husband comes to an event
> thanks me for being her favorite tutor
> "worth every rupee to send her here"
> she stares at the floor
> "divya didn't want to go to grad school but you convinced her to stay"
> essentially paid the school +$100k for me to colonize your wife
and then everyone clapped
Anyone got that gif of that milf sucking cock and takes a load in her mouth and says "That's a big load"?
Let me tell you the other side of this story

>30+yo indian guy working as a software engineer in big tech
>Multi millionaire, don't even really need to work but my culture tells me to keep working no matter how much money I already have in shares of my company which has done 100x in the last 10 years.
>With this money I enjoy every color of the rainbow. In particular I like seeing my brown cock inside white girls so I use my money to get high-end sluts to 'hang out' with me.
>The only issue is my bitch wife.
>I can have any pussy in the world but my family still forces me to marry an indian girl.
>Fine. Marry her but send her to college so that I can keep up my lifestyle of fucking white pussy every single day. The $100k it costs is nothing.
>Immediately send her to college
>4 years of bliss
>But no, this bitch is about to graduate. My whole life is about to be destroyed.
>Some retarded white guy convinced her to stay for grad school so I can keep fucking white pussy!
>Another 5-8 years of paradise.
>Thanks, withoid.

Then let me tell you how this ends:
When India Chad has to have pure indian kids he can call up his wife and then use her as a breeding cow. She will likely have 6+ brown babies. On the flipside, she will never have kids with you because if she did her family would likely kill her.

Additionally, while you don't get to preggo her it's likely that India Chad preggoes approximately 1% of the white sluts he fucks which should be around 50 girls by now given how often he cums inside white bitches.

End result:
Your white genes not only do not get passed on to a white woman because you waste time satisfying your brown fetish, but not even the brown woman will have your kids so you can't even create more american mutts which is your duty as la luz extinguido.

Meanwhile India Chad reproduces 6x times and the Indian race continues to grow, preparing itself to conduct white genocide as payback for the British Raj.

And you think you are the Chad?
hot dog skin
no one believes white women are fucking pajeets, Ranji
Nigga for money you can make any white monkey dance.

Have you ever heard of sugar daddies? Every white girl nowadays is a down low hooker. Not to mention there are like actual white whores. Specially if you go to Russia or just Eastern Europe.

Have you ever wondered why there are so many single moms with mixed babies? Oh... you actually thought it was all just coal burners like /pol/ tells you? No, my white boy, those are white baby mamas who agreed to have their sugar daddy's baby for a monthly allowance.

Or is it that you don't know how white people got to be less than 8% of the world's population? This is a brown man's world and you are just living in it.

>I use my money (parents' pajeet bucks) to get high-end sluts to 'hang out' with me

the only way shitskins get white pussy LOL. and even still, tons of scorts have a no blacks or shitskins policy.
All my bitches have only one policy and that's a no broke niggas policy. Your race is less than 8% of the entire world. How did you think that happened? That's right. It was brown cock colonizing white women.
indian girls are probably the cutest girls to me.

for me it's
It's one of the saddest larps I've seen, he had to include that the women only fuck him for his money to even make himself believe it kek
Bizarre bait
I love Indian girls just because they worship you just for being an average white guy.

Also they tend to get not much attention from the demographic they want, so there's plenty.
Nigga 100% of bitches only fuck for money. Want me to show you? Call your bitch and tell her that you broke now. Tell her you've lost everything gambling and now need her to help you pay rent.

See how fast that bitch ghosts you!
Maybe In murrica(except east coast), but certainly not the case in britain
why cant you dumb niggas just watch porn without talking about race you dumb faggot gooners, who cares if its a white woman, latina, or a nigger
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Have a nut lil bro, you've earned it after writing all that
DISGUSTING! Delete this now
>N-no- no see- getting cucked is actually... I'm powerful... I'm rich ... U are cuck....
>*Bobbles head back and forth*
>30+yo indian guy
>I can have any pussy in the world
kek pajeets are funnier than any other race without even trying
NTA but how is that cucking he send ugly indian shit to the white guy to fuck while he fucked white bitches that came for job
Ignoring the fact that both scenarios are made up for second since people on 4chan will never reproduce or fuck an actual female regardless of race.
Eh Both are creating made up stories here, i say both are faggots and should be laughed at race is irrelevant.
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Is every thread on /gif/ just a stealth raceplay thread?
Feels like it, during war it was Russian drone
Good ass tho
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it isn't stealthy at all
holy shit I need to know who she is. oh my god.
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it's this one. Shanaya
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*flickering light warning* to whom it may concern
and here's one with a watermark. Don't know where her stuff is anymore. It's very soft and if her top is off the nips are usually blurred but she is an inferno of sex so good luck.
no Indian """man""" could pleasure her
you are boring and your memes are stale.
where do i get a pejeet wife bros
>good morning sir
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Literal SEX Goddess
Cry harder. Only the first story is likely.
How many pajeetas want bwc vs how many pajeets are "I fuck white women" rich.
50:1 respectively if we're being charitable.
Hello, our beloved pajeet.
Imagine being so fucking gay, such a huge cuck, that in response to seeing someone's fake story about cucking an Indian you go
>Yes u did cuk me but see- actually it was based that I got cucked because I spent six figures on prostitutes while you cucked me! I actually forced you to cuck me!
UK, PNW, or Canada, find one that still has an accent, the fully assimilated third gen desi women are nightmares.
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If she's single, she is by definition not fully assimilated. The end point of assimilation is the creation of mixed families.
You are right that accents a cute
Put the numbers on your side. Move to, or spend time in, a metro area where British and Indian culture are merging, ie Leicester, Preston, Blackburn, Birmingham, London, Toronto, Vancouver, or Auckland. Oppose non-Indian immigration.
Avoid Pakistani women, unless you only want sexual trysts. Islam plus ubiquitous first cousin consanguinity and arranged marriage gives them a pathologically insular familial outlook. This can cause them to covet the illicit taboo of foreign men, but you are probably wasting your time on them if you have any desire for a real relationship.
Dis dude built like a lava lamp
At least try and make it sound like you've had sex before.
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So fucking gorgeous.
For money you can make any whore dance you fool. It isn't impressive if you have to pay for it.

I banged plenty of Sikh and Hindu women in college while all my Indian buddies were literal kissless virgins. I felt bad for them and tried to get them laid but women were repelled.
Kek I can imagine their seethe.
"Got to be"?

People with white skin were always a minority you retard. Go back to school and at least learn English before you move on to history, then try those arguments again and you'll begin to understand how retarded they are.
Holy cope
At least you acknowledge no woman will ever fuck and Indian without being paid lmao
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there are so many hot indian chicks in my school.
im white, and 3", do i have a chance?
LMAO he fucks like a rat XD
>im white, and 3", do i have a chance?
That's twice the size of the average penis in India. Go for it bro.
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thanks bro, i always get discouraged after watching indians fuck indians porn. kept thinking i count never compete
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The difference is visible.
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From now on, whenever someone says 'Indian goddess', I'll think about this one.
Don´t redeemmmm mam!
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Almondbabe is a Goddess. Unironically stopped me from being racist to Indians.

Converting a couple mp4s of her.
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lol, I've worked with enough indians to know that this seethe and cope is 100% real
Are there ever any muslim women threads? Need to see that hijabi fucked
Clueless. You don't know what women are like now.
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It's arranged man and she's jumping on BWC first chance she gets
Nigga I can believe that you’ve paid for sex but the whole “multi millionaire” thing is really giving it away lol.
The duality of Indians
They hate that they love the White man
>and get a fit white woman and leave the shitskin women to rot.
Like White women did to many of their own after becoming wokies, nah our new pupose is to leave a plethora of mixed bastards in our wake
Its crazy to me that people actually think of indian women as an ethnic group and fantasize about them over others
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England has been dead for a while nigger. Closing ticket.
god, this is another one I'm gonna fiend over. anyone got a name??

idk what it is, but as a lightskinned black guy it's something about dark-skinned south asian girls that makes me love pushing up against their cervii.

I love darker-skinned women in general, but I loooove dark-skinned south asian girls. tamil babes, dalit-mainlanders, sri lankans, banglas, comoriennes, you name it - we fit together fucking excellently.
a predictable outcome of their inherently racist & classist society. it's mindboggling how bad off they (men and women) tend to be mentally regarding it.
>and actually chose him because of mutual attraction
kek her parents probably got her an arranged marriage to her uncle rajeesh and failed to kill herself
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Not reading all that but I rail the fuck out of my Gujarati fiance and she begs for my white dick. She’s never even dated an Indian and jokes about how disgusted she is by them and their tiny cocks. Sorry man they just love big white cock.
Jesus Christ...
she trapped in shopping bags ;_;
>white people are 8%
Yes, why do you think rare things are coveted?
Porn isn't a realistic portrayal of life anon, most Indian girls don't look anything close to this good either.
Lmao you forgot to pretend youre not a coping tranny, your lingo gives you away you stupid delusional faggot
Most women don't look good either.
There's ugly women and there's hot women, you can specify the race but that still applies.

If you want a hot woman from any race, you need to go where that race is predominant. It's just a numbers game, if 3 out of 10 are attractive, go to the place where there's 500 instead of 5.
average bathing experience in the ganges
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Green card and American citizenship is pretty good i don't blame em. Get knocked up free child support
sauce pls it's getting dangerous for me to be this hard for this long
alan partridge if he french
She has the most punchable face I have ever seen in my life.
you find yourself upset, don't you, Gurpreet? :)
I've never seen a more perfect pair of boobs. Udder Perfection!
Sauce please
Hate that ugly ass dude so much. I don't even know what race he is
indian chicks are fucken psychos who end up clinging to you like a stalker as soon as you give them any attention
t. white guy
please tell me someone has sauce for the video
seconded. dude gets an Indian girl with a wicked ass body like that & can't finger her worth a damn.

also, he's calling himself a bull & he's built like a twink. what a joke lmao
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Where can I find one like that ? Goddamn they're perfect
No pengaliprincess posting?
she was a tiktok start, shes 17 now.
>Go to America
>White guys blasting seed into top tier Indian chicks

>Go to Britain
>Black dudes blasting seed into the top tier Indian chicks

How do poo men even deal with this?
Oh so she is not 18 in the video.. guess I have some things to delete
They rape children, animals, holes in the ground, and each other. I'm not memeing.
Thread brings back good memories. My senor year in college, had a tight little desi who used to come to my apartment to fuck 2 or three times a week for almost a year.

Found out about month 8 that she was engaged. lol still fucked regularly for another few months and then she got married and moved to London.

She let me do anything I wanted. So I did. lol That poor dude got a very, very well used wife.
Whats her name
>hook up with an indian broad as a latino
>get ghosted
Sorry dude being white just automatically boosts your smv

White women are stalkery psychos for me when I give them a crumb of attention.
Pooja wants to move on up and date a wealthy white guy. Stacy wants to move on down and fuck the handyman. All the handyman repair businesses in my town have sex pun names like Cummings Plumbing. My job gets me laid (HVAC).
>Hey you want to help me get my baths hot again?
>walked over to the water heater
>its perfectly fine
>end up banging another broad in the bathtub
>and then I get ghosted
White guys are the main characters of America and the world
Also the way white women obsess over nonwhite men is to the extent that they want to piss off or rebel or bury white men. Every stacy stalker I had chase me like I was her drug begged me to "degrade" her and this is an abomination in my culture. It is almost not worth the sex it is that offensive to besmirch the good name of lovely romance.
This is why its PEAK
It will never be this good ever again
When women want you and you dont want them they want you more and I only want a woman who is crazy for me and worships me like a KING WARLORD GORILLA DICK
I get a few white woman stalkers but they have jobs they daydream about me and text me randomly throughout the year trying to hook up with me fight with me and then string me along and then rotate me in with a bunch of other worthless goons oh but you see I am the best #1 because woman said so in heat of the moment needing the hype to get off being the woman who cares nothing about being the #1trophy wife run away.
I shudder man. I shudder to them. Pooja, only you can save us from Stacy's reign of terror.
>hot girl on the right
>heebie jeebies goosebumps on the left who is a goodie goodie
Oh man looks like youre one of those "I came into a thread I do not like and I see things I do not like how could this be happening" kind of soapbox hater.
Trina but I called her mini.
Sauce for the girl on the right?
Fucking yuck it should have been Mumbai and New Dehli instead of Hiroshima.
Huh? Hey I'm here for the WMIF, retard, it's just that specific girl has a fucking retarded face. Look at her fucking mouth when she makes that resting smug retard expression.
I'm here for crazy above average jeet girls getting colonized not Kermit the frog sucking on his underbite and puffing up his cheeks while acting like God's gift to men.
First, you take the top ten percent of any group and it's going to look a lot better than average, that's just statistics.
Second, women who are desperate for you are more attractive, it's an ego boost.

Third, what the hell do you mean they're not an ethnic group?
>Third, what the hell do you mean they're not an ethnic group?
Indian isn't an ethnic group. India is comparable in size and diversity to Europe. Since it is all largely interchangeably foreign to us, we just use Indian as a blanket term.

You're not even human.
Make her laugh and she's yours, Stuart Little
>It's chad the reason she laughs, not the other way around
Keep fucking coping, normienigger.
Anyone got the webm of the long haired guy doing the hot Indian woman?
If you remove that stupid text. This video is gold. Anyone has the sauce?
who are the 3 girls at the 40 second mark?
Always gets me fucking diamond.
Please post more assertive indian chicks if you have them.
Name of the song?
JeetCope #2
Sauce on this chick? There's no watermark
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Fuck that's a great ass
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why is literally every girl in this thread getting fucked by a white guy?
Yeh just tell them you wanna fuck. You're White. they will drop their panties
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1. Most posters here are white
2.Most Indian on Indian porn is blurry 144p flip phone footage.
3. Indians rarely date/fuck anyone other than Indian guys or white guys.
No one wants to see brown microdicks
Because Desi girls only want BWC
does she still make content and whatever happened to her anyone I havent seen these clips in fucking years
nahh man thats Johnny lever's daughter what a time to be alive kek
Another one
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demographics is destiny
mass migration into Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand is reshaping British beauty standards and sexuality
next comes the birth of a new race
Who wants to see this?
Put the focus on the women not men you fucking faggots
*crapped. It is Indians after all.
wtf lol
>India Chad
She goes by the name Luna Silver.

I need sauce on this chick>>27447038
>Luna Silver
didnt she used to post amatuer nude photos on reddit? I remember her being hairy, like unshaved under arms and legs
i might be thinking of someone else, i would have to find my old reddit account and scroll through
With her eyebrows and this sideburns of hers, being hairy is very fitting and hot.
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Does anyone have the webm/name of the girl in this picture?

Yeah she did, she also goes by 'Aaeysha' and different ways of spelling that name.
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Aaliyah Yasin/thatbritishgirl
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Speaking of sexual trysts with Paki women, I was pretty close to getting one in high school. Problem was she was a couple grade levels ahead of me.
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>Russia or just Eastern Europe.
brother you are never gonna fuck any of those, eastern european girls are extremely racist especially the young ones, they might fuck a nigger but never jeets

Name of the whore, please.
bump for sauce
>Desi Babes
>poojeet cope thread.
she is hideous you must be a pajeet
A sentiment that could be expressed about literally any point in British history after the stone age.
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White ‘Murcan here. My observations confirm some of what you’re posting. I’ve known a few white girls who got knocked up by pajeets, didn’t abort, and gave the kids up for adoption, while pajeet got the fuck out of dodge.
The Indian women I’ve worked with make it clear that they can expect to be killed, disowned at the very least, if they marry outside their race. I knew a stunning Indian girl, 11+/10, who was disowned and abandoned by her family because she was in a relationship with a white guy. A couple years later, they broke up, and she committed suicide.
What's desi about this whore?
Nothing. That's a nigger cope post.
Desperately need a name on this one. PLEASE!
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>Multi-millionaire chad
>Still has to pay for sex
Other than this pathetic admission of complete lack of confidence and desirable physical attributes, it's a bizarre fantasy Indians seem to have that they can run their way through white women (or really any non-Indian women) when white women already have reasons to be attracted to literally anybody and everybody else.

White guy? He's probably well and familiar, good at talking, and comfortable enough around other white people that he'll display his charismatic and friendly side.
Black guy? He's probably physically fit, well-endowed, and an unbreakable wellspring of confidence.
Asian guy? He's probably very smart, has his finances in order (actual, not in the framework of a coomer LARP), and at the very worst, will not be a misshapen dysgenic blob of a man so I can dress him up well.
Latino guy? All of them come across as loyal family men so at the absolute rock-bottom I don't have to worry about him being a cheating fuck.
Middle Eastern guy? More than likely a firmly spiritual or religious man, or at least has been raised well in a traditional household for a traditional framework of mind.

What is there to be gained with a pajeet? They're all malformed otter-shaped chinlets with delusions of grandeur and a completely unearned superiority complex. There's no Indian stereotype that's positive at this point beyond belonging to a country that's got a rich culture, and even then, most whites know to steer FAR clear from India proper.
cool story bro. You should get it published on indian 4chan. They'll give you many internets.
I'm pretty sure this one is Bengali, not indian
In English Indian can either mean a national of the state named India or a person from any Indian, ie south asian, ethnic group. Half of Bengal is in the state of India anyways.
>I'm pretty sure this one is Bengali, not indian
Is the equivalent of complaining about German women in a European women thread because Switzerland isn't part of the EU.
She's a paki actually
Thread is for Desi girls which includes all the Indian subcontinent, and Pakistan, and Bangladesh, and Nepal, and Bhutan, and Sri Lanka and parts of Myanmar too.
They hate fucking Indian people. Was told that from a paki chick.
Imagine this is your world view.
every pajeet filled southasia nation is india ,dont think changing state or country will make you any different still you will be ugly smelly shitskin.
hey why is poojeet can you explain why paki people are so obsessed with claiming everything from india,lol.
Are you fucking illiterate. Pakistanis are Indian. For three thousand years the Persians, and subsequently the Greeks and from them all of Europe, have called the lands east of Persia, and south of the Himalayas, Hindustan or a variant like the modern English India. The creation of a country that happens to use that as a name, IN ENGLISH ONLY, sixty years ago, but doesn't include Pakistan doesn't mean Pakistan isn't India. Much like the creation of a country called Germany one hundred and fifty years ago did not change that the British, Swiss, Dutch, Austrians, Flemish, Danes, Frisians, Swedes and Norwegians are German.
Fucking sauce now?!
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indian girl tribbed by bwc
based need more of this
lmao your retard vocabulary telling me u r porki nigger
bro just leave tribute to us , black bois are much better than shitskin and cumskin.
and she is not even indian
your tele/disc
i will send my gf pic for tribute
shes indian punjabi, i know her irl

insatiable bwc slut
This is the porn equivalent of zoomer brainrot content.
lol fertility rate in india dropped below replacement level 4 years ago. you're looking at western level fertility within a decade while being much much poorer.
Where does this kind of fetish even come from. i've worked in an university town and public transport had a lot of jeets. In a whole year i haven't even seen one doable pajeeta, never mind a hot one. Most are short and fat with no redeeming qualities
need the sauce
Anybody know her name?
you obviously live somewhere where poor people can thrive, the reason Mia Khalifa quit port is because busty beautiful desi/muslim women are easy, they just know to keep away from the literaly millions of perverts obsessed with their beauty, literally why all the pajeets hate whites with such rage and force them to hide their bodies in public
> and then everyone clapped
What a sad anon you are. I’ve seen this exact post in several threads in reply to anons sharing their stories. I imagine you’re the original incel, mom’s basement dwelling, neckbeard. A very sad anon.
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Orientalism is one of the most deeply rooted aspects of western culture, going back all the way to the Greeks. For Brits, whether in the UK, Australia or Canada, high historical and personal exposure to Indian culture, or women, can turn vague Orientalism into Indophilia.
I'm looking for a particular video with tiny Indian girl who's like rail thin taking a bwc missionary style. Video is a POV. I think she calls him daddy a bunch. I just know she was really thin and the guy had a decently sized bwc
Lets blame britbongs and leafs. I heard that desis for them are like latinas for us in terms of how much of them they get and the diversity of it all.
I don't think this thread is worth bumping anymore.
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she has the best tits and face outta any indian i ever seen
wtf? is his dick upside down? lol. why doesn't he have a frenulum?
Poo law copedex
>Are you fucking illiterate. Pakistanis are Indian
Can you read sir? Tell them that sir.
> Was told that from a paki chick.
>your retard vocabulary
>u r porki nigger
Learn English first. baka
I see it as reparations from Indian men who stole jobs, property, and prosperity from the white man.
Take my job and land in my own country? Then I'll take your daughter's, cousin's, or niece's virginity and maybe even spray a little cum in her womb.
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