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>no tik tok
I will get us started
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the rule should be post three funny ones. still waiting for at least one.
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"Joke's on you guys, this is my fetish!"
You didn't have to wait long
they did this to me in summer camp and the smell was stuck in my nostrils for days.
This is actually more depressing and dark then the original...
File: winnebago.webm (3.84 MB, 360x360)
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3.84 MB WEBM
Jack renby or something like that. A documentary called “Winnebago Man” was made about this. Highly recommend.
Fat people are disgusting
File: reebokorthenike.webm (1.29 MB, 640x360)
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1.29 MB WEBM
Imagine being such a fucking loser that your sole purpose in life is to spam brainrot all fucking day. Killing yourself would probably be an improvement to the miserable existence you must lead. What a waste of good oxygen. You are like logfag, but with more cancer.
That is worthy of waterboarding and flaying
>totally straight dudes just being bros
that's not funny at all, someone could be killed because of stupidity
I'm going to Hell for laughing at this
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658 KB
its funny how low effort this is but at the same time for some reason whats even more low effort is the inability to find a new meme. even though theres better more efficient brainrot you can use for some reason you continue to do the one where its 5 seconds of Tenacious D - Tribute. which makes no sense because all youre doing is just promoting a good song.
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688 KB GIF
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>its funny how low effort this is but at the same time for some reason whats even more low effort is the inability to find a new meme. even though theres better more efficient brainrot you can use for some reason you continue to do the one where its 5 seconds of Tenacious D - Tribute. which makes no sense because all youre doing is just promoting a good song.
its INCREDIBLY funny how the glowniggers literally trying to weaponize cringe frequently fuck up and accidentally post entertaining content.
vid rel for example
this might as well be a signed apology letter to the American people from Hilary Clinton about Benghazi.
there is no surer sign of our complete victory than this absolute travesty.
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>Imagine being such a fucking loser that your sole purpose in life is to spam brainrot all fucking day. Killing yourself would probably be an improvement to the miserable existence you must lead. What a waste of good oxygen. You are like logfag, but with more cancer.
the worst part is it's our tax dollars being spent to weaponize this cringe.
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shut up faggot
lost lmao
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What the fuck. I'd feel uncomfortable being any of the other three guys. At the cost of sounding like a massive faggot, I'd be throwing hands if they did that to me.
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sry i ment this
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it is unreal how cringe Stephen Colbert is now.

if it wasn't for /gif/, I'd have no idea how bad it was.
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3.4 MB
Must be real fucking cramped living inside a rabbit hole. Hopefully someone will toss your meds down.
I can't figure out how he kicks off his shoe and still has on his shoe.
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>if it wasn't for /gif/, I'd have no idea how bad it was.
it so weird how good his was in Colbert Report... I guess we really were all just mislead by the puppet show to see him and Jon as evil but they were an essential element of bringing clownworld into being.

Did you see that Daily Show was funny again (maybe on accident) the other night? And actually served Truth?
Marlon Waynes (who I did not know what on daily show now) interviewed the special counsel on the Fani Willis insurrection case.
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>Must be real fucking cramped living inside a rabbit hole.
you literally scurry out of tunnels
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that webm is from a simpler time...
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the characters name
is Quon
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imagine not enjoying the little jig dances the coloreds do
imagine if you were this guy, in public, and your gf watches you and laughs like a little girl, and then you catch the peer and her having sex that night
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3.3 MB
imagine if you were funny
i dont care enough about trannies to hate them
they disgust me so i dont want to even think about them
Damn. He could sue them for rape probably.
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1.08 MB WEBM
I don't know what sucks more, T-bars or fuck-wit snowboarders.
fantastic, thank you
theyre using bottles with water in those pranks if you wonder
it didnt fly off he just swings legs like that
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I really, really, really like this video.
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Is there a fucking boomer lurking here? Im pretty sure theyre the only ones who watch this fucking trash. Im fucking gen x and I dont watch this washed up political garbage comedy. Its just the narrative for leftard fogies.
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>Im fucking gen x
holy reddit keks! so hecking funney! take my golds kind stranger!
>aw shucks generic old white president was shot! quickly, someone tell trump to give out clues involving the number 17
sounds so stupid.
I can hear the DORENAH in my head the millisecond I spot the thumbnail
Pretty unfunny, but she captures the contraceptive-pill-derived craziness correctly.
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3.81 MB WEBM
>sounds so stupid.
what do you think of this one?
File: War-Disturbed-Bird.webm (635 KB, 1080x1920)
635 KB
I think watching somebody's face explode in a hang in gory chunks while his dog goes to check on him is way darker than some AI joke, but hey, different strokes.
Why did you take this from the other thread?

What’s going on here?
Is the idea that Biden was assassinated and the Mccain funeral was actually for Biden?
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Is this the girl that tried suing the university for rape?
kill yourself
you too, kill yourself
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3.8 MB
wife material
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I made a better one.
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1.4 MB
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That kettle noise at 1:00 holy kek
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1.13 MB WEBM
Loosing brain cells just watching this BUT looks like fun activity while you are drunk.
I smiled a little.
Not bad, godspeed Jerry
Yeah I know what you mean but just considering if he had held out and got help he might have had a chance to get what we saw in the edit.
Instead he had to be a drama queen lol
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3.21 MB WEBM
That towel throw got me.
How can somebody speak with such conviction about something they clearly know fuck all about? It's almost impressive.
>literal fucking whore
>wife material
get some fucking standards you pathetic virgin
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Wise dancing negroes
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2.22 MB WEBM
Fun fact. This video was never funny and if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
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Kek, the manlet menace
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For /pol/
From /gif/
With love....
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File: Yep Thats Lainey.webm (3.14 MB, 1162x636)
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Lainey reads /pol/
that's the kind of interaction I enjoy the most here: thanks anon!
That's why you learn to use those things beforehand as a snowboarder on a rookie track. Those shits aren't designed for snowboards.
It's actually hard to control since you get pulled from the side and your board constantly tries to swing off.
Why would you self-own this hard?
first one actually funny, good one anon.
fucking died here, water or piss, it's funny af
Creating shit like this should put you on death row
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1.49 MB WEBM
not all heroes wear capes
well done anon
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920 KB
i dont know why but this one caught me off guard
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3.76 MB WEBM
>skibidi even makes the jew tunnels not funny
I would have never guessed
it's like the inverted Yackity Sacks
Oh my god, it's the guy that played Waldo in The Little Rascals!
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3.81 MB WEBM
>How can somebody speak with such conviction about something they clearly know fuck all about? It's almost impressive.
my dude i have so many wonders to show you
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3.72 MB WEBM
I cannot allow the tunnels to be referenced in an unfunny manner,
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3.8 MB
we won so fucking much bros
we won so fucking much
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3.63 MB WEBM
>Is the idea that Biden was assassinated and the Mccain funeral was actually for Biden?
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3.81 MB WEBM
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>Why did you take this from the other thread?
I made it, it's newish, I tend to post my newish stuff where ever I go
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3.55 MB WEBM
>Oh my god, it's the guy that played Waldo in The Little Rascals!
you guys are so fucking old and lame lol
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867 KB
>Why would you self-own this hard?
where do you think you are?
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697 KB GIF
>Creating shit like this should put you on death row
its LITERALLY military-grade, weaponized cringe
your tax dollars paid to annoy you with it.
i hate the future so much bros
you genuinely find this funny?
the best part is when the chair unfolds and the two legs hit him right on the spine/ he has to be paralyzed.
ウケる wwww
Fuck off.
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2.64 MB WEBM
I'm done now. Enjoy my funnies.
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871 KB
NTA, but yes.
faggot shit dont click
What a fucking retard.
Still dont get it
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3.82 MB WEBM
Fucking hell these monkeys are hilarious
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It's the Laineybal chick. Sounds exactly how I imagined she would.
I miss banana posting
There was a sequel
It's weird how cis women either like trans people enough to have sex with them or hate them with more passion than any living man. I wonder what causes this.
Every woman hates trannies, they just don't tell you on your face.
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puts a nice black mirror twist on it
For me it's his stupid laugh
Just say woman man
Fligu and flart are stegoposting like 2010s timeframe
I guess Indians aren't so bad after all
Captcha: XDK G
it IS funny fuck u
File: KEK.gif (1.45 MB, 360x270)
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1.45 MB GIF
Not funny. It's
It must be nice living in a trust society where she can sleep with the window open
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I don't get why women post this shit thinking it's going to go well. Social media was a mistake.
>no tik tok
as far as I know, it's not from tiktok, but I just couldn't find the source. The content shouldn't be considered tiktok if you ask me.
it's more of a twilight zone twist
I'm at the end of Enies Lobby and now I'm wondering when this scene takes place
what kind of shithole 3rd world country do you live in?
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>It's weird how cis women
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sorry I'm demoralizing bruce glowniggers.
please allow this funny to makeup for the funny you did not receive.
>being this offended over 3 letters
Not even surgery could make you more like a woman than your behavior.
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114 KB GIF
le necro skull fuck long dick style
By god if that's the knowledge a third year comp sci student is - at least according to him - supposed to have then he must be talking about the fabled durgasoft education.
just sue your friends for rape bro, retard
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>claiming he knows what a woman is
do you dream of being cucked every night? faggot?
United States of America
>I wonder why women get pissed off that mentally ill faggots who think that putting on a skirt makes them identical creatures have been systematically inserting themselves into every facet of society to the detriment of actual women

Imagine if a bunch of retards put shoe polish on their faces, stomped into an NAACP meeting and declared they were running things now, you think maybe the biological darkies might get a bit upset?
Imagine if dad stuck around in your life
Lmao. Got his ass
thats faggot shit
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837 KB GIF
The worse part is all the people he's employing to do things for him. It would be better if they stayed at home, smoked crack, and played video games.
I didn't even know Poland had a space station.
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2.3 MB GIF
pepsi bottle, coca cola glass
I don't give a damn
That's a pretty explanation, you're pretty edgy though.

That said, people have been switching races for a long time now (MJ, Ariana Grande, Kardashians, wiggers, gyarus, Koreans and black bitches with skin creams and contacts). The reaction is nowhere as severe as the reaction to trans people.
pretty soon (((they))) are gonna claim this didnt happen. svxthy
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>porn rotted brain
File: peepeePoopoo.webm (626 KB, 400x384)
626 KB
I made this earlier today
File: jewincupboard.webm (603 KB, 360x360)
603 KB
i can fix her
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Ah fir fucks sake, Ally!
i would get a voner
this is pretty clear evidence of dead internet theory of a degree. It's post are indistinguishable from the retardation you already see. The internet more so began to boil down to strings of buzzwords as well

Rose was a tranny.
gen x fag even if youre right
no wonder boomers eat this shit up
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1.33 MB
1.33 MB WEBM
There is no thought behind this behavior. (Women and men) with low emotional intelligence are not aware that other people can think, they are so stupid they cannot imagine that you'll have any suspicion about why you would take the time to makeup, outfit, pose, record yourself crying?? so you can brag about how you destined a poor child to turn into a criminal or drug addict and the most affected person here is actually you.

She was dumb enough to burn coal with no gloves. Anyone smarter than a plankton would know she'd get burned. It was the only thing that could have happened.
Sorry bud, not everyone can be an unlovable little incel freak like you.
You just know
File: dead sponge storage.webm (1.79 MB, 484x360)
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1.79 MB WEBM
all my windows have bars and wire razor surrounds my home I live in a prison I live in a prison I live in a prison I live in a prisoprison I live in a prison I live in a prison I live in a prison I live in a pris is one of my favorite webms
How does it feel to be alone?
Whats up with the gimp hand?
Is that the ohio tiktok guy?
I kept waiting for
>I want baby!
> "Andrew, when you marry Kiki, you promise we have baby"
File: g1FNJrHT6A8.webm (3.82 MB, 512x288)
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3.82 MB WEBM
you just made my whole life
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1.14 MB WEBM
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2.4 MB
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3.65 MB WEBM
>Imagine being such a fucking loser that your sole purpose in life is to spam brainrot all fucking day. Killing yourself would probably be an improvement to the miserable existence you must lead. What a waste of good oxygen. You are like logfag, but with more cancer.
the worst part is it's our tax dollars being spent to weaponize this cringe.
Imagine being such a fucking loser that your sole purpose in life is to spam brainrot all fucking day. Killing yourself would probably be an improvement to the miserable existence you must lead. What a waste of good oxygen. You are like logfag, but with more cancer.
>>27442094 (OP)
File: CreamSecondLife2.webm (3.55 MB, 640x360)
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obviously made with AI
all gaymers must die
Where the FUCK is the version of this where the vtuber with a goo goo ga ga voice sings "Shot in the heart and you're to blame. My pussy is sideways"
mudshark is such a great word
What the fuck. The weird nostalgia I got over hating banana posting made me laugh.
man if i was a marketing geezer i would have my boss buy like a minute of ad time to have a fake live stream billy mays style advertisement and then have him fuck up like this

people wouldnt shut up about it for the next decade
who are these guys?
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Why are women so good at killing their pets?
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it was hilarious go un fog your glasses bitch
fuck you
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funny fact I invented memes
...how bad is it?
Fun fact, you're a nigger.
Thanks for posting an advertisement.
Ace Ventura Deleted Scene
These guys would be deceased.
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How does Kojimbo keep doing it?
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Lol a white guy was dumb enough to marry her and adopt the child. And she posted it for all the world to know. King of cucks.
Do you actually find this stuff funny I'm actually curious because I can't think of any other reason someone would post something like this.
You no man ANDREW!
That vacant no eye contact stair. It reminds me of hookers
Does anyone have that clip of Carl from ATHF in the elevator with Asuka and Rei, and he says "So uh what is you two lesbians or sumthin?"
SNL skit, you can spot bill hader there. :p
look at the projectory on that hit!
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>Do you actually find this stuff funny I'm actually curious because I can't think of any other reason someone would post something like this.
I gotchu f@m
it's LITERALLY military grade cringe
tax payer funded AI-powered spam designed to wage psychological warfare on the American people.
and the people doing it, are not nearly as safe as they think they are.
Looked CTIL, censorship industrial complex, Shellenbergers work. There's many 'disinformation' organizations
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>it was hilarious go un fog your glasses bitch
lol what's wrong realizing you made a terrible terrible mistake and the regime protecting you is collapsing?
nah of course not, if you had you wouldn't be continuing to do work that's a literal federal offense.
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Nick Mullen and Adam Freidland, two thirds of the podcast Cumtown. They along with Trapo Trap house and Red Scare are called the 'dirtbag left' which just means they're vaguely anti-woke but make racist jokes and say 'faggot'.
I believe Cumtown (which was the biggest podcast on patreon for years) was algorithmically kept from right leaning people, I only found them recently and its shocking how poorly known they are on this side of the aisle.
Cumtown came to an end when the third member a fat greek homosexual uncerimoniously left the show; I believe he was pressured to do so and promised algorithmic boosting if he did, which he now receives despite being objectively less funny than Nick.
They also did vidrel here: >>27459280
The current project (seemingly winding down) is called The Adam Friedland Show
please tell me who this guy is
I don't like this retard but he's trolling here
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>I don't like this retard but he's trolling here
describe what you think trolling is.
who is being trolled?
what do they think?
how are they behaving? Are the mad? Or are they concerned?
keep in mind he said vidrel LAST after 'admitting' to the 'bait' or whatever he made up to save face.
lol nasty
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Reminds me of the one with some vegetable that looked bit but nothing like cannabis. Someone did the same being all shock they sell it in market.
You're on the wrong website faggot.
Missing the flat line at the end imo, funny tho
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>Imagine if a bunch of retards put shoe polish on their faces, stomped into an NAACP meeting and declared they were running things now, you think maybe the biological darkies might get a bit upset?
you're totally right
I appreciate your perspective etc,
but sweetheart
we have rules.
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>I didn't even know Poland had a space station.
I'm not sure if you intended this or not but this was extra funny because of the 'screen door on a polish submarine' joke
When she mentions fair pay in porn she probably doesn't know women make more then men.
yeeeea for what cost tho, the things they have to do often and are done to them. Not worth it, unless you are really into it.
Event than it should stay private.
"Porn industry was mistake"
Hajao Mijazaki
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>Lightning bolt ! Lightning bolt !
>Lightning bolt ! Lightning bolt !
There is version with drummer adding beat to the rhythm of the birds flying.
Anyone ?
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sounds like NASA
you shall not die
love these big guys that think they hard fucking stab um in the neck and watch um die
What nao wyteboi?

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