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Doesn't get any better than a cute amateur girl enthusiastically wrapping her lips around one of the nicest cocks I've ever seen while batting her eyelids at the camera. She looks like an oil painting with that big fat BWC in her mouth and she definitely knows it. It's an absolute tragedy that this handsome couple are no longer making content.
I haven't found any other couples like these two and have come to the conclusion that they were that special once-in-a-generation type that we are unlikely to see again any time soon.
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Just beautiful
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Renaissance-tier art
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Effortless elegance
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Fully aware of how good she looks
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Love how casual they are here
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Not often that you see a girl look at a cock with genuine wonder and amazement in her eyes. So much hotter than the fake "shocked" pro-porn vids.
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This POV angle is amazing
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Those batting eyelashes are just the icing on the cake
So fucking good it almost looks like a 3D rendering or something.

>Those acrylic nails

She went full snowbunny for sure and found herself a bbc. Now that would be some true art to watch.
>one of the nicest cocks I've ever seen
>that big fat BWC
>this handsome couple
We're all anonymous here. You don't have to hide it and can just say you're hungry for the cock. Try being honest, for yourself if no one else.
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Don't you dare talk about my sweet Lily like that. She is the queen of BWC and has no need for anything else.
It is objectively one of the nicest cocks I've ever seen and it is a big fat BWC. Trying to claim otherwise would be dishonest.
I fucking love these two
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You have to admire her spirit
Can't add to a masterpiece like this
>no cumshots

Living her best life
she's in heaven
Look at that cock
didn't she ever take that cock in her pussy?
Anyone have the one of her sitting by the bed in a green/tan shirt and sucking dick? Similar to this one.
Any of her taking dick? Never seen her being fucked
Before her he was with a girl by the name sohpiaharttv/madisonbrowntv
They're stuff imo was better but it's impossible to find
not ballsdeep no admiration
Please tell me there's some of her taking that dick in her pussy.
Any facials?
IDGAF, that's one of the nicest cocks I've ever seen. I would choke on his cock while she choked on mine
sauce? she's hot as fuck
NTA but after they broke up he told her she couldn't use his content anymore and she immediately went all QOS to spite him. A shame, but what can you expect from the sort of person that puts this stuff on the internet?
>she immediately went all QOS to spite him

How do you know that? I haven't seen any content of that.
bit disappointing actually...she should be practicing getting her nose into those balls
90% of this thread is just one anon slowly realizing he's bisexual and it's pretty funny. Good for you anon, I agree that's a perfect cock
the guy goes by leo is and working with another girl on onlyfans.. a hotter one. its like luvandleo
this same guy has filmed with sophieharttv, lily payne, and luv3lychick. he gets around. and it seems like he dates them when filming of contact with them until he gets tired of them, and finds another whore to film content with. Can you imagine what goes through his ex's heads when he leaves them for a hotter slut? They will never find another man with a cock that big again.
Because hes a lying browncel, why do you think they spam this shit here 24/7 instead of getting bitches? Because they have none
that is the shadiest looking link I've ever seen. I pity the retard who clicks on it.
He should have given them the option to be in his harem rather than just dumping them. A king like that deserves as many girls as he wants
you have to be 18 to post here
link checker flags it as malicious. Risk your own computers health for porn if you want.
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i want lily to giggle as she ties me to the bed and lubes up my hole! i want to feel Justin's enormous mushroom head painfully forcing it's way past my anus. i want to down in ecstatic release as i am harpooned over and over again by his enormous fuckstick! i want lily to dab up the cum from my hands free orgasms all over my tummy with a kleenex and immediately say beta cum belongs in the trash as she discards the tissues! i want to be forced to deep throat Justin and suck my ass juice down to his balls after I've cum and am having post orgasmic clarity and regret! i admit it all!
I've clicked it it's fine she's got a grade A pussy on her
if you were of age you'd know how google works and you'd stop relying on bloatware to tell you what's dangerous and what isn't
then post it faggot. or is it a malware site that contains nothing?
ai-generated video, you're not fooling me gaywad
look at the fingers
Any pussy vids?
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Bunch of 13 year olds trying to work out whether a simple link is fine.

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Great, the 'everything is AI' fag is back.
His cumshots are pretty weak, would've still been nice to see her take a facial.
At least some of them probably would've been fine with that. Many women would rather share a Chad with multiple other women than settle down with someone inferior. Someone should tell the guy to give it a try, imagine if he started banging more than one whore at the same time on camera
>Many women would rather share a Chad with multiple other women than settle down with someone inferior.
>Source: My personal fantasies
It's got great thickness, but it's not huge. She's just really small. In the mirror shots you can see it's pretty proportional to his body. Doesn't even reach his belly button.

Certainly a respectable stick, but hardly what the lens and perspective are doing for it.
Cope harder micro-dick.
Whatever you say, 5'7 manlet with recedng hairline.
B...but freshandfit said it was true
Does she ever take it in the vagina on cam?
>cut dick
Damn shame he probably doesn't feel any of that tip service. Girl is cute tho
Of course it’s some ugly tattooed-up scumbag who whores out all the women he goes with…
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There's literally at least 2 videos of her getting fucked posted in the thread already.
Her solo stuff is just standard OF whore content.
Poor guy. He only get a fraction of his dick sucked. At least she's pretty to look at
Weak ass cumshot again, I guess that's a price worth paying to have a fat pornstar dick.
how long is it in cms? 16?

Over 2.5gb over Lily stuff, mostly with Justin but some solo as well.
You are a god. I would suck you.
>i made something up that cannot be measured or proven in any way
>it is YOU that is the cuck! My mind palace is impenetrable!

i'd pity you if i had the care
I'm flattered anon but a thankyou and a firm handshake will be sufficient.
looks like 20
16cm cockcel here, not even close
>that cannot be measured or proven in any way
Just observe reality
Thats a nice looking pussy and I want to fuck it
>nicest cocks
the gayest straight thread.
such cope
Really nice to see a nice normalish looking woman with nice hair and a nice enough pussy being posted for once rather than a whore covered in tattoos and piercings. Don't know why more guys aren't into just normal women
I'd really like to fuck this girl. How much $$$ do you think I'd need to put up if I/anyone wanted to fuck her? Do OF girls do that sort of thing?

I know it's very unlikely I'd have enough money but curious. A few hundred bucks? A couple of thousand? 10 thousands?
are you one of those oil-reach Sheikh arabanons from Dubai?
The fingers are perfectly normal. Stop being a sperg.
People are even selfpromoting their shitty OF pages on this board now, beyond rotten board.
No. Red blooded yank from new york
Those eyes fuck I need her
I 100% admit I want that cock in me.
mouth and ass.
ill be his beta.
Fuck dude get over it. Get a life and go outside for a change
Whats with people in porn having occult tattoos?
Where is her tattoo I can't see it
Edgelords thinking they're being edgy by doing porn and getting some shitty tattoos.
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let's be honest: the new chick looks like a beaten dog in comparison. Her body is OK, but her face is very homely, plus all the piercings and tattoos... The first girl, Lily is actually pretty
I just want to know how he got these 2 girls to fuck him. I should sub to his OF and ask for tips.
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This was the first girl.

Based bianons
why bother with the girl all u need is that aryan dick
She said she was going to burn coal, but then said those plans fell apart and it wasn't happening. She showed up with another (not black) guy a few months later.
Ah yeah forgot about her. She was unremarkable.

I don't recommend it, his OF is meh with the uggo.
As for pulling mid chicks? He looks like a typical semi-rural dipshit white guy: thin, doesn't lift, shitty tattoes, vacant expression on an unremarkable face. Big cock, but otherwise very mid. The key is literally to just talk to women and behave like a normal human. If you can't do that, then go pay for it - at least then you can pick someone good looking.
>i made something up that cannot be measured or proven in any way
Literally look outside my dude
>imagine knowing these whores names.

I bet you also have folders with specific porn stars too don't you? Go the fuck outside anon.
It really fucks me off that I could have actually saved lily if I could have been able to reach out to her she didn't have to go down this path she could have been a normal girl my girl I would have loved her
>just talk to women
what if I'm asian, skinny, ugly, and unemployed?
funny, his next filming partner is covered in shitty tattoos and piercings
> skinny, ugly, and unemployed
all easily fixable
This dude is so fucking ugly its unreal. Just blessed with an 8 incher.
8? If he's 8 then I'm at least a 9 thought he looked more like a 7
You would know if you have a 9 inch cock lmao. Have you ever tried measuring with a ruler?

To their credit, they actually do have a few videos were they measure him, including this one. I've seen another one where they measure his girth right at 6". Let's not downplay the size of a real 8x6 - dude is hung
I know it's luvandleo, but. do you have a source for the full version of this?
>one of the nicest cocks I've ever seen
>disgusting mutilated penis

Do amerifats^H^H^H^Hcuts really?


lmao cope much?
Check out luvandleo on of
It's probably weak just because he fucks so much
guessing anon's asking because he doesn't want to pay for it, you shilling fag
this guy is proof all you need is a big dick to pull hot women, he's ugly and looks like shit
This. 9/10 times it's just either about a big dick or a big wallet. Show a girl either and you're almost guaranteed go get pussy. Show a girl both and you'll be drinking from pussy 24/7.
Stop being a cheap ass fag and support content creators like lily make more great content for us
There is an incredible amount of samefag in this thread
Your right,my wife and I just had a conversation about that exact thing...she knows I can easily fuck other women, so she would rather join in on the fun instead of me doing it behind her back.
Bro watched too many redpill youtube videos
Weird how supposedly "straight" men spend all this time talking about dicks, like 100x more than straight women do

Goes to show that men really care about dick size a lot more than women
Life sure is fair
How do you show it without seeming like a creep?
That's a thick cock, guy is blessed with an 8x6
Pretty much just big dick energy anon. If you know you know and if you don't...you ain't packing big meat
he might go outside to fuck his favorite porn stars
women talking about dick makes them whores, u can wear a dress and be a faggot gay friend if u want to her women talk about dicks.
>integrity is getting girls without telling them how big ur dick is
those fuckin eye circles. severe anemia.
it's because women never have to worry about dick, so they're not obsessed about it. women experience dick from an outsider perspective, it's someone else's tool that is used to pleasure her, so if it's not performing well then it's not a real problem, she can just discard the old one and easily go find one that she likes. when you're a man your dick is part of you and if it's not good then you'll permanently carry that burden
Lily Payne
Jul 20, 2023

BBC content fell through:(
sorry for the inactivity, i ammm editing a recently recorded 3 minute sloppy bj short that i’m excited to get out ;)
I want to note since I am beginning to post with a new partner it takes a bit longer to get up but it is coming
chat with me about any questions, details about upcoming content coming soon!!

she baited to piss off her ex but no one sane likes scat porn
It's on the dude.
Bullshit, most women prefer average
Why are you lying to yourself?
Whatever helps you sleep at night
I already have a full content dump and I don't pay

cope seeth povo low iq simp
its called not being a fucking sperg my guy. I've been told I'm very handsome my whole life... I have a 7 inch dick. But stuggled wiith women because I went to an all boys high school.. and in college i was doing drugs (not party drugs). So when I got clean after graduating I had a hard time with women.. I did like on year deep dive into PUA and fixed my shit.. But in the end.. is just been confident in talking to any woman on the spot without and agenda.. then asking for their number because you "find them intriguing" Girls can forgive a mediocre penis.. just look at all the russian amateur couples on pornhub.. those guy seem to on average have smalller dicks.
So you're admitting you're a felon? Enjoy your jail time, asshole.
Did she remove her OF?
Nah it's just called having a big dick and money. How the 1% live.
She doesn't know how to give head, 0/10
You seem a little bi anon, is there something you want to tell us?

Women's attraction is more psychological than physical. Men love dick more than women unironically and will obsess over big ones. Just spend some time on a gay dating app like Grindr or Sniffies
i get what you're saying, it's not a 9 inch dick, probably not even 8 inches. looks more like 7.5 but when you consider volume from the girth, it's fucking huge, way more volume than respectable. respectable is 6.5x5.5, this dude appears to be 7.5x6.1
troll kek thread
i teased my girl for hours but when i finally showed it she's like ew that's disgusting why would u show me that
and now she's never been so nice to me in my whole life lol. anyways she knows i talk shit about degenerate bastards, so did she with me back when, we found a facebook group talking about when girls lost their virginity or something and it was so fucked too many saying 13 and shit like that
worth a bump
U wot m8
shes not ugly by any means but am I really to believe the lot of you are literally drooling over this standardly attractive woman and her mildly hung bf?

I make content and honestly the biggest difference that sets this apart from really amateur stuff seems to be the quality of the video, and the shot angles/lighting. These folks are like pretty standard attractive folks having sex in HD lets not get ahead of ourselves
bro you're perpetuating unhealty body standards/myths

"respectable" is clean and healthy, size ultimately isn't as important as you make it out to be with language like that

your "respectable" measurements would mean that 98% of men globally fall short - you're delusional lmao
98%? Most men (like ages 21+) have dicks in the 8-9 inch range it's more like 10% with dicks smaller than 6 inches would suck to be one of them kek
Get a life
>citation required
Not that guy but I'm just a shade under 8
Your dick is ugly, just get over it and get cut already
>Women's attraction is more psychological than physical
never once a woman bragged about her bf's small dick even if she likes him a lot, but women will endlessly talk about a guy's huge dick after a one night stand
>inb4 a woman can like a guy with a small dick because he does other things
exactly, lol, that's literally saying that small dicks are a negative that has to be compensated for
agreed, i'm just a 1/4" past 9"
well if this girl can make use of more than half is dick id say the ugly ones a worthy upgrade. lily is hot for nothing.
>mildly hung
oh so youre stupid
>one of the nicest cocks
>It's mutilated
> well if this girl can make use of more than half is dick id say the ugly ones a worthy upgrade
She cannot, and she's aggressively ugly - she looks even more inbred than he does.

> lily is hot for nothing.
If you think that, then you're clearly just there for the cock, which makes you a biiiiiig fag
She's got one of the prettiest faces I've seen in a while.
How old is she?
researching this thread for my thesis
Men are concerned about it because women are. Women are obsessed for big dick to an extent that incels and copers here can't fathom, I am deeply convinced that if every male on earth could walk around with their dick visible it would be a bigger factor for getting laid than height or face.

Dick is the great equalizer when it comes to male sexual competition and nothing else really comes close. It's also the one and only male body part that can have an enormous difference in volume between otherwise similarly bodied men and that is also no coincidence.

Imagine Eugene. Eugene has a penis that is 13 cm (5.1") long, with a girth of 11.5 cm (4.5"). Eugene's penis is small-ish, a bit smaller than the western average measured across western studies that have gone through meta-analyses, but not ridiculously small or a straight up micro.
Eugene's penis volume totals at 123 ml.

Imagine Brad. Brad has a penis that is 18 cm (7.1") long, with a girth of 14.5 cm (5.7"). Brad's penis is above average bordering what many people would call pretty big, but it's not massive, top-male-pornstar big. Among young and healthy men in a western country we can assume a penis as big as Brad's to be 1 in 15 or a 1 in 20 occurrence. Rare but not THAT rare.
Brad's penis volume totals at 217 ml.
A whopping 2.2x TIMES more volumetric than Eugene's. Note that I didn't have to seek extremes on either side to make this comparison and yet the difference is still ridiculous. A 2.2x difference in volume is a very very striking visual difference. There aren't any similar variations across any other body part in men. Even if you were to compare a 5'2" tiny framed man and a 6'10" basketball player with ridiculously large hands and feet, the volume difference among them is still unlikely to come out as twice as much. Whereas if you actually sought the extremes of penis size (for example's sake: 8.5"x6.5" vs 4"x4") that would be a 7X DIFFERENCE IN VOLUME.
Needs to strengthen his core. Maybe some kegels.
>women will endlessly talk about a guy's huge dick after a one night stand
those aren't women. beause that's certainly not ladylike
drug addicts will talk about the best hit they can get with their drugs too! those aren't normal people
All women talk about dick and performance.
all pharmacists talk about drugs and efficacy
I'll correct myself here because I incorrectly typed 217 ml instead of 271. I meant 271.
You don't have a very big dick do you
Based post. Ignore the trolls who will definitely attack you instead of trying to argue your points because they don't have any counter arguments and know it
yeah, so you're saying that women that like dick will go for the bigger one. how aren't they "normal people"? everyone likes something, and when it's about women liking dick, they always go for bigger until it actually hurts (which just tells how much they prefer bigger dicks that they'll stop wanting bigger only when it starts torturing her)
but all women like dick but not all women are like how u say so liking dick means something else than licking dick the way u think it means dude words
>but all women like dick
not really, some prefer other types of stimulation, and those are the women that are going to be ok with a guy that is small, because she doesn't even care about using his dick that much anyway, but it doesn't mean that she likes him being small either
>not all women are like how u say
nah, the ones that are really stimulated by dicks prefer bigger. you'll literally never see those women talking about how a small dick felt amazing

yes, you can find some women saying that the sex was good, but it's those women that are mostly stimulated by other things, so they're not saying that a small dick was good, lmao. they're talking about the other things the guy did, but any guy can do those things, and she would still 100% prefer if it was a big guy that can also do those things, just to have the big dick as a bonus
You think shes aggressively ugly. I think shes hot.
>you're clearly just there for the cock
No I'm here because of the hot girl. Who you think is ugly. So clearly you are the one here for the cock. This isn't hard to understand, but unfortunately you are a retarded faggot.
that's just not how it works and i don't care to explain it to you because it's knowledge only for me to get more pussy lol
> Thinks hideous inbred walleyed tattooed pincushion bitch is hot
> Slavering over inbred bwc
> "I'm seriously not gay. You're gay. And stupid. And mean."

lmao, ok chief
This is probably the gayest shit I've ever read in my whole life.
the whole thread is about how she is hot. you will never bang a chick nearly as hot as her, because you are retarded. and you literally cant stop thinking about the cock and bringing it up. i prefer daddy not chief bud
> the whole thread is about how she is hot
bro you're obviously confused. Lily is hot; new bitch is hideous
>ugly ones a worthy upgrade. lily is hot
>Lily is hot; new bitch is hideous
Right. Well have fun being retarded I'm going to go jerk off
> ugly ones a worthy upgrade

Lmao, enjoy having shit taste, fuckwit - its a fitting complement to your tiny cock and complete lack of rationality. Doubtless, jerking off is the most productive thing you will have done today
Keep this thread alive for another day
>wrapping her lips around one of the nicest cocks I've ever seen
gayest post I've read today
> I am deeply convinced that if every male on earth could walk around with their dick visible it would be a bigger factor for getting laid than height or face

This just confirms you’re an ugly manlet who’s coping. Unless they have a fetish, almost every woman is choosing 6’4” chad with a 5 incher over a 5’3” incel with an 8 incher.
>anons are going to steal the pussy I get if they get my knowledge
top kek, your knowledge is getting high on premium copium

the discussion is not even about getting pussy, it's about women's preferences for dick, but of course a low IQ monkey like you can't separate the topics
50+ replies without any more videos of lily payne……..
>the absolute state of these homos
and now you're one of them
That reminds me, how does dick cheese taste, Slobodov?
wash your pp amerimutt
Bold words for a Eurofag on the 4th
But if two men are 5'10 and one has 6 inches soft and one has 3 inches soft who would women pick?
Now that's one ugly ass whore with even uglier hair.

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