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I need some videos
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>g-guys I swear I'm not a pedophile, I'm just attracted to girls with preteen characteristics

To the wood chipper with you
>sees non obese women

GO back to your SSBBW treads nigger
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good thread, keep it going
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Anyone has this video?

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She may be too big.
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>webm is titled tiny_pixiee
>google first result is her chaturbate

bare minimum u retard
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Stupid nigger, i tried but i can't find this exact video
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why are you body shaming petite women? not everyone's a landwhale with saggy tits.
you're retarded
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You misread the brief, chief.
neeed to see her face, where can I find her? searching xjuliet brings too many results.
Quads wasted.
kek, studies have found that literally every normal heterosexual male finds women the most attractive in their mid to late teens.
Acting on it with a real girl makes you a pedophile. Finding young women attractive is literally the most normal thing in the world.
Yeah, guys, you can't be attracted to beautiful women with small breasts, wtf!
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holy christ who is this?
small tits need love too
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Wife was pleasing herself, couldn't pass the chance to record on our security cams
>no I need to see a dick, how can I jack off if there is no dick
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When it bleeds, it breeds. It's nature's way

Besides that, a beeellion anti-small hat, Green Book reading people can't be all wrong, right?
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>>g-guys I swear I'm not a pedophile, I'm just attracted to girls with preteen characteristics
>To the wood chipper with you
Webm related
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nice and slender tho. i'll allow it.
this sounds vaguely familiar from my reddit days. check some reddit archives.
Pretty safe to say this girl is set for life with a body like that.
Holy shit she's perfect. Sauce?
Shes probably pleasing her self to the thought of 10 inches of thick black meat drilling into her pussy rather than a typical white micro dicklet that has to secretly record his wife against her will and without her consent just to get anywhere near her pussy
Sauce please
Is this gay or pedophilia?
>adult women who happen to have small tits
it's neither bro.
god you faggots are so fucking bad at this
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I need sauce pls
She looks like my ex.
If she's Australian in her early 20s, she may be
Read the filename you fucking retard
How the hell can I fap to this if she keeps her delicious small tits covered.
I think this is her instagram: imginn . com/xsweetjuliet/
but she doesn't show her face
If any of these women make you think about little girls you are a pedophile.
If she's already menstruating it is not pedophilia.
>you're a pedophile!
Petite women with tight bodies make me fucking hard. If your're insecure about that, that's your problem faggot.
What was her name again?

Bet a negro can't use the internet.

Name please?
we need more vids
Holy shit who
Sauce me up brothers
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well here's one where you can see them a tiny bit better
Damn she is fine, does anyone know who she is?
projections the post, nice quads tho, retard.
Can you only tell her age by her tits?
Humbly begging for sauce
asuka langley sohryu

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I don't have a sauce on her but hope someone else does.
I'm amazed no one has dropped a sauce on this yet
PLEASE! I'm searching for two videos! One is with some bitch getting railed in the front seat of the car and squirting all over a BBC. The other is also in a car with some emo/alt whore with a septum piercing getting railed by some white dick! Both has small delicious tits! I need it in my life, now!
just say that you're gay and move on
Based b8
Amazing cum gutters!

Sauce pls
I do understand why japan is dying out.
she's a famous American pornstar
sauce? I see this one posted all the time
Leana Lovings. This was probably 5 years ago. She's literally over 200 pounds now.
Yeah cause we live in a pedo culture where teens are paraded around as sex objects and people count until they are of age. As long as we socially reproduce the idea youth is attractive any observational study will find people internalize that. It doesn’t mean it’s right/natural/good/normal in a broader context
sauce please
what a cutie, who is this?
Have sex
You WILL be attracted to 90 year old grannies exclusively or else you’re a pedo öÖö
>and people count until they are of age
as opposed to what? why is it an issue to wait?
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That's a chink you dumbass
>Yeah cause we live in a pedo culture
No we don’t. Stop making up retarded lies.
Bro I don't care if the girls 18, or 45. If she has small perky tits, and her skin is nice and tight, I'll fuck her.
>As long as we socially reproduce the idea youth is attractive
You do know there is a biological reason behind this, right? It's not something society made up.
College is 50% fat girl propaganda.
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that face that deserves some better tits, disappointing
Other way around those tits deserve a better face truetmv2
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Sauce on this webm please? Mari Avila?
Fuck that. I want sauce
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This is why you do deadlifts
Terrible form.
Tell me you don't even lift without telling me
It doesn't even show form. It shows just point a and b of the lift.
Wasted digits.
If only you understood how many women are depressed that they have no tits who then find that there are groups of men who have a preference for their body type and find happiness.
I must know the source for this one. Fuck she is cute!!
90% of these look like children
Please get better taste
Imagine being this butthurt over being a landwhale but then just shitposting about it instead of getting in shape. Fast people should be exterminated.
Funny, usually when people confuse biology with society it's the other way around
Sause for a friend
fuck off newfag, this is 4chan
When was this filmed. Paris these days is full of raping negroes. If not AI this would be very very dangerous behavior...
I really can't understand big ass, wide hips mania. Women look like bottles with this form.
Which means?
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Google it.
Damn my dick just went limp.
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Archived.moe isn't updating this thread in real time.
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This guy is fucking Belial from Basket Case.
IT'S MA'AM!!!!!
she's really ugly just accept this is as good as it gets
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I really, really hate how the IBTC is slowly dying out as more and more chicks are groomed into botching their DFCs by getting awful boobjobs.
byakkomoriko on redDit, its also the file name
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She is probably korean or chinese, but sure bro
That is not flat, that is fat.
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With sound please?
this. my masseuse is a 5'3 45 year old White lady with very petite features. phenomenal.
Teens are sex objects they're literally biologically made to be fucked why do you think boys are so horny.
Someone really likes red heads in this thread and I don't blame them
cute af
search up miaaarcher on google
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vanessablonde, probably
What's this song/trend? I've seen another video with the same naked dance/song.
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Sauce on this? Filename look like a completely different girl.
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10/10 would pound that tight pussy morning and night until she skips her period
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>g-guys I swear I'm not a pedophile
It's more the case that I like what I like and I give zero fucks what retards like you think about it.
Does this mean you love 11-year-old girls?
Bettythedoll or ImportantArtist69
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this would be hot but it's kinda obvious she's just randomly clicking buttons and not actually playing anything
>fucks a sink corner
what a little hoo-wa lmao
please kill yourself you r*dditnigger
Who is this?
I like very adult women with petite bodies, they don't even have to be young (I'm in my 40's, so to me 30 is young)
>studies have found that literally every normal heterosexual male finds women the most attractive in their mid to late teens
I believe those studies have shown face attraction peaks at around 17, and that this is across cultures. However please remember this might be what a 20yr old woman looked like historically. For whatever reason (modern nutrition, hormones in the water) girls are going through puberty a lot younger. In the 19th century it wasn't unknown for women to get their first period at 17 or 18 years of age. SO, what we see when we look at a 17yr old girl today, who has been on her period for 3 or 4 years already, who has developed the fat deposits and musculature in the places that make her look attractive to us, may be more typical of a 20yr old woman historically.

The attraction to 17 - 20 year olds has been shown to be pretty universal, across cultures. It can't just be be attributed to social conditioning

>If she's already menstruating it is not pedophilia
Yes and no. For some reproduction strategies that are built into our DNA (like, for when living in poverty, violent societies, low life expectancy) we got started as soon as we could, women picked the safest, best mate with the most resources for the offspring.
However in more complex, safe, prosperous societies it is not a good strategy for females (or males). She should use her teens to develop more skills, social networks, understanding men. This gives her reproduction a better chance.
The revulsion of at large age gaps and suppression of the former breeding strategy is natural and normal among humans.
Both strategies (and who knows how many other strategies, for males and females that exist) have their place in different circumstances, but are inappropriate in other circumstances.
how is that pussy so rekt
Pity the fool that
And point a is terrible. Not a deadlift and not a rdl either. Shitty form that is 90% lower back instead of legs. Not that there's any surprise that /gif/ users are DYELs.
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Wasted quads
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Sauce pls
I've had sex IRL but only with busty/chubby women. I never got to experience a thin, itty bitty titty girl.
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is this addie addison? if not then sauce please.
SisLovesMe would be so fucking good if the guy learned to shut the fuck up.
what she did to her tits and face is a disgrace
Thanks for making the good ones easy to find
kill yourself
fuck all there sadly
If they can make a healthy baby it is normal to be attracted to them. It is abnormal to be attracted to women who are too old to make a healthy baby.
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sauce pls
Who is she?

Thank you for your service! Saw a girl much like this at the gym last night and was looking for this sort of thing.
for the love of all that is holy please post source
lol i feel stupid for it being the thing my eyes were drawn to too. She's lightly dragging her finger across the face buttons. You ain't playing shit, girl.
just say you're gay
That's Wiinierox
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you have obviously never seen a woman in her early 20s naked because this is what they look like. they look like girls i fucked when i was at uni

Thanks for the LARP at the end there, friend.
>Thanks for the LARP at the end there, friend.
>N-No way anyone has ever had s-sex with a girl before!
NTA, but dude... You gotta love how people here will call all women whores out of one side of their mouth, then suddenly develop amnesia and insist no one here has ever fucked, because there are no girls out there to fuck, even whores.
And in college, FFS, where women specialize in four things: Monopolizing scholarships; getting useless degrees; getting blackout drunk; and whoring it up and down the quad, before they have to join the real world and look respectable... and a lot of them are skipping that last part.

tl/dr: Either you're a touchless virgin who refuses to believe people fuck, or you're already aware of everything I just said. Either way, maybe stop embarrassing yourself.

We believe you've had sex, friend. *wink*
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30 KB
Ahem. Again, NTA.
Reddit scum
>Reddit scum
rofl, nah, but I think I've found the real larper, here.
I don't LARP, though, so... so long. Stay pathetic, I guess.
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>I swear I'm not a pedophile
speak for yourself
>If demi lovato got addicted to coke instead of heroin
>may be more typical of a 20yr old woman historically.
are americans really this delusional? You people really are pushing the whole 21+ thing so hard nowadays
Fuck that's funny.
Underrated comment right here boys.
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3.56 MB GIF
i guess i could virtue signal while potentially fooling the feds watching me into believing that i am not a pedo or something, instead ill simply say that you are right. Furthermore, the beauty of a female is in its prime before the age of 18.
so many dudes in porn never learn the lesson of shut up and let your dick do the talking, they think we're here to watch them do standup or something
More, she gets me going

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