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sauce ??
They can't eat pork but she's got some hanging spam
does this kind of asshole have a name? for instance with pussies there are innies, horse pussies etc
That is a normal asshole, anon. Muslims don't have special assholes, except for the men who seem to be able to take more dick than any other ass
Cute. What were the penalties for having that fun?
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Do you guys know any discord or telegram chanels with hijab content?
I know there are many indo and malasian ones but very few arabian ones. Well at least when you try to google/yandex it.
Most of them just are preview channels for vip channels.
link the malay and indo ones chad
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not that common lol I am referring to that type of asshole with wheel spokes/sunburst shape. LIsa Ann has a similar butthole, hers is more loose tho lol
A balloon knot asshole, aka perfection. Easily the best feature to look for in a woman.
Anyone have the Yemeni flag one?
You fags actually think half of these are actual hijabis and Muslims?

More like larping Puerto Ricans looking for those pornobucks.
The real Muslim stuff is usually low quality phone footage in a bedroom taken quickly. You think they're fucking about in a country where they'd get beheaded for this shit?
They're usually ex muslims in western countries. >>27449559 used to be muslim, from Bangladesh
Cute soles. Got any more?
Jesus, why do muslim women only want BWC?
Based and asshole-pilled. This is literally my number one feature im looking for. Middle easterners and asians most of times have the best assholes.
stop pretending like its still 2013 you seething sandcel
you know why...
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> LIsa Ann has a similar butthole
who tf is lisa ann?
Disgusting circumcised dicks! Only an idiot cuts %50 of their skin off and the better half!!!! You have been fooled
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Was in Iran back in 2006 for work. Don't ask, won't tell you.

One thing nobody tells dumb Americans is that women in the most repressive fucking countries will go absolutely fucking nuts for the halal fruit.

I spent a good four weeks there and I shit you not after the first three days I had women who were DTF every single night.

Some were married, some were single. But without fail every single one, once I worked out the coded language, was ready to get naked so long as there was an exit strategy in place.

I'm pretty sure there's at least five half-white kids in Iran with blue eyes that look like me RN.
How is Iranian pussy? Must have been pretty memorable if you risked it over half a dozen times
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What's this coded language, then?
there was a somali girl at the warehouse i used to work at who sold handjobs in the parking lot.
https://spankbang com/8c30j/video/good%20wife
It’s called bullshit
salsa? more? anything?
You mean "haram"?
I'm also sticc and prefer thicc.
he's got a good-looking hand, which elevates this
A Muslim poen star
the best thing americans did when they colonized Arab countries was getting their woman to become thicker, only Allah knows what a chubby Arabian girl does to a white man's cock
Cope goatfucker your women are absolute whores especially for western cock
Persian women really do love BWC so much it's unreal
helps last longer and fuck harder, enjoy ur sensitive little clitty
bc you are on /gif/. one of the most insecure part of this website. if i could find that indian man thread,the screeching from bwc bros was hillarious

Actually false - lack of nerve endings means you enjoy it less (not that you know what you're missing, to be fair) and have less control
why would u have less control if u are less sensitive
it's oversensitive sissies that lose out
Muslims do not have tattoos.
we must seek the balance. hence muslim women
Could that not be Mehndi/Henna?
You know why,
And every muslim women that immigrate to the west, are brainwashed to death into thinking marrying a none muslim is bad, or/and really fucking want a white cock so badly but who knows that her family will do to her if they find out(muslims can really be wild)
cute butthole and soles
>why do muslim women only want BWC?
Mena women not Muslim Women
Please don't be one of those muh dick fags
MENA women are not Muslim now? wtf?
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I think it's apart of their religion
>poojets and latinas, but with a scarf
because islam is communism
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Good lord, I hate anal but with that type of asshole I would cum in a heartbeat
Not sure this is broadly true but there used to be this cute Muslim intern at our office and I’m Jewish so I was sure she’d hate me but I’m blonde and tall and look more Russian than Jewish and she legit followed me around like a puppy dog the whole time she was there
We ended up fucking in the office a few times. First time after a big happy hour the business hosted.
She had this picture of herself with Linda Sarsour so I figured her for a psycho but she was always very nice to me
anyone have that webm with a curly haired girl wearing a long sleeved black shirt doing cowgirl on a couch
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That's just the high carb diet from goyslop.
TFW no secret muslima GF to colonize.
>once I worked out the coded language, was ready to get naked so long as there was an exit strategy in place.

What's happening my white blue-eyed brother in arms? There is younger muslim married couple that moved in the apartment across the hall from me a few months ago. The wife seems like she can't stand the husband, and she gives me a lingering eye if we cross paths in the hallway.

How would you verbally handle this situation the next time I cross paths with her?
I really wish this genre was renamed to Arab Porn. Because for me it's the MENA ethnicity I like, I don't care at all for their religious beliefs or lack of.
Because Persians are white - or used to be.
Hijabi girls have the best feet.
>MENA women are not Muslim now?
Mena is a Race....
Muslim is a Religion.....
Do i Really need to explain this?
Ok You can Find Muslim Who are Asian or White....
Is that Clear?
Like Kazakhstanis or Bosniaks
>Mena is a Race....
>Muslim is a Religion.....
And what religion do most MENA women belong to, retard?
i'm constantly trying to buy feet pics from hijabi girls, the money is worth it
explain how to get em in bed
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be white
Cope harder faggot white genocide faggot will fuck the shit out of your faggot white whores and guess you still gonna keep yapping about in on 4chan and you will do nothing no wonder your whores are turning to islam
lmao deal with the pajeets first
I love big cocks no matter the color because they feel relatable
thta's a nigreees in hijab
Yes that's America's fault, but Arab women on goyslop diet look so much better than White women
literally everyone wants that bro
>TFW live in shithole London, but too incel to get muslima pussy.
Mate, EVERYWHERE uses "Coded language" for example "Would you like to come to my place for a coffee", we ALL know what that means, just like "netflix and chill" you just need to read between the lines.
They're not supposed to watch porn, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, smoke weed, do coke, eat pig products, or fuck before marriage, yet 99% of muslims do at least one of those things.

Entire faith is a fucking joke, half of them have figured it out already, but don't want to get ostracised by the community, so they pretend like they still believe, and do shit like that on the sly, thinking nobody else knows.

If they'd have the balls to quit the whole fucking thing, I guarantee half the people they knew would join them anyway, and they'd be much happier.
You know any good ones? Need some recommendations.
>Literally lives in the perfect area to get some hijabi pussy
>decides not to get any.
You deserve to be an incel.
None of that is MY 'decision', fucker.
>I can't get pussy because... JUST BECAUSE OK!
Faggots like you deserve to die alone.
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This Persian girl is educated and westernized and doesn't wear that archaic nonsense.
Damn, you sound hurt habibi! Kek
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I like my muslimahs with some COCK as well.
Yes I want bwc too
I have seen these toes elsewhere. to confirm my heartbreak send more of those soles please
sandcel meltdown
are you so angry because you can hear your muslim sister getting fucked by her white boyfriend in her room again?
"I feel my car is better because it is less enjoyable to drive"

Did they cut some of your brain away too?
imagine wondering why everyone can tell that you're a tranny while you also unironically use the word "clitty"
sauce pleas
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Muslimahs want only one thing and it's beautiful: a husband who doesn't have the same grandfather she does

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