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People getting hurt/dying in riots. Bonus points for cops in full riot armor getting rekt.
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Hmm... Women...
Your Hellenic ancestors would be ashamed of your lack in discipline.
Skateboard guy almost got hemmed up. As soon as fire is involved, it's time to leave.
How do I apply for this job?
You want that job? Trump had ex mil black vanning protestors to freak them out
I miss it so much
these women are being put into positions of combat, but at 0:15 you can see instinctual roles kick in for the man and the chick.
>Hurt Officers
No. Have some fucking respect for the law, 4chan incel nerd.
>How to apply?
Based, I want it too.
as you can clearly see, it's a very good thing that there were not at least two more cocktails hurled at these brave security forces, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to easily put out their partners
this is a violence thread dumb nigger. If you want to see rioters hurt then post it yourself
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Keep in mind, at this point nobody knew why no one started shooting police stations. The police cars near them were trashed every week during a night but no gun was used against the buildings and the population only needed a reason to do so.
So this is what a shill is.
No, the people who pay the shills have no time for the lives of the meatshield. They exist to die for them, spending one cent to save one is pointless.
No one tried to shoot them with firearms because french cops are allowed to fire indiscriminately into the crowd if they receive shots.
Yeah, in the so-called human rights country.
Where is this?
Chile 2019
how do you think the cops should respond to being shot at?
Watching the Russians beat the shit out of pro-faggot and leftoid feminist protestors was the funniest shit in the world and I hope we can get some of that back soon. I want to see white liberals beg for their knives as they are blinded one at a time and hanged from streetlamps. I want to see their shitskin janissaries herded into pits and buried alive. Tortures too exquisite to be put to words. They will confess, before we kill them. They will confess, and their confessions will implicate their families and their friends, who will then receive the same treatment. They will sing songs of our cruelties for millennia. The stack of human skulls will be visible from space. We will sanction other nations unless they declare TOTAL SHITLIB DEATH day a national holiday. Everyone is required to celebrate. We will keep their children alive in cages, and breed them like animals so that we can continue torturing and executing them indefinitely. Slitting a captive leftoid's throat will take the place of signing a signature on official documents. Every time you would "sign here," you will instead have to go to a State Notary, and kill a leftist with a ritual knife in order for it to count. (This is also what we will do with criminals--same thing.)

Do you know those big, hinged blades they use for cutting stacks of paper? I cannot for the life of me remember what they are called and I can't find a .gif of one but imagine one of those. Those are what we will use. Big ones, bolted to tables.
>beg for their knives
HA. I mean they will be begging for the knife by the time it's done but I meant lives.
this is actual mental illness.
>light open-handed slap
Makes me lol every time.
Anyone got the one of the cop getting shot by the cartel with an automatic over a truck? The cop after getting shot goes "OH SHIT!! AHHH!!!"
Speedy J - Pullover
Classic track...
Literally just search it on YouTube; it's on a channel called PoliceActivity. In fact, the fact that you asked for a clip like it's not something you can just fucking search up is hilarious.
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i wish i could join a riot or view some looting like in the blm riots just for fun but my country is sadly politically stable and every protest here is lame
Anyone have a longer version of this?
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Until then, have this.
Where is this?
ah yes the so called "Estallido Social" fuck chilean rioter niggers only riot to do some damage not for the sake of their "cause", well congratu-fucking-lation, now crime on Chile is way fucking worse than it was back then
see >>27456456
The French are actually extremely hard when it's about riot control. You have to remember that's the country that endured the French revolution and Bastille.
I know it's on Police Activity. There's countless videos on there. There's not search terms I can choose that shows it.

Either post the link, the video or shut up.
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Go be a newfag somewhere else. If it's not an immediately easy google/youtube search like "Christchurch shooting" then shut the fuck up.

I got you, anon
>fucking respect for the law
>implying officers ARE the law
god damn boot gagger I hope you come across a dirty cop but you'll probably proceed to sucking its cock
Found the retarded new recruit/bootlicker
You know that twink was so turned on he railed himself with his dildo thinking about these guys.
Yeah that was my favorite riot. Remember all those people rioting in that video? So much riot going on
Can you imagine being in this dudes shoes, to see this absolute fucking unit running at you would probably make you shit yourself lol
Shoot at the shooter, not randomly at everyone around.
he fucked around too much
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I'll apply today. If not, I'll make my own private Counter Riot company.
Greek, Frank, Roman, Scottish, doesn't matter... We are western men. And as western men, we can all agree that was a shit phalanx.
This reminds me of that one meme
>98lbs Female, PLA Soldier: My martial arts skills will help me prevail in hand to hand combat.
>6'2" 230lbs, US Marine frome Kansas with a room temp IQ:
Have you ever been in a gunfight? I have.
Unless you directly see the person shooting at you, its gonna take some time to figure out where the hell it's coming from.
Once shots are fired, the gloves are off. If I was those officers, I would do everything possible to ensure I go home alive that night.
> that guy with a bat

why do people want to get imprisoned for life for petty war games ?
Proof he was imprisoned for life?
at that point you realize you have to workout to not get fucked over by someone like that, running and parkour so they'll gas out before you do.
The law is either the dictation of a tyrant or the amalgamation of the (retarded) general opinion. No thanks
why do anarchoniggers beat off to vids of riot cops getting hurt? are they really unaware that their performative chimpouts are allowed by the system? why do you think marx and lenin are part of mainstream study programs but not evola or hitler?
Marx and Lenin are not praised in most academic spaces jfl. I've never met a single Historian or Professor that thinks communism is something that works and should be strived toward. I can tell you never actually spent time around actual academics.
>When keeping it real
>goes wrong!
i'm a university graduate so i know that communist indoctrination isn't the objective of mainstream educative institutions you mongoloid. my point is that left wing radicalization is allowed by the system, and you are even allowed some performative rock throwing at riot cops, so you can remain under the 'revolution is right around the corner comrade!' soma while the retards in power slowly make your life worse and replace your neighbors with pajeets and niggers
maybe you just went to a shitty university. Where I graduated from nobody did shit like that and you would be socially shunned if you tried to.
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Some worker protest in El Salvador in the 90s. It was on a Banned From Television video.
I'm still surprised after the 2020 riots many believed it was police or whoever leaving out pallets of bricks.
Seems if they wanted real chaos they would leave guns around, but some never think about that or even think that would be too far for police, even while claiming police have an endless supply of guns and plant them on suspects all the time.
hey atomwaffen or o9a or whatever kind of faggot you are, you and all your accelerationist friends are massive faggots. suck my dick as an insight role
he certainly was willing to, considering he could have killed the guy and that the penalty for killing a person in a situation like this (attacking from behind, no reason, no means of defense) could lead you to life imprisonment.
Anon's question is why would someone do this? Every political movement in this day and age is 100% manufactured anyway, so it's not like any of these guys are free thinkers.
Get shot subhuman spic
>Yeah, in the so-called human rights country.
They literally got molatoved and did nothing about it you seething pussy.
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this not strictly relevant to the thread, but I will never pass up an opportunity to post this
you literally just answered your own question... obviously hes brainwashed, and this is ultimate tragic result of not seeking the real truth and trusting entities other than God the father to guide you... youll eventually throw your life away for nothing while causing destruction in the process
He sounds just as I'd imagine a cartoon Mexican would sound
Cops are trash.
The second you get sworn into the bacon brigade you're hostis humani generis.
Don't try and deal with far left rioters. Just shoot to kill. They're not people.
lol "instinctual roles" what are those please? While you are on fire, go to others for help? That's a female instinct? You might be retarded, get checked out.
Good. Drive these fascist pieces of shit back to hell and win back your freedom.
>jingoist fights a fascist
Goyim attacking Goyim while the cops and government take away your individual freedoms. Because you won't wear a mask. Because they said so. It's on the TV. The TV said so.

The masons won, and no one realized it.
No cop will protect you.
No Government cares about the law.
No Soldier is a hero.
>only decent take in the last few months
it's over anon, the whole site has already been taking over
put the whore back in the car all she's good for is getting fucked anyways
we need more death
hope he killed their children one by one
speak English retard
beautiful post anon cops only destroy people's lives & when you actually need help your only every alone.
Lmfao based
They exist solely as tax collectors and enforcers of corporate and state power.
Go back to licking boots faggot
big because true
Molotovs , an officers best friend
sad part is i used to care but the invasive force of dirty rat pig spying losers never let up now I rejoice watching these rats die I hope he went and found that pigs family and killed them too
the one man worth more then all the sellout rats combined pays the price for standing up
He must've got a whiff of fentanyl.
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What AI prompts did you use?
Were those rubber bullets tearing his flesh or is he dying there on the streets from led buck shots.
His reaction is confusing.
I disagree tho my disagreement makes little difference.
The systems in place are broken not well maintained BUT there is lot of good people in them doing their best to server, for their believes... you know this to be true and i am sure you met some of those individual in your life.

No cop will protect you. There are those kinds that will lay their life for you

No Government cares about the law. Not sure about that either.

No Soldier is a hero. They re heroes saving and protecting their buddies in arms, in situations they most likely did not wanted to be in, situations they were pushed in.

I disagree tho you are basically right it's not that bleak there are good people, heroes in the system.
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damn son
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Have a nice dirt nap, piggy!
Based and truth pilled
>God is good
You must be at least 18+ to post here anon
Go back to your bbc threads.
not fully .
75/25 %
t. BLM loving criminal

your attitude is cringe as fuck and juvenile. If you are over the age of 18 and still think like this you are a failure.
you wouldn't do shit you faggot.
The West has no balls whatsoever when it comes to this kind of behavior. Maybe if they got ground under the treads of tanks once or twice like the Soviets did in Hungary or the Chinese they'd learn.
lol your faggot ass wouldn't do anything you dumb cunt.
I'm not a cop retard. I just don't suck up to scumbag criminal.
actual schizophrenia jfl
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This one is a good one, one of my favorites personally.
Does anyone have the whole Kyle Rittenhouse vid(s)? I can't find it on youtube anymore
JFL = Just Fucking Loling
JFL isn't Nigger speech. I only see white incels using it.
both of you are definitely indians from manipur
They all spring like Alex Jones on the crosswalk chasing someone.
I'm (insert whatever demographic you don't like atm)
you're just outing yourself, embarrassing.
outing myself to what? Not taking 4chan threads seriously?
Successfully stabbing to death a cop is indeed a hard achievement.
No you won't. Not OP just a guy that knows a bitch when he sees one.
Even outnumbered 100 to 1, man wins against a woman.
I am surprised he did relatively well against those numbers. Would have probably fared much worse had the mob actually squeezed in on him.
some retard gets his shit blown out and he is some sort of hero to you?

retards gonna retard.
it looked like some tiny pebble hit him on his head which is protected by a helmet, why the hell did he insta faint?
Pebble contained nerve gas
that's why you carry a pocket knife at all times, bigger guys always think they have the inherent advantage in a fight until they start bleeding out
he starts fighting one of the guys that saved him lol
Y'know, I never would have seen anything if that red circle wasn't there.
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Part 2
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mmmm.... bacon...
police are just retards with weapons that are told (and treated like) they're special, because they've dedicated their careers to deepthroating boot and enforcing the laws made by pedophilic, greedy monsters. The only people worse than police are retards like you, who lick the boots of the bootlickers.
insane to me how this is presented as a good thing, and some of you retards actually gobble the bait and agree with it.
don't be a bootlicker in the first place and people won't shoot at you
I support trannies so long as it's men invading women's spaces.
Tear gas meet Nerve gas
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>Trump will annex Canada
>I am press
should have blasted that fucking jew a few more times
That's a sick float.
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Not that difficult if they don't view the person as a threat. They absolutely are trained to not let a potential threat close the gap.

The correct way to handle a guy with a gun is to charge him, especially if you have a knife.
>"Just a little girl bro" "You hit UP man"
If a "little girl" hits someone they should fully expect to get hit back
what's ctil?
k, noted troon
>anti disinformation
That's all you had to say lol.
I'll watch the videos though, thanks.
What? I was saying anti-disinfo is enough to know that it's a glowie operation. You might need some anger management.
Death to America thoughever.
Fucking dumb cunt retards, it's clearly a bait post and you stupid faggots bit it entirely.
You say bootlickers are cringe, but you reply to 10IQ bait without a second thought. No wonder niggers have the upperhand in society.
He means her crying and him putting his arm around her dingus.
Is he being shot?
No, he just got shot with the equivalent of a paintball and that pain is enough to send him to the ground.
Tear gas canister to the nuts. They weigh about 250 grams, which is A LOT to take to the nuggets.
Why waste valuable spray? It did it's job.
It's hilarious how right wingers hate the nigger rioters, yet also hate the cops who are there to stop the nigger rioters. And then claim storming the capital wasn't rioting, that was fighting for justice and muh freedoms.. Completely different thing.
>who are there to stop the nigger rioters
Wrong. They didn't stop shit in 2020. Cops exist to protect kikes and their nigger pets.
Kek deserved
Somebody has their tin-foil hat on too tight.
>fascist pieces of shit
>meanwhile there is a protest like this every other sunday in France like it's a normal thing
These are probably some of the most free people in the world. Do that shit elsewhere and you're dead.
That's not true. The most they have fired at crowds is tear gas and rubber balls. Never live ammo.
Damn bro you're so cool and subversive. Go and live in Africa where there's virtually no law enforcement and tell us how it is.

You have the one where rioters were chasing a kid as he tried to flee to police, but they got him off his feet and he had to defend himself with a rifle?

get some baby
bit of a vague description, no idea what you're talking about, sounds fake.
Well we found the nigger although he probably had a tranny write this since niggers can't read or write.
I think I got a bit of a woody watching that.
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Here's some based cops wrecking some nigger scum kek
SOOO satisfying. Spook got what he deserved
You sound black and jewish
Why can't we see this happen to senators
>Undercover police
Kek I see the lights on the fucking van
Probably a bullet. Even kevlar, while likely stopping the bullet, ain't gonna stop a concussion.
Rittenhouse is a kike sellout faggot, I hope he has to look over his fucking shoulder for the rest of the life.
Yeah riot police are just there to stand around and get molotov cocktails thrown at them. All that footage of them beating people with clubs and sicing K9s on them is just AI
>All that footage of them beating people with clubs and sicing K9s on them is just AI
Please show examples of them doing that during the BLM riots. The only examples I saw was when pantyfa was going after federal buildings. The cops never defended actual citizens property or businesses.
Oh you want footage of cops beating the shit out of rioters but ONLY from the George Floyd riots. Because we all know the George Floyd riots were the most perfect example of brutal savagery or any riot ever.. lord help us, they burned down Autozone! They looted Target! Lord Jesus help us what are we going to do without our auto zone and tarjet!?!? How ever will those great corporate entities survive with their insurance providers to pay for their damages and losses, and we without our spark plugs and diapers?! Waaah those satanic evil burn loot murderers! and it's all the Jews fault fer lettin em do it! Waaah :sobbing emoji:
Ah, so you acknowledge that cops will stand down and do fuck all while niggers chimp and only start busting heads when people start turning against pissrael. Say no more.
>nigger vibrating on the ground while getting ventilated
Arent you far from reddit today
Now this is the good stuff
Yes cops only exist to protect niggers and faggots and kikes.. that's why are they are all equipped with their nigger faggot kike detector devices to know when and when not to serve and protect
YWNBAW go back
Fuck off ivan, now is not the time
That is fucked up
He's being groomed to be the next President.
You'll see the 2028 Election of AOC versus Kyle R.
Communists deserve to be executed on sight. Fuck fags and fuck commies.
hope they made him die slow.. anyone who kills a cop should die and we should kill their entire family.. one way to get rid of all this filth
Kill him and all his family.. we need to root out the filth in this country.. criminals deserve a tombstone. Judge dredd this shit.. tired of laws protecting this trash.
fuck that cop.. he needs fired and charged
There needs to be accountability when these cops violate the constitution.. Jack booted thugs
>le rekt le thread
>once again it's 200 posts of pro-faggots vs anti-faggots fighting with each other and only 30 videos are posted
Why is /gif/ like this
reddit troonizter lefty/pol/ faggot larp thread
What are you going to do, go to the archive that doesn't exist and view a rekt thread from 2014?
What was this about? Who is getting gunned down by a helicopter door gunner? That's wild.
guy had been told multiple times to stay down and stop poking his head up squeaking "press! press! i'm press!!" all he had to do was follow a simple order and he could leave
Intuition says that's from the failed Turkish army coup a couple of years ago. Section of the officer corps (with reported US backing) tried to overthrow Erdogan but he ordered his supporters into the streets to block checkpoints and disrupt military activity.
Heard reports of helicopters firing on civilians but hadn't seen any footage until now
>yet also hate the cops who are there to stop the nigger rioters


How fucking stupid are you?

I don't think so bruh, She slapped him, he's and officer that shit don't fly i get that, despite that hes got triple the amount of weight on her, he raged.
You don't want officers loosing control. officers that rage like this.

Let's say she was little girl, that she was 17 or whatnot, getting punched, smacking her head on the pavement. It was unnecessary violent. You would expect this reaction from thug or retard but not form Officer of law.

Could handle it much much better but unfortunately that is the overall quality of police we have.
Actions have consequences, you hit a police officer, you can expect to be arrested.
Yes arrest me, just please don't shoot me if i shove you or tell you suck horse cock.
Badge should not protect you from stepping out of the line, from being bad public servant.
They quickly forget their oaths, that they have duties to us and that they can't abuse power given to them. Officers must be above average personality or you are putting another armed gangsta or child like minded individual on our streets.

We simply have to hold them up to higher standards.

As a cis man i feel for my comrade male reproductive organs carrier ......
but lol
Should be spraying lead at that scum !!!

>I am de pressed.
>Gets prayed in the face
>Thanks doc
Weak faggot, you would piss yourself with fear and crawl away if you met any real fascists
I would sooner trust a robotic cop than I would a human one to be honest. It would already know literally all laws and couldn't decide to arrest you because you flipped it off.
sexuallity has literally nothing to do with shizophrenia
>that's why are they are all equipped with their nigger faggot kike detector devices to know when and when not to serve and protect
It's called orders to stand down. You don't know shit, retarded goycattle.
So true bro if I ever get set on fire my masculine instincts will take over and I'll simply stop burning through sheer willpower.
Why are chuds so retarded?
cops killing or maiming invaders is all theyre good for.
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the only kike is you retard
Imagine siding with literal retards who are destroying a community lmao

Love how much you seethe at someone standing up for what's right
This retard got shot in the crotch with a paintball filled with essentially powdered peppers.

He 100% deserved it.

The best part?

The dipshit went on reddit and did an AMA which led to his arrest and job loss
Only sissy America uses rubber bullets dumbass.
>saying your press because you have a shitty vlog no one cares about means you can't be held accountable
holy shit new cheat code unlocked I'll have to remember this for when I commit a crime
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I've got the full one in which the stabber couldn't even enjoy what he did.
zogbots vs niggers
i'd be fine with that, canada fucking sucks ass right now
What is so bad about Canada right now?
Chefs kiss! Fucking beautiful.
Facism is ok.
there's no such thing as fascism against niggers
Well you're retarded or not American because you can't run for president unless you're gonna be 35 years old by the time of inauguration. He won't be old enough by then. Also that's just a dumbass take.
Go back to redd it, Faggot.
White pro-blm protesters getting taken out by a nigger was pure pottery.
>Undercover Police
>come sprinting out of blacked out unmarked van
yes, very sneaky
>you literally just answered your own question
>Every political movement in this day and age is 100% manufactured anyway

I would say its the result of long term failed schooling, decay of property ownership, and antisocial infrastructure

>You can't reason well so you can't decipher a tenable solution without spazzing out
>Low education and little skills, so you'll never afford a home and can't leave a city with necessary social services
>can't convene conveniently because of working hours and living costs

Even overcoming the former is hard enough, the result is that riots are mostly made up of
>the unemployed
>bourgeois posers

Nothing will truly change for the better until people really with something to lose and something to give actually work together
> 0:07
Bicep go bye-bye! *poof*
Kenosha Kid is a legend
LMAO fucking underrated
>and antisocial infrastructure
Care to elaborate on that point?
pay the poor to fight the poor while the scum that are the real problem are far away laughing
More like pay the state sponsored mercenaries to pretend to have a war with the protected class.

Riots are pre arranged larp wars meant to make those who attend feel like they accomplished something, and those who did not feel terrified of going outside.
When a left winger says something bad about the police it's because he wants to be the police.
When a right winger says something bad about the police it's because he wants to go back to the more functional, more successful, longer standing, infinitely cheaper system we had for most of human history.

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