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Sissies, Trannies, Twinks, Fags, FtM, Feminine Cocks I dont care. Cocks in this position watching from this angle as they slide in and out of holes. Bonus points for throbbing and pulsing creampies or cumshots.
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If a black man's walking by, it should be mandatory for every white boy within radius to assume this position as respect and offering. Showing total submission to the Negro race. Any white boy that's non-compliant will be beaten and possibly taken to the BNWO re-evaluation and emasculation facilties for any abnormalities.
Why are you like this
that's the last time i'm asking a tranny to babysit
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No Niggers
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big fan of this
say that in front of your family
post hand, kumar
why would you discuss sex in front of your family?
are you okay?
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oh god, i'd love to look like that
You can, baby girl
not really possible, still living with religious parents, there is always someone at home
also, genetics tell otherwise
Diet, exercise and eventually HRT will get you there.

If you live in the US you can start HRT right away, will be a bit harder in the EU.
for me it's more about clothes desu
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honestly thought there would be more splitscreens
I can never figure out how to fuck my fleshlight hands free like this. Never balances like that or stays put
i saw some people using guitar stand for that
look up cdnaturally on twitter
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apparently this person does it with a certain angle or something under the pillow
Thanks I'll have to check that out

Yeah looking closer it almost looks like that cushion surface has enough of a pocket to probably balance just enough with the right angle. Gotta experiment more I guess
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please don't die
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thread has me bricked
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Love that pulsing muscle in the taint. Hot
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more self facials
Love the thick trannies
Oh hell... My fav
cum dripping out of an asshole is so fucking hot.
looks like Jaybaesun
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why are you sick creeps always talking/thinking about children while browsing porn threads
It's a common interest for those of us in the transexual community, either through interest or self-participation. Educate yourself before you spout nonsense, anon. It's a normal sexual fetish like any other on these boards. No need to be such a transphobe.
>what 4chan does to a man
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god, i'd love to dress like that
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Anyone know the source for this one?
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Sauce this anyone
this thread is definitely a psyop about genital warts

who tf even uploads shit like this
that's fucking foul
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fuckkkkk what toy is this??? I want this and >>27452673 so fucking bad.
These creatures literally don't exist in the wild, yet they can find and fuck each other somehow. So unfair. Like 2 chicks dating each other, essentially removing 2 entire matches.
Nice, moar or source?
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god i fucking coom femboys
sauce pls
New fucking fetish
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Fake statement. You can find someone like this if you look for them in the same places other femboys and tranners do.
you're going to need better bait.
>if you look for them in the same places other femboys and tranners do
Which would be...?
Black "men" get fucked in booty by femboys btw
Voluntarily self ruining an orgasm is so fucking hot to watch.
they're not even trying with the voices haha just straight up sounds like a dude moaning quietly
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discord gooner servers
is that the same person?
if so sauce
if not, nice try faggot NOT TODAY
No, the one on the left is Gibi ASMR, a youtuber who's not a tranny
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sissy-ism really has ruined /gif/
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is that a cutesy little hemorroid?
Looks more like a genital wart.
genital warts looks worse than that
it's either a hemorrhoid or a skin tag
how am i the faggot when you're looking for sauce of a video featuring a cock from behind and nothing else

I dont care either way. I like looking at these gifs and videos

I'd fuck him.
nothing is stopping you
>/gif/ - Adult GIF
This is board banner material
I dont think you mean FTM bud, i think you mean MTF meaning boy transitioning to girl
>more like this
>does not see the bazillion troon threads already up.
no, you must go back because you didn't check the catalog.
it's almost certainly a cyst
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Anyone got the twinks dping a 20lb of ass and pussy?
>YUGE wart on cornhole
You will never be a woman, tranny.
I bet your a virgin
Its called a freaking hemmeroid
I mean we're only seeing their assholes. They probably just look like normal dudes when walking around in public. Femboys and traps, like women, know how to use makeup. Femininity is largely an art form.
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Twinkie link gettin freaky
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I've also got one of those.
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Between bed and bed frame or couch, guitar stand but reenforce the part that it sits in because it usually pops open, and high top shoes/boots
going to need a sauce on that
Whoa.. Who is that?
this shit looks like an sfm
still the best imo
why wouldn't zhey?
all hale the bnwo
I'm okay with this
need the sauce for this
man what the actual fuck is wrong with you people
wish that was me on bottom getting my bussyhole pounded and dug out
amazing. need a top tranny gf/bf to breed my ass with cum every day
god that is an incredible cock, i'd do anything to taste it and have it shoved in my ass
posts like this always triggers all the fragile faggots lmao
that squishy plob sound makes me DIAMONDS
Hot DAMN is that ass amazing. I want to take turns fucking each others brains out with them.
His parents, probably.
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you gay as fuck
>Watching gay porn
>Mad it's all dudes
Bro, u ok?
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Whats a good toy to do this with? The ones I have tend to leak slightly when being placed directly down like this
go outside more bro
Have a friend that's bi. Says first time he got fucked was from a trans he meet at Marti Gra in Louisiana how ever you spell that. Said he got absolutely destroyed by this big dick trans. Said he hurt so bad at first but had the must amazing nut he's ever experienced after it started feeling good. He said he went "brain numb". Thought it was funny but have wondered about it. I don't think I could go through with it though. He also said she trans told him to stop being a bitch and take it because he was teasing up and crawling away lol. Said he didn't even know he was crawling away said he just would catch himself doing it and stop himself. He said his ass was sore for like 4 days after. Said trans was probably 8". After trans cummed trans said I love breaking in new bitches. That ass was good and walked out.
Yeah I know I really want to fuck a cute trans. I would destroy that ass. Would be fun
I can't remember but I had one. Fucked it daily until the pussy started ripping on it. Plus, my mom find it lol. She just said why do you have this? I told her then she said well glad you have this and getting a girl pregnant at 18 years old but she through it away because it was nasty.
Nice wart.
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natibunz I think?
summer is spreading
How is it so easy to bait retards these days? Honestly good job
Sauce for this guy? (I'm assuming they're both from the same guy, anyway. I don't mean the girl in the split either). Also, how can I find more videos like this? How do search for them; Is there a name for this kind of video?
>balls banded and hormones taken the femboy finally begins entering the exhaustion phases of HRT
shadows on the ass crack are super weird. Lighting issue or ai touchup? something just tickling my hindbrain about it being off.
hot choice of words mmm good boy
good thread
same shit every thread
ugh I hate how reply system keeps falling me, I meant to reply to u
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dont man, unless you want the most emotionally unstable, dishonest, crippling shy, porn addicted, self hating, depressed, drug using, unemployed degenerate with major daddy/mommy issues.
I say this as a guy whos still struggling with sense of sexuality after years of porn addiction.
right is cdnaturally
left is gibi asmr
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god tier
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You are pure fucking scum.
Get run over by a car tomorrow morning.
Nta but damn, great find
Sounds like FemboyGaming. All their videos are on Coomer su
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Fuck she is so cute.
Souce on the toy.
>How do search for them
Jesus Christ, what a coom-brained typo

Thanks boss. My question about how to find more content like this still stands though. I'd like to know if this sort of video/pose has a name.
pls sauce pls
You should be beat to death you subhuman faggot
seconding this. all i have to go off of are searching "femboy fleshlight" or "trans fleshlight" on pornhub or other tube sites, but i'm not sure where else to go
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What’s her name
Breedable butt
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Fuck there a source on these?
Dying for sauce
Hi I'm Buck Melanoma Holy Moley's Wart....
>You're probably wondering how I got here. Well... <Baba O'Riley starts playing>
Can relate to the genetics part hard,
I'd love to look all cute and fem but I woudld never be able to pass so why even bother...
thanks a ton.
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I'm not a gay but GODDAMN!
Why is everyone in this thread white?
Because it's a psyop
People love pawbs like they do with pawgs
Actually, they do exist in the wild. Several species of animals are able to change their sex at will.
My dream
Source for the love of god

here my dude, break the stereotype
So what i'm supposed to understand from this thread is that hung traps/trannies are sex machines that fuck like crazy and would split my gf apart?
nobody actually likes looking at niggers
because the doll that the trans is fucking is very small, like a child you moronic retard
These creatures do exist, and they exist as more than the 15 second clips you see here, which is why you've never found any. You're just looking for fuckable meat, not actual people.
I think we need to start making giant fleshlights too so that people don't get the wrong picture, turn it up to wumbo
based, all young white boys should bow to the BBC, no exceptions.
It's mostly the twerking aspect with showing off how the asshole reacts when cumming
Her? HER? You absolute fucking faggot.

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