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Holy fuckamoly! Who?!?!
Rebecca Lord - Gangbang Girl 14
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Thanks Bro!
You're welcome.
rabbi detected
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why is this the least common genre? scat is more common. wtf
Gonna need a name chef; she looks remarkably like Jennifer Connelly.
it's depressing how this is actually true now
sauce on the girl?
It's the married man's fetish. 4chan is young and full of incels and pornosexuals.
>ywn double team Melody Marks with your bro
Alexis Crystal
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>It’s the married man’s fetish
It isn’t though?
From those pronhub trends things they do every year, at least one year showed it more popular among older men. Also most of the true homemade amateur content is older, probably married people in their 30s and 40s+. And most swingers are older.
Speaking of… should we keep this a fetish or try it? My wife has said a MFM threesome is her #1 fantasy. I don’t blame her because a FMF is mine. I think the idea is super hot, but I feel like in reality I would just feel jealous. I don’t really want another guy’s cock inside my wife’s mouth and/or pussy.
If you would feel jealous dont do it. Its not worth a trade for fmf and if you dont like it and do it anyways it might lead to problems.

In my case its my top fantasy, I do want to see another guy's cock in my wife's mouth, and would do it under right circumstances but im not doing it with a stranger and there is no one in my circle i would or could do it with.
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Just found out GF got spitroasted by two black guys a few years ago.

I can't tell if she's leaving more out.
>just found out GF got spitroasted by two black guys a few years ago.
You don't have a GF and you never had this conversation
Yes, I do, yes we did, and my body count is higher than hers (apparently). Just because you're a fuckless virgin faggot doesn't mean all of us are.
If you don't break up with her then you're a cuck. But of course it doesn't matter because that shit never happened.
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I have been enjoying dp videos since the mid 2000s when I was in HS
Threw in that apparently just to sound real believable on 4chan dot com. Fucking Retard
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fuck who is she?
I often wonder if trolls from 4chan use bots to increase the trending of weird freaky shit and what people are actually watching is much different.
Any with 3 guys allowed?
to this day I am still impressed at the ability of that sweet little cherub Gauge to take multiple cocks at once and look adorable while doing it.
Shame her nursing school also assfucked her and killed her career.
Me too but now im married and done with kids and ready to do it
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this is haram
who the fuck cares? no one is forcing you to view content on a website that you came to of your own will.
Need to find a bro to fuck my big butt arab wife with me. Do you guys use apps or what? I dont really like the idea of strangers but all my friends are married or fat slobs. Also how do you ask someone? How many guys are down for dp threesomes?
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Spitroasts are top tier. Used to spitroast my best friend's wife before they went full poly and we just started dating. That was years ago now, but we're all still super close and she still flirts with me from time to time. Feel like I should ask if she wants to fuck again, she has an incredible body.
>pic unrelated
Gayest thread ever no clue why yall want another dingaling within your presence
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because some people aren't as insecure as you. Just because there's another naked dude, we don't wanna suck him off. We just find it hot, when a girl gives into extreme sluttyness and craves multiple cocks.
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I'll bang your wife with you bro hmu
It’s a spectrum, you don’t have to suck him off. Busting nuts with another dude isn’t straight no matter how you slice it. Even if you don’t touch. Keep coping bro
>keep coping
I'm not the one being disgusted by scat fetish, going into scat fetish threads to tell people it's disgusting. Shut the fuck up and kys nigger
Watching porn of a bitch getting slutted out is one thing (not counting extremes like full on gay, beastiality ect.), but actually being there nutting with another dude is totally different, let’s not pretend. This shit isnt straight, spitroasting is kinda bi, whether they admit it or not, and dp is obviously gay af
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A little swordfighting in a pussy or mouth isnt gay faggot
From all the porn fetishes this is the most evil.
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It's cool how it triggers betas. nooooo you can't do that!

Rebecca Lord
Holy fuck, source?
not all harems are haram
harami boi
>but I feel like in reality I would just feel jealous
This. Don't do it OP. Fantasy is one thing, reality is another. If you love your wife even a little and she loves you back even a little, if the relationship you have, no matter the problems, is something you cherish and you want to keep and work to improve don't, under any circumstances, planned or unplanned, agree to an mfm or an fmf. If she pushes hard for either and keeps asking for it then break up with her, it's over. If it's you who is pushing for it I hope she divorces your cuck faggot ass and takes everything you have in compensation for being married to a cuck faggot.

I'm not even against mfm, fmf, mmfm, gangbangs, or any combination of these. If you are friends, friends with benefits, strangers, work colleagues, you are paying for it, the college football team against the nympho cheerleader in the locker room, or whatever, as long as you don't have a relationship you cherish go crazy and wild and enjoy this crazy unique fetish to the fullest.
I think you can do it with your wife, but not if your afraid you'll get jealous and not if she doesnt want to.
And a cuckold is someone whose wife is cheating on him and he does nothing, or whose fetish it is to be cheated on and humiliated. Threesomes and plus with wife is just swinging.
Your wife is your tilth
have babies
I did
They're not equivalent (as deceptively as they may seem). Men value sexual access and exclusivity with a high value woman of their choice. Women already have sexual access with virtually all men, including many of the highest value ones. Women value the manifestations of commitment from high value men - financially supporting her, social status, investment into care for children, etc.

With a MMF, you are giving up what is likely the #1 value for you, in exchange for something that isn't that high on the list for her (likely just interested in exploring the novelty, chasing a few new highs as the old ones can get a little less exciting over time, etc.)

With a MFF, you are getting half of what you want (access, but she won't be exclusive to you obviously as a guest 3rd), and in exchange your wife isn't really losing anything, other than perhaps the worry that you'll find the other woman more desirable than her and break off all of your commitment to your wife to switch to exclusivity with the new girl, or that if you get the girl pregnant that you'll spend time, energy, and resources on the other child instead of on your wife. If you publicly reveal that you are that child's father that is also a hit to your wife's social status.

The equivalent to a MMF for the man would be you publicly having a committed girlfriend in addition to your wife, who you help pay for living costs, take out on dates, perhaps have a child with and invest into that kid.

An equivalent to a MFF for the woman would be having multiple high value men providing her with resources, taking her out on dates, and she doesn't have to give any of them sexual favors in exchange.

Not that I am recommending for or against threesomes, but just illustrating what the actual trades and equivalencies are. If you have an otherwise great marriage going, I would be hesitant to do anything to risk it given how awful the world is right now.
congratulations. please raise them good and not retarded thanks
This is some intense threesome math bro. If you need to consider all these strategies with your girlfriend who even fucking cares whether you keep her or not.
Think it's Tiffany Tatum
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Ejaculating over another man's erect penis is a bit bloody well gay m8
i would very much appreciate the source information of this webm
I love watching titties violently shake while there’s a cock in their mouth. It’s better when it’s 1 on 1 from her sucking but most women aren’t enthusiastic enough to make that happen.
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You've sure got a lot of nerve calling someone gay when you use the word "mate" for another dude.

I'm gonna go hang out with my friend and borrow a cigarette. You can knock about with your mate and bum a fag, poofter.
that's Petite Nymphet on Manyvids and elsewhere. Not sure what video

Just buy toys like pic related and keep it a fantasy.
fuck, cant upload pics. Just get a fucking dildo with a torso base so she can ride it while sucking you off.
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girl was some anon's wife, he and his bud were banging her in that vid. He posted that clip in one of the last spitroast threads.
This is true. An act is gay when it's more than 2% sexual contact with another man. DP isn't gay because, at most, the balls touch rarely. DV or DA, however, are gay because 25% of the sexual contact is another man. I am writing a philosophical treatise on this very subject and I don't know where to publish it.
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The "Realtor", not sure if she's done many oher MFM scenes
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Love how he pushes her head down on that hog. Those boys had a good time with her
Also sauce please
>I don’t really want another guy’s cock inside my wife’s mouth and/or pussy.
Sounds like you've answered your own question there chief.
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you must be some kinda retard or something
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hell yes, they used her good. That clip was OC from some anon, the woman was the other guy's wife.
Does anyone have a link to the full vid of this? I cant find it anymore after the great cleansing of pornhub.
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holy fuck....sauce?
Evelina Darling
publish it here for review by your peers
Jessica - analvids
This has been debunked. The 2% contact of balls touching is not very gay but it is stil 2% gay. Recent studies have shown that if your dicks are rubbing inside the mouth, pussy, or ass the harmful gay is fact removed. It is in fact hypothesized that because a dick can never be gay, only the thing it penetrates, the anti gayness of the dicks in battle inside the pussy are in fact super not gay.
This is a comonly held myth. It is in fact high test and alpha.
stella cox
Sauce plz ;)
Sauce plz ;)
imagine using a slut's head as a fleshlight with your bro
or her pussy
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for me it's double titty fuck
marry a woman this perverted and you will be happy
i love the eye contact
double pussy creampie has to be my number one fantasy
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>big butt arab wife
You mean wide hips and a flabby ass? I bet she has a really small head too. Kek
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