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People getting beat up, torture, punishment.
But not gore,I'm too sensitive for that.
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Now, *THAT* is tits-out angry.
Spics are so funny. lol
no gore is worse imo
it just leaves you with the imagination of what happened
I would dismember and spill the red shirts brains out in the grass the same day for harming the fuckable bitch
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I didn't read the OP, here's some retards fighting
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at that height hitting concrete is like hitting water
>that arm posture
how fucked is he?
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Y U keep posting this on rekt threads.?
look how white america was, fucking hell the jews work fast
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>No gore
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I also love giving a nice creampie to some kids

Absolutely. It's like if a buckshot fired some shotgun, the back would fuck up his entire spread ...
That dumbfucker broke into some ballet. I read that the Dad left the house and vanished when he saw the video. Too much shame.
red shirt bitch is the most fuckable here
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crows are fucking with us.
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rhis is a syrian
he was looking for to grow throw lebanon to europe but ended up going to bandits and not smuglers
he actualy was taken with his little brother
they are still being captured and turchered and beaten and the vids are being send to their families demand payments for relase

altho everyone knows its lost cause
many such cases where the bodies found in trash after payments resived

most of these mavias are shiite
doing work like that is shiite stuf
and yet when isis wanted to do some payback
the entire world chimped and jumped to save the shiites

i wish the united states get nuked for destroying the middle east and handing it over to shiites in 2003 and 2014
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Sounds about right, poor fucker. There's a video of him hanging upside being beaten with wooden bats as well.
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/gif/ users will see the most mid brownoid woman and be like "Hurr hurr waste of good pussy"
you are a retard
red shirt was getting mugged AND she has better tits to hips ratio than anyone you'll ever know
Who has the video where the person is pinned between the bus and a pole and it backs up and pops their head clean off?
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how often do people an hero themselves in shooting ranges?
>When a retard took anime battles to heart
Zero remorse
Wish Trump and O Biden were this evenly matched.
woman moment
like the opening heli mission from Dead Rising 1
your too sensitive to gore but not torture?
a bit of an over the top response to a literal child
This is what happens when people think their Tae Kwon Do lessons will turn them into a badass.
what was his plan?
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Honestly not a terrible way to go.

Why tf do they have a bed in their kitchen though?
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the French banned the music video this came from lol
congrats on the tranny to speed bump transition
Love the way that water spurts out of that pipe. it's almost like he blew his load at the end
Hitting water from that height, your trunks would be ripped to shreds and your ball bag would wrap itself around your neck a few times, because it would be like hitting water from that high up
He died with his boner on
These threads make me grateful I'm white. The world is a fucking jungle of savages outside of Western Europe.
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lol she repeats "people that steals from me are the ones who can, not the ones who want to"
doesn't make much sense but I guess she felt disrespected by being stolen from such a weak girl or something
I need this man in my life
Holy shit he hit the water so hard it changed his shorts...
the three guys with the exact same outfit coming out always makes me laugh
That carpet is the real rekt
Well, looks like self defense to me
Anything orange overalls is boring. Let's nuke Mecca already and be done with this childish nonsense
He went to the Prometheus school of running away
Alright, that's enough for today

Almost every shooting range has had someone off themselves with a rental gun at least once, In urban areas it happens every few months. They close for the rest of the day and the next morning they are open again.
It is, though
She's basically saying if you're some small time thug she'll handle you.
one day will be a total shiites death
Me and Rellana
Don't pretend like one brand of sand nigger is better than the other. All Semitic and abrahamics need to be destroyed.
Ok, I've seen some retarded shit, but only a poo would see a flame and think "let's dump the fuel on it, that'll quench the fire"
The decline has been clockwork steady and totally inevitable since 1960. That was the final nail, not the first.
The first nail in the coffin was driven in before the fucking civil war. Frankly, most of this global jewish dark age is the culmination of what began 400 fucking years ago with the banks and power brokers of Europe.
You struggle to understand because you were born in the nightmare.

This isn't the begining of the dark ages, this is the end of them.
Enough that many ranges started requiring you to come with a friend.
You might not think it makes a difference but suicidals are autistic cowards and actually will chicken out if they have to bring someone in to kill themselves in front of, and they don't have the social skills or effort to convince a stranger to come.

Policy effectively eliminates range suicides
based semitic and abrahamic hater
All you need is a bowling sound effect and it would be perfect.

Those full blooded South Americans must have been the absolute worst people on earth, even a drop of it now makes people scum lol
you know the presenter was a kike right?
that means he goes to boner heaven
he pushed the retract button and thought it would just slide back in like a pen or something
Australia: Not even once.
What's the story here? I don't understand subhuman.
Nobody cares what one team of mudslimes does to another. You know the difference between you and jews? The jews have their shit together.
Broo, put those bitches to work. In these dark times, bitches are never enough.
This is gay conversion therapy
If you're not a rival muslim then this is completely cringe. Both sides hate you you lame faggot. Bet you switch sides whenever you see a video with some sob story.
What happened here?
Hands down the weirdest game of piñata I've ever seen
Poor guy, how do you even get yourself in this mess?
More often as the economy tanks.

Nerve gas
Such an articulate demographic
Kid won't ever again do that. Learned his lesson.
You can hear something crack.
Way to David!!!
Guts in the back with that gargantuan sword
Somebody HAS to put some anime fighting music or some shit.
Especially Arabs, I hope for the day when I'll witness TAD
he was grounded from the mic and fried
sounds like lighting on a unshielded wire which sounds pretty common in shiatin America

they were essentially the rest of the electrical ground usually survivable but some final destination shit
Are you retarded? The phrase makes perfect sense
Holy fucking shit I get why these niggers join ISIS now they look awesome, Anyone know what specific subgroup or whatever this is?
Previous Thread
If u can just convert to Islam by saying sahada will they leave u alone if u say it

Any anons know about this
>look at that subtle off-brown coloring... the tasteful dirtiness of it..
I'm specially a fan of the shake everyone behind him does when the gun goes off, Most except the guy standing up´behind the shooter, Almost like he's the second-in-command, I'm saving this shit for artistic inspiration, Incredible stuff frankly.
Yes exactly, They go "my bad brother, The forces of the Islamic State were unaware you were chill like that" and you go fuck goats together
Amazing how as AI is getting better the "realism" becomes absolute, while the nuances remain embarrassing. Like how the precision leads to the perfect high-chair set in the corner away from the table, as the geriatric couple dance about, and all the physics are flaaaawwwwlesss even when the initial assumptions are astonishingly laughable.
They train students wrong, as a joke
Unironically though I just wanna know
Name ? Of music
Imagine the sex
To see if sharp?
>was sharp
Trips of observation - its AI. Their bed, because they're old, is a hospital bed. AI doesn't know two people need a different king of bed you see. The bay window and dining room set, with turnabout greeting-card display as you'd see in a coffee-shop, two microwaves, varying-width drawers, etc etc.
going in just swinging like a madman is underrated although this guy's punches look slow
At least they had enough forethought to bring a fire extinguisher
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>Cars blocking off road
common highway robbery method, been that way for over a millennia. Though back in the day they just felled a tree.
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concrete water concrete water concrete water concrete water concrete water concrete water
Islamically, they would have to let you go and assume the best of you but seeing as NISIS (non islamic state of iraq and syria) doesnt follow the sharia' law correctly id assume not
actually i take that back, it would depend on the reason theyre executing you for, if you killed innocent civilians then no but if they killed you for the simple fact of not being a muslim (which is strictly prohibited in islam) then they should let you go but most likely they wouldnt
I like the idea that there's a magic word that makes ISIS go away but they ask people to quote specific sections from the Koran then execute those who can't remember or never studied the Koran in the first place.

Any anons know about this.
yeah looks effective lol
completely haram and shameful, memorising surahs or ayat of the quran doesnt make you a muslim, the 'I' in "ISIS" is shameful on the religion of islam
>flourish at 16 secs
Stress by Justice
Holy pepperoni
Op said no gore...
She's saying the people who steal from her are capable (as in have the muscle and/or weapons), not someone who (probably) took something sneakily or through deception.

or just as this anon said
>I like the idea that there's a magic word that makes ISIS go away
The stomping was excessive...
Cum n go at the same time
chinks are concrete in the water
Even when dying on the ground they are compelled to throwing up gang signs.
With his head down in his chest as he charged in, he's lucky the other guy wasn't a trained fighter or he would have downed him with an upper cut. Dude was lucky to win.
These guys were part of a Burn Loot Murder protest. The police shut down part of the highway for them(which is fucking retarded). The driver, a black man, got onto the highway on an off ramp. He did us a favor by removing two white liberal women from the world. Thank you driver, thank you.
What did they think would happen?
They probably thought that they would slow down just like they would in water.
>fat anime watching special ed kid pretend fights a nigger who thinks they're actually fighting
Do you know who Georges St-Pierre is, faggot?
this is how two untrained fighters look like, you first receive then strike or get fucked by a counter lol.
you wouldn't want to join ISIS or any muslim terror group, they'll just tie you up to be their gay rape meat.
A well spanked baby is a happy baby
if you think Mecca is responsible for this and not Tel Aviv then you are a fucking retarded boomer beyond saving.
t. Muslim anon from Libya here, the answer is no, shahada is not enough to save you. you think this guy they killed isn't the same Muslim from their own home town? they are making a video for their overlords in Israel and it's doesn't matter wether you are Muslim or not.
non of those retards studied Qur'an or respect it, they are armed terrorists taking orders from the mossad.
Lol we are all the dude on the left
>his bra comes undone after the body slam
AGPs should not fight
>Accidental Titan transformation
Keep these kinds of people out of America, at all cost.
Got heemed
And it was in this moment God decided one flood was not enough.
Intrusive Thoughts are fucking cursed
>bed in the kitchen
Keeping the cholesterol a little bit too close.
Me: I can safely say I will never see anyone getting tortured by a weed whacker
Dark skinned people with cameras: Allow us to introduce ourselves...
This triggers my claustrophobia. Horrifying way to die. RIP.
no you wouldn't. shut up.
What is the context of this one?
Straight up murder
you really expected the other guy to be a trained fighter?

They're chinks, what fuckin story do you need?
pretty much done, his head slammed almost on contact with the ground and bounced again before the neck break when his body stopped but the head kept going into the first step
i would've much rather preferred to not see it coming, he just gave himself the scare of a lifetime for those last couple of seconds
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
The parent(s) should be stomped next.
kek it's like he's wranglin'
I get why OP wants no gore after all those fucking monkey torture webms a few autists kept posting in rekt threads.
No, I'm just saying he's lucky his opponent knew as little about fighting as he did....run in a swingin' and hope you hit something.
>The first nail in the coffin was driven in before the fucking civil war.
Please elaborate. I thought America was fine before we stopped expanding.
>Nigger cats are retarded too.
Was the little girl OK?
When did he change into shorts?
My man with the parries
>if you think Mecca is responsible for this and not Tel Aviv
>I like the idea that there's a magic word that makes ISIS go away
The CIA funded these guys. The funny part is that the DoD periodically killed these guys. Such is life working for the ZOG.
>Straight up murder
Victim didn't die, and didn't immediately report it to the police either. Attacker was arrested in July 2021 for 1st degree attempted murder. Can't find anything on a trial or sentencing, so those may not have happened yet.
Story: https://foxbaltimore.com/news/local/man-arrested-charged-with-attempted-murder-after-brutal-beating-in-canton
My reaction:
>I'm not scared, Fallujah scared me
This guy is a retard brain damaged vet, and probably a Marine as well so he is a double faggot that thinks he is a tough guy. I hope he gets raped every day for a decade in prison.
Anyone have a vid of the Duch girl that jumped off the roof of a frathouse?
Now being real about it, As retarded as ISIS mudslimes are, They're also bloodthirsty killers, If you on the spot denounced you, White boy, Surprised the whole squad by speaking perfect arabic and reciting wahabi prayers they would shoot you anyways because you're obviously just doing it to save your skin, And even if you were a confirmed muslim, ISIS gets into fights with all the other mudslime groups because of how comically evil and zogged up they are.
well if you're selling it to other swarthoids, it seems like a waste of cash
Jannies need to do something about it. The baby monkey torture posting is getting out of hand.
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He shat himself, you can see the dark patch on his pants.
Imagine going full retarded from a head blow just to slowly come back to consciousness and still getting the shit kicked out of you
WEST SiDE BLACKSTONE, BITCH ASS NIGGA. Don't film him, he from WEST SIDE BLACK STONE. Sheeit, nigga you get put to SLEEP.
isis attacked israel once and came out and said sorry thats all you need to know.
What the hell did he think was going to happen? LMAO
When his god told him not to touch himself, he meant all of himself.
Some sophisticated Cops they got over. The way they swing random street poles and furniture at the suspects shows they really got a handle on shit.
He didn't post three. Faggot had it coming.
Where did he get a weed eater that long?
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Im driving hammered fuckin wasted right now. Aw shit here's a damn parade in my goddamn way.... Haaa! Well that sure showed those cub scouts! Bleeeeaahhh!
>weed whacker
do americans really?
The fuck do you call it? A spinny leafy beater?
Whipper snipper.
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You can't use that word.
i was saving it for the biggest nigger of the thread
Do you really think the average person who takes Tae Kwon Do gets to a level where they are legit good at street fighting?
Muslims take accountability for your shitty ideology challenge (LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE!!)
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God, racial pickmes are so fucking cringe.
stfu took a couple classes and wants to give adice you suck. im 6'4 and would piledrive your ass.
Right. That is because white people fought two world wars.

This killed off (and prevented the reproduction of) about 90,000,000 (approx. %69) of the white male *conflict prone* population.

This means that the left over gene pool amoungst the white population, would be largely passive compaired to the rest of the world's demographics.

This also leaves the white population largely progenerated from the top most intellectually and sexy prolific among them.

Draw your own conclusion.

>caring about disneywars
Thanks for the notice, I'll be sure to go out of my way to look for spoilers from now on to share.
Not even close to murder, let alone 1st degree.

The "bat man" strictley rendered a belligerent threat to his life, incapacitated.

Even after the belligerent was floored,
-and still fighting
he refrained from swinging at the belligerents head.

Clear self defence case..
Did he not believe he was going to hit him with a skateboard?
he didn't because most bitch ass white boys wouldn't actually.
red shirt>skeletal crackhead
ISIS is a mossad op so no
>passing away with a boner
What are you, John McClane? No. John McClane, Die Hard, no.
Gayest thing I've seen, and I've watched documentaries about San Francisco.
first of all the first kick is a outside to inside crescent kick that would be very weak even if it hit. The second is a front leg round kick that could hurt but he was way out of range and missed. Anyone with half a brain would know not to throw it that far away unless you are spacing. Then he throws a front swing kick which makes no sense.

He knows how to rotate his hips fluent but the only kick he did that would do any damage is the second one. The other two kicks even if they connected wouldn't do any harm (unless he hit the groin with the swing kick) He clearly doesn't understand that two of 3 kicks he used were show off kicks that don't have real fighting power unless you are a specialist. Even then a specialist would generate more power from proper kicks.
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>I've watched documentaries about San Francisco.
right between the balls.
Pure mirth in that lad's laugh
>that file name
the kid dies more every second she tries to confirm what she really drove over.
some people are so outta reality its CURSED
>A mí me roba quien puede; no quien puede
>A mí me roba quien puede; no quien quiere
Dumb savage Venezuelans, can't even speak Spanish properly. They are a cancer wherever they go.
Or he was just a fat retard who wasn't going to do any damage no matter what.

There's no substitute for strength and speed.
>I want to give this crack head as many opportunities to pull a knife on me as possible
>I want to make sure my wife and kids are as close to him as possible
yeah, she's good, got away with very minor injuries like bruises and scratches.
Basically your last chance to stop almost any war is ten or twenty years before. After that it's all momentum, the pieces are already in place.
The civil war didn't just poof out of the air one day, nor was it fought to free the slaves. The political environment that created the civil war had evolved over at least the last 20 years coming up to it. Everyone could tell there was going to be a secession crisis. The slave economy was bogus, it wasn't "enriching the south" it was enriching the political class and their (((friends))) while destroying the middle class. In the North, a faction was taking over devoted almost exclusively to destroying the previously loose and fairly independent nature of the states in favor of more federal, central power.

Doesn't it seem odd to anyone that the politicians from both sides that weren't purged by their fellows just shook hands and decided to run the country together after one of the bloodiest wars in human history? It was (((merchants))) vs (((bankers))) and both won, the rest of us lost. Everyone who pushed us into that war got what they wanted. The Democrats and the Republicans had destroyed all other factions and brought America every step of the way foreword towards abolishing the gold standard, establishing central banks and the federal reserve, destroying the rights of the states, flooding with blacks and all other varieties of immigrants, and every other disaster.

We could have "saved the ship" even with the red decade, the new deal, all that horse shit, until 1960 at the absolute latest. By 1965 you had the immigration reform act, America was never going to do anything other than get worse until people were eating each other, even if it took eighty years.

Raising a generation on regular exposure to television, public school racial and sexual theory, poison in the air, poison in the paint, poison in the water, that was it. It was all over. Cripple a generation and they'll cripple the next worse.
In short, before the civil war the states were supposed to be like countries unto themselves, but years before the shooting started the slave states were a powder keg of unstable demographics and the union states were being subverted by a faction that wanted an American Empire ruled from DC alone.

The government was already dabbling in the retarded "subsidize shitty company with tax money so it has no competition" merry go round, the test run of what was to come.
>white boy
he looks pretty jewish desu
How many documentaries are there of San Francisco?? LOL
Now THIS is some real rekt content. The Jews really did one hell of a number on Star Wars.
If only they could also read and learn how to use it...
See this is why you hire mexicans at least they know how to use weedwhackers.
I don't think these are mercenaries but rather Syrian army soldiers. Guy being buried alive is giving the Islamic testimony of faith and one of the soldiers is saying only Bashar deserves to be worshiped.
why run in the same direction the tree is falling
That's the UK for you, the concept of self defense is almost entirely forgeign.
Quidditch players trying to convince a muggle she didn't see anything
Taekwon Doe isn't for fighting, homo. It's exercise and a hobby, even seasoned practitioners will tell you that.
I'm not a tough guy at all but I wish he could've tried that on me. I would've loved to turn his twigboy ass inside-out.
Damn, Super Mario fell on some hard times
Y'all are stoopid. They play that clip on Worlds Dumbest, they won't show anything that kills or retards the person. So obviously dude was fine
venezuelans outside of their shithole are treated like vermin for a reason
Got the one where the guy tries to jump into the sea, or falls off a ledge near the sea then he hits his face and his face gets split in two, then later a nurse is tryna hold it together?
fake and gay
NTA someone else's crotch kobold isn't your responsibility your house your rules
User was awarded reddit cheesecake for this heckin' true and epic bacon post
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Another W to the dark side
joe vs rikishi
Isekai moment
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Here is the original with sound.
>Monkey screeching
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Not the same video, but yeah, it works.
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Top kek based filename
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the music adds to the insanity
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Fuck yeah! Thank you! Saved and replaced!
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Toppest fuggen kek
more proof motorcyclefags suck ass
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Always, ALWAYS blaming something else, and never admit that your religion is the root cause of the shit that's happening in the ME
But go ahead, tell me the jews forced or paid all the shitskin terrorists in Europe, Africa and SEA, or how they're fake muslims and whatnot
Was the lady complaining about the car going too fast?
>im not a tough guy but if that was me i'd do a backflip kick the skateboard out of his hands fashion it into a wooden katana and slice his head off
desu as brutal as that looks it seems pretty humane.
at least try to die with dignity
This guy would be excellent at cinema sins
The TOBY 9000
Phone battery blew up?
That's a bit on the nose isn't it?
Holy shit he noclipped through the fence
Low IQ and survival instincts
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Decorticate before he even hit the stairs.
That's good. Though watching local news there's always some idiots dying in a wreck. There were three and four people killed in two separate accidents just the other day and it seemed to barely get attention.
that crow needs a yarmulke
this is the brother of a AG in some Mex town. they thought she was helping another c@rt3l and so grabbed him, etc. turned out to be some cops. the full thing is pretty brutal.
Even though all the other videos have cars doing it.
>He didn't fly so good
>Chute opens after he hits the ground
Better late than never. Seriously these guys are some Darwin Award contenders. They have no margin for error in the chute opening immediately, and they found out what happens when it's 0.75 seconds too late.
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No, she's Australian
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best thread death to the scum who think they are worth anything just cancer losers that invade spy and judge others

what sissy he didn't even ass rape the shit
kids getting cream pied

old fart had a big dong it takes alot of blood to fill it up

dead by pp
if your a rat that invades people lives I hope you die like this I would pay for it
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I love the dude on the bottom left
He sees that shit and just turns the fuck around "I aint goin that way"
gay and fake
a race of disgusting sexual perverts that can't stop fucking and making babies why does India even exist? poor kids born from these sex obsessed idiots
hope this happens to the scumbag terrorist loser that took the internet and turned it into a cancer ground for sellout rats to run around spying on others
you should be banned
dumb whore is quick to get fucked and pop the kid out but then comes the reality of a making a new life. she should be killed
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on her way to work spying on other people

>not today cancer

-1 less problem in the world
No Wii bowling audio?
What are the odds that character is still alive considering how much Disney has nerfed ligtsabers? They could always bring her back with the explanation that as an alien that her vital organs aren't in the same place as a human, or some stupid shit like that.
>Disney has nerfed ligtsabers?
OG lightsabers were basically just sword+blowtorch. They'd regularly bounce off railings and shit.
all brown populations have been artificially inflated by white resources. When there aren't enough white resources their population will return to pre contact levels.
Crows actually attack people in jewish Orthodox clothes or wearing the little hat more than they attack anyone else (they also generally treat people differently by race), and have been observed constantly ripping up the jewish flag.
I would have just fallen down and shot him and two of his buddies who were also attacking me.
Yeah, believe it or not, falling over is exactly what you're supposed to do if a kangaroo attacks you
Their most dangerous attack is when they grab you from a standing position and try to gut you with their hind legs
If you fall over they pretty much can't do anything except kick weakly at you
Israel admitted to using Hamas to get more money to "protect itself from Hamas" more than once.
No one needs to pick a "side" between the rapists and the people who happily ship those rapists to Europe. You're both evil.
Taekwondo began its existence as a military combatives regimen as practical as any other, it's simply taught incorrectly, on purpose, to children.

TKD is all about yanking other soldiers off balance and stabbing them or kicking them in the head. The movements are just mislabeled to the point of uselessness (no Timmy that's not a grab it's uh, a knife hand and then you're not stabbing him in the chest you're uh... Hammer fisting ... And you put your hand on your belt first because ... Uh ...)
Fuck off sandnigger, nobody wants you here.
Thank anon, i came here just for fill me up with this poisson of suffering, but with your webm is more easy take me less seriusly...sorry, i know i'm not like that, just hear my mom re-tell all my mistakes ruin this beautiful day.

Pretty clean and profesional
that cut, not like those betas (sand and taco niggrs) and who needs repeat they cut many times or shoot many times
i am living in your walls
He didnt fly so good
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Are you also 260? lol shut up
i guess he thought it would fall on the cut side as it is supposed to
Nice butt-scratch before death? Could be worse.

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