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Women saying shit that gets you hard
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didn't donkeyface get a boob removal because she was being "harassed" after whoring out?
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Wish there was more. Underrated. Bump
File: CanISuckYourCock.webm (359 KB, 424x320)
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Girl is soo hot and the guys in the vid can't keep it up baka lol
Do you have any more of them?
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she wants to "lose weight to be able to get a boob removal" but its all for show. She loves the attention
>He fucks stepdaughter as punishment for failing school.webm
sounds like a bitch
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>You're locked in a room for the evening with these two
>Goal is to not get your cock destroyed
Do you win or lose?
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I have busted to this too many times kek
da fak
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sauce on this my friend?
Does anyone have that webm of a milf talking dirty while she's in her bathroom and her kid is asking for her in another room. Been months since I saw it last
Elsie Tanner: The Early Years
lmaoooo fucking lmaooooo
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>when you claim to be a cock destroyer but end up only destroying your tit
Who she?
You know what? As an Aussie battler these high class pommy molls and their accents give me knob a fucken stiffy.
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Omfg aaaahhhhhhh!
I could've done without that.
Fuck dude
Poor woman was fucked from the start, abandoned by her mum, lost her virginity at 10 to a neighbour the local pub, then mum reappeared when she was a teen just to make fun of her weight and convince her she was a piece of shit.
And despite all that, never once had the moment of clarity that would tell her that she was on the wrong path with her personal life. All the many programs and support systems available to help her, she conscientiously chose to reject and adopt whore life, which included getting fake tits for free drinks in the nigger infested club culture.
well shes dead now
Briana Beal
Well it is the accent of your male queen so you better love it, m8

She's dead now, her BF hit her, killed himself and she followed him.
Instant limp. Why do some of you weirdos like fucking women acting like 8 year olds with downs syndrome? I can't wait for this uwu bullshit to die.
Ngl my cock twitched a little but I lost several thousand braincells
The accents make this hot
Who in God's name is this?
Moar or source
Wasnt to hard to find
janice griffith is the girl
The scene is bringing gonzo back with janice griffith: real life sex with oliver flynn its actually a good scene.
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>the more traumas you rack up, the easier it is for you to choose the "right path" in life
Bearing witness to the thoughts produced by brain-melted faggots on this site never ceases to amaze me.
who is this
That was a performance. Wow
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My jizz would hit the ceiling
this activated my fight or flight response
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File: Fill me the fuck up.webm (1.58 MB, 854x480)
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This is fucking hilarious
Vicky Vette will never not be hot
YES!!! More Mahalo Marcy, please!
what a naughty, slutty bitch, she should do more.
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This is the only nude i could find of her
It’s the lip piercing.
You know she hates her dad, so you know you better be ready to daddom her or become the new guy she hates.
Alternatively, which is worse, she doesn’t hate her dad, but her dad is also super trashy and chaotic, which means she’s chaotic and is just as likely to be a prefect lovedoll on Saturday and on Sunday fuck your dad and your friends at the same time after she sliced up your new car.
>...convince her she was a piece of shit.

Looks like she was right lol
If I'm honest. I like it because doing it must be so fucking degrading and I think submitting to that is hot.

It's not the voice.
File: creampi.webm (3.79 MB, 720x405)
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nah you gotta give the source here
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3 MB
>throw me around
not likely
>o hai guise
since when are black dudes ever punishing kids for failing school lmao
>dirty talk thread
>no Gianna Michaels
you continue to disappoint me, /gif/
File: I got sepsis.webm (3.73 MB, 592x1280)
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o fuk
who, please
File: Dreams of Daddy.webm (3.73 MB, 320x240)
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Who is this? Sauce please
Gonna need a name op, I spent like 15 minutes trying to find this
is this video on xhamster? whats it called?
These appear to be perfectly balanced individuals.
Anyone got a name?
Bumping for sauce
Sounds and looks like super nanny lol, grim bird
Who is this?
This the first time I heard the dude. I always believed it was a video of her pretending to be fucked but you can actually hear him whisper. Makes it hotter knowing she really was telling her dude to fuck some bitch
Dude what the FUCK is this
Name? Link? Any specific pointers?
That Liana from ECG sucking dick and talking about getting gangbanged. Whatever happened to her?
That accent is a pure boner killer
>we are the self destroyers
>Gianna Michaels
I'm trying to keep my lunch, thank you very much
God fucking damn this thread went from 0 to 100 damn fucking quick. God damn, anon
Is this shit real life? That is fucking horrific man. She needs all kinds of help
Whore Katie Confessions on ML


ML in general has a lot of great amateur dirty talk.
Its okay anon
She killed herself
big kek
kek, sharon and tracy,


Sophie Anderson

Gonna need more of her or the sauce OP
omg, I haven't seen this in forever. Was sauce/more ever found?
Hilarious and hot at the same time
Kill yourself
I can't be sure from this clip, but she appears to be insane

Fukken kekked bro
Fookin hot
File: mhblowsuckdry.webm (2.24 MB, 960x720)
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Biden home videos
It's almost like swingers are compensating for getting old and fat or something
Never wanted to fuck a packers fan til now
For real?
And she's absolutely hideous. Congratulations, you cave dweller
Retards like you should be drowned at birth
Elle Hell
File: SadK...webm (2.63 MB, 1920x1080)
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>TFW I will never hear anything like this from a woman.
fr fr
But yeah she actually did
This filthy cunt is one of the best. It's hard to find this content anymore, which is sad. It's so fucking good
Anyone have the ones where her daughter is getting fucked in the next room? It's a different chick, but in the same vein as these.
I don't know what's going on your life that you would say this bullshit to yourself but. If you got a dick and it works then yes you will.

If anything take a break from the internet and get a hobby. stop watching porn, if it just gives you fomo.
British voices are the biggest turn off. "Oh baby you made me cream my knickers". Disgusting.
I'm almost 38. It's not happening.
>baka lol
Underage b&
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I have never before seen a clearly enormous titty from a perspective quite like this
Impossible to take this hag seriously, especially when she keeps saying cunt.
I'm danish and this is only hot in concept and for people who don't speak danish lmfao.
The way they talk sounds extremely unsexy. Like they are halfway braindead.
Was looking for this. Kek
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Not with that attitude. It's only too late for self improvement when you're dead.

Seriously, if your not fit, start working out now and get a hobby out of the house.
you are a faggot.

Sauce on this ideal cleavage?
holy fucking shit
KEK aussie here aussie and english girls turn me off so hard and yet would
kek this is literally my mum and me
This thread needs Rayveness.
>I'm danish and this is only hot in concept and for people who don't speak danish lmfao.
>In other news water is wet and the sun is hot
That's the history of sexual appeal when it comes to accents. Your comment is pointless.
still no source?
no u
I also love to say the N word
yep you should post some
The only video I'd jerk off to her in is a snuff film with a hammer.
File: Very DIrty Talking.webm (3.55 MB, 554x416)
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File: Breading material.webm (3.75 MB, 1280x720)
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The search will continue for her, Bump for the love of good girls like her.
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>midwestern accent
Jesus fucking Christ, that is hilarious. Also who?
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3.4 MB
Also kind of a set of three here.
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she never a way to "chose the right path" idiot, there was no free will for her
nice accent
I think it's bigdaddysgirl71. Old tumblr that's gone now but you can still find plenty of her online.
Guess Kathy Bates had some work done
What is her name?
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And also kill yourself, she commited suicide after getting hooked on phonics(drugs)
I once matched with a girl on tinder who had tits that huge.

She called off our date because she told me she had been on too many dates that week and that each night she was having unprotected sex with random guys at the bar so she wanted to get a std test first.

Not worth it bros keep your dick clean
Those are some nice big tits
File: So good today.webm (3.95 MB, 692x888)
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I wonder how much she'd enjoy being smothered by her own huge tits while getting pounded.

Glory to the first one to sauce, Also Bump.
I don't consider myself an aggressive man. I've never hit anyone except in self defense. But this... this makes me appreciate the phrase "just keep hitting it until it stops moving".
From the drooping eye and speech patterns I gather this poor woman is having an aneurysm. I hope she got the medical attention she clearly needed.
Best I could find is this https://nudespree.com/videos/1527138/caty-cole26/
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the idea of just blowing a fat load into this woman while she commands me like this is incredible.
Look harder. Got it easy from Yandex. Angie Faith
I love Aussie women
That helped, Caty Cole
It’s actually Hack Tooie
Caty Cole
I don't get it

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