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Any more videos similar to this?
People randomly/casually getting shot or killed in creative ways just for fun
This is why. This is why I grab my g17 everytime a fucking nigger walks in my store.
When people ask me why I get nervous around niggers in my store, it's because of this.
you won't do shit, loser
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Fuckin hell I’ve seen some sad shit here but these just hit different. Innocent lives of people with complex experiences and dreams and hopes and aspirations all cut short by fucking savages.
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>In their tiny minds, they are the only being that exists and do not understand how anything can happen outside of their control.
Unfathomably astute.
wellcome to the world
I'd jump that fucker before I would comply.
>you won't do shit, loser
I don't know if he personally would do shit or not, but store owners across the country do this all the time so why would you be a retard and deny it when there's video proof like this?
Fuck off cunt
hate this particular video. i knew this guys grandaughter at the time. this dude was father to like 9 children, who also had a assload of children, and he was literally coming home from a birthday party or some such at the time minding his own business. man had no fucking reason to die and was actually one of the few good black people. stupid asshole literally shoots himself blocks away trying to get a fucking mcnugget or some shit. his grandaughter was fucking distraught for months after this.
Why bother writing this shit man literally nobody but fags like me who are gonna tell you to shut up will read it. Doesn't impress anyone, nobody cares, everyone's here for porn or funny videos... not ur weird retarded larp fanfic. You aren't gonna convince anybody you're anything by pretending you know some black guy. Is your autism that bad to the point where u ramble vicariously thru webms?
i don't really care, man.
Is it just a coincidence everyone involved in these webms is nonwhite
Nah, fuck you faggot, let people say what they feel.
You're the fag, fag
When it turns out you're actually the loser
What kind of faggot wants to see this?

All it does is show how shot hole areas are plagued with savages and wickness.
What a faggot
This one always makes me sad
Imagine how joy lane feels
I hope this bastard will die soon in the most painful death!!!
The blood coming out like a whisky barrel is crazy
Around blacks, never relax.
yes, it is a coincidence, white people are just as likely to commit violent crimes as black people, don't be racialist
Around whites, never leave your kids, because they're all pedos
Well, at least they don't have to see him Deteriorating into old age. Maybe taking care of him would have been costly financially, emotionally, with their time, etc.
The old man looked like he lived his life already and it was downward from there mentally and physically if he would have kept living.
Plenty of shit like this out of Russia, I’m just too lazy to webm it
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Why the fuck was this beaner reaching? He could have lived if he just listened lmao
not all white people are religious anon
>sh sh shhhhhh sleep now my child, all is peaceful
Hopefully whoever did this is dead now.
Cops should be put into a gas chamber
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I have never wished so bad for someone to die the most excruciating death ever.
People who think things such as drug prohibition, prostitution prohibition, gun control, age of consent laws, etc are OK are not innocent. They are merely a formation of atoms in the way of freedom.

How many of these people killed are true libertarians. Likely 0. No humans were harmed in the making of these videos.
>he might have gotten his brains blown out but at least he didn't age any further
you're one seriously stupid cocksucker, anon
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You are a fucking retard
Christ, imagine the nursing homes 60 years from now once all these post-modern whores with triple digit bodycounts die old an alone
Nigger have ZERO redeeming qualities why have we not put them on boats back to Africa yet?
>blah blah blah it's important to note that these people are victims of poverty and being the underclass in their country blah blah blah white people in poverty stricken neighborhoods would do the same thing blah blah blah
Where are all the videos of white guys rolling up on old men with their cameras and guns and shooting them in the fucking head for no fucking reason?
Maybe I do have some racial blinders on and forgetting about the christchurch shooting or whatever but this shit is infuriating. This shooting should never have happened. My liberal progressive conditioning just can't think of a decent reason to not see this video for what it is.
Follow the rules, be a good person, and then get killed by someone not doing the same.
Jesus fucking christ
My worst fear doing Lyft in Las Vegas. Can't fucking do shit without the fear of ending up on a /gif/ thread
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I think you're overlooking the role of the elderly, and I don't mean in just some universalist humanistic intrinsic value moralizing way.

Our parents raise us, if they aren't up to it our grandparents do that too -but further there are things grandparents teach us while we are still young enough to apply the lessons. They can teach us to die, and what it means to relate to life in the retrospective, and the regrets and observations that come with it.

Just watching that old fuck wither and die slowly and painfully would have been better for his family than that, maybe they would have grown some. Now the spectre of victimhood and its recriminations threaten to rob that family of what experiential good there is to be derived from observing his passing and developing their understanding of life.
Bro stepped back to follow the order and let his arms relax a little for a single second. Yeah, he's totally the problem
It appears that large segments of the populace are not as CODE ORANGE as you are on a daily basis and just put their dumb faggot hands wherever. This sometimes gets them killed for gay reasons. You can see his hands move back outwards as he realizes he fucked up right before the first shot pops, although audio would be nice here, as the officer's verbal commands/panicked shrieks are denied us.

you are gay. obedience is not rewarded but punished with the contemptuous exploitation it deserves. after you've been fucked by a pack of niggers find Christ and love your neighbors in a less homosexual fashion
nah, he'd just end up being a burden to them.
So everyone over retirement age should just dragged out back and shot? Should we start with your parents/grandparents?
Do you always run and hide from pain? Take the easy faggot way out? Even as a burden and a burden alone, it is our burdens which shape us.
that looks like a hit, doesn't seem like he even took anything
If I remember correctly this was all set up by her ex who couldnt get over the fact that their relationship ended, so a robbery was staged and the girl killed. Could be a different webm tho, but same story.

They just killed an old man in could blood and you're here glorifying it? Sickos
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I guess I'll contribute beyond rabid shitposting
they should be kept in a nursing home and not waste their childrens lives.

do you collect crystals?
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Truly random acts are harder for me to find but I'm making an effort to get that atmosphere of spontaneity
"age of consent laws"

WAT? You're saying people who disagree with pedophilia deserve to be shot?
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Don't get me wrong, I see where you're coming from. Think a little less "i'm a spiritual person" and more like "those naked dudes getting high and masturbating covered in human ash, eating shit and sitting on dead bodies to meditate are pretty heroic people". What I'm saying is the concept of nondiscrimination is meaningless to you. When you reject morals and humanity as merely accepted concepts you become free to interpret your own understanding of what it is to be human. Usually, compassion is one of those qualities which is preserved. Maybe you're being compassionate in your own way, I still think you're gay.

Maybe when anal stops doing it for you you'll understand.
wonder if the footage from the news channel is out there of this too
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I must apologize, no idea why nothing in this folder has audio. I could swear the device I used to dl them had sound on playback for at least some of these
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rekt while attempting thread topic
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>implying Russians are white
op kill yourself
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kek is that alec baldwin?
you can't shoot someone for kicking your car
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captcha related: NHWA
it happened in some latinx country, some random guy who got pissed off some ecowarriors were blocking the road
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ok I found a folder w/audio. Must've fucked kurobaex up somehow. While it doesn't run arch, the phone apps do have rapid view and download capabilities with a simplified swipe interface.

Makes it quick to consoom threads rapidly if you're in the hobby of file collecting with more selectivity than a bulk dl browser extension
did it work?
might start the same practice in germany
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That's still sad. Poor gramps
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back at it, data really needs reorganizing
of all the people he could have picked why a feeble old man? i'd be so pissed off if i had lived about 70-90 years and got killed by some loser having a meltdown, you've almost made it to the end and someone does that to you, to scared to pick someone who actually had a fighting chance i guess
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>in creative ways just for fun
psychopaths don't deserve to breathe the same air as me
First time I felt good about a black guy shooting a white guy.
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i hate american cops man, so jumpy and quick to shoot, you'd think they be more afraid to harm someone but no, too many are criminals in cop clothes
>creative ways
How many of the webms posted here were "creative"?

What's creative about being a niggerspic who can't not squeeze his shoot-go-bang?
Why did George Lucas shoot that man
i was actually thinking about this one very recently, i saw it years ago and wondered if i'd ever see it again, it had an impact on me cause of how unsuspecting the driver seemed, fucked up, scary
this one was so surreal at thew time, seemed like it was out of a movie, i found it hard to believe she actually died
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Man the sound in this webm is so fucked up. One of the worst I've ever heard. Jeets please stop coming to the west.
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People like you were brainwashed by TPTB to believe that same way about the Germans during the world wars, and that's why whites were defeated. It's called D&C, anon.
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to whom it (g)ay concern
Was this a relative? What does he say to her?
ded af fr fr
Too soon nigga
Imagine murdering someone in your jammies like that.
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most of the times I see these hold ups end in murder I keep thinking this was either some "don't let em draw on you" shit, or some 4d chess faggotry that killing people you rob makes one less witness
>as opposed to committing an even more serious crime, investigated far more aggressively and with immensely stiffer penalties

Pure lust for power, hatred, insecurity and pathological need to violently assert dominance, etc. Overall, I'd wager every one of those retards has an extensive criminal history marked by significant periods of incarceration housed with other highly violent people. Skateboard kid window smashers, shoplifters, minor arson, it takes a lot more than the typical youthful criminal experience to build this brutality into the behavioral repertoire.

I don't have hand wringing woke solutions for it, but it's not hard to look at the figures. Poor shitholes are where unprovoked murders occur most often, and the USA is a poor shithole throughout a staggering expanse of its land, urban and rural. Just don't talk about the stick-up artists in the C-suite, that's socialism.
you are a retard.
You do understand a bullet will kill anyone regardless of their profession
>allow some retard to reach for a concealed weapon
No, that is what they say put your hands in the air
That dumb fuck deserve it at this point
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Honestly it had been overdue since the japanese had a good bout of domestic terrorism. Considering the weight of the social, economic, and political malaise they are under it's a testament to their -uh, japanese-ness that it isn't worse.

They don't need to cave and all be westerners with pet brown people in every household, but the next generations must fight to assert not only their control of the direction of their society, but also cease the self-injurious behavior which remains embedded in the culture of silence, good appearances and strict conformity.
Why white people like this?
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Random stranger
From what I know he just says hey or hi to get her attention then goes in
He was streaming it privately to a Discord cult that murders homeless, elderly, Jews etc. as an initiation to the cult/group
He thought she was a jew but got it wrong
Can read more here

Not another faggot thread. You little fairies need to start a Discord or something.
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Sound on
>omg yes, a blackerinoo is revoltong against my capitalistic store, please take the money and remember, if you saw someone stealing, no you di…ACKK
i wish there was some sort of magic device that just automatically killed all humans that will ever act on this kind of stuff. You are not given a chance at life, you are not given a chance at happiness. You're just deleted the moment you're installed with the device at like age 2 and it functions perfectly and never makes a mistake.
The low lives that do this shit do not understand the worth of life. They are human trash; worthless peaces of shit. They cannot appreciate the worth of somebody else's life. They just project their trash existence on others and justify that is OK to execute them.
These threads just make me grateful for living in a very safe boring suburb that is largely white and has minimal crime.
bullseye over here
STOP!!!! Hammertime
Libertarians are just Antifa fags that haven’t thought it through
Lol'd at the zoidberg creep walk
You're not even wrong but Putin himself is literally out here validating his efforts by threats from the "Anglo Saxons" like it's fucking 1683. It's different when their leader is doing it himself.
Man went to Belarus and got a basket of salts and breads like he's from Ur visiting Kish.
It hardly gets more backwards.
Do you know who he was?
Would you feel the same if you found out he’s a cartel assassin and had a gun in his waist?
One of the best ways to go
This whole thread is why I hate the world.
lmao calm down guy
Fuck, what a sweet old man. This is probably the only guy in this thread who didn't have it coming.
Any of you nigger faggots have the Borderlands edit of the redneck mattress muder? Preferably with sound. That one just really brightens my day.
look at the catalog right now and say this is the faggot thread bruh deadass you gots to be cappin my g
Why live in Vegas at all if the only gig you can get is Uber? Cities are bad so I don't live in one nor do you need to.
please kill yourself
>has to make up some random shit to suck off a cop's cock
kek you're a faggot homo
Not technically but if I were in the jury I'd vote to acquit.
Weird you’re thinking about my cock anon
>tu que vas a matar
"you are going to kill"

holy shit they did
A real jerk
it's crazy to me some of these happen in America. because while America does have a problem with shootings and stuff, random acts of terror don't seem common. You got Latin America, Africa, some west Asian countries being the main source of these videos. a few from Russia.
I thought >>27459934 was pretty fucked up just to happen, but an anon explained it was just discord faggots trying to be cool and all that shit. This stuff is so odd to me. When it's in America, it's either for a girl that broke their heart or attention. the fuck?
Well fuck
There's 320-350 million people in the US at any given moment. That's quite a lot. We have a whole lot of problems. So does nearly every other Western nation on the planet at this point. The biggest problem is one all of us are dealing with. The intentional and well funded mass influx of unvetted illegal aliens; mostly fighting age males carrying no papers. Oddly enough, all done with littlte to no leadership making real attempts to halt it. Ideological extremeists like that dude and his Discord boyfriends always exist, but events like this give them a lot of perceived credibility, a desire to expand, and enough anxiety to start getting brave.

TL;DR: Yeah, it's kinda everywhere now. Not just the USA. Lots of people losing their heads over the Qaran in Europe right now.
Nah I think people kill people because that's just what kind of animal we're dealing with. They'd kill people no matter their station in life because the hard truth is that it's just not that big of an action to pull a trigger.
kek based
>fail at basic reading comprehension
that checks out.
Nerve gas
Fucking scumbag, that guy looked to be about 80+ years old. Probably lived through all kinds of hardship, and had a loving family. Fucking piece of shit.
You bastard right before a major patriotic holiday. I am will try to relax.
Fuck off, jackass. Not everyone's humanity is as down the shitter as yours. Whether he actually had some sort of connection to the old man or not doesn't really change the fact that an innocent senior citizen being shot for nothing is downright vile.
You are in no place to judge the health of a senior citizen in any qualified means. You don't know how his life could've ended so it's just an assumption based on nothing relevant from your knowledge on the guy in particular.

Wanna see it from a more emotionless standard? Consider that he might not have properly set up a will for his immediate and extended family. Consider what investments he might've made that he could've cashed out or transferred over to family. Property, stock, heirlooms, other valuables and etc.. I think justifying his death by such retarded logic isn't for practical reasons, but because you are a dickhead wanting an excuse.
>sumerfagging this hard
this video proves you wrong
thought so--just had to make sure
shut up man, everyone's gota go sometime and he got to go out with a bang.
i got both angles somewhere
This is proof your can shoot someone for kicking your car. Whether he got away with it is another thing entirely.
I asked myself the same question
I only see one nigger (and another dead one)
You must live in the back country because American cities are dumpster fires. The craziest shit happens in California. My neighborhood has been posted twice this month in rekt threads. I can't even begin to tell you some of the insanity that's taken place this past week alone
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better version
Hope the next guy has better aim, ass hole "prank" youtube guys are stupid
These were in Ecuador. I hate my country, and I feel relieved that I left.
maybe he wont do shit but i will you shit nigger faggot come to albania my family make soap bars out of you and arab and indian imigrant. we make black skin mix soap out of all you and throw your body in river after. come to me, come i dare you. albanian and italy mafia already run your country. where do you live, my family has albanian connection in new york and los angeles? where do you live nigger tell me now where you live pussy i send people to kill your family go tell me now where you live.

you want to see who is a pussy? tell me where you live and i show you.
black nigger shit waste of breate air asshole
>calmest albanian
i swear every albanian i know irl has a mobster family member kek
most spaniard countries are shitholes.
>Why the fuck was this beaner reaching?
Why didn't the dumb nigger cop tell him to raise his arms, place his hands behind his head with his fingers interlocked? You know like cops used to do all the time. I used to side with cops, but no more. Too many trigger happy smooth brains that shoot people for following their retarded commands. Most of the people they waste are scumbags, but fuck 'em just the same.
fuck niggers
just kill them all at this point or fucking EXPORT all of them
oh yeah no so fucking nice he decides to walk up and shoot an elderly man
this thread lowered my iq
this is why you don't park in arkham

This happened on Easter as well. All because some dumb whore broke up with this loser. I think he killed some other people too in his spree.
How do you know what the cop said? I can’t get audio

His facial expressions stay almost the same throughout the whole ordeal.
>Dmitry Stepanov recently left the mental hospital, so his parents decided to take him on vacation.
you know the rest
Where I live in So Cal was all white 20 years ago
Bangers moving out of LA has them coming up here
It’s gone from peaceful and calm to police choppers flying overhead daily making announcements about kidnapped kids that you can’t hear over their rotors
I walk my dog and legit full on crips head to toe blue with beanies on and bandanas covering their face in 90+ degree weather
Shooting with an AK legit half a block down the street from my house
Shooting at a local store a half block from my house
Trash everywhere, fucked up junkyard lawns, it’s fucking annoying
What’s fucked up is most of my neighbors who are black or Mexican are good people that work real jobs and take care of their property
Fuck me I’d be mad watching these hoodrat fucks thinking they’re hard every day if I was black, the fucking shame I’d feel, yikes
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go get 'em tiger
This one haunts me
Nah anyone who mentions sucking off a cop and that I’m a faggot is definitely thinking about my cock
I'm a MexicanChad kek, living a mainly white area. I am what you call "white washed" because I don't look Mexican at all. Anyways, I mention this because yea, I grew in a shit area. drugs were rampant in my childhood area and I know people who died from it. It's so fucking cringe to see teenagers act hard. it's depressing and I am kinda glad my childhood area is falling apart and probably will only have elderly living there in the next 5-10 years while all the wannabe CJNG die or fuck off to another shit area.
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Oh look it's the version of this webm with all of the audio and context cut out again.
Dumb faggot kept doing everything except what the cops told him. They told him multiple times to keep his hands on the hood because they could see the gun in his pocket and he wouldn't do it. All he had to do was get on his knees WITHOUT putting his hands down where the gun was and he failed and he got fucking shot like he deserved.
Man I feel that too
I grew up in the barrio
Bangers were different back then
There was more respect for your own community
Shit has gone to hell
simon didn't say "get on your knees WHILE hands stay on the car"
the guy was just trying to get down and you keep your arms out in case you lose your balance. You can't just drop to your knees, that's dangerous.
this is a good point actually. It seems like a lot of shootings happen because officers don't know how to actually give people orders and to tell them what it is they want the people to do.

Like they assume that these normal people with no training know what kind of movements and positions are "bad" when they're just random civilians

I'm thinking of this case too

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>You can't just drop to your knees, that's dangerous
Maybe if you're old or a fat fuck. How fucking stupid do you have to be to put your hands anywhere near the gun when they tell you they're going to shoot you if you reach for it? He didn't put his arms "out" he put them down where the gun was. All he had to do was put his hands literally anywhere else and not get shot. Up, on the front of the car, on his head, out in a fucking T pose. You're telling me in a life or death situation you couldn't kneel down without putting your hands in a place that will get you immediately killed? I swear people like you defend retards like that dead spic because you know you're just as fucking stupid as them.
Neither of them were black.
They were probably both hispanic or eastern European.
lmao you're fat
technically, he made it to the end
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no, keep your hands as far away from your waistband as possible and follow orders, we wont get shot.

literally 99% of the time these assholes get shot, they are fumbling around and not following orders.
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the guy only had one gunshot wound
Anons arguing about dude being shot
Yah cops in NA are poorly trained
I have buddies in highway patrol and some of the stories they told me about their training sounded bat shit to me
I was a combat arms MOS in the military, so I understand this shit to a slightly better degree than most
Yes there are unjustified shootings and flat out malicious cops who see an officer involved shooting as a notch on their belt
One that comes to mind was that dude in a hotel hallway being told blatantly stupid shit to illicit a response where he could be shot
Plenty of other examples out there of “shark attack” tactics where multiple officers with guns drawn are shouting different orders at the same time
That said the dude in this video fucked up
It’s not common for officers to be shot at, especially when they’ve got a gun drawn on the suspect already,
It has happened enough to have a hall of fame of webms with cops being killed on these forums
You being emotionally upset that a cop shot a guy in the split second he went from reaching for his weapon to putting his hands up doesn’t change that the cop was justified
People who legally carry handguns know damn well how to handle being approached by a cop; it’s one of the first things you think about if you decide to carry and are law abiding
It’s almost always dipshits that aren’t carrying in good faith that get dusted by cops for making stupid movements
Fuck around and find out applies
scumbag killing his mum like that. poor woman

Soap? mafia? What the fuck you on about you gypsy mothafuka!??

Bitch, I'll come to Albania. Where the fuck you at? I will buy a flight right now from here in Kenya. Where you at?!!! Tell me I will send screenshot of flight.
this is our strength
>I will buy a flight right now from here in Kenya
Cmon man we all know niggers can't read or write you almost had it
i mean maybe that's kind of my point is that its not illegal or death sentence worthy to be "dumb", especially when the thing you're dumb in is life-threatening self-defence knowledge. Like you really think a guy who didn't finish 3rd grade has firearms training?
>no, keep your hands as far away from your waistband as possible and follow orders, we wont get shot.
yeah but you're only saying this because you've seen so many videos of people getting killed that you're an expert on police shooting legality now lmao

most sheltered normies are so inarticulate and uncoordinated that you really have to talk to them like they're five. I don't think its fair to shoot them because the officers couldn't control the situation enough to say "put your hands on your head"
You're on 4chan like a loser. No this doesn't harden you up or whatever boomer bullshit you repeat. You just become a bigger faggot and you're no better than any of the desensitized killers in the webms
Kike fingers typed this post
What flavor of false flaggot are you, subhuman imbecile?
Indian troon got so mad it forgot to say post 3 faggot
La Mort de Shinzo?
>come to albania
no one is coming to your shithole country
Why the fuck would you let randos into your house??
Did you even watch the video? He literally shot a guy for kicking his car.
I like how you can see his brains squirting out of his ears lol

In another 4chan thread someone said he got life

For my autistic ass. If your just acting like an inexplicable out of the woodwork hooligan. There is no telling were the escalation can go and you should be put down.

Although I do agree that everyone with autism that frequents this site should be put down as well. So there's that.
Holy shit, what's the story with this one?
An Elder Nigga Has Been Slain
At the time of the attack, police said Trejo was attempting to buy an axe. After a few minutes of holding the axe, police said he swung the axe, striking Patterson's head.

"The victim basically was just sitting in the house, charging his cell phone, eating an egg roll and was not even interacting with anybody, was just quietly sitting there," said Tulsa Police Lt. Brandon Watkins. "Basically, just murdered the victim in cold blood for no reason whatsoever."

Dude was a drug runner, illegal immigrant, on hold by ICE pending trial since 2012

Damn, Joe Biden really isn't fit for office is he?
>Guys, I'm thinking about trannies again
I think what he is trying to say is what age is considered an adult is basically an opinion now a days. People throw out pedophile for older men messing with 20 year olds.
Like even the thought that it should be 18 is only something in some us states its somewhere between 16 and 18 all over the us and the world. Not sure how they decide it but I know I didn't feel much difference between when I was 18 vs 17
Wtf? Why doesn't she put up a fight?
around blacks...
Typical spic
>the liberkid acting edgy
I’m partially convinced everyone calling anything under 18 a pedo is some shit perpetrated by pedos
Pedophile is prepubescent, that’s how it’s described in the DSM-5; a person over the age of 16 who wants to fuck someone 12 or younger
13 - 17 is ephebophilia and 11 - 14 is hebephilia
Nobody knows what the fuck those words mean though, a grown man trying to fuck a teenager is still fucked up but wanting to fuck prepubescent children is a different level of shit heel
Trying to lump it all together gives chomos more legitimacy in the eyes of backwards ass fuckups
bro tried to sneak age of consent in there :skull:
Yes you can, fuck niggers.
This is what you get for being kind to niggers.
Get fucked
Fucking kek, eastern europe is nothing but albino niggers. If anything you guys are evidence that being a homogenously white country is not an automatic key to success.
>still projecting to try and prove he's not gay
>helo police i just shooted a nigga come and get him
fucking retarted murican piece of shit pigs cops they so afraid of everything lir shizos with badges and pistols
when your jew on a stick said to love they neighbor, he meant other jews
the CC shooting was a response to muzzies doing their taqqiya thing, just like the kid who shot up the black church was responding to videos like in this thread
>Filming murders on discord
Fucking lmao
>wearing their bike helmets on top of their heads
>looks at rock thrower before escorting the target towards the car
>stands behind and to the side to allow for a clear shot from the direction of the rock thrower
>doesn't act surprised as they collapse to the ground

>someone looks like someone else
Every thread. We have to have the 80 IQ third-graders rushing to make "jokes" that aren't funny.
Well idk how that's possible considering he survived

Try watching the full video before you sperg out. The guy had a gun and was reaching for it multiple times. They told him to stop putting his hands there
Nigga WTF?
gay edit
this board really is fucking lame
What you have is also a mental illness though
>Omg that's just a child, they're so innocent and we must protect them at all costs, no harm must come to them
>(The same child passes a certain amount of days on this earth but still harbors feelings for the first young love they once had)

Do you realize how that sounds?
two bullets in close range right?dude obv finished then he cut him with a knife,why?
Doesn't look white
In america where there's lots of low iq white trash maybe, germanics/nords generally don't act subhuman like this
It sounds fucking awesome
Death to chomos
Castrate teenage rapists
Nothing is so universally hated among all societies quite like the pedophile and rapist
The world would be better off if they were never born

Was to get into some Discord murder cult that does this shit on the regular
Damn man why are you still thinking about my cock?
Spics are worse than niggers
I have people telling me 'move to Ecuador it is perfectly safe'
Blacks are far more likely to be Pedos as well as every other type of criminal
Liberals use them to feel good
that man is a hero. DONT BLOCK THE ROAD
the fuck are you on about. Putin is far more civilized then any western "leader" . Russia is the good guys these days.
you need to move
puberty decides when a person becomes an adult. not years. I agree the misuse of the word pedo is stupid ignorance. balling a 16 or 17 year old is NOT the same as some scumbags raping babies from a crib. age of consent here was raised from 14 in my lifetime.
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lol you are a fucking loser KYS
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dude was literally letting him take everything and the worthless nig still shoots him. I hope that faggot gets kidnapped and killed after weeks of brutal ass rape.
too bad they got life for killing someone who deserved it. I doubt the faggot kicking the car has done anything for society so its not like anyone of value was lost.
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crime statistics would say otherwise lol
if you are black just don't be around whites, its that easy.
Medical professionals stop posting videos of your patients online for attention challenge (LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE!)
Ah, yes, a hero for murdering a protestor blocking the road.
Lmao, look up the FBI crime statistics because you're wrong as fuck
what did that dumbass bitch think would happen? Is this just her attempting suicide?
Germany has a higher incidence of violent crime perpetrated by white people than the United States
Denmark and Norway are paradise with the lowest violent crime rates in the world
Violent crime rates in the United States are 1230 per 100,000
Violent crime rates in Germany are 6762 per 100,000
lmao if you actually think this. Even inside Russia a lot of people don't like him. I can tell you don't interact with actual Russian people if you think this shit.
But Moscow looked so clean and Putin was so knowledgeable on history when Tucker Carlson showed us!
keep crying faggot lol
>my point is that its not illegal or death sentence worthy to be "dumb"
Irrelevant. If you're the pig stood in front of them and they're reaching toward a gun, you are not going to explicitly risk your life in order to give them the benefit of the doubt. I don't think you understand how quickly someone can draw and fire a gun - and, for that matter, how often it happens to pigs. Literally just search on YouTube 'traffic stop officer shot' and you'll find dozens on the Police Activity channel alone. Videos that, by the way, are shown as part of police training and the point stressed very firmly how quickly things can go South. Finally, you don't seem to be taking into account that the pig is a human being with human thoughts, fears, and a human threat response. If you were in his position with adrenaline coursing through your veins you would do the exact same thing.
Germany has way more immigrants than Denmark or Norway
Nobody deserves death more than libertarians
The only thing this guy did wrong is forgetting to double tap
They think they are subtle
>Germany has a higher incidence of violent crime perpetrated by white people than the United States
That's only because if you took out POC crime, violent crime in the US would be at Japan levels of violent crime. It's not even significantly more like 1-3% for all these countries when you only account for white or east asian pipo
the shooter is 14 years old, already had previous robbery record
does anyone know what happened after?
That's a spic like you, senor.
White dude was released for good behavior

I live in east europe
I said accounting only for white people
The better argument would be around how both countries categorize violent crime
I literally said perpetrated by white people, but the statistic I listed also only applies to citizens
Germans on paper.
sentenced to 86 years
I never understand why people just "accept their fate" like this. Rush him. Fight back Jesus.
Which white immigrants are getting citizenship in Germany at rates high enough to skew this statistic?
his wife and daughter next to him ? maybe ??
They walked off and seemed to go inside.
Did he rip out their gay piercings?
I remember seeing one where the faggot youtuber dressed in all black and grabbed a random guy from the back and asked for his wallet. Some dude nearby came up and punched him right in the face and destroyed his nose. Like caved it in and the youube fag yelled "its a prank". Some fucking prank to assault and rob somebody as a joke.
You're a tough guy huh?
Are you retarded or just pretending to be?
Someone said there was his kid in the car. Brazil.
This could've been proper bait, but you made it a bit too obvious. 4/10
eh, whatever
he was guilty of armed robbery and crashed into someone
Dude was just a pokemon card collector who got killed by some random Mexican who wanted to be in prison. Fucking haunting and horrifying.
Thankfully you'll be on the watch list. Hope the FBI/CIA goes rogue on your ass and violates the fuck out of your rights for being such a fucking weirdo
There is no watch list for people who watch videos online retard.

and if watching this shit and interacting with it makes you seethe so hard, why enter the thread and try to argue with people in the first place? Thats like going to a gay bar then complaining about how gay it is. You're fucking embarrassing yourself nigger.
Nope, deserved
did the robber shot the old lady?
fucking wild, this is why I don't use fb market lol
I use it so we can sus out weird ass mother fuckers like you and get you in the proper watch lists so we can find out the demographics of potential Aztec/Umqua shooters, and you talk just like one.
nice try nigger
yes because spics killing other spics is worse than blacks killing whites, huh Mr. Weinstein?
This is the kind of shit you end up with when you pretend autists are actual people.
what was it
wow so this beaner got what was coming to him
fuck you >>27459938 deceptive bitch

As a Zoomer this is what this culture has raised. If a kid is liberal, they become a faggot wannabe-gangbanger who either shoots or gets shot trying to rob $50 of weed.If they're conservative they start getting into the retarded sigma shit and think they can kill anyone they think is below them (most of these retards work at McD).
>shoots at a random woman on the street
>carjacks a family of four at gunpoint
>robs a store for a measly $500
>crashes the stolen car evading cops
>high on Xanax, fent and meth
>lets his hand drop towards a pistol in his front pocket that the cops can see, and which they know he’s demonstrated a willingness to use
>cop-hating virgin teenage online anarchists on /gif/ are on HIS side
>illicit a response
‘Elicit’, retard.
You can do 2 years in jail in Germany for calling someone an idiot, so I suspect their definition of ‘violent crime’ may be a bit looser than the US’.
Retards gonna retard.
You just know the pimply cunts shrieking about ‘bootlickers’ and ‘pigs’ would break the sound barrier running to the cops if someone beat them up for their iPhone.
absolutely nothing is this world worth anything other than nature & animals

humans are pure garbage
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i tell ya I have a lot of hate and would gladly shoot and kill the rats I hate.

but it's because of what they do to me that justifies it.

killing and old man minding his own business. that sack of garbage is the kind of person I wish I could kill over & over
congratulations your now a certified government worker you can kill innocent old women children are nothing and boys & men are like skittles.

what a hero !
everyday Isreal soldiers kill children & women by thr dozens why do you think this is bad? the real monsters get saluted for being obedient heatless scum

one man kills one woman he's a criminal
one squad of soldiers kills hundreds of children men & women un armed innocent people.

They always do. Hence, retarded.
amen, if only I could do this to the scum rat spies that haunt me and are nothing but cancer to this world
mindless dime a dozen government shills bought and sold their soul long time ago
Fuck you piece of shit nigger

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