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post all you have about these two old pedos as long as it makes you sneed
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I can't post three, but let's see what we have
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they'll give him an IV drug treatment and he'll be solid you underestimate CIA drug capabilities
Pinche gringo pendejo, los mismos 3 videos siempre.

Y como quiera los dos se los van a cojer por pendejos.
callerse la boca, meg.
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I'm watching it right now and it's awful. Whoever wins, America loses.
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trump isn't even trying lol
Rambling lunatic vs geriatric mumbler
2/5 stars - horrible fap
I am glad our world leaders are using this valuable time to argue about Bidens golf handicap
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prepare to lose
>thread making fun of both candidates
>prepare to lose
the copium overdose is rotting your brain anon
pretty sure he meant prepare to lose as in prepare to laugh, this is apparently a YLYL thread after all
I was thinking he has a device like an insulin pack injecting him with that good shit for the debate.
Ah yes. The political troll bait thread under the guise of being a YLYL thread. A good classic never goes out of style.
why is president Biden making fun of George Floyd?
jesus christ, I still can't believe this literal retard actually was the president, and worse, has a real chance of becoming the president once again. america truly gets the leaders it deserves. keep banning books you brainlets, I'm gonna Russian start on duolingo
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Why would you need to learn a language you already know Vlad?
Cry more you little bitch lmao
>idk what ylyl stands for
>guise my opinion is very important and valid tho
The debate was the most pathetic display ever for us politics. Nothing they talked about directly addressed what people want. Plus they're both barely conscious. The only true thing said was when Trump warned that we are close to ww3. That's it.
Fuck flart
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No native English speaker would've made such a mistake.
who is getting baited?
is there a link for this? it's pretty funny
the meltdown will be epic
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The amount of retards in these debate threads angrily screeching about Trump and how "both presidents are shit" truly are hilarious, and shows how much of a shill-shithole this board truly is.
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based boomers
Chuds obviously. Nobody here supports Biden but we still have a few 2016 tourists that get triggered when you make fun of Trump.
he's right and also you can't recycle paper straws because htey are plastic lined
but i don't use straws because im not a lady
Liking the better candidate doesn't mean you're an election tourist, turbo-nigger.
Russian bot confirmed

A vote for Trump is literally a vote for fascism. I wish that were hyperbole or exaggeration. It's not.

You think pervs like people on here won't be also caught in the christo-right-wing purges? You think porn will be legal?

Seriously, people on here don't and won't agree, but don't throw your freedom away because you don't like 'the libs'.
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>Liking the better candidate
No one knows what you're saying, latrino.
>Poe's law
Reminds me of house of cards but with less charisma and more insomnia.
you will never be a woman, faggot
He said more things in that video that is relatable for the working class than Biden has ever said in a speech.
this country is so fucked. nobody seriously believes that out of all the intelligent, talented, capable people in this country these are the two best men for the job right? so how is it fucking possible that we have to watch these two senile old retarded faggot crooks compete again? this system is fucking broken
Return to r*ddit commie dipshit
The straw debate was the funniest shit I've ever seen. It caused so many issues at work because the green leftists wanted them gone to save the environment and the blue hair leftists wanted them to stay because the disableds needed them apparently. All women of course. I can't remember the last time I used a straw.
you are getting baited, hard
Our system is fucked. Two private corporations get to decide our choices, and tribsalism will keep it that way until the next time shit gets bloody.

As for banning books, i doubt you're but hurt of some astute academic work, since those aren't being banned. So are you upset the kid grooming books are getting banded? If so why?
there is zero tribalism, u westerners are fucked in the head, and this cope about 'tribalism' is why
>A vote for Trump is literally a vote for fascism
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>You think porn will be legal
I hope not
He doesn't have a real chance of being president again, comeon
I mean there's not a good choice here. There's mediocre and omfg keep it away
rape & kill all children of spying rats
it's too bad spying rats don't off themselves
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Just made this one
New-ish fag here. Why did moot not allow mp4's?
Stop making fun of my mom
/pol/ It's short for "politics". That was the clue you may have missed. It's ok. You're new. Bye.
What's crazy is that america can recreate this video within days and they can fart enough money to pull this off in a second (because all money is fake)
Voting for someone you don't like based off the opinions of people you do like isn't a stable basis for voting for fascism.
The exact same stupid shit can be said about biden.
Terrible day to have eyes.
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and meant absolutely none of it! kek
If they had something like that why wasn’t he already on it for the debate?
wtf is this?vw2tv
Fucking KEK
He will though.
You can actually understand his babble.
The Democrats fucked it, and they keep fucking it.
You could run anyone against Trump but they keep trying to run their establishment retards.
They deserve every L they are about to get.
I mean... good for her to not give 2 shits about what people think. I'm guessing she doesn't have real ladies parts but had an operation to please her man??
She may not feel any pleasure but probably enjoys seeing her dude get off?
choosing between Biden and Trump is karma for every coup the CIA plotted and made an retard president of some latin american country.
>choosing between Biden and Trump is karma for every coup the CIA plotted and made an retard president of some latin american country.

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Probably some bullshit excuse that doesn't hold up same as other boards not getting audio.
What's going on here?
Anon, that ain't no woman....
they were trying to do the popular white person meme called "dump meals", aka lazy house wife doesn't want to wash plates. So they make a pot of jarred spaghetti and pour it onto a tarp and everyone just eats with forks out of it. They claim it's a bonding exercise
because they are too easy to embed things into
god i love this one
I'm voting for trump just in case there is the slightest chance he'll round up faggots like you and kill them
He was.
nigga they'll just add however many votes they need like they did last time.
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> ypipo will be no seasonin' their foods yo

> Ownwee wite-weeng cay-ohn bee fathidum

Says the person willing to support the fascistic left-wing crony corporatists, that keep enforcing nation wide, hyper partisan laws/legislation/mandates (roe V wade, DEI, the vaccine mandate). There are plenty of right wing cronies too, don't get me wrong.

all we want is someone we can trust, who would be a clear political outsider to come in and get rid of the crony establishment, and trump has been one of the only people with enough spine(and capitol) to actually try and do something about it.

it always sickens me to see the people supporting the party making the largest and most broad strokes of fascist acts, cry 'FACISM' or '<insert>PHOBIC!' against the good people legitimately trying to fight against it.
Russia supports trump, like they did when they influenced the 2016 election. like they do now. Putin will love to have Trump who is maybe the worst president ever on foreign policy. Harrison may have been better even just by virtue of only living 30 days as president.
>can't tell if anon is lying or ignorant
Joe Biden constantly talks about his working class roots, he talks about unions, he talks about the cost of living. Biden relies heavily on his relatability to poor people (and was one of the poorer members of congress both going in and leaving). Trump does not have an ounce of working class blood in his body (and the man has a lot of blood). Maybe I'm assuming too much and you're a really big RFK jr. fan, but you cannot seriously criticize Biden for being unrelatable to the working class while supporting Donald Fucking Trump. Get lost, partisan hack.
The working class finds Trump relatable because he reinforces all of the lies and bullshit low education blue collar workers believe
Not exactly “working class” so much as “working dumbass” I guess
Still there are a lot of them in the country
>they did when they influenced the 2016
kek, 3/8
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>A vote for Trump is literally a vote for fascism
you used that same lie in 2015 to trick me into voting for Trump, I'm not gonna fall for it again

Is this really how faggots cope with their side getting it's asshole reamed on live television so badly they can't possibly defend it? Pretending to be an impartial third positionist (when they're just a disappointed commie)?
dude, you serious, your brain still hasn't dried itself about that yet? still like it was just straight outta the washing machine propaganda?
holy shit i can only get so erect
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more of this guy?
You're probably going to die in the next civil war

Broooo your mom and siblings are going to be riddled with holes and you'll just cry like a bitch and beg them not to hurt you
>seinfeld bassline plays
wtf lol he got knocked out?
>t. Just learned what the libertarian party is
Lel, every 4 years it's just a dumping ground for idealogues who's guy turned out to be shit, case in point this election's gay, pro mask, literal communist libertarian candidate. People are seriously hung up on "winning" the election, to the point they'll refuse to vote or throw it away if it means they can pretend they never cared about it at all in the first place.
Yeah coping about this 'tribalism' that doesn't exist is what got us fucked up in the head and into this predicament that we can't get out of. You nailed it bro good job
YEAH! Infowars is telling you the TRUTH! The same Infowars that got sued into oblivion for spreading misinformation! Infowars is the truth! THEY'RE TURNIN' THE FRICKIN' FROGS GAY! BUT NOT THE FISH! NOT THE CRAWDADS! NOT ALL THE OTHER ANIMAL LIFE THAT DRINKS THE SAME WATER! JUST THE FROGS! AND YOOOUU BETTER WELL LEARN TO LOVE IT!
>they'll give him an IV drug treatment and he'll be solid
he was on drugs. the problem is the drugs arent working anymore because he's deteriorated too much
He didn't get sued for misinformation he got sued for having a guest that hurt the feelings of the parents and some fbi guy that got $100 million.
if u understood the words you managed to type in your attempt to mock me, you really would see that it is true
one way to look at this problem is the paranoia. perhaps some sort of a 'cultural paranoia'
tribalism is something that exists in eastern cultures. it does not exist in western cultures, except maybe for the catholics in south america maybe. and btw it is a good thing. what ever 'bad' aspects you have in mind when you think of the word 'tribalism' well they are completely different concepts and not related to what the concept of tribalism really is

another word to reconsider is racism. which i think is a great thing, for many different reasons. a little animosity between different cultures is the only way for them to survive

maybe u should complain about violence and people dying for no reason

oh and the biggest example of tribalism is jews. and people hate that. but that, sorry to say, is actually just another successful example of tribalism. it's the best, and perhaps it's literally the only thing that kikes are good at. tribalism for the sake of it, with no legitimate homeland or even a culture anymore. lmao. just keep reinventing yourself though and let people seethe, it's kind of legit. i would look into some legit jews like from southern arabia and such though, for any attempt to cultivate legitimacy to say the least
>trusting courts
>the baby has been eating corn starch
I love when reality reflects stereotypes
Tribalism only exists with kikes, niggers, faggots, leftists, women, chanks, arabs, and beaners. Not straight white males.
Lol imagine believing in America's legal system inorite? Well if you got something better figured out I'd be all ears. Or if you just hate America you're than welcome to leave

Inb4 bootlicker
i'm not from the west and i intend to make sure all my peaple leave with me. i leave all the time buddy (btw i mean not in usa specifically , so idk if u imply, compared to even other western states, only america has good law?) but ok lawl
anyways laws only exist for stupid people, if u didn't have to coexist with retards then u wouldn't even need traffic laws, as one example
oh okay thanks for clarifying
The president taking a knee for his jewish masters
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You fucking retards said the same thing back in 2016 and nothing happened. This year, im voting for trump out of spite. So tired of this ridiculous rhetoric that comes from the neo far left
Kek Biden has been in politics for like 50 fucking years. Dude is not in line with the working class. You’re a fucking retard if you think otherwise
>underestimate CIA drug capabilities
yeah sure thing mr ex CIA
fucking retard accusing other people of ignorance when he has never even seen the outside of his parent's basement I swear to god
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idk what exactly ur intended meaning was but man
it's straight white males that care about the law and no one else. everyone else busy giving favors to their tribe
then soros backed tribespeople enter judiciary and shit and it's fucking game over
Imagine the sex... It's like a peek into Heavan
all of these bootlickers support zion don and israel
Biden voters:
>i can't stand for things that i imagine happening in a fantasy world so i hate trump
Trump voters:
>there sure are a lot of fucking short people who don't speak english here now
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>close to ww3
They've been saying that since the cold war started. Ain't happening.
No one capable of being President is in line with the working class. Neither is my white collar doctor, lawyer, and financial advisor. But I still use them because they know what they're doing through years of experience.

"Career politician" is not a negative, as the right would argue. They know the job.
I am rock-hard does someone have the sauce?
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well hes got my vote now
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Trump also said in the debate that he's better than Joe at golf. I think that is also true and a very important factor to decide who is most fit to be president
did we need emojis overlapping what's happening?
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trannies being very god damn feminine
You ever notice that wicked city has the plot and many of the features of Men in Black including the noisy cricket, the roadside tentacle birth, and a foul mouthed little goblin that gives them Intel?
The suits are called blackguards, our main guy has darker skin than everyone else, he's working with a grumpy older agent, many of the monsters wear like, skin suits they rip though to attack...

Basically it's men in black if Tommy Lee Jones kept getting raped (but barely reacted to it because he was also John Carpenter's Thing monster).
trump got sued for 1 quadrillion dollars because he spread misinformation to a whore 50 years ago
>Most sociopathic liar chosen by other professional sociopathic liars is a good thing, that means they're the best at it!
Any member of a currently existing political class is unfit for citizenry, much less to lead it.

Most doctors, lawyers, and financial advisors should be fired out of a cannon too.
>So tired of this ridiculous rhetoric that comes from the neo far left
If you actually look back at articles being written at the time the left has said the same thing about every republican president for like 60 years, they've just turned up the volume as they went along, but the message was always the same.
There were a number of towns and cities westward in the 1800s that had no written laws, no legal standing in the US courts, no courts or jurisdiction period. No taxes obviously, no police.

They all had less violent death than any modern US city per capita. They built roads, kept records, ran schools and doctor's offices, built and maintained telegraphs, they conducted business, they even marshaled forces in their own collective defense.

As it turns out, white people don't need to be robbed by their government and surrounded by violent mercenaries sworn to the state to live well.
Y'know he was proved right on that right?
You know different animals react differently to the same chemical stimulus right?
>Joe Biden constantly talks about his working class roots,
>He can't be disconnected from these people, he mumbles plenty of limp dicked platitudes about and at them
You're like the communist that says "how could the sex have been worthless I spent an hour working on it!"
And a broken clock is right twice a day, your point?
Sudden drop of bloodpressure, its basically same effect as "fainting game"
if everybody knows every family it's probably easier to achieve. must have been small communities?
You, a hyperventilating faggot, brought up the time the broken clock was right as an example of it being wrong because the right answer "sounded weird".

You have the brain of a girl in junior high.
I don't mean small homestead communities, I mean everywhere. Take the bloodiest no law enforcement, most heavily armed largest boom Town of the old West and it's statistics still blow any modern city out of the water per capita.

Cops simply do not lower the rate of violent crime. Gun ownership does, and so does percentage whiteness.

Yes obviously it's better to live in smaller communities, but the worst of the wild west wasn't as bad as a modern American city.
bruh this guy is a next level stand-up comedian or improviser. WTF. WHAT A GREAT ORATOR
His comedic timing is excellent
He has the whole gathering in palm of his hand
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even today the state that has the most white people has the least crime, and when moving it's best to avoid concentration of black people because that's where the crime is highest. probably just because systemic racism, am i right?
Nah, I've been looking for it since I found this video. I want to see the thing get cummed in
I'm into this but she has to keep the spider form.
voting on emotion. easy to manipulate. women shouldn't be involved in politics.

if their brains were the same as men's there should be roughly equal number of female democrats as male democrats and roughly equal number of female republicans as male republicans. but looking at party statistics democrats is the party of women and republicans is the party of men.
anyone knows when the next big debate will take place?
It is happening now. Pay attention. Israel is kicking it off in the middle east on behalf of NATO and the USA, and Biden has authorized Ukraine to strike Russia, which they are doing. Watch out for nukes literally at any time. Speaking of nuclear bombs, recently the USA declared no limits on nuclear weapons! As recently as two weeks ago. Again, pay attention *before* you are vaporized.
People who shit on Trump don't understand what America is. I went to a rally in 2016 and they atmosphere was insane.
He’s proposing to marry Kamala, that’s the yoke.
>People who shit on Trump don't understand what America is
I know exactly what America is and Trump is making it worse, that's the point.
I am going to vote 3x, I have my old addresses getting mail in ballots. I hope we kill all the jews and dirty niggers.
>Durr hurr u ugly
Meanwhile the leftists look like this
Kys ywnbaw
It's kevin the rapist spacey the good liberal
>infowars makes fun of biden along with almost everyone else at this point
>start frothing at the mouth and screeching about gay frogs
i don't even like infowars or AJ but you seem like a fuckin loser lol
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bro the left wont even participate in the military. God I hope they draft those motherfuckers when the war goes down. Want to watch them all become cannon fodder.
Holy fuck kid go to bed
>(((12th largest company)))
>This tube is a lie
>But believe me even though I'm on the tube too
(((4th largest religion)))

Good point, it's like democrats embody the worst traits of women, and republicans embody the worst traits of men.

The real issue is that most people are retarded, regardless of party lines.
Kids shouldn't watch wicked city anon.
>Le bothsame enlightened middle
Women vote Democrat because they're easily brainwashed. Men vote Republican because there isn't an even further right party.

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