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this is really sad, holy shit
There are literally 20+ nigger porn threads
I wonder who could be behind those posts
the fucking dad keeeek
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Honestly is not funny because that poor child was 100% groomed by his dad into that shit.
the literal state of america
at this point it is certain that it is troons, glowies should be shilling politics along with mossad agents.
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they should be discorgind each other as you read this, ready to samefag each other on the comments in an effort to try to hide this thread between the same 20 webms of shitlog sickle cell porn.
it would be better for them to raise awareness about the issues they faced, rather than them just offing themselves. will u be an hero?
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>when you try and mod your kittens irl
transgenerism was founded before ww2 in germany
Yeah how dare that kid be happy with himself right? I mean of all the fucking nerve.
>Yeah how dare that kid be happy with himself right? I mean of all the fucking nerve.
>raise awareness about the issues they faced
They don't listen, we've already tried this. They're too far gone sadly
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who is we? i talk to plenty of 'trannies' aka femboys aka ladyboys or whatever. if u say it is mental illness then insurance covers the meds lol
there's a lot of perspective, and as long as they don't say it's 'normal' to be a tranny, well that's the main thing. them wanting to be called a girl is also related to misconceptions
>and as long as they don't say it's 'normal' to be a tranny
They do though, so you're wrong.
who is they? blair white doesn't. many of them don't. in fact i use blair white as an example, when talking to other trannies perhaps not a 'role model' per se but like I said
>it would be better for them to raise awareness about the issues they faced
there's even plenty that have detransitioned. isn't that better than killing yourself?
There's nothing wrong a young child expressing their true gender. I think it's a wonderful thing, and we should encourage it more.
>there's even plenty that have detransitioned. isn't that better than killing yourself?
Destransitioning is better, doesn't mean they're going to though. Some troons will be delusional till the day they die.

Sad but true.
A child doesn't even comprehend the concept of "gender" at that age, they are in no right mind to consent to such lunacy.
>playing with a barbie doll =/= they're secretly a girl
what's ur point?
some losers will just be losers forever
My point is there's no point in trying to make troons see the light when they're hell bent on refusing to see it, just let them suicide. It will get them out of circulation faster, a win win for everyone. We're just helping them do it faster
do u have a fetish for seeing trannies kill themselves? you should blow your brains out
there is no such thing as 'true gender' there's only the genitals u were born with, and you are mentally ill if u think otherwise
>My point is there's no point in trying to make whiteboys see the light when they're hell bent on refusing to see it, just let them suicide. It will get them out of circulation faster, a win win for everyone. We're just helping them do it faster
there's trannies pushing other normal straight white males into becoming sissies and them killing themselves
you are literally helping them
QOTT: why are you so obsessed with trans people?

Looks pretty happy to me!
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Not that anon, but who the fuck cares?
Past this stupid shit going on with minors being allowed to do anything past hormone blockers; and parents not raising their own fucking children
What value will people like this bring to the world either way? If your parents are so shit that they can’t practice some basic fundamentals like “wait til you’re older” do you think these people are going to hold any value in adulthood?
If you’re so weak minded and weak willed that you let strangers tell you what your sexual preferences and gender are do you really think these people are of any real use?
Fuck em, let em chop their tits off and lop off their nuts; they’re just going to off themselves by the time they’re 40 anyway
And the ones that find some kind of peace with doing it, make it past 40 and actually live somewhat productive lives; great, happy for you, you’re still a fucking freak; doesn’t mean I don’t want you to be happy so you can live a productive life, but quit letting mentally ill weaklings denigrate your self image by demanding people accept them
>What value will people like this
what value does anyone fucking bring? you are all utterly worthless. stop paying taxes and funding israel. STUPID BITCH KILL YOURSELF white people should actually go extinct keep helping jews and then laugh at your own people suiciding HOLY SHIT I HATE THE WEST JUST GO AHEAD AND DESTROY YOURSELF
How the fuck am I helping them? If they're all dead there won't be any trannies left to gaslight anymore. Total tranny suicide (TTS).

Nah they should just kill themselves because they're weighing society down with their degeneracy. I don't have a fetish for them killing themselves, but I do still want them to kill themselves, and will do everything I can to make sure they follow through. It's the right thing to do after all, if you don't tell troons to kill themselves you're literally an enemy of western civilization because you're not taking action against the thing damaging it.
>Looks pretty happy to me!
I'm sure all those rape victims are happy too, after all they convinced themselves of it! Must be alright to do then.
the femboy nazis won't like this one
Third world education is showing
yea non kiked education. houthi universities in yemen are unironically inviting everyone and i unironically recommend it. actually best go to to uae then syria then yemen or something
the trannies can go to iran also. and syria is totally secular and libertarian mmmkay
Spent 3 years in Mosul fighting Daesh
I’m good on going anywhere near Syria
who the fuck asked u to do that? ur kike masters?
>do u have a fetish for seeing trannies kill themselves
I do. I like being proven right when I say "Mutilating your own genitals is a terrible idea"
omg. yeah even a lot of gay and trannies agree with u. very few people do that, i think it's all psychopathic doctors for sure

but what about those faggots that just take estrogen like it's just some fuckin drug u can take like any other lol
reminds me of that webm of troons losing their shit in discord chats
except u fags want troons to die, and troons want whites to die
it's the same thing
I was a mercenary fighting with the Peshmerga
No kikes involved
it's 100% kikes, where do u think the oil from syria is going?
peshmerga literally let isis slaughter yazidis, they are the worst kurds, they are the ones helping us backed kurds steal oil from syria to sell to turkey
they are the ones letting turkey have bases fucking inside iraq to go after 'kurdish terrorists' when iraq never asked them too
kikes don't actually care about kurds when they help both groups of kurds, one steals the oil, the other lets iran and turkey slaughter them
I was 8 mercenaries and I died in the spice wars.
toons want ballons to cartoons based kek pills baloons
I hear ya gud buddy. Fought the covenant on Reach myself. Simple Fie brother.
Yah rewind to 2013 and let me know what it was then big guy
I fought with Peshmerga, PKK and Assyrians because I wanted to kill Daesh
Do you even have real world experience in life or is it all education and politics to you?
Semper Pie fatties
Gaven bless the Teufelhunden
>Do you even have real world experience in life or is it all education and politics to you?
i was born in karachi lol, riots are normal there, ruined my birthday, etc
unlike you i actually have a plan to help my people
u should worry about the west, we do not fucking need your help. arrogant fucking white people gtfo the middle east. BITCH
WOWOWOW ruined your birthday!?
How awful
True mettle, you are
Listen kid one day your nuts will drop and you’ll find a real purpose in life instead of attaching yourself to political movements
That’s a young man’s game whose yet to figure it out
why would i tell you about my private life? you keep shitposting while actual men get things done in the world. no men in the west apparently
Dem galder decepticons severed mai shoulder mounted blaster in the battle of spanikopita. My trad waif wont eben look at me any more kek. Jews. Pills. Toon.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little pasmendit toon? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
I fot kobra under the codename snake eys and I agree with corporate cable news
That tranny fagot got fucked up
At 4 years old you think kids know what they want? dumb fagot
holy shitdicks the shitdick shit posting is reaching shitake shitquake levels
You clearly don't have kids fagot
Thank you, someone who actually knows what they're talking about?
Didn't mean to add that question mark
Why wouldn’t you if you’ve accomplished anything and are so passionate about it?
I only brought up my experience around Mosul because you mentioned traveling through Syria
Much of my time there was spent with Dwekh Nawsha near Batnaya and Teleskuf
They seemed pretty happy to have westerners there
You’ll find that people are just people, they are not their government, as you grow up
>You’ll find that people are just people, they are not their government, as you grow up
that's what i'm trying to tell you, that kiked puppet governments invite the zog usa and you clowns have no clue what's going on. everyone outside of the west knows how retarded westerners are and simply pity you.
see my problem is that these nonwhites think they know better just because they know better than westerners (which they do) but they still don't know anything so that's my problem to deal with
anyways worry about yourself, fucking retarded westerner trying to tell a foreigner how the world works outside of the west please kill yourself
well while i'm at it, so another big level of brainwashing in the world is from the muslim brotherhood, which is zogged obv backed by west and creates controlled opposition on top of the western propaganda
I'm a mercenary with 17 trad children and hot trad wiaifs chat online wit me all day
When does my penis fall off, Daddy?
my uncle daddy werks for intendo i ken ban yo
Eh your beliefs are on the more shallow end of figuring it out
You should travel when you get older so you can form a proper world view
You are speaking as someone who is isolated, I can tell
I wish things were so cut and dry in life
that's not a refutation to anything, thanks for letting us know ur retarded bye
You keep seething at the bit to argue some point
You claim you don’t want to discuss your personal life but readily respond to me with deeply personal beliefs
I’m not here to refute anything, I’m here to kill time, you’re screaming at the void kek
>deeply personal beliefs
how are they personal?
how are they beliefs even, i gave articles to even give u all the facts

>You keep seething at the bit to argue some point
>you’re screaming at the void kek
you should speak for yourself, then you'd see how you are projecting. and completely blind to what is really happening here it seems
no yer seething on the toon keks. You not even based. Cope seething. Keks. Pills. Troons. Seethe. It u
Not personal eh?
If that’s the case you don’t care about it at all, right? You either hate something because you’re emotionally attached to it or you’re just virtue signaling
What’s the point of the article? Has fuck all to do with me, trying to insert a topic you can argue around or some shit?
You’re trying to lecture someone that was in country, an hours drive, on what happened? Are you stupid or are you full of shit?
I get the sense you just want things to be upset about
Stay mad I guess?
every westerner is worthless for paying taxes and contributing to israel's slaughter. i don't blame israel, i blame the west for enabling them
and anyone crying about jews should go join the resistance or stop crying and accept their tranny kike blacked overlords. simple as
The fuck does any of that have to do with me?
Are you the Syria guy?
You know that Syria exports and imports with countries that have assisted Israel right?
UAE, Saudi Arabia and Jordan are all trade partners that shared intelligence about or helped shoot down the drone and missile attacks from Iran targeting Israel.
Saudi Arabia used American technology to do it ffs
Jordan shares a security alliance with Israel
UAE literally uses SPYDER defense systems given to them by Israel
Jordan has a peace treaty and UAE has a fucking free trade agreement with Israel as well as the Abraham Accords
Syria imported nearly half a billion from UAE in 2022 kek that’s 6% of Syrias GDP
Insular my ass, even third world shit holes have their hands in the kike economy
u didn't say if u support or are against israel or ur opinion on any of this, so i'm obviously not going to tell you how people against israel are working on things that make them against israel, especially not so completely out of context lmao
and since u like to bicker so much, must i remind u the context of this conversation
idk when u came in but one anon was like
>it's better to let trannies die since they are weak and worthless
and i say, everyone who pays taxes and allows israel to massacre palestinians is worthless, so that would be all westerners to say the least
so i'm not gonna hold ur hand beyond that but think about what ur response to this is. syria bought oil from isis while fighting isis, that's cause, u can make ur own economic theory if u like, but it makes sense to me to buy the cheapest even if it's ur enemy who happens to be selling somehow, at the least there's more nuance than that
no nuance in paying taxes to a country that gives weapons to israel, sorry. not even sells it, just fucking gives it's weapons away for free to israel and ukraine. lmfao.
if u think that's okay then, well u probably had nothing to do with the anon in the first place but then that changes the topic. i'm just saying, yes i admit i brought up jews but the average person on 4chan who says trannies should die is very likely to be like omg jews posting blacked wah etc so i'm like shut the fuck up, go join houthis and hezbollah or accept your worthlessness lol. that's according to their logic though, based on their opinions which u may or may not share...
By your own logic Syrians are worthless because their taxes go towards trade with countries that support Israel
The other guy posting before you was more interesting
My opinion on Israel shouldn’t matter to you, saying you’ll only discuss your ideology with people who don’t support is some spineless shit
Is the CIA responsible for everyone inbreeding with their first cousins over there?
Is butt fucking adolescent tea boys a psyop or is it just sand niggers having their own personal Aisha moment?
Fucking hell when it comes to choosing the more disgusting culture it’s really a toss up between the kikes and the goat fuckers
Like how do you choose between the guys who suck bloody newborn dicks after cutting the tip off and cultures that are quite literally more than 50% inbred
Baws why the map only colored in this one big region?
>trade with countries that support Israel
i already responded to this
>>think about what ur response to this is. syria bought oil from isis while fighting isis, that's cause, u can make ur own economic theory if u like, but it makes sense to me to buy the cheapest even if it's ur enemy who happens to be selling somehow, at the least there's more nuance than that
>>no nuance in paying taxes to a country that gives weapons to israel, sorry. not even sells it, just fucking gives it's weapons away for free to israel and ukraine. lmfao.
but if that's too many words for you. syria doing trade with a country does not even compare to giving weapons directly to israel for free
>more interesting
wow blog about it no one cares about ur opinion of what u find interesting. this is what makes it obvious that u are a woman, acting like what u say is important because it's interesting? men don't talk like that, but bitches and sissies might
>My opinion on Israel shouldn’t matter to you
of course it does. like i said the other anon has a specific context that i was responding to
>saying you’ll only discuss your ideology with people who don’t support is some spineless shit
that's not what i said at all you are fucking retarded.
this is what i said
>>no nuance in paying taxes to a country that gives weapons to israel, sorry. not even sells it, just fucking gives it's weapons away for free to israel and ukraine. lmfao.
>>if u think that's okay then, well u probably had nothing to do with the anon in the first place but then that changes the topic.
if that's too many words for you, here
if you are against israel bombing gaza then what i said makes sense. otherwise what i said doesn't make sense. nothing to do with supporting ideologies and everything to do with what makes sense based on what perspective you happen to have

>Is the CIA...
>Is butt fucking...
>Fucking hell when...
>Like how do you...
what the fuck did you smoke something? that's some crazy bender
blog about it!
>Is the CIA responsible for everyone inbreeding with their first cousins over there?
>Is butt fucking adolescent tea boys a psyop or is it just sand niggers having their own personal Aisha moment?
>Fucking hell when it comes to choosing the more disgusting culture it’s really a toss up between the kikes and the goat fuckers
>Like how do you choose between the guys who suck bloody newborn dicks after cutting the tip off and cultures that are quite literally more than 50% inbred
i didn't say if either side is better. if u have to ask (me) well jews and muslims can both fuck off. i support syria and kurds, because they protect christians and other minorities (specifically the kurds in syria do, trump went all in on the good kurds and it's paying off, peshmerga is suspicious as fuck as i mentioned earlier). and arab nationalism is good as it puts everything, including islam, in a context that is not retarded. they do jihad against terrorists they say, it's funny. lol not even turkey says they do jihad against kurds but they do call kurds terrorists, keep crying about it.
and that reminds me, there's the shia in iraq that want to be independent from both iran and the west, they would be cool. the shia in iraq that protect christians and minorities are cool

anyways it's very nuanced, many parts, need context to see what part is relevant
okay okay so guys, i know the consensus is TTD but it may not be the majority consensus

is there any room for only a PTD?
I have to counter your proposal of TTS with Partial tranny suicide
I think we can achieve the same goals in saving western civilization with only PTS

what do you think?
If you want to try and convince a mentally ill person that they're not mentally ill then go for it, just don't go into it with high hopes.
no u convince a mentally ill person that they are mentally ill. either way just talking to them works great
acceptance and introspection is much better coping mechanism than denial and delusions
acknowledging that u have delusions and are abnormal is the whole thing, then u try to be normal or learn to cope with not being normal
which is why detransitioners and people like blair white are good examples to point to
and as i learned from my friend on hrt, getting hrt is covered by insurance if u say u are mentally ill. otherwise u can pay to get it for 'cosmetic reasons' so that's one reason for them to be cool with accepting it as a mental illness lol
Yah we give Israel free weapons but it has fuck all to do with liking jews
Israel is our pit bull
It’s purely there to shit all over the place and piss people off
We are in the business of killing musrats, because musrats are disgusting inbred pedophiles, and apparently all it takes to hold half a continent down is a place smaller than New Jersey
I do like how the goal posts move from anyone supporting Israel to “well it’s not as bad as giving them weapons”
The only redeemable people over there are Assyrians and Kurds
Palestinians are some next level retards
Electing your own oppressors and not snubbing that shit when they decided to cancel elections, can’t help but feel they kinda deserve what they’re getting
It’s almost as absurd as Israelis clutching pearls around the holocaust while they take part in ethnic cleansing over the actions of 30k terrorists
My opinion of the Middle East, including Israel, hasn’t changed since 2004 when I first went there
Everything there is fucked and the world would be a better place if it were glassed
Oh yeah I fucked up the wording my bad, but the point still stands. You can try and reason with them but they're most likely going to remain ignorant because living in their fairytale is more comforting than facing the truth. Like I said you can try, but the vast majority of troons I run into are some of the most stubborn pieces of shit to walk this earth. There are very few of them who actually want to detransition, not none, just very few. They're the exception to the rule though, all the ones who don't want help need to -ACK themselves immediately
seems legit
I desperately want to know the source of this so bad, like is there a sound version? And where was it originally posted, it seems old because of how long it's been posted for, surely it's able to be found.
you are a pedophile yes you are, and enjoy inevitable stabbing death
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pls don say ot i get scurred from the andondimus threaty tough werds keks and pills thanks you bless
/thread. Trannies are too weak for the real world, so their death is a natural and moral part of life.
>what value does anyone fucking bring?
helping society, preaching the word of God, educating yourself and others, raising a family, becoming stronger

I know you don't believe in any of those things btw that's why you're a depressed suicidal loser who cut his penis off


top kek
what if some faggot is like they r doing that then they snort some estrogen or something lmao
Pretty smart letting the freak punch and getting behind him
Jewish rat phenotype as well. Interesting.
>Yeah how dare that kid be happy with himself right? I mean of all the fucking nerve.

another anon here.

Retard. Hes like 6 in the first shot, and then 9. You think maybe, that he hasnt processed the consequences of taking puberty blockers that effectively castrate him at that age?

For reference, when I was 14 was about the first time i realized the dick was made for more than peeing.

Now, I know we're on 4chan, and most people here are either "special" or deranged. But there is simply no denying, even for a special person like yourself that this is wrong, evil, and will destroy this poor kids life.

When youre so young, you will fall into whatever your parents pressure you to do. And you want to make your parents happy, so what happened here is extremely likely that they just groomed him to be this way.

Not that I care, youre on the other side of the planet from me. But maybe dont be such an evil piece of shit moving forward. Children are defenceless and i speak on behalf of humanity when I say they dont need some twisted degenerate faggot freak tell them that they need and deserve to be groomed.
I first heard about these transgender coming out parties for kids from Michael Savage around 2016, I couldn't believe it was real, now it's everywhere.
NORF! Get the nonce Ngubu!
gay pedophile shit has been happening and part of corrupt assbackwards societies for a long time in different parts of the world
it's just one of many symptoms of widespread debauchery descending society into degeneracy
the liberal decadence has been happening for many decades. some say it was a front for the twisted elites to normalize all their deranged destitute deviancies
i always thought of dodging and grabbing the fist to do a throw down
this works too, but anything works with entitled frankensteins
Yeah, you just come off as a narcissist-enabler.
I'm also a seperate anon from you or op or the other anon and i agree with you all. We're genuinely concerned about the children of strangers. Also we have supermodel trad wives and 18 inch white cocks.
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Has science figured out why more often than not being a tranny is accompanied by autism in their bio
it's the math departments, the fundamental ZFC theory is manufacturing trannies at a deeply philosophical level
ask yourself why a huge amount of professional coders are trannies, usually working for google

Imagine trans people being such a problem/threat in your mind and so rent free in your brain that you make hate threads on a porn board

I need the source of this masterpiece

Well, if you understand why trans people exist, you'll know it ties to aspects of how their brain/body developed from birth. If you consider the neurodiversity aspect of that, it makes sense that more aspects of neurodiversity are likely to appear alongside each other than without.

This video will give you a good base understanding

Can't you figure it out? They are autistic, they know there is something wrong with themselves but they can't figure it out. With all the fag bullshit being pushed they figure they must be tranny . When they start acting out they get positive reinforcement from the groomers but not for their aspie antics hence so many autistic 'trannies'.
Occam's Razor: It's the chemical pollutants in our daily environment fucking with people's endocrine system and overall development since birth, I don't need some tenured nonce to know that

The video explains it, not whatever you're theorizing lol. Come on, man. If science isn't the fundamental foundation to how you understand the world and the way it works you'll have a hard time getting things right.


The professor in that video is a prominent neuroscientist that has been around for almost 70 years lol. It's funny you use a principle crafted by academics to explain it in one hand while denouncing academics that craft those principles when it doesn't suit your belief system in the other.
There's nothing to it, he's from the grfiter cast of academics. It's a multi billion dollar industry to carve gullible retards up and put them on drugs for life it's not cracking eggs or genetic code, there is no gene for grooming kids on discord.
Furthermore. Academics and science and has alway been a commie satanist jewish train conspiracy against me read yer bible you "educated" toon. ipso factotum addendum ad nauseum ex setera
Kill yourself.
Where can I find statistics on how many coders are trannies and what the ratio is at Google?
They do it because there are confirmed Discords of them spamming these forums with transgender threads, BBC threads, sissy threads etc.
I’ve no idea what they hope to accomplish by doing it
Shame we didnt have a big tough conservative man in an extremely powerful office for about 4 years to try and straighten out those damn liberals.
Oh wait, we did.
He spent a third of his time on the golf course and one day hiding in his bunker and the rest of the time on Americas nicest toilet playing sending pointless tweets and crying that neither his whores nor his whore wives will fuck him anymore.
Just die off already. You people are cowards and weaklings. You're too scared and impotent to actually mold the world in your sick twisted aryan vision so you spend all day on social media whining about how the libs are smarter and strong than you & you just can't figure out how to cope with it. You have zero evidence trannys are actually making the world a worse place.
Meanwhile all the major crime against Americans is being committed by traditional conservatives like Bernie Madoff and Rupert Murdoch and the Gecko Gordon wannabes who raped Enron to death, not to mention Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. And World Com. And a bunch of others I cant be bothered to look up right now.
But sure keep blaming the trannies. I mean blaming niggers for a hundred years and faggots for 50 years sure worked out great for you. Didnt it?
sorry it's just anecdotal. i just looking up random stuff and end up on a google programmer twitter account or personal site talking about some random topic that i was marginally looking up from second page of google that sort of shit lol
but it's a shocking large amount. and personally i ask myself, how can a logical person be this stupid? it should be nearly zero in my eyes, so it didn't add up to me
until i looked into set theory and how ZFC... the C is choice. idk it's weird. also the foundation of math, this ZFC thing, is based on 'axioms' like 9 specific presumed premises, which is why wildberger asks if it is a religious belief system. he has a phd in pure maths, and is pretty unhappy about it. is also a professor regardless
i think this 'choice' thing is one of the axioms but it's only an extra bit of lunacy on top of it all, i remember the main part when i looked into his videos
i've done my own investigation into philosophy and science and such, and this whole foundation of presumptions instead of having secure deductions with zero assumptions, i see that a lot
trump is a liberal. old school democrat. so what are you talking about?
>But sure keep blaming the trannies. I mean blaming niggers for a hundred years and faggots for 50 years sure worked out great for you. Didnt it?
i specifically explained that trannies are not the problem. what the hell are you even responding to?!?
my implication was the example of afghanistan with a US backed government full of corruption opium and 'bacha bazi' but taliban stopped all of that
this shit is why there's trannies in pakistan, which have been there for much longer than in the west, for like at least thousand years lol
inshallah usa will stop being relevant and you can shut the fuck up
Dem dere shetroons are reely corning my pone fellers. Soggin mah biskets. Burnin mah cumsock gerlfriend. If things dont up an change pretty quik like Imma fixen to continue ta sit in this bedroom affectin nuthin and noone eatin garbage and dyin alone. Don say ah didn warn ya gay tankey libermuls
praying 4 u
Die fucking tranny scum
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>night time meds
>takes them with coffee
>I have severe insomnia
>I'll take my sleeping pills with coffee
Taking seroquel and trazadone together is going to negate that coffee fast
The meds this bitch is listing are for bipolar, schizophrenia, major depressive disorder
Fucking weird how people with major mental health issues overshare like this, like she thinks it’s cool
>Fucking weird how people with major mental health issues overshare like this, like she thinks it’s cool
almost like the attention seeking behavior was not resolved and instead exploited by psychiatrists. so weird eh
tenk u gud buddie brudder in krist all deez trudies n juus always twistin mah werds ta ma me appear likea dumb twisted rednek incel
i prayed for ur cumswack let it have eternal life
aw blesend jebus ah blesend jebus sweet babys cock may the smegma deliver me from the toons temptation of me and mah boy jemblas jr gawds blessen u anon
Dey'll trai w get us dey will as sure as noah's dingleburries. Dey may trai in the skuls but it wont work on account of we knoe skools is commie bullsjid. Bud not russian commie bullshid caus der cool now. Deyll trai id in theh streets. But ah don go outside. But dey will trai id on 4ghan and wheel win may brothers kek pill base
this is not animated
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this ones better
Just take a moment and imagine the future
Like if that's possible today, what type of memetic warfare will we be able to make 10 years from now? What about 30 years?
>Still called the tranny "him"
Oh no anon
Wait till you realize that the cult resurfaces throughout history just before an empire collapses.
Wait till you find out what the Rebis is.
The only med trannies need is a powerful antipsychotic.
Pimozide actually showed great promise in removing feelings of transexuality.
Pimozide is used to treat severe Tourettes syndrome.
Ultimately as long as the cult of tranny creators is allowed to exist, you will have trannies. More and more of them every year.
Evil retard. Still said "himself." Still encourages this kind of evil.
The groomer communist trans movement is making life harder for fembois and troons just liek BLM is making life harder for blacks. Interdasting.
i'm trans and have kids older than this one, they know almost nothing about trans people and just call me dad/my first name... this is so fucking weird.
imagine believing any of this
this person seems genuinely retarded
>there's even plenty that have detransitioned
less than 1%
use more precise language, it will make you appear less retarded.
>We're just helping them do it faster
i'm just here laughing at you, because i used to be far worse than any of you, on /pol/ all the time etc... it's a good way to repress.
>there's trannies pushing other normal straight white males into becoming sissies and them killing themselves
> source: trust me bro
>And the ones that find some kind of peace with doing it, make it past 40 and actually live somewhat productive lives; great, happy for you, you’re still a fucking freak; doesn’t mean I don’t want you to be happy so you can live a productive life, but quit letting mentally ill weaklings denigrate your self image by demanding people accept them
your attitude makes you the loser, which is why you're on /b/.
>they're weighing society down with their degeneracy
i guarantee i contribute more to society than you do.
i have children, a phd and my own company.
but oh no, i'm trans so now you're supposedly better than me... lmao. you're a loser on 4chan crusading about "western civilization" with your keyboard... your ancestors are wondering why they tried so hard looking down on you
not even the majority of MtF transgender people get bottom surgery, and what people do with their bodies shouldn't concern you so much
>troons want whites to die
imagine just making things up like this
>preaching the word of God
>educating yourself
these are mutually exclusive (if you even know what that means, since you're obviously uneducated)
>who cut his penis off
i still have my penis and it's bigger than yours
cope & seethe
autistic people don't give a fuck about social norms unlike retarded normies who ruin their entire lives to fit into the cult their parents raised them in
this is true, i got a phd in math and now im trans
the axiom of choice did this
low IQ drivel, doesn't even make sense.
>It's a multi billion dollar industry to carve gullible retards up and put them on drugs for life it's not cracking eggs or genetic code, there is no gene for grooming kids on discord.
astounding... yes, that's the only reason people are trans... to "groom kids on discord"... the fuck?
you will die irrelevant and retarded, i'm sorry.
imagine believing in democracy rofl, you people really are blind
>Wait till you realize that the cult resurfaces throughout history just before an empire collapses.
wait until you realize the decline of christofascist repression means people come out of the closet
occam's razor, retard.

alright, i have to sleep now. bye incels.

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