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Try not to complain edition vol.2
2D/3D stuff. No irl shit
Useful things:
>source on song?
Use the Shazam mobile app to find song.
Ublock origin filter to not see my comments(i share sources when I can. just a heads up)
ublock origin filter some anon made
(works with extensions that let you add custom rules to block elements)
boards.4chan.org##.postContainer:has(div > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/[pP].*[rR]eviewer/))

Last thread: >>27419071
File: Massive Milkshakes 3.webm (3.98 MB, 800x450)
3.98 MB
3.98 MB WEBM
what is with the resurgence of 720p HMVs?
Im not even talking about patreon paywalls, just dudes uploading brad new hmvs in 720p as the highest quality
I really thought we were over this
Haven't really noticed, to be honest. There are a couple of new editors who immediately went the "everything above 720p is on my Patreon" route without even making a name for themselves first. Really annoying. First HMV released and already got a Patreon running...
But apart from that, not really. Maybe another influx of normies who don't know shit about anything.
Not this fucking blathering idiot!

1st thread I've seen that didn't have MASSIVE WALLS of commentary from this asshole that NOBODY asked for.

Still, fuck you.
File: thanksforallderpixon.webm (3.92 MB, 1280x720)
3.92 MB
3.92 MB WEBM
File: art_club_hmv.webm (3.9 MB, 1280x720)
3.9 MB
File: 1719336824332708.webm (3.99 MB, 960x540)
3.99 MB
3.99 MB WEBM
You guys are the fucking best. I can't wait to watch the all the hmvs i have ready as well as webms posted in this thread 22 hours from now when I'm high as fuck.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend
File: fullbodied.webm (3.9 MB, 1440x1080)
3.9 MB
I'd prefer a minimum of 1080p desu
These are shit webms, you think this shitty board is the source of the HMVs?
Jesus christ, you are a braindead faggot.
Go outside for once, touch some grass.
The webm you replied to even exists in 4k and is easily obtainable.
Faggot Reviewer finally shut his mouth for 1 second lol
sauce someone pls!!!!!!!!!!
That's all we're getting, at least for now.
gonna be back on in 11 hours. just bumping the thread so it stays alive
Are there any good hmv/pmv without constant shitdick? Such a gross fetish.
Nobody asked, stay away faggot reviewer
>he's still seething
lmao rent free since 2023
>Try not to complain edition vol.2
kek. Mad for no reason.
I don't get why they're seething either lol
Hope you're doing well wdbm bro. Looking forward to the new webms you're gonna post you mentioned in the last thread. I'm looking forward to later tonight
>back on in 11 hours
What happened to the faggot (You) being gone for 11 hours? Couldn't even last an hour? Typical street shitters.
>webm bro
What a cringe ass fucking name for a boyfriend
since you refuse to give sauce.

Better quality but without the intro.
I'm glad that First Assault lives on in the form of a ripped model of Motoko getting fucked in various scenarios.
File: 1691732336252980.webm (3.92 MB, 640x360)
3.92 MB
3.92 MB WEBM
File: 1591220241052.webm (3.96 MB, 1280x720)
3.96 MB
3.96 MB WEBM
asked last thread, no luck, so I'm asking again for more 2d hmvs
welcome back, and danke dogtor
I already know what this is before even opening it, lol. The resolution, the black thumbnail.. thank you, dogtor.

I would post new 2D stuff if I had some. You got some videos you want webms of? I could take a look at them.
File: Love Rivals - MSiHard.webm (3.96 MB, 1920x1080)
3.96 MB
3.96 MB WEBM
not anything specifically new, bc I don't use Iwara, so when I get hmvs it's usually from here, sites like spankbang and sometimes from the boorus. Someone did post a 2d futa hmv in one of the previous threads and I ended up missing it tho, so I'm still on the lookout for that one, and the other stuff from that thread
File: hujh.webm (3.87 MB, 1280x720)
3.87 MB
3.87 MB WEBM
Been looking for a specific HMV that seen a few months ago. It involved Lara Croft and it was her bouncing on cock and it quickly transitioned to her bouncing still but pregnant. Any help finding that again?
I can post a couple older 2D webms tomorrow if I get around to it, or are you looking for new stuff exclusively?

I think you already asked this before but it still doesn't ring any bells for me. Even when looking for any clip of pregnant Lara riding, there is barely any material: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=lara_croft+pregnant+animated+3d+
Here is a clip that is at least somewhat relevant.
Dumping the rest of the Pelvis Crusher vid before I head to bed.
File: Martoise - DEPTH1 (2).webm (3.74 MB, 1280x720)
3.74 MB
3.74 MB WEBM
you do you, I'm just glad someone replied this time around, and no need to be new stuff, just stuff in general works already. Also want some variation, this thread and a few others always end up being 90% 3d stuff by the end of it
cant find full, who's the maker?
Only other think I can remember is that it might have had the song 'Like me ~ Icon' and the starting of the clip was her walking on a treadmill.
the sauce is right there in the title though
hope you all are doing great on this fine night
anyone know the source of this one?
Is the source in the filename correct?
Can't seem to find anything, let alone the full video
yes it is. here you go:

can't really find his shit anywhere unless you refer to the doc in the /h/ hmv thread.
horrible animations
File: 1714936557346742.webm (3.27 MB, 1280x720)
3.27 MB
3.27 MB WEBM
anybody know how to make webmconverter stop holding frames near the end of vids?

i wanna post more but i don't wanna make buggy webms.
File: AMEIZING [short].webm (3.65 MB, 1920x1440)
3.65 MB
3.65 MB WEBM
>Ublock origin filter to not see my comments
crazy you go to such lengths instead of just shutting the fuck up
The full vid is in the MEGA folder on his profile there.

This one? No pregnant Lara, though.
Yeah, peep the filename. I've posted it several times in the past.

What do you mean by "buggy webms"? Your posted webm doesn't look buggy or anything. Depending on your browser, when you play a webm on 4chan for the first time, it will linger for a couple frames at the end before looping. After looping once, it's not gonna do that anymore, at least not for me. Maybe you're talking about that?
>Yeah, peep the filename. I've posted it several times in the past.
fuck yea thank you so much
>Mad for no reason
No we're mad cuz you post 100 page essays on the dumbest shit ever. Literally nobody gives a shit if you though Mercy's was nice. Go kill yourself faggot
This gif makes me imagine a girl who prostitutes herself but to make her job of being used by filthy old men more pleasant wears a VR headset showing a chad intead. Then one day the headset slips off nd they realize their are blowing someone they hate and get immensely turned on
what script do you guys use to edit these animations with these shitty effects?
Can we please stop posting entire HMVs please? Just fucking clip out a good part or two, don't just send the full fucking video in 10 different webms
thank you
File: Bounce HMV.webm (3.81 MB, 1920x1080)
3.81 MB
3.81 MB WEBM
File: BASTEVIL(HQ).webm (3.89 MB, 852x480)
3.89 MB
3.89 MB WEBM
Nope, sorry. :^)
I always post all the webms I make from a video at least once and I don't intend on stopping now. No one is forcing you to click all of them.
damn I wish he would tone down on the flashing effects, acid was bad this is too...
Understandable. You could just ask him, maybe he'll make a version with less SFX for his next vid. He responds to DMs on PMVHaven.
Just saying, I tend to skip over them because they become uninteresting. quality > quantity

That's fine with me. I know some people enjoy a bigger selection so they can save the ones they like.
File: arckom.haka.hmv.pmv.webm (3.97 MB, 1600x900)
3.97 MB
3.97 MB WEBM
yea it is.. and we have been asking for it. the sauce I just put down was posted yesterday while the milkshake from last thread was posted a lil over a week ago and before that the sauce was behind a dumb paywall.
Without the last fadeout part.
Trickling in some older 2D vids like I said. >>27466431
whose the creator of these?
>reading last thread
>talking about the /hmv/ autist on /h/
the worst part is he is the OP of every thread AND he runs the upscale thread, we call him upscalefag for short. dude also has (or at least had) double standards in regards to whats considered good. Would be nice if he got banned but /h/ is a dead board so it'll never happen.
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the random shitposters who come into these threads just to complain without contributing anything, are all this dude.
Where is this from?
god fucking bless you anon
File: rondoudou.π.hmv_2.webm (3.98 MB, 1280x720)
3.98 MB
3.98 MB WEBM
got more from that video?
Nah, that isnt it. But it has the first three shots in it. Im wondering now it it was blacked content now that I think about it...

(video unrelated, just adding content)
has anyone messed around with a.i. to make music for these hmvs?

I tried getting past suno to make a Tifa x Barret song - https://suno.com/song/7a0b9e35-a9fd-4ea5-867d-e5d9971188a8
I made a pretty funny one once by mispelling words to bypass the filter.
lol, nice
is there a way to watch privated iwara videos?
Send a friend request to the person that uploaded and hope they accept it. That's the only way i know :/
The majority of the time people will accept friend requests.
DUMM made this terrible song: https://pmvhaven.com/video/THE-STARS-OF-RULE-34_6642084d0dcc86a608aa1b95
what video you trying to see? I have added a few creators as friends on iwara over time, so maybe I have it
where are his essays
theres literally nothing like that here
worst thread on the board desu
Trying to get into making stuff:

where to find this guy's stuff after he deleted?
shit music, shit effects, shit edits
wish there was a 4k version to download

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