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this specific genre of porn is perfect, hoping to find more
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adding dicks to ai girls for some novel porn
sauce on the non-fag version
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i have some but i also have a bunch of assfucking ones too if you want
Best place to watch these nowadays? Tumblr was neat cuz the search function was based and made everything neat and easy to follow but since the ban on porn I haven't found any other site like it.
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Just to add on but if you don't mind gif then imagefap has always been my go to for sissy captions. There is so fucking many there. There are good subreddits but they are so full of fucking shills and onlyfans people trying to grift. I have a plebbit account just for sissy posting
Shit's fun
Pic related. From imagefap
Been using it for sissy caps for a long ass time now
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I always wonder what type of person makes these.
Still hot just a bit of the tism
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Hard to find good captions these days.
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wish this was me rn
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where do you find this type of caption?
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No idea where the original source is, but they've made few similar style captions. I found them from other threads here.
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sauce on the original vid?
rolling for this rn
one re roll
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is that yhivi?
what scene was this?
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thats asshole blinking...
more of these
Is there a source for these particular ones? They tend to be the best made ones.
Some reddit user made them, but they deleted their account unfortunately
rolling for this
My roommate when I was in the military said to me drunk one night that he wanted to try it see how it was. Told him to turn lights off so I can't see him do it. He did and I pulled it out. He did it. Did happen all the time but just randomly he would ask if I wanted one. Or if I was extremely horny I'd ask. Was good having a bj whenever. Turned out not to be a big deal after awhile but still needed lights off to cum. I'd watch porn sometimes. Sucked my dick for 2 years. Held me over in-between leaves to see my girlfriend.
I'm sure it happens a lot in military it's just never talked about
Did he sit on a chair while he did it?
What's with all the "bully ruins your life" captions in this genre of porn? Like, do you seriously fantasize about some megacocked quarterback making you homeless while banging your mom/sister out of spite? How the fuck do you even have a bully past high school graduation anyway?

I get being dominated and treated bad can be a turn-on, but only in sissy captions have I ever come across this abundance of "your bully convinced your parents you were actually a Mexican, now you have to work as a janitor while he and your parents fuck your girlfriend" stuff.
you do realize that /gif is full of mentally ill faggots spamming bbc stuff right?
most of them are indian, thats why the humiliation stuff is so abundant
tnd tid
Got any more?
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god i want to get assfucked so bad
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I feel like when Tumblr died caption porn died along with it. No one really makes the stuff anymore and instead we get videos which I feel are extremely over-edited
random_sissy_sub is the reddit user (hasn't been deleted)
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Whats a good term for this, but aimed at women? My girl is super into being bimbofied but most of the content is aimed at men and I don't want to accidently mindfuck her into thinking shes a man who wants to be a woman who happens to actually be a woman? I dunno it just seems like a bad idea
anyone who sincerely has their world view and sense of self impacted by porn gifs is a fucking retard
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If someone gives me source on redhead at 24 seconds ill literally suck a dick
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bigger, different caption though

going to scratch that itch in about 2 hours
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i've got an opening tomorrow
gonna put on my mini skirt, thigh highs, lacy panties and then ass fuck myself with my veiny 8 incher dildo watching sissy hypno and tranny domination. gonna be amazing, i can feel the inside of my ass throbbing already
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forgot about my bra and wig, and will also need to shave my ass tonight
What an odd opinion to have in this thread
anyone have the furry one with his cousin?
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Looks like Sweet Betty Parlour
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need to get brutally ass raped so bad need it now sissy bliss
My bad, I must've last checked his account after gfycat banned porn and he hadn't uploaded them to redgifs yet. Sweet that all his caps are still around!
I asked in the "transformation" thread but didn't get a response:

does anyone have the series where the guy starts out "just dressing up for a video" with a dildo and unlocks \ gets taken over by his sissy side over the course of 3-4 captions?

this thread already has some great "justification" captions
This one never gets old.
>first time live alone
>INSTANTLY buy some sexy stockings
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you fav genre is taking a great clip and putting cringe text over it?
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next is a chastity cage, a big dildo and a fuck machine
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just had a man fuck me and breed me for the first time. plugged with his cum still in me. sucked him til he came in mouth. officially a faggot.
ugh I wanna fuck the boy out of a faggot like you.
It would be so hot dominating a feminized failed male's asshole, hearing him moan like a bitch in heat and making his useless clitty leak while I absolutely pulverize "his" masculinity with every thrust of my cock. You can never call yourself a man again now that you've had your ass conquered and filled up by another man's seed. You're just a sissy faggot bitch for real men to use as they please
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Any advice anon? I recently hooked up with a beta boi and i think hes perfect to turn into a sissy fag. Whats the best way to break him?
wish i could find someone to treat me like that
Yeah it's unfortunate that good captions have just died; there's just nothing that quite hits the same niche, and some of the old stuff has disappeared off the internet.
RedGif has some stuff, but it's just hard to get what i'm looking for there
and if you are lucky, it will also have no sound.
lost it here cuz unemployed lmoa
Gifs? Nowhere.

Your options are really just Reddit and Hypnotube.
this stuff is supposedly about turning you gay but the videos all feature women
My greatest regret in life is not taking the hint from my college flatmate 6 years ago.

It started we him asking me if I was bi-curious and had ever experimented. I was extremely shy and would shut down the topic straight away. At the time I didn’t have the faggot fantasies I do now.

We would hangout alone a lot and he would always make passing sexual comments about wanting to cum on my face.

A year after I graduated and left the state I find out that he started dating a sissified gay twink (I didn’t even know he was gay since he never explicitly told me this) and all I can ever think of now is THAT COULD HAVE BEEN ME. I could have been gagging on that dick for all those years.
bdsmlr is the best place
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Does anyone have "Asian women are changing" from bitterpill?
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This webm is almost real life.

>Friend comes out to me, full breakdown
>Not sure what to do with it but be supportive
>Few weeks of shame and fear later I tell him I kinda want a fem body and like boys all the same
>We come to terms with ourselves during uni. Which looked a lot like that webm.
Coincidences are fucking weird, but usually in a good or ironic way
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the minute long one is better, any time they mention hormones/hrt my dick explodes
God I wish I could pass for a feminine sissy girl. Life must be fucking easy mode as a fairly attractive girl
filter won't let me post them

Sure, here are a few more


I'll do a patreon at some point for higher quality animations in this style
Thats not a dude.
>Life must be fucking easy mode as a fairly attractive girl
It's unbelievable. I came into sissyhood late, but I had about two years of bliss where I could pass (I have a good girl voice from some voiceover work I did in college), and you have NO IDEA how good women have it. Yes, there's absolutely pushy creepy guys, and yes, they're disgusting and scary. But people are actually happy to see you, people do things for you, people ask and actually CARE about how you're feeling, and strange women don't see you as a threats and they actually talk to you and care about you and if they see you sad in public they'll just walk up and try to make you feel better.

Passing as a woman meant NOT BEING ALONE all the time. Men hate men, they see each other as competition and there's constant status contests. Women hate men for obvious reasons. Even kids see women as comforting and prefer them. Passing as a woman, even for a little while, meant not feeling alone. I didn't have a single suicidal thought in my life until after I gave up trying to pass, and was outside at a park at night and a couple of women joggers gave me a 30-foot berth and watched me like a rabid animal until it was clear I was walking well away. I'd never get to have that sense of condition-less belonging ever again, and I'll be alone forever. THAT'S makes me want to die.
I'd love to see you submitting your ass to me with your limp clit tucked between your legs, quivering in anticipation before I eliminate you as a male forever by filling you with my manhood and painting your insides with my hot cum.
Rolling and I'll eat some cum before the end of the week.
All this just makes me hate women more, since they just take all that for granted.
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what? i've never seen someone with a penis that isn't a man. what the fuck are you on about?
>Men hate men, they see each other as competition and there's constant status contests
That is wrong. You are talking about young men, middle school and high school age, in the presence of other young men. Even still, I never had hate in my heart. You should have a better father, played sports, made friends, and probably enlisted to fight for the demons of Israel. Our society is going collectively insane due to the break down of the family unit. By the way, a family unit is not a mom and a dad with their children. A family unit is an extended, multi generational family.
>young men, middle school and high school age, in the presence of other young men.
Where do you think you are?
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something about the fact that she makes her own caption gifs makes them so much better
That's pretty novel. Where does she post those?
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imagine living life thinking like this
"passing as a woman" yeah right. None of you idiots pass, ever. I've yet to see a single one on the street that isn't immediately clocked by everyone around them

women and men live life in different ways and you got to experience neither for what you are saying. No one ever thinks you are normal or that you pass, they'll likely just tell you what you want to hear so you can fuck off
That's literally a chick
you're just proving the point. people only trust eachother later in life and aren't murdering eachother on the street because they have bills and children to take care of. you're respected if you're a good employee because you provide value to your manager or company. sociopaths run the world.
Grrr how you choose to pleasure yourself just makes me SO ANGRY I'm going to YELL ABOUT CULTURE AND POLITICS in this PORNOGRAPHY THREAD!!!!

Is there a collection of those where i can download more of them?
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How to I overcome my fears and suck my first cock?
Do people still make xchange gifs?
coincidence? you mean destiny
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be cool. if you want to do it so bad, you'll eventually just do it.
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That was less than 100 words over 34 seconds.
I'm guessing something like 45wpm.
You might type 35wpm. You probably talk about 120 wpm.

All you did was cite op with an image complaining sissys operate at higher efficiency and capacity than average.

Was that supposed to be diminutive?
>lol, trolled u into replying
File: we're not the same.webm (966 KB, 626x752)
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Only fags are afraid of cocks.
Be a man and suck it without second thoughts.

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