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You know it.
No tranny shit allowed.
Only Black Man on X Woman allowed.
Chastity is ok as long as it's not the main focus.
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good morning sars
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https:// darkwanderer. net/ media/ albums/2nd-batch VN. 4049/

Have fun whitebois..
https://darkwanderer. net/media/albums/2nd-batch.4049/
Sorry I'm retarded:3
this is just tranny shit
More like this? With either mom or sister, or maybe a cheating partner?
sauce on full clip?
Not a fan of music ones but this one is amazin
I like BNWO but I don't like tranny shit
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FSB posting a million troon bait threads to distract from your loss of wunderwaffe S-500?
exact same shit as last thread
whats the point?
For people to post new or make nee and post
there are 12 bbc threads on /gif/ right now
how made this one and are there more from them
Today I am locked for BNWO
if you go to hypnotube and look up "bambi" theres quite a few. they're not bnwo tho they're primarily sissy stuff
Everything started with this
based, more
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>He thinks Russians post these
based send this to betty on twitter she'll love it.
probably thinks it was the Russians who circumcised him
Yeah very rare non sissy stuff
Full video?
Can someone post the BLM one with all the girls sucking dick in the big splitscreen?
Suicidal sissies mostly took over this fetish now it feels like. The biggest video editors all fall into this category.
More like this
nobody in these thread make good edits
nobody in these threads make edits at all
you are just a brainrotted retard that gets off on spamming his fetish anywhere he can
anyone got more daughter related stuf?
yea lots of these edits are total garbage
rookie numbers
Who's the first
This is why you nigger worshiping faggots should be hunted for sport. Post this shit on a public account where people can see it and see how fast someone kills your faggot ass
who's the girl getting her mouth fish-hooked?
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have u been on twitter lately? there's a lot of accounts like this lol
the insanely beautiful evelyn claire
What if the "Black new world order" was called the "Black POO world order"?

I think that'd be pretty funny lol.
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lol this one got him real mad
I was going to but she must've deleted her Twitter lol
source on this?
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Who's the very first redhead
Thecutefrenchie on tele/discord!

Please add me to feminize, break me and get me into bnwo :3

I like these ones that show the consequences of bloodlines being corrupted. Pretty petite blonde women give way to misshapen grotesque 300lbs of dark chewing gum bodies you could smell through the webm. There will be no beauty in the bnwo only darkness
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Full version:
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Sauce on That pawg holy shit
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my fave rn, the editing is soooooo good
this one is amazing but 4chan's shitty compression kills the effect bc of the fast editing. if u can watch in crisp high bitrate hd it hits so nice
there's a website called bambicloud which has a full series of introductory audio files. be careful though, it's powerful
im going to edit all that trash out and then reupload stay tuned.
If you have a weak faggot mind sure
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feel free to use my video ;o)
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ytebois seething over this one lmao
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would love to be part of bnwo video edits... TG: TwinkCorniche one of my video posts above... have fun ;o)
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and how did that turn out
Thanks to whoever made this one! Love edits like this, just hits harder when its really the same girl...
Top 5 edit of all time for me
unironically many such cases
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uhhhh, session or disc?
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post urs
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either one. based trips
why does this turn me on so much, im a kinda gay german bottom whiteboy, and its so how... TG: TwinkCorniche
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i love watching these edits and jerking my useless white cock to it ;o) TG: TwinkCorniche
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best one bcuz it acknowledges what we all want and know. once you have a bbc you can never break the programming
Seek help faggot
Become one of us you lil whore
You are not human
the encoding is fighting for its life. Same with the wide aspect ratio
>No tranny shit allowed.
That voids their entire audience
Fuck showing happy mixed women in pmvs with the fetish makes it so fucking hotter as the result of the bmwf fucking on the side.
happy couples always flaunt their relationship online and produce pornography
>browsing reddit
Anything that encourages redditers to kill themselves is beneficial to mankind. Based troon suicide fetish. Vote Trump to make even more troons suicide!
Because discord troons
Who's Middle one?
awh you edited out all the good parts, faggot
>IP location
doesnt do anything for me anymore if it ever did beyond some psychological trigger to competative breed or whatever, and its pretty obvious its not a theory when EVERY countries politicians are begging to keep unchecked immigration going without public support.
you should kill yourself, for doing this to earth.
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You reddit commie troons are making black boys kill themselves with this gay racist shit.
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Well, tel aviv is the homosexual capital of the world.
You should show your parents this.
I wish I could go crunch
See a therapist.
Many such cases? Then why are these clips 2 different girls?
The russians are giving tax dollars to illegals and encouraging them to surge the border right? Or was that Isis and Al Queda? Or uhh the neo nazis?
They're removing themselves from public spaces they're terminally online and most of them are suicidal. None of them will pass on their weak genes anyway. This sissy stuff is mostly effecting non-Whites since they're undesirable to women.
Adult Diaper Baby World Order incel reddit shitlibs reign supreme!
Will they crunch me?
You will die alone. Death to your family. Son of the bitch!
88 HH
They will get you on medication which will either numb you into a zombie or make you kill yourself. Just stop being self destructive and find something to live for.
I think you're reading too far into this
I think you need to read a book, junior. How about The Bible.
ytebois really getting mad over this thread kek. the white race is fucking over
>The Future
>destroyed black city with cars and buildings on fire and dead black people on the ground, their businesses and grocery stores burnt to rubble...
This one is so good. We need more black women
You will never touch a woman. Helium now.
Why are you communicating your thoughts in English?
Where can I find some pure black women? All the ones in the USA are mixed already :( I want a really dark nigga like some tribal retard bitch who doesn't know what a microwave or iphone is.
Africa I guess?
Erm... I don't want fucking AIDS! They got slavery and stuff over there too... heckin yikes!
I hear diabetic ass tastes the sweetest
"femdom" but women are inferior and submissive? I don't understand what is this? Traumatized and exploited prostitutes catering to pervy man fetish?
Here in india we just rape and beat them.
makes sense you're a sandcel, are you coping with this thread because you heard your sister riding BWC again in her room?
rent free
the RuSSian nazis won, Putler won, get over it
Does anyone have the video in the screenshot? I requested it in the last thread but forgot about it :(
Fuck it can't post it. It was the video with the british girl saying "you're going to go fucking extinct"
bumping this, why is it so rare
bunkr .si/v/OTVlRGthkn6oM
whose more racist, the people consuming the porn or the girls who are acting it out?
Its so funny when for example asian girls talk about how they get fetishized by their boyfriend and they are only seen as "asian girl" but black guys get fetishized even worse, youre not even "black guy" but just "black cock", nothing else matters to them
though I guess I wouldnt mind it either, but it must be emotionally exhausting, especially when you start to wonder if the only reason your girlfriend is with you is because of your dick and she could leave anytime someone with a bigger one comes along
It's the same girl
listen you stupid mother fucker, it's YOUR WHITE WOMEN THAT CAN'T LEAVE ME ALONE
not until after she swallowed my cum and sucked me off some more, the next day i found out she's just a white girl

well her great grand parent was arab so she's 10% arab or so, and i've joked that maybe every few generations it can be a tradition of bleaching. KEK
i'm not actually arab so i didn't notice she isn't; although my parents look arab i'm a bit darker somehow

so my point is, i didn't choose this fetish, it chose me. now kys if all u can do is cry on the internet. HIT THE GYM CHUD
anyways i only ever met up with her cause we talked about marrying, but she was just kinda cat fishing, even if the pictures were real. regardless i managed to make my parents meet her grandma or something to see if it could get anywhere wholesome
not all of us are degenerate immoral coomer cretins, the trash of humanity right man. and who's going to help them?
Who is she then?
Does anyone have "Asian women are changing" from bitterpill?
Yea my dumbass didnt match the aspect ratio which would have brought down the file size so i just compressed the shit out of it, i could do it again but fuck it.

Correct. If you hadn't noticed in these videos they are praised for their bodies and big dicks not their smarts.
90% of these videos are either babys first video edit or some autistic over edited dog shit that doesn't convey anything interesting. Fucking retards that make "cringe gooning" videos make hotter shit.
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>Op explicitly states no tranny shit
>tranny spam everywhere

I think this is what killed the fetish, so many of these faggots try so hard to be seen they insert themselves into a fantasy that doesn't involve them and scare off the people who want to create more extreme bmwf content
You are literally a retard idiot who doesn't know what talking about

BNWO It's all about white faggots who hate themselves and want to worship black men and self-deprecating they own race. Trannys are the overwhelming majority in this fetish community, both in terms of consuming content and creating content, If it weren't for them the fetish would never be so strong.
Or do you really think mostly real cis white women and black bull men are interested in this shit? The few real BMWF BNWO couples who create this content create it for faggots, why do you think they all include cuck/sissy/humiliation talk?
where do you get the non-porn bits of the edits from?
Very nice.
well share it with the class
>File: 1708348122683309.webm (3.71 MB, 1280x720)-[Close]
more like this omfg what do i search to find this
How do you help the cause if you're male?
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damn nice, yea i should have done it better
Amazing sent this to my friend and she couldnt help but watch it right away
Needs to be longer at the end and have way more cuts where it's ahegao > rimjob/nigger pissing on a white girl.
Faggots who post webms like these and never give the source on the girl should get the rope.
As a white nationalist who likes blacked, I'm apparently more based than I thought. I hope you're proud of me Hitler :^)
Any more like this.
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3 MB
Betty from Fishtank Live, newfag.
BNWO just mean Black New World Order
Everything you wrote is just made up by (You).
No one wants to see a tranny hitting his balls, you are not even jerking off to Interracial porn, you are jerking off to white cocks in cages.
Gosh he doesn't even know who Betty from Fishtank Live is? what a total normie newfag, amirite bro?
Anyone got some Gen Z white girls edits?
As submissive males we bow to all women

All women bow to black cock, their alphas are our alphas, we live for what they live for
That sounds hot as fuck
Sauce on left and righg
yep, this is the best one i've ever seen
dunno why and how the clips are so JUICY and satisfying, girls are hot as fuck too
with there were more rimjobs, pissing and spitting on the girls tho
Suace in 0:22?
Source of the girl plz

Seriously I'm so fucking tired of people not putting the source on the filename
>tfwyr trump winning will make whitegirls protest in the street again like in 2020
another summer of Black cock love, white girls getting fucked in the streets behind their bfs back. can't wait
>Trump and Republicans winning will galvanize more white girls to fuck black guys
huh, interesting reason to support trump
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141 KB
i really think so. i remember hearing so much anger at white men from white girls when trump was elected and right around the same time it was the first explosion of snowbunny and bbc content. blacked's golden age. climaxing with the blm protests which were led by... whitegirls, mostly. of course we all know what happened during the protests. whitegirls letting out their resentment all over a bbc
Pure coping. Straight, cisgender white men lead the suicide and depression rates by a wide margin, blacks don't even come close.
Remember that girlanon post where she confessed a huge part of going black was because of the taboo? In "right wing" women said taboo is infinitely stronger. >>27476170
Look closely at the eyes / eyebrows and jaw. It's the same girl.
Black men are very grateful that you're there to care about them being fetishized
>spamming his fetish anywhere he can
>Only one bnwo thread atm
>(You) intentionally joined it
Anyone got more challenge stuff like this? This shit was too easy imo
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Busted a fat nut on that one
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this, it's a hot concept. really gets you in the zone for some reason trying not to peek at the white girls getting blacked
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Who's the second girl who says whites deserve death? Her twitter seems to be gone for a long time
WoeAlexandra on OF
used to be on darkwanderer (google it) this one was titled 'reparations' for some reason uploader either is private or kill now...
Nobody engages with bot threads
>thread full of replies
>nobody engages with bot thread
Its like you don't have a brain or eyes. Or maybe you're schizophrenic
Fucking hot

It’s so funny if you know who middle girl is and her age
it's Cathy Bulgakova, I think. Wish she'd get pregnant with some mixed-black babies already like Nastya Nass did.

Yes but that vid is old af, she’s like 15 there.

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