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Post images where animals turn on their handlers or zoo patrons
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>Horton smears a poo.
Notice how the poo's large intestine came out of his anus when the elephant started ragdolling him?
based elephant
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>losing their shit
>losing their shit
I see a good animal responding reasonably to a persistent and curry-laden threat here.
Horton hit a ho
>don't mind me, just pirating this shit
Are elephants the new trains?
I said no photos bitch
Kekus Magnus. Have a (You).
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Why did you post version without sound faggot?
Elephants is like how do you like your legs poked?
>Elephant kills pajeet
>Goes to her funeral to attack the corpse
>Destroy her house in the process
We need to invade India with Elephants
this is one of the oldest videos on the internet and I've always wondered how he ever got into a situation with his pants down with a horny donkey
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Lol he made a pancake
Lol, instead of trying to scare the animal away with some rocks or something everyone just watches and records

It spits him out like "Eww, yucky"

Ugh, this tastes like shit I swear
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Is that how chapati is made?
You can see the donkey kicking his pant down, so the donkey knows what's up. Question is why the man is there with no belt. Very curious indeed.
Dontcha hate it when you forget your tiger whacking stick at home?
it was already out before that
Why do pajeets always have no weapons? Like at all? Not even pointy sticks?
I bet when they pulled those out she started leaking milk out of all the holes.
They don't need weapons to defend themselves. The intense stench usually keeps potential attackers at bay.
Oh like a skunk?
"Be in the moment. Live in the now." - elephant.
Where in the living hells did that thing come from?!
I was horrified, but then his pants fell off and I laughed.
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your crane technique is no match for my eagle technique! wawwwwwwwh!
pity the camera work is so shaky, hopefully a new generation of videographers inured to suffering by years of internet access will arise and hold the fucking camera still when shit pops off
>should I make noise or throw something to help the guy who’s getting his face tore off?
>nah, let’s video it

This vid is a great educational tool. Not to teach people not to fuck around and find out. But to show how non-venomous snakes teeth work. Note how the teeth, upon impact with its prey, curl backwards under the flesh. This is to allow the snake to hold on better andafjie39vnavn eia eaia cane ian ieaaaaaaa 3 j in the oaasd 22222222222 2 2 2 222222 2 22222 222 2 o ae3nf inside out so it2 nm 44) ™™™™™ formndasda2 kfeee digestion
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Jag mercs a caiman
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Tiger says, hold my beer...
Humorously, skunk stank doesn't work as well as it did back in the day. Even humans are no longer as adverse to the smell of skunk glands, with many younger people (late 70s and early 80s births) saying that skunks emit an odor similar to the smell of used erasers.
see, elephants are extremely intelligent and wise. why would they do this is if there was no medicinal value to poo??
when people bring up a lion vs tiger fight majority always say something like
>the lion would win because... because he's king of the jungle!
I find it odd considering to be lone hunter like a tiger, as opposed to a pack like a lion, they would have to be big in size and very powerful to survive on their own.
A male tiger can weigh up to 680 lbs as an adult where a lion would be at 420 lbs. Its not really a contest, the tiger would absolutely destroy a lion. I think they're the biggest cats in the wild.
I've never heard someone say the lion would win to be fair. The lion vs tiger fight is usually just a segway into talking about a more interesting potential fight, like tigers and bears, gorillas, the Sun, etc.
that elephant was super patient and was just tryna est
>the lion would win because... because he's king of the jungle!
Which is even funnier because lions live on the savanna and tigers live in jungles....

I can see a realistic argument for either cat personally. There are larger and smaller species of tiger. The larges tigers would likely mop the floor with your average lion. But there are prides of lions that hunt almost exclusively water buffalo and they get huge! Male lions also have the advantage of combat experience. A male lion spends it's entire life fighting for the right to rise to the head of a pride of lionesses. He then spends his next few years fighting off all comers until he is eventually defeated and goes off to die. So, yeah, it would be an interesting match to say the least.
Dude literally got cratered into the earth.
Ah it was just giving him a massage is all.
4chan fags who post webms w/o sound are worst than republican, nigger faggots.
folded the dude in half and flattened him. good elephant.
can you imagine the crunching sounds?
It knew exactly how to position him for maximum damage.
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He was in that pit for 15 minutes.
Imagine thinking it's somehow NOT a bad idea to fuck with an animal that can kill you this easily.
It's just standing on him really and it turned him into a wet napkin with no bones.
What a nice elephant! Giving it's owner a nice massage :D
Have a question for animal expert Anons:
Does a captive animal change its behaviour or reliability once it tastes human flesh?
Is there some kind of protocol or special treatment for zoo animals that devoured a yummy homo sapiens?
I wish that were the case for me them mother fuckers wake me from a dead sleep it's fucking horrible
Did you have a stroke while writing?
Using your fangs to perforate the skull and fuck the brain out. Lights out, scaly brother!
(bad dubbing) SO, you think your Crane technique can defeat me?! En Garde!
Your Eagle claw is Slow! (air breaking sounds) En Garde! My Crane is undefeated!
Is he ok?
hope the killed it slow.. animals that kill humans should be ruthlessly killed and their entire family tree killed as well.. FUCK YOU ANIMAL SHIT GET MY GUN I WILL KILL IT MY FUCKING SELF
That elephant was in musth, you can see the temporin running down the sides of his face
pretty irresponsible of the zoo / reserve managers to allow people to interact with him
you're gonna get v& and knifed to shit in a cell pedo. your family or what's left of them will then gas themselves. hope it was worth it poopstain
divine intervention
Ask me how I know that's an Indian elephant
yes, he's just now 2d instead of 3d
Based hate crocs simple as
I love how effortlessly the tiger just picks up a fully grown man, and just strolls off.

A mare in heat is no joke. Lots of stories of people getting crushed or kicked by them when they are otherwise quite tame.
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>attack a bull from behind
was he trying to get killed?
what did he expect to happen?
shenme the fuck

Had this group of friends I hung out with in Jr. High. One of them had a "Dudebro" dad. Typical gym muscled tribal armband tattoo wearing hat backwards only wore black tanktops wrap around sunglasses douchebag. He always claimed how if he ever got attacked by a pitbull he'd just break it's jaw and punch it in the throat.

One day he gets into an argument with his neighbor and they had a pitbull. Dudebro starts posturing so dog does what dogs do and gets between owner to protect him. Dudebro takes a swing at the dog. Dog latches onto his arm and snaps the bone. Douchebag starts screaming and gets dragged to the ground. Pitbull starts dragging his 250lb muscley ass across the lawn with little to no effort. Douchebag is kicking and screaming while dog literally hauls him into treeline then comes trotting back out with a big stupid doggy grin. Basically said "Get the fuck off my property bitch"

People don't give animals enough credit to how strong they actually are.

Sadly they put the dog down even though Douchebag started it. Tried to sue the dog owner too but lost pretty hard in court because neighbor had security cams and douchebag had been fucking with them for years trying to start shit.
What if elephants are extremely intelligent and wise and scat therefore is classy and acceptable?
You will be raped by a 6'8 black man resulting irreversible damage to your asshole.
He was stabbing the elephant with a sharpened stick that motherfucker 200% deserved it
I've owned dozens of horses, and it's like a bell curve with their intelligence, similar to people. I had horses too stupid to understand that shitting on the hay, then eating it is a bad idea, but i've also had a couple horses who somehow figured out to check if the electric fence was on with their whiskers, then open the gate (wasnt the worlds hardest lock, just a pull lever) and go for a stroll, returning by the time i went to check on the horses. One had a routine of going to the local town for a visit, so i imagine its same with other animals.
Based take. Human lives >>>Any animal life. Anyone who says the opposite is a tranny faggot that should be eaten alive by wild rabid animal.
I would hardly classify that as a "fully grown man", seeing how the average pajeet male is 5,5 feet tall, possesses a skeleton constructed from toothpicks, and has the same physical strength as the average European woman. (For real, go look it up if you don't believe me)

Good morning saar. Please keep your sexual fantasies to yourself.
I refuse to believe there aren't more videos of macaques fucking up humans, and that /gif/ doesn't have them.
Naw, animals run on base instincts and can't be blamed for the stupid shit they do. Humans are capable of higher thought however, so when they act like cunts they should know better. Innocent human > animal, shitbag human < animal. Not hard to understand.
These retards tried to breed a mare that was still nursing a foal, the mare thought her foal was in danger from the male.
Dumbfuck spics
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You're at the zoo walking around until you fall into the gorilla enclosure and then you see this. What do you do?
avoid eye contact and move away slowly
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When I was six to eight years old, I would do something similar to this but only standing on one knee. I would spin around on the hard, polished wood floors of the elementary gym.
Thinking about this. Is autism an evolution?
Must've just hit a Taco Bell.
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when i tell you i laughed
There's a primal kind of fear with something like this. You suddenly became the prey to a beast you're incapable to fight off, you freeze because your brain goes full reptile and think "if I don't move maybe it will not see me". Then it suddenly grabs you with it's jaws and drags you to it's lair, you feel the pressure and you see how it drags you but your brain can't process it, but you know deep down you're going to be eaten in it's lair
history of elephant ?
You sound intelligent.
Animals that tasted human blood will see humans like prey. So they're put down or they will eventually attack again, even in zoos. There are plenty of stories of lions or tigers manhunters in african safaris, they used to hire hunters to kill them during the XIX century, mainly to protect the visitors.
Damn sucks to know my gymcelling won't protect me from a nigbull I'm gonna start carrying a chainsaw
I will respond to his challenge and fire up a breakdancing battle.
nah, its just that gorillas are gentle natured. they most likely wont harm someone if they become submissive and show they arent a threat.
There was even a conveniently man sized but not bull sized gap between the pole and the wall to retreat behind
The mare wasn't in heat. Still nursing a foal, which can be seen in the background. The mare thought the foal was in danger.
Are you literally 12?
The donkey's raw lust is creating psychic energy that pulls off clothes, you can see it happening in that video.
almost unlocked a new fetish
> turn on their handlers or poo patrons
corvids actually do this pretty consistently, provoking larger animals into fighting eachother and scavenging the results, either by eating the remains when one of the animals is killed, or by following the animal around and waiting until it dies from its injuries
>Humans are capable of higher thought
you misspelled "white males"
You gotta EAT to take a shit like that
Shut your tranny mouth nigger loving canzcuck, even being poor they will outbreed your faggot ass; twink.
Kill yourself
"Humans (excluding cum skinned snow apes inhabitants of frozen hellholes) are capable of higher thought however"
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I wish I had this with sound.
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natural selection
If the full crowd would have rushed the bear screaming on top of lungs it would probably have retreated. Instead film. lol.
Eagle literally told him to fuck off
The emu must have been on a smoke break
Dog starts a fight against an alpha and screams like a bitch
From what i remember he was allegedly taking a shit
Who names an elephant "PR Rajesh: CameraMan?"
Gore threads are 99% underage and retards.
All the retard had to do was not act like a fucking prey animal
Tiger was obviously curious and not threatening/feeling threatened, up until a certain point.
You could easily just chad walk the fuck outta there.
how the fuck did this asshole end up in this situation, honestly
same for the other faggots who seem to voluntarily go into lion cages
it also seems like the lion is looking around to see if the coast is clear before starting some shit. either way, guy should have definitely at least tried to chad walked outta there
Did he died
That’s actually awful
women are powerless to defend themselves without guns.
based corvids
>Tiger took my family
This mf died RIP

Intelligence is necessary to survive inhospitable northern climates.

Shitskins walking about naked in the sun, eating bugs and animal shit and living in mudhuts never needed to evolve intelligence. So you never did.
darwin award. parents stupid enough to let their 3 year old run up to a horse like that probably shouldn't be continuing the gene pool anyways.
It's de-evolution, autists are retards.
don't you have a street to be shitting in? lol
Honestly, this is legitimately probably the best option you'd have in a situation like this. Whether captive bred or caught in the wild, that tiger has almost certainly never been in contact with a human it's seen as prey. Every human it's ever known has been its boss and has acted like it. Best thing to do in this situation would be to stand tall and punch its snout with everything you've got (but act like it's just a warning) if it gets too frisky. Saying that is a very different thing from actually doing it whilst you're shitting your innards out from the fight-or-flight response, though.
I'll transcribe it for you.
>honnk, honk honn--
moar dog death
Giant smile on my face watching this
One shotted a $50,000 horse because they didn't know what they were doing.
based elephant
hahaha monke bro scalped jeet
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These donkeys were trained by Mexican companies in the 90s to help combat the sagging epidemic. They were never deployed in scale however thanks to Clinton's dick sucking scandal ruining the senate vote.
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>Please to Mr beautiful and powerful cat
>I am holy man well cleansed in sacred urine
>I will pray one hundred supplications for your majesty
>please to not redeem sir
>please to not redeem sir
>please to not redeem sir
>. . .
More handsome now
jews of the animal world
Fuck off
you just don't get it. that's a huge thing you're asking
I hope he crushed the second poojeet too.
stop trying to sound tough. the poor kid
Kek, it's always the turdies howling for the revenge killing of some animal after it turns their uncle into paste, like it's pain will make it regret or even understand what it did to the nuisance it got rid of. Coincidentally, it is also the turdies who lack even the most basic understanding of the physical capabilities of themselves and the animals they get off on poking with sticks
Animals are easily motivated. If something they do is rewarded with food, they are more likely to do it again. It's basic conditioning. Not all zoo animals that attack humans are put down. 10 of 11 painted dogs that ripped Maddox Derkosh apart were quietly sent to other facilities, the mom sued the zoo even though she was the one who ignored signs and dropped her child into a pit full of Africa's messiest killers.
I would have simply allowed them to cross the road like they were already doing without agitating them.
i'm not trying to sound tough. sure, it's tragic. if that were my kid, i would shed many tears. also, if that were my kid, i wouldn't let her roam free in a field with extremely strong and fast half-ton
wild animals. a horse kicking another horse bruises them. a horse kicking a person turns their bones into powder. those parents are retards, and they got the darwin award.
One less phone scammer, no loss.
There's a reason elephants have the reputation "An elephant never forgets". That man had been abusing this animal for a long time before it happened. Well deserved death by stomp 10/10
Soooooo.... that's what a birdie is? Man golf seems hard
I'd guess India, considering it's shitting in the street.
Damn shame the bison didn't kill the shitbull
Looks like a condor. Nice job liberals those windmills are really saving the environment!
>Obligatory yute in foreground
Imagine attending to lions and not having a gun in the holster. Truly asking for it
dis nigga dead
Thank you for your service.
Bloody cat bastard
Fuck you bloody!
They literally nicknamed those condor quisinarts.
Squeezed him flat like a tube of toothpaste by barely even standing on him. Damn
Well, I can't tell what he scored, but that's pretty much the origin of the term "birdie", yeah.
Yeah that dead guy was totally more empowered, you're right
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That frog is based and knows about psyllium husk.
That tiger is like
>What the hell?
>Did they feed me one of their own?
>He's in here, they really want me to eat him?
>He must have done something bad.
>Fuck it, I was wondering how human tasted after all.
Do people not understand that donkeys are tools of violence? Cattle farmers use them to protect their herds from predators like coyotes because they fucking murder the coyotes for fun.
so many ways to die in nature, starvation, dehydration, disease, infection, injury, exposure etc.
but truely being killed by a predator has to be the absolute worst, your final moments just pure horror and agony as a creature you are completly powerless against slowly gores you to death, maybe just for its own amusement

no wonder we are born with such a potent primal fear of predator animals, compared with other, more deadly things
Psyllium husk legit changed my life.
I've seen stuff like that on the streets of Detroit.
ever fuck any of the horses
"On your left..."
"In your butt."
Your mother faggot bitch
Yes once but i was drunk and fucking hated myself after i came. Could never look at that horse again after that night, really overrated experience.
Darwin award is for someone stupid enough to get THEMSELVES killed.
Not to be applied to a fucking toddler who's stupid parents weren't looking after her you double nigger.
>white woman
>disgusting ugly shit breed of dog (as usual)
>probably lets the dog fuck her
>brings her shitmuts up to farmers private property and animals
>collar literally falls off the dogs head as soon as it wants to be free
>now have a loose shitmut running around on someones private land
>where they can spread diseases, bite, startle to death, induce stillbirth in livestock
I wish I was a farmer just so I could bate this roasties and shoot their fucking dogs
fr, australian will take a kangaroo in a 1v1, but still lost the emu war. I don't get it.
>how the fuck did this asshole end up in this situation, honestly
bud, they get killed by trains doing tiktok videos
>Link hit a chicken
12 inches, ask your mom
kek, fuck THIS GUY in particular


Yeah it is. Imagine just minding your own business eating breakfast, when a small snot-goblin approaches and tries to steal your food. Poor horse must have been terrified.
Only the dumb ones... some of them are so fucking smart they can talk! So ya know I'm not getting ratted out by a fucking horse
I've got a whole bunch of vodeos of shitbulls getting shot by cops. It's awesome.

bet he'll be a good boy from now on
Wasn't this guy who was killed some kind of ultra liberal activist? Irony overload.
the donkey killed the shitskin, an anon in a previous thread posted a news article about it
You could never in a million years convince me Spaniards are white European there's something off these "people"
I hate bikers so much they are one of the most retarded groups in human history on par with trannys in their delusions of grandeur importance and ability
retarded cunt, that's in mexico
No, they are intelligent enough that they already were aware that you had meat on the inside beforehand. If they were too dumb to assume that inherently then they'd be too dumb to remember it. I see people say this shit with dogs and it's so fucking retarded.
An animal that attacked someone is more likely to attack another person in the future only because of whatever trait they had that made them attack someone the first time. Not because they discovered people have meat on the inside. Also most animal attacks (especially dogs) have nothing to do with the animal being hungry and everything to do with aggression.
it smells like weed
Poor hefalump, probably never get the taste of stale curry out of its mouth. Sad!
I knew this was fake when you said the pitbull let go
shrek knows
that's in spain
by who? mlp fags?
Tell me you're a shithead who's never gotten his dick wet without telling me you're a shithead who's never gotten his dick wet
Found the jeet.

That man was probably one (out many) of your inbred cousins wasn't he?

Why are they like this? We've all ridden bikes bros. Bikes are enjoyable at times. But nothing really explains this subset of people who insist on using them all the time having such insane and woman-tier hubris against the elements and forces around them.

They like the train pajeets, the cuck porn enjoyers, etc need to be studied in several controlled experiments. I must understand what went wrong in them.

Goddammit Walt you're embarrassing me.
Get that cunt Bruce!
I pray they don't discover the blueberries in my pocket
because they used the army instead of drunk bogans in utes
Pussy for a penny
Can you share?, it brings me indescribable joy knowing Donkey bro got his revenge.
it doesn't have to imagine the smell
Why is this one in particular so funny
bro he just like me fr
Poor snek, must taste like shit.
Sandnigger thought he was Conan and learned the error of his ways
>36 seconds
Yes I agree, however that wasn't a human, it was a poojeet.
how the fuck did he time that
This happened in Costa Rica. Low level Spaniards, I guess.
>notice foal
lol lmao
They are digesting the plant material that wasn't digested but it can be a symptom of Zoochosis
Reminds me of this one event in which a bull that was raised by a guy was confused as fuck when it was dumped into one of these events and it even injured itself also. Thankfully it actually come across the guy that raised it and he would stand next to it and calm it down and then would guide it out without any issues. The caretaker was pissed when he found out that his bull was used in one of these. Also here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islero
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I saw it too. I remember it saying that the dude was found with his throat torn out, lol.
As opposed to those wet napkins with bones
please elaborate I'm high and I need an explanation and you seem to know what you're talking about
google is your friend, but i'll spoonfeed you a bit. It was breeding season. The elephant was horny and more aggressive than usual.
>Is there some kind of protocol or special treatment for zoo animals that devoured a yummy homo sapiens?
Pavlov response. Dude shouldn't have made noise on the gate.

The one time it's ok to wear a padded bra
I started to feel bad, but then I remembered what unbearable faggots cyclists are.
I just love seeing these pathetic humans getting beat by animals.
Pajeets are not human
leaky shit outta side of elephants head = stay the fuck away / run for cover

Recording it so we can laugh at indians is the most important thing he could have done in that moment and you know it. Also it's a fucking bear there's nothing that will stop it short of a gun or an actual sword/spear.
LMAO are you a redditer? Why do you falsely believe something so completely fucking idiotic.
Avoiding a bear that decides it wants to fucking kill you is almost impossible. That bear is probably over 300lbs and can run 35mph. Once it is close enough to be seen you're totally fucked if it decides to kill you. Unless you have a gun.
It is likely the parents are smart enough to realize the danger but they just do not give a shit about the well being of their daughter.
The technique is flawless. The facewash with his trunk is hilarious. If it could talk it would literally say "Take that you lil faggot."
I would never approach an animal that size under any circumstances. And this fag was smacking it with a stick.
This is why I would never pet a horse, camel, elephant, any large animal. Some people see a wild elk and think they can go take a photo with it. People have no respect for how easily these animals can kill you and care more about the social pressure. haha u scared bro? It will be fine!
I feel like it would be safer to fuck around with a crocodile than an elephant. This thing might as well be Godzilla.
Autistic super serious online guy gets mad over a silly joke.
weird faggot
He was in fact, a prey animal.

Avoiding a bear attack in the woods is virtually impossible compared to how easy it is to not get hit by a train.
>running up to a giant animals with horns and smacking the fuck out of it with a stick
Deserved for being a fucking retard.
>he thinks you're a female
nah he's disrespecting you prison style
If the entire group started hitting the bear with baseball bats and iron frying pans as hard as they could the bear wouldn't even give a shit.
That bull is a seasoned Hotline Miami player.
Like eating buffalo wings?
>google is your friend
Google is literally your enemy. People like you are gay as fuck. Responding on a forum with "look it up bro." Gay bitch.
the elephant was gooning.
People lost their connection with nature. Don’t fuck with a wild animal. They get what they deserve.
I wish that were true because weed smells good and skunk spray is one of the worst smells that exists.
This guy thinks skunks smell good because he's indian
You're normal, anon. They reek like hell on earth.
BNWO suicide fetish commie troon faggots need to be institutionalized or executed.
Standing on your knee? Are you Cotton Hill?
I engage it in a breakdance battle obviously.
been there done that
Only pajeet here is you, what with your piss poor reading skills.
I watched my mom do this once, but it was a sparrow instead of a duck. It was flying at top speed, close to the ground, and then swooped up into the sky just as my mom swung. Ball and bird collided in mid air and for bonus points the bird hit a tree trunk on the way down.
>Noooo not the heckin kiderino!
Kek, you're as stupid as her parents dumbfuck. It's not sad btw, it's called regrettable.
That animal shouldn't have lost his shit and smacked that elephant.
I can't stop laughing at this comment.
As anon pointed it's an indian elephant.
lol foreigner complaining about Republicans when the current democrat administration started several new wars.
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I added sounds!
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Wait wait... Watch this one instead pls, Sirs!
I always knew donkeys were based despite the democrats using their likeness.
They can't even afford food
Everyone commenting "why didn't the bystanders clap their hands or throw a rock to provoke the mighty 400lbs beast to simply end the attack" is a fucking retard. lmao holy shit...
This is why I would never go anywhere near a horse. I know a girl who got kicked by one and she was in a coma and almost died. She's relatively all right now miraculously. That horse is dead as fuck.
I like how that one retard is like "why didnt they throw a rock at it to stop the tiger!" lmao All throwing stuff at it would do is make it run off with it's happymeal sooner and then you'd be seen as the person who agitated the animal and caused it to eat the guy even though it was going to happen anyway. I guarantee the same retard would get upset seeing someone defend themselves with a gun in a legitimate scenario because they're definitely some kind of utopian libtard who thinks you can just stop a tiger attack by throwing a rock small enough to travel 50 feet, yelling, and clapping your hands instead of that just pissing it off more.
"why didn't the cops shoot the gun out of the african american gentleman's hands or shoot his legs instead of killing him" energy
I think it's because they race mixed with the moops of north africa. They also race mixed with indigenous midgets in the Americas and made retards.
Typing that in English and being completely immersed in Western civilization is some wild daddy issues, m'dude.
Look, anon, throwing beer cans and yelling at the bull thwarted its attack! You were right!
I hope you try to scare a 400lbs predator with a rock someday and it gobbles you up. You are stupid.
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Lmao you are a seething shitskin
These faggots will try to chase anything and anyone bigger than them. People aren’t allowed to hurt geese in parts of the U.S. so these fuckers come in and shit around everything. Get nice and used to being kings, until they fuck around back to nature. I hope it didn’t die, so that it can’t fly, becoming a duckapalegic, having to watch the wife get with another duck then have his eggs instead.
somebody talked you into fucking a horse lmao I'm wheezing
fuck off to roblox
>knot the breed reeee
sounds very fake and very gay
pride month is over, faggot
open the door
ur dog is autism
>nigger in car
I can't believe how stupid he is. Did he not realize he was standing in the middle of a bike path?!
If I could do that, I would, too.
And that's how you deal with a pit bull. All these fucking videos of idiot spraying it with water, grabbing its collar, whatever... Get something heavy and smash it.

Look at this guy. Walks up, swings, done. That's all it takes.
I have no idea how credible this is
if you look closely, you'll see he had a stick, the pinnacle of Australian technological innovation
nearly 800 years of Islamic rule might have something to do with it
like one fella once said
Thank you, P R Rajesh
I have so many questions lmfaoooo
That doot at the end
I bet you cant even touch the train bich lasagna!
>retard speak
But that was their designated shitting street. Of course they're going to be agitated.
that elephant should be killed immediatelly.
you see now what the goal of porn is. to destroy all devine in you and turn you into an animal. You become what you do.
did anyone hear the horse shit himself right after he was kicked in the face?
>perceiving he's getting pwned by 12 year olds
No, because it is more valuable than one pajeet they can't afford to kill him.
I think this is big axe

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