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File: 1707506515887657.webm (3.83 MB, 854x480)
3.83 MB
3.83 MB WEBM
Would sniff
File: Eluna(1).webm (3.86 MB, 720x480)
3.86 MB
3.86 MB WEBM
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3.99 MB
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File: Mira(1).webm (3.35 MB, 1280x720)
3.35 MB
3.35 MB WEBM

Anyone here understands what they're saying?
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605 KB
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3.56 MB
3.56 MB WEBM
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1.67 MB
1.67 MB WEBM
i need more dracuina content omg...where can i find more like this
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858 KB
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4 MB
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3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
File: ashley2.mp4.webm (3.77 MB, 720x480)
3.77 MB
3.77 MB WEBM
Tall milf with size 11 feet
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File: Size 41 1.webm (874 KB, 1280x720)
874 KB
Somehow, I think I have the second part of this webm
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3.03 MB
3.03 MB WEBM
Sockless, imagine the smell
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3.91 MB WEBM
sauce on this? I have came to this so many times on here but idk who it is
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1.71 MB
1.71 MB GIF
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3.66 MB
3.66 MB WEBM
Would get high as fuck off those feet.
File: 1718578069514220.webm (2.14 MB, 1280x720)
2.14 MB
2.14 MB WEBM
Sauce??? Amazing coomshot
You can just tell that her feet have that strong aroma
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3.86 MB
3.86 MB WEBM
Might as well post the other one.
File: Alice.webm (3.87 MB, 720x480)
3.87 MB
3.87 MB WEBM
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3.95 MB
3.95 MB WEBM
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2.91 MB
2.91 MB WEBM
It's a Jasmine Sherni scene for Brazzers.
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2.87 MB
2.87 MB WEBM
I need her to dominate me and make me cum with her feet so bad
what kind of fucking retard actually writes this shit?
i need some sauce
Who is this and are they a man or a woman?
This isn’t just 4chan. You find yourselves in the austere and hallowed halls of /gif/
Please conduct yourselves accordingly
File: 1694421964916572.webm (1.83 MB, 1920x1080)
1.83 MB
1.83 MB WEBM
Fucking amazing scene, please post more
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3.28 MB
3.28 MB WEBM
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3.81 MB
3.81 MB WEBM
always assume it's a bobs and vagene pajeet writing these
holy shit, sauce?
File: 1709836684701741.webm (3.8 MB, 1280x720)
3.8 MB
You can find more searching CHILLING WITH THE BABS: Introducing "HAYLEE" and Her Adorable SIZE 2's
Also search this:
CHILLING WITH THE BABS: Introducing "HAYLEE" and Her Adorable SIZE 2's
Dumped ex gf right when she was considering footjob as a viable way of warming up. Haven't talked about the fact with new gf. Is it worth the effort? Not really a fan of feet specifically. Don't mind them, grab them from time to time but I wouldn't consider it a fetish of mine. Footjobs are kinda hot tho
I don't fucking get this post, you dumped your gf just because she wanted to do a footjob?
Damn, no, explanation was shit, my bad. She was considering it but I dumped her because she was conformist, lazy and compliant. So nothing to do with footjobs

How tf is that bad tho?
why are you even here
Compliant as in submissive. Not in a sexual way and not in a good way. She never fought and was always ok with me winning every single argument. She had no goals in life, kinda just went with the flow. I hate that type of personality
>was always ok with me winning every single argument

Wtf, this literally is what 99% of men want, because most men can't stand stupid bitches who double down on their idiocy even when they are proven wrong.
>Wtf, this literally is what 99% of men want
It gets old after a while. I tend to surround myself with more ambitious people. I'm not saying Andrew Tate's state of mind, but at least argue with your boss when he makes you stay 2 extra hours every fucking day and refuses to raise your salary and stop being fucking apathetic

So anyways, footjobs worth it or should I get satisfied with good ol' handjobs?
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3.4 MB
I was going to discuss further, but I think ill just post this, instead
This is actually only what virgins want lol
I was going to say it's a childish point of view but that'll also do
No, this is what normal men want. A woman is supposed to shut the fuck up, Cook, clean etc and give you babies.
File: 1383812896458.gif (1.98 MB, 400x300)
1.98 MB
1.98 MB GIF
You know what the problem is? Resolution is too low. Bitrate too low. 4chan is not fucking scaling with modern media. We are still stuck with fucking <4MB webms.

Most new content requires the average person to not be a retard with video encoders which is impossible mode for coomers.

4chan is dated.
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3.86 MB
3.86 MB WEBM
Nah, it's true that men in general can't stand cold, domineering, argumentative shrews in the same way that even the most feminist, "down with toxic masculinity" women feel nothing but disgust at a man that has a habit of panicking, melting into a puddle of tears at the slightest hurdles, and generally failing to be a leader.
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4 MB
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1.39 MB
1.39 MB WEBM
Imagine the retarded apes who would come here if admins made it easier to post. Yes it can get worse.
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1.26 MB
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3.29 MB WEBM
Friend of a friend
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3.88 MB
3.88 MB WEBM

Nah, fuck that shit. I like women who are actual people with personalities. Not some crazy Karen type, but a well adjusted and confident woman who has valuable things to say. Only insecure faggots want some obedient house slave who never talks back and has no life of her own.
tsunderebean is the only foot content worth consuming and you guys never even post her in these threads.
be the change you want to see and post them
she does not post shit and im not willing to pay for this
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3.4 MB
>Not some crazy Karen type, but a well adjusted and confident woman who has valuable things to say.
Tomato tomahto. That's exactly what a karen would describe herself as and simply not being argumentative isn't an indicator of having no personality. Either that girl was afraid of anon and didn't want to piss him off or at best, he made good points and her being a mature and reasonable adult, didn't drag the argument out any further.
>Only insecure faggots
Be careful of how much nonsense you're willing to put up with in the name of "manning up". Makes you a prime target for abusers in general and not just women.
Then I suppose every fucking family man in the 50s was an "insecure faggot".
Damn, both of their soles are really nice in different ways. Kinda big feet on the smaller one, for her height. Also, why did they let him film this lol
Who is she?
Cierra Bell
vanessa leon
sauce? i love her
File: 1718395696994214.webm (3.83 MB, 720x408)
3.83 MB
3.83 MB WEBM
Sauce? I can never find her name
are you blind or just retarded
probably cuz she hasn't been active in months
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3.9 MB

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