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Summer is for Tomboys only!
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stop posting this hideous semite
Who is she?
That’s an ugly chick not a Tomboy
>be close friends with a tomboy in highschool
>ask her out, she's not interested
>remain friends, end up dating her goth friend
>goth friend cheats on me, tomboy takes my side
>remain friends
>she becomes a huge megaslut in college
Kinda glad we didn't date, I don't think it would've ended well
I also have a tomboy story.
>be close friends with a tomboy in highschool
>ask her out, she's not interested
>says she has a boyfriend she met on the internet
>remain friends but naturally drift apart after I move to the big city
>look her up online years later
>she's fat
>works at a liquor store
>has a bf who looks kinda like me
>now rather than a cute pixie, she looks like a weird dyke
Things work out in the end.
Wow she is sexy
post more of her pls
Some guys have all the luck....
she looks like Barneyfag LOL
None of these are tomboys.
who is this
This is Patrick.
I have one, shit hurts. Haven't talked with her since senior year.

>Had been friends with a tomboy chick since elementary.
>High school hit and I asked her out a few times.
>Found out she was having unprotected sex and was fuck buddies with a senior.
>I wasn't having it and confronted her about having random unprotected sex because she can fuck up her future doing shit like that.
>The guy ended up beating my ass because she told him what I said and he wasn't happy about it.
>The next morning she told me if I was to tell anyone she'd resent me for the rest of my life.
>By that point it was a wake-up call that she didn't want to date or do jack with me.
>Cut ties with her, the last time I saw her was two months after graduation at a Casey's gas station in town.
>Found out she followed him to college
>I was legitimately disgusted with her behavior, at one point her parents started talking to me about our relationship while she was at college out of state.
>Had to relay the entire story down to the minor details.
>Never seen such hate and disgust on their faces for their daughter.
>Around 2022 she started posting that she was pregnant and her fuck buddy was the dad.
>Earlier last year she had to drop out because he ghosted her and swapped colleges.
>Like usual, the baby daddy ghosts and is like a needle in a haystack to find.
>By the time she moved back (March 2023) I had already started doing my own things and doing hobby farming.
>When she came back to town, she acted like nothing between us happened and wanted us to start over.
>I wasn't having it and acted distant to her hoping for her to get the message and fuck off.
>She didn't, so I contacted her parents.
>Her parents sat her down during a family meeting and confronted her about high school and that guy.
>They cut her from their wills because of the damage she's done to herself, and how she's disappointed their family.
>Both their wills are going to her older sister.
i need to play them
e girls are the sluttiest i heard, then is it tomboys or goth girls that are sluttier?
i guess eslutting is different from whoredom
lol, why did she try and get back in contact with you? What do you think her intentions were?
> Why did she try and get back in contact with you? What do you think her intentions were?

I seriously don't know. After how hateful she was towards me near the end of high school, I was honestly surprised but pissed off that she came back and acted like jackshit happened between us. When I first crossed paths with her after she was back in town almost made me beat the shit out of her because she was acting as if a simple "sorry about what I did in high school" was going to repair our relationship. Maybe she was planning to seduce me to get me as a stepdad, but I know not to do shit like that because my dad has had 3 past marriages and one was with a single mom. He said it is, if not, one of the biggest mistakes a man can ever make.

I know she's not happy with me because her parents told her all the information I relayed to them. I did see her working at the Walmart I shop at and had never seen such anger on her face. I might put in a complaint to wake her ass up a bit.

About the kid, I don't know, all I hope she's doing is trying her best to raise her.
The funniest part of the story is that you're the biggest bitch in it, due to being a snitch
That's your problem, not mine. She's mad she got caught. I couldn't care less about being a snitch because she had what was coming.

But it's okay, you can be her daughter's stepdaddy. Something I won't waste my time with.
>being tough on the internet
I know a chick who does these kind of things. She is highly educated. Owns a company, she is well off. Single. She goes to concerts and shit. Does mushrooms. Believes in astrology and shamans. She is 29. Works outs regularly. I would have never guest. She is like a 7 out of 10 without makeup and a nice body. She is on tinder. Fucks around with guys she barely knows. Fucks guys and girls. 4some and 3somes regularly too.

I was honestly shocked. She is cool an all. I found out because she was showing me some pictures and handed me her phone. Then someone grabbed her attention and for like 15 sec. I saw all her videos and pic of her in concerts and orgies and shit in her phone.
Fucking crazy.
Its literal facts, like, what? You want me to step in and take care of her fucking mistake? You're entirely welcome to take that position but im not wasting my time on a kid that's not mine.
>She is like a 7 out of 10 without makeup and a nice body.

Not when she goes to settle down. I guarantee you wouldn't want your kids finding out their mom was a full-blown whore, lmao.
I would if I was still using meth
I dunno, man. I think you should do some soul-searching on this. You were mad she rejected you for an older dude. I understand that totally. You wanted to get back at her and hurting her image to her parents probably seemed like the most effective way possible. I bet it even felt good. But by engaging at all, you're losing by giving in to the power you feel she had over you.

In the future, if you feel someone did something gross to you, don't stoop to their level. Just move on with your life and be grateful they showed you who they really were before you could be more personally caught in their problems.
Guys I love tomboys
go jerk off to your chinese cartoons, child.
Yeah maybe it shows how out of touch I am but apparently a lot of nice looking, normal looking girls are out there fucking tons of men and women and just living regular lives. Casual sex appears to be mainstream again. Like the 70's all over, only now everyone has a pocket camera.
Tomboy doesn’t mean butch. These are mostly just liberal dykes.
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nice thread u fuckin retards
Bros, fucking sauce???
I also have a tomboy story.
>Me in highschool horny as shit for any pussy I could get.
>Date a chick with huge tits. This bitch is horny as fuck and always wants to suck my dick in family restrooms and at the park at night.
>Another chick appears while I date my main chick. She's a tomboy perky slut. Smoke tons of weed with tomboy crush for a long period of time.
>Drop LSD and make spiritual connection with her.
>She dates my best friend. This guy threatens to kill himself if she leaves him.
>Get high on LSD and tell her that she is my soul mate while still getting my dick sucked by my other bitch. She rejects me and tells her boyfriend I want to have a relationship with her.
>I thought she felt the same way because we had a connection while high on acid.
>I die from the embarrassment and drift apart from everyone.
>She leaves the suicidal manipulative boyfriend and immediately has a kid with a cockroach looking as mother fuckers.
>mfw I saw that FB post of her being pregnant: "okaythenderp"
Wait, you're a butthurt faggot because she was fucking somebody else, and you tried to ruin her life over it?
Grow some nuts you incel fucking dork.
Who is this is sexy piece of fuckmeat
Same shit every fucking thread.
Twintaupe. Ftm from tumblr. Not much stuff online anymore besides an erome album. Haven't found their other stuff, probably got lost when tumblr started getting rid of porn.
I have a slight suspicion you werent as calm and as much of a victim as you claim, you pussy virgin incel
imagine being so desperate for a (you) that you rehash the same bait within hours of your first attempt, what a slut
>Why did she try and get back in contact with you? What do you think her intentions were?
>I seriously don't know.
You damn well know and you were right to put up a wall and not forget the past. Life pro-tip: when your high school crush suddenly reaches out to you years after graduation, it’s cause she’s looking for a provider and “ready to settle down.” Fuck that. I’ve had it happen multiple times. Some chick I knew in high school messages me, saying we should get together and reminisce. Bitches know I’ve been happily married for 20 years with four kids, they don’t care. Single mothers are a desperate lot, NEVER give them the time of day
i miss when tomboys were girls who like sports and wear hats and shit. now its just queer girls

You sound like a simp.

If you don't see the red flag in front of you, you deserved to get shanked in court down the road.
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in my days tomboys were artsy girl or into electro music, queer is the new thing.
>artsy girl or into electro music
so queer then
>met a tomboy in late high school
>was clearly into me but i was too autistic to ever ask her out
>would still occasionally see bands and stuff though, was fun
>gradually watched her decay into a genderfluid nonbinary asexual over the next 10 years
>her entire tumblr is reblogs about being "queer" or whatever

I could've saved her if I'd just worked up the courage way back when. Now all these tomboys are like this, especially the nerdy ones who I'd gotten along with the most, so it makes me wonder if it's worth humoring this bullshit just to have another shot at gf.
Fucking lol, a classic. Been wanting to know, who is she?
perhaps the fakest gayest greentext
>Had a crush on a tomboy in high school
>Spilled spaghetti multiple times
>every once in a while she turns up in a dream.
>havent spoken since 2017
Why can’t I let go? I want her out of my head.
>in my days tomboys were artsy girl or into electro music
Things never happened outside your bubble
Find her and fuck her
It's the only way to get it out of your system
Hot tomboy
No, he was worried about her fucking around with some dude without protection and then got beat up for showing his concerns. He also wanted access to that puss, but she was also a friend that he wanted to save from being a teen mom tied to some dirtbag. He held his silence over the matter until her parents, who already knew him because they were childhood friends, expressed concern and asked what was going on. She ruined her own life, numbnuts.
What the fuck even is reading comprehension?
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Fucking tomboy in fishnets
Why are you in such close contact with the family? Do you just talk to them to rat her out and make her life worse?

From your story she never did anything to you apart from not fuck you.

You sound petty faggot. She lives rent free in your head lmao.
>your problem.
We are random idiots online, we just say it like we see it.

Bro we can't be the only people to tell you what your doing is 2016 white knight nice guy shit.
Kek, just accept the apology and move on with you life. You don't have to do shit with this girl.
There is literally NOTHING "tomboy" about this girl. NOTHING...
>Fucking tomboy in fishnets
Tomboys don't fucking WEAR fishnets. This thread is fucking trash. There isn't a single fucking tomboy in ANY of these .webms. Best any of you shitfuckers could do was "chicks with short hair." Thanks for nothing. Fags.
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Likewise. Ones i always fell in love with were usually the hipster types who likes to go camping or skateboarding. Idk what happened, but something conviced these girls they were boys or gay.
Feels ass backwards considering society was promoting these girls as just girls who liked boy things at the time.
Any sauce on this one?
fuck. did she pull her pants up with shit splashes on her ass
No girls just dont go outside anymore. Or boys really
For me it was the nerdy ones who liked video games and anime (and not just the ones marketed toward women, either). Had way more luck with them than with girly women. I knew one who was really into Megaman, Transformers, Gundam, and pretty much anything involving robots or machines. Was even studying to be a mechanic before she had to move out on her own and work took up all her free time.

Then over time she started falling for one meme after another and now she's calling herself non-binary. Ironically she's actually more girly than she was before, she's ditched her old boyish hobbies and now only cares about FOTM anime and whatever story-based indie "game" they're peddling this month. Still dresses the same, though.

>Idk what happened, but something conviced these girls they were boys or gay.
Couldn't tell you what's going outside of nerd hobbies, but here it's got a lot to do with identity politics infesting everything. 10+ years ago radfems sold this lie that every straight man was a potential rapist, and the female nerds bought it up. Now they've either lost their attraction to men and go lesbian/asexual, or they hope that by becoming a guy (or really a not-woman) that straight/bi guys will stop liking them. Likewise, the men become trannies to adapt to this, hoping that by calling themselves women they'll be able to get with the real women now identifying as lesbian.

But that was years ago. Now, there's so many male and female trannies that they're able to propagate by peer pressure alone. And that's likely why it's not just ruining the nerdy tomboys now but also the sporty ones.
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Tomboys are a mood, not a hairstyle
This is the plot of a popular manga, anon. Are you sure this happened?
insanely hot girl
tomboys are awesome my boyfriend is a trans dude and i've never had better sex
That guy is so cucked, she has nothing but pity for him. I bet somehow she knows like 20 7ft tall dudes.
This is the ugliest bitch I’ve ever seen.
>play wargames online against a guy
>he's really good and beats me most of the time
>talk over text often
>play some team games and realise we're practically unbeatable
>find out we live in the same city
>decide to meet up and do some in-person team games
>he's a she
>still acts like a guy
>try to not to spill spaghetti
>slim and tiny in baggy jeans and oversized hoody
>slaughter the competition and go to hang out at my place
>sexual tension rising
>she undresses to get under the blanket
>just wearing a sports bra and shorts
>she's skinny with cute tiny tits and wide hips
>flirt a bit and then start making out
>invites me to strip her so I can finger her
>scramble to find a handful of condoms in the bottom of a drawer
>eat her out under the blanket as she wraps her legs around my head
>she's shaking with adrenaline and nerves
>just stammers and moans as we fuck like rabbits
>after we make out and she stops shaking
>wants to go again
>this time she rides me and takes charge
>cum like a firehose watching her tight, athletic body squirm and writhe as she grinds against me
>later becomes non-binary
>wears things like slacks with button-ups and tie
>can still only imagine her naked
>still play together and fuck every few months
She was getting raw dogged by as a freshman by a guy 4 years older than her. That’s concerning
Based anon don’t let the white knights cloud you, you did the right thing
>white knight
>nice guy
Here’s your (you)
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Not only is it not a tomboy, but a disgusting pooner. Neck yourself faggot
In my experience, tall bitches are desperate and almost always willing to fuck men shorter than themselves.
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THOT patrolled. You did good, anon. I hope you live a good life and meet someone nice.

Female detected. It's not all about you, and it's not all about sex.
Tyler1 went mtf?
uh ohh, little baby 4chan boy discovered real life isn't the same as his internet anime girls. lmfao grow up loser. take a trip out the front door and meet a tomboy and quit throwing a hissyfit lmfao
dude you're just whining the girl fucked someone besides you when you weren't even a couple. fucking grow a pair and quit being an entitled child.
cause it's fan fiction and loser needs to make himself the good guy, desirable Chad lmfao
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>dude you're just whining the girl fucked someone besides you when you weren't even a couple. fucking grow a pair and quit being an entitled child.

>cause it's fan fiction and loser needs to make himself the good guy, desirable Chad lmfao
Hot holy hell, who is this?
I doubt that, but fuck, best, well everything I've seen. Perfect in every way
both dumb nigger queers
Is that Edna?
Who is this?
Whos this? She looks a lot like a girl I know irl
Have never found a sauce of this.
just google Chubby Nerdy Slutty Tattooed Pierced GF
Tomboy doesn't mean "short hair" you retard. A tomboy is always the same thing, it's a girl who likes some guy stuff and doesn't fit in with normal girls, who likes the outdoors and wrestling with you and shit like that.
Announcing a report is also against the rules y'know.
what's the context here
Casey’s fucking sucks now. that’s all I have to say
where tomboys
>What Griffith did to Casca
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almost more disgusting than the average whore due to the facade of abnormalcy
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And how did that turn out. 3 dead chinese gammas, 2 roasties, and a nobody before he an hero'd. He was a miserable failure. He got to the sorority he wanted to get retribution on and turned around at a locked door. HE HAD A FUCKING GUN and he couldnt noodle that through. It would have taken a second to shoot the lock and open the door, nope, this cancerous faggot pussied out and went and killed normies. If this faggot is your hero, you need to an hero.
the myth of ER is far more important than anything he actually was or did
i got a bj from this chick
This is true, I am 5' 9" dating someone who is 6' 3". My face conveniently rests on her tits when we hug. Boob men stay winning.

Back in high school she seemed interested in me, I turned her down and she thought it was because she was too tall. Not wanting to tell her it was because I didn't think she was pretty, I agreed with her. Thankfully her memory is shit and doesn't remember I said that. Keeping it on-topic, she's a tomboy who hunts and played sports. It's a bit of a shame college turned her into a fucking typical feminist but whatever, the sex is great and she takes care of the domestic duties anyway.
>My face conveniently rests on her tits when we hug. Boob men stay winning.
I'm jealous. I'm 6'3" myself so every woman I meet is shorter than me.
the thumbnail alone gave me syphilis. absolutely disgusting skanks
anon can't fathom the idea of 2 people thinking he's a huge faggot lmao
>no one mentions reporting
>"hurr durr u broke da rools"
Many such cases
Bitches get snitches
I want a tomboy gf
>Tomboys are a mood, not a hairstyle

This is the gospel truth. Lot of tomboy posts on here are just lesbians dykes ect or semi kinda tomboy energy.
The most authentic tomboy I ever met worked at a salvation army store hair went all the way to her ass never wore makeup wore baggy clothes\ skater clothes she was skinny and tone. But she was gay I tried hitting on her. I had to try it was a golden opportunity

Trying to find a pretty straight tomboy girlfriend is the same as trying to find a shiny pokemon with a perfect IVs and stats. You will most likey definitely have to settle for a Bi one at best if your lucky enough. Or just have a friends with benefits which is better then nothing It's so godamn hard it unreal.
Next best things are just geeky anime chicks or goths but even that is getting hard to find. ( And riddled with mental issues which depending on which ones can be a nightmare) I have to date weirdo cute chicks now I can't go back to an NPC girlfriend that just goes to the bar or music festival or addicted to rigged WWE fake football slop.
>days without jacking off to Tina Burger: 0

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