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Since Anime Expo is almost here, let's celebrate with creepshots of cosplays
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based cosplay creeps enjoyer, god why are e-girl sluts in costumes always so sexy and rapeable
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Apparently there's more of her from this AX, hopefully someone posts it here
Eagerly monitoring this thread. Sadly, I don't have any content to contribute.
I mean, they are literally dressing up and posing to get attention from sexually frustrated men...
they must be pretty desperate for attention to be around smelly neckbeards
Is this Emiru? I love her body so much...
What ever helps you sleep at night I suppose
y? It's very mediocre.
fucking bitch, what is up with that age shaming?
Yep, don't watch her at all but she's pretty cute. Mods on the offlinetv subreddit said they'd delete clips from the AX stream and people have alluded that there's more creeps of her from that AX
Yeah. I like flat asses and stomach with smooth skin. I don't care for tiddies.
I would love to see them. There is not enough lewd content from her.
Show the one where she's posing for middle aged men who look like they have a ton of money
imagine thinking con whoring is normal behavior, worth passively defending lmao
maybe it's the material/fishnet but her ass just looks kinda chunky/cottage cheese thighs than thick
There's no reasonable expect of privacy in public.
Whether cosplay is consent or not does not matter in public spaces, you have no legal right to refuse being recorded in public.
I'm going to the next con with my gf
You can pick our couple outfit and a challenge to do while there
Cosplayers should be thrown out of helicopters into active volcanoes.

No exceptions.
heh. epic bro. very edgy. cool, even.
Cosplaying isn't whoring mfer. Even whoring is more defensible than whatever you are doing
There is in france.
only if you can recognize their face or other clearly identifiable features. And even if, it's only a copyright issue.
It's a thing in most european countries
men get their self-velue from themself. like wow my muscles look good, i am good at my job etc. women get their self-velue from men. how many people look at me when i walk down the street, how many likes do i get on this flirtapp etc. and to up their self-velue they learn that being sexy gets more looks and so on and on.
woman are sexuellising themself for that shit and then cry when they are looked upon in a sexuell way because thats get even more people to look at them.
all woman are Whores.
This behaviour is just pathetic.
Snatched a video of a saggy ass congratulation.
This is also a reason why the rest of the world hates you, America. And I'm not talking about the creepshots.
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I like how you can tell she fucks in those fishnets by the fact her crotch is blown out. And she's wearing it in front of everyone.
honestly I just think they gave up with that chaffing
The sign clearly makes no legal statement about recording, it just asks to be respectful
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humiliation ritual btw
What do you mean ?
How should I know?
If you like ass like this I don’t want to be your friend. Btw why is she in front of that sign both her and the weebs that want her are bottom feeders.
What humiliation ritual btw ?
What is she even cosplaying as
>fucking bitch, what is up with that age shaming?
It's all part of how some women in these kind of "industries" are emboldened enough now to reveal how much they hate the men they have to interact with.
I desperately need to know where to find more if this content. Something about a girl in cosplay getting upskirted does it for me like nothing else
Or you could stop feeding your unhealthy behaviour.
What do you mean "it does it for you" ? You jerk to these lame videos ?

How about you try to date one of the cosplayers, getting under her skirt yourself wouldn't that be more fun ?
Cosplayers don't ever seem to like normal socialization. Most of them are thirst traps looking for social media engagement.
i'm assuming she cosplays because she thinks the fashion/dress up aspect is fun, and she enjoys interacting with kids or innocent people, but she knows that older men are likely just there to jerk off and as a result it creeps her out and or annoys her, because that's not what she is there for
That is very generalising look on the subculture, hardly truthful for the whole community.
Go get your shot.You never know.
Cynicism is laziness masquerading as intelligence.
Great job sweetheart, if you keep posting like this for another decade I'm sure they will let you in the women's bathroom
how does she know if the middle-aged dude is a tourist or just a middle-aged man?
There is a very big difference of focusing a camera on one person or filming an entire hall.
i assume you're american based on the phrasing here.
this is correct in the case that you are "in public," i.e. you are on public property. if you aren't on public property, it's up to whoever is renting the venue or whoever owns the property. walmart has rules against recording or taking photos in their stores, for example, despite it being "open" to the public.
so assuming the person renting the venue can find out who you are after you post a creepshot, they can probably sue you or something assuming they have stated rules about how photography is handled.
One-liners are laziness nos masquerading at all.
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Was she caught nopan here?
Speaking of AX, anyone catch a girl in a cosplay with a thong wearing a buttplug?
Sauce for full?
I always wonder when people do a "cosplay" but choose to be alot more revealing than the actual character, you HAVE to be doing it for attention, right? Otherwise youd just choose a character that actually walks around like this, I mean theres plenty
Also, out of interest, would you be comfortable with your gf going around like that?
I think its SailorScholar but I'm not entirely sure.
>Also, out of interest, would you be comfortable with your gf going around like that?
Yeah but only if I'm with her so I can lord my hot cosplay bitch over all the other nerds that are lower on the totem pole.
*Posing for chads vs posing for ugly manlets
They ruined the cosplay community by walking half-nude with characters they don't even know just to post them of their of and then use the "muh le evil male gatekeeper" when you criticize them, so yes, they deserve the revenge porn and the no-consent recording, this is what you deserve for ruining a community, creepshoting against of cosplay whores is a moral duty, not just for "fapping", but for a revenge for what they did to the cosplay/nerd community
I noticed she smiles a little when she thinks about it though.
Jokes on this bitch her uncomfortable face only makes me harder
just continue jerking off stop trying to sound intelligent to strangers online
the people who own the property will not be the infringed/victims of someone else being recorded
in states where it is illegal to snap/record people without consent it is the people whos consent is violated that would press charges/grounds for legal recourse
there is no legal action possible for doing this if the venue says not to, all the venue can do is tell you to leave, unless you signed something before doing it
iirc she has some on but they're high-waisted or thin, tried to wear something that wouldn't easily show
i think it might look bad because of the perspective
Well maybe men shouldn't be such pigs and keep thinking with their dicks. Ever think of that sweaty?
>my muscles look good
>self-love, value from within

>my tits look good
>whore, value from male validation
I didn't say it was a legal statement. I said there's no reasonable expectation of privacy in public and that they have no legal right to refuse being recorded in public.
I was referring to the term consent in the phrase "Cosplay is not consent," My point being that other than some really niche law enforcement regulation on obtaining evidence, in most places you have no grounds to consent or refuse being recorded in public, which is why I said nope. "Cosplay is not consent" is not a valid statement because consent isn't a right here. You cannot consent or refuse being recorded in public.
>men shouldn't be such pigs
>keep thinking with their dicks
kinda impossible to stop in a certain age range
That's not just you, the vast majority of cosplayers are women who dress up like skinny/"sexy" characters, but they themselves are neither of those. What most people see on the internet are the actual sexy cosplayers, hence where there is this bias that everyone at these shows is smoking hot, the reality is it's more like a fat person's convention with a few hot girls mixed in the folds...
this quote was most definitely taken from a subreddit comment with three updoots.
as a guy with a pantyhose kink i fucking love conventions holy moly
most people tend to forget the key word of your statement, Anon:
In a public place you can be photographed and can't do shit about it. That's how paparazzis make a living.(Well, but for blatant upskirt photos - those are covered under, well, BLKATANT UPSKIRT PHOTO and are usually never legal to take. Deal with it).
In a PRIVATE place, the situation is different. You need permission to take pics in a private place.
So it all boils down to WHERE the cosplayer's pic is being taken. Inside a con's premises (usually a private place), check what the con rules say, because the photographer's opinion doesn't matter there. Outside such premises, it's the cosplayer's opnion the one that matters not.
I'm surprised something that simple is so hard to grasp. But then again, this board is full of retards, so why am I surprised?
hmm good point.
We need to look into this deeper.

I would say glorifying your tits and ass only or mainly is bit different. They are largely tied to mating they are supposed to arouse us in situations.

It would be guy wearing tight pants to show his bulge, wearing really short and tight shorts, thongs or wearing sock on his swinging cock.

Since we cannot be fully nude in public these is as close as we are allowed to push it and you bet many people push it way to far to get attention.

So man being muscular and having shirt of on a hot day can't necessarily be provoking asking for attention.

Woman wearing these revealing outfits is most likely saying validate me. Look at my bits... BUT NOT YOU! Just some of you.
Guys, check out this simple trick: If you're a creepy middle-aged man and want to take a picture with a cosplayer, just dress as a tourist and say: "Hello, I'm tourist. Can I take picture?" and you'll have all these cosplay bitches smiling at the camera, no matter how old and disgusting you are. See? Women aren't that difficult after all.
That's just... no.
Did you read the entire post? It's not a question of fapping or being horny, is a question of moral duty and humiliation, and they totally deserve it fellow foid
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Who is she or where to find the person who posted it?
>Inside a con's premises (usually a private place)
All convention centers are PUBLIC venues. ALL OF THEM. Most of which are government funded places, making them 100% certified public venues with 0 chance of them ever being considered private in a court of law. Hotels centers/lobbies are also public. All of these places employ security surveillance, the right to refuse recording does not exist.

The organizers can certainly make their own rules, but they have NO LEGAL BACKING. Meaning you can't be sent to jail for it, and the con organizers cannot break the law like police could. They can certainly kick you out and ban you for life, but that is their prerogative.
there was more of her with another asuka
anyone got it?
A hotel owned convention center can throw you out for anything the hell they want lmao
I don't know what third world shithole you live in, but in the U.S, convention centers are privately owned, which means that extra rules in addition to legality are normal.
found it - Arabella Kat
no what nigger?
she is the self-admitted gooner femcel creep though... she's admitting she knows about sexuality by having an issue with middle aged men masturbating to her photos, knowing they're going to masturbate to them at all reveals she lacks the innocence that attracts men in the first place. She is a loser trying to cope with that fact by putting others down, projecting.
Hear me out though, farmer strength. You can be strong as hell and not really look like it, at some point the muscles are literally just attention seeking for men.
>can throw you out for anything
Not after the civil rights act. Can't toss people out for being niggers from accommodation.
>Who is she
I'd also like to know
>where to find
theoriginalcandid. Longer https://gofile.io/d/rQQyAC
It's much easier for a man to be nude in public than a woman.

Also most men obtain muscles partially for attention.
That’s definitely sailorscholar
I need the full sauce that shit is phat
>All convention centers are PUBLIC venues. ALL OF THEM.
Objectively false. Hotels are private places even if of public use. So is a mall. So are most convention centers. The organizers mayor may not have their own rules, but the owners of the place certainly have. And the laws that recognize private property and the owner's right to have a say on what can and can not be done in their property, certainly, DO have legal backing (being, you know, actual laws).
BTW, it doesn't matter if you disagree. Even if you use upper case. Law is law.
If you dislike private property, go to North Korea, otherwise deal with it.
Get rekt fucking cunt, stop thinking with your blood shitting cycle first maybe kek
all reddit faggots should die
Street Fighter cosplays make me diamonds jfc
Let's see if I get this straight...
So, the whole cosplay subculture, once thriving and driven by true fans for fans out of true interest and fun, got infested by the triad of attention seeking whores, creep neckbeards (not the actual nerd neckbeards present since the dawn of the subculture) and alien consumerist folk interested only in the commercial aspect of it. Cosplay events ended up being relegated to a vapid chance to expose their cottage cheese filled saggy asses and saggy tits, validating idiots swarming around them like flies and throwaway merch of yet another shitty seasonal anime or videogame. Well at least in america or so it seems, not much different in Japan these days though.
This is why I don’t give a fuck if these women are secretly recorded. They purposely dress in a revealing way. This bitch chooses to have her ass hanging out.

anyway is anyone going?
Cosplay is just a scam for mediocre girls to get more attention than they deserve.
>Muscles, which require effort, is the same as natural/plastic tits
Only a woman can be so stupid to make this comparison. Tits or gtfo
>muscles, which only require 'roids, are worth shit
Nigga, plz
Shave your fucking neck and shut the fuck up.
She totally got her back blown out in the hotel room wearing that exact cosplay before going to the con
>be narcissistic attention whore
>be butthurt about getting attention
Beatings is the cure. Bring back public pillories and floggings.
These whores are not victims. They are the perpetrators, the exploiters, the sexual predators.
Have as much sympathy for them as you would for a poisonous snake that gets caught by a mongoose or a hawk.
Go back to /cgl/, fatty.
I don't know guys.
Not sure what to think about this whole cosplay etiquette going on, it's always complicated to find some good middle ground. I feel so dumb reading these posts. so I will go back enjoying some cosplay girls now
you're not actually saying that jerking to videos is lame, on 4chan, are you?
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I think the central question being argued around is this: when you see a woman wearing a revealing cosplay outfit, do you think

>1) This woman is immoral, because her outfit is tempting men to commit sin
>2) This woman is stupid/trashy, because she likes to show off her body
>3) There's nothing wrong with wearing revealing clothing

And then you have to decide if it's okay to film women in public

>1) Filming is not bad because they have implicitly consented to being filmed by going out in a public place
>2) Filming is bad but it's justified because they are immoral/stupid/trashy and it will shame them
>3) Filming is bad and not justified

After coming to a conclusion, whatever it is, you can finally forget all this bullshit and just jerk off to hot women in cosplay
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You may think that you said something valid but it would benefit everyone if you said nothing at all.

Having something naturally and working to achieve something makes for big difference you must acknowledge this.
see, I actually do have a story where this creepy balding sweating SEA dude walked up to this cute girl in public when I was out in downtown LA and started harassing her trying to get photos of her(she wasn't cosplaying or anything, she was just a cute girl in a nice dress out and about enjoying a treat she got from a nearby cafe/bakery) and he did take photos of her. And the girl just kind of sat there and dealt with it and looked over at me and did a kind of confused "I don't know" motion towards me when I kind of signaled wondering what was going on. Once the fat dude left, she bolted out of the area as fast as she could in the opposite direction of the dude. Honestly, I felt horrible, because I definitely should've stepped in to tell the dude to back off and call him out for being a creep, but the bystander effect just kind of set in for me and I just kind of sat there and saw this creep harass some poor girl who clearly hated the whole experience.
more of this? I could have swore there was a bunch
would've taken a photo of dude, especially while he was taking photos, and made it audible to increase his embarassment if its public game is game, then showed it to the girl and asked for her number to send it to her in case anything happens. As she checks her phone to see the image, I open up xscamera and strike up conversation about how weird that was as I wave my phone around to get every angle of her figure. If the situation permits, untie shoelaces before encounter and can maybe get a nice upskirt. But as long as I got her face and legs, I'll sleep soundly in my own cum.

I hope she likes taking shy nerdy guys virginity
If you require steroids to grow any muscle at all, you have a hormone problem or you're just dysgenic. Generally a man's muscles show hard work, discipline and commitment. A woman's tits on the other hand show how fit she is to be a breeding sow
Nonon from Kill la Kill. It's an actual outfit from the show but it's not like these people don't know why those outfits exist.
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cool story, bros
How do I get a gf like this bros?
Hot as fuck
Those holsters are way to low
Giving a sorry excuse to bitches that want attention for acting slutty, but that are still in denial of their inner whore
Is it really that hard to find a cosplay gf?
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Any of Princess Peach?
sauce pls
Hard? No. Expensive? Maybe. For you? Certainly.
Shane, plz
Based, you know your stuff
I was going to make a cosplay thread after this one reached bump limit but sadly SimpCity is down for good...
Anon don't crush my dreams like this...
You don't, she's probably <50% lesbian.
GUMIchads just keep on winning
Don’t really feel like uploading this one but here’s the catbox link
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Source? Haven't seen a decent Ivy cosplay in a good while
90% it is being a handsome chad and 10% of it is accepting the fact that she's gonna cheat on you in every con she goes.
RIP E3, you were great but then you turned gay and died.
Maaan... I would love to gently approach her from behind, whisper some romantic sweet nothings into her right ear, and then shove an entire forearm up her ass.
Same my pantyhose loving brother
knowing that anime (kill la kill) the ass cheeks hanging out is actually pretty spot on cosplay.
Shave your fucking neck too goldstein
holy fuck
most of these are crossdressers
The effort existing there doesn't change the fact it is still for the sake of attention you dumb fuck. A woman working hard to pay for boob surgery wouldn't change much
Shut tf redditor
You are dumb moron that deserve to die
No one has a moral duty to protect your gay eyes
She 100% is there so people can jerk off. Just not unattractive men. If brad pitt wanted to jerk off to her pics she'd be thrilled.
How the fuck do you get into that site? It says that I'm not permitted to create an account on the site.
pay monies
If I really have to pay to get in, how do I even contact them?

Last question, where to get more of their content? Especially for the cosplay category on the site?
i dunno. i'm guessing i have an account from when it was all free but i'm not paying $50 a month
They're LITERAL WHORES advertising their services.
where is this originally posted? who's the shooter?

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