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i snuck a camera in my bathroom to catch my mom after her shower and you won’t believe the shit i recorded. bro this is like a sons biggest dream. to see his naked mom again. now i know the kind of woman i’ve been fantasizing over for all my life.
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Holy shit, that looks like Jackie, Chris, that you?
please kill yourself
last 1 den i go 2 bed <3 thx
Any more?
ugly as sin
holy based
you should tell her and be the best mommy's boy
Did this to my mom once too. I busted the most intense loads. But once the rush wore off, I get the most intense shame. I deleted my recording within a month. For years I struggled with the duality of my situation. Intense arousal at the thought of recovering my voyeur film. Intense shame for having don't such a thing and having such thoughts about someone I care about. Nowadays, I don't think about my mom that way, nor do I feel ashamed. I don't want to see her naked, even though I know it would cause me deep arousal. I also don't feel shame because I was just a kid when I recorded her. Good luck Anon, and be safe.
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clearly posted by the mom/husband.
> this is like a sons biggest dream. to see his naked mom again
like who talks like that
I am in a similar situation. Taken a creepshot of mom ass and aunt sexy body at the beach but deleted it as soon as I came to it.
But now I regret having deleted it...
You would love the bullyfucksmom forum
You're fucked in the head dude.
You should be in prison
>like who talks like that
Someone who is terminally online and has had their brain rotted by metric tons of incestous gooning.
OP, best bet is tons of sex, worst bet is she'll be disgusted but she'll be over it after a month or two, depending on how your relationship is
I come and fuck your mom while you're tied up watching. Then i fuck you in ass while your mom laughs
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>I come and fuck your mom while you're tied up watching. Then i fuck you in ass while your mom laughs
I regretted deleting mine too. That's okay though. It just means that there is decency inside of you. However brief it may have been, you had a moment where the love you have for these women was more important than your animalistic desire to fuck them.
Mine were not creepshots. I was a smart 14 year old. Downloaded an app that recorded in the background. It had a notification that said it was recording so I blocked the notifications for it. I knew my mom never had time to shower because of children and told her I would watch them if she wanted to shower. It was smart, it was despicable. Even now, the memory of my mom's bare body arouses me. But I'm no longer a child, I'm a man. It is not a man's way to give into childish desires. I know that if I wanted to, I could spy on my mom any time I please and get videos of her doing anything I might want. But I choose not to. I choose not to because I am a man now, not a child.
>this is like a sons biggest dream. to see his naked mom again
please do everyone a favor and go win a Darwin Award

Your mom is so fat she has her own Stargate address.
fuuuck i was gona respost a webm from here couldn't u let it die. nvm
>Even now, the memory of my mom's bare body arouses me. But I'm no longer a child, I'm a man. It is not a man's way to give into childish desires

A real modern day St Augustine's Confessions here.
I hope someone executes your faggot ass asap
hot as fuck, did you searched those panties later to masturbate to it? that video must be a fantasy fuel like nothing else, having the image of your mom's naked body ready to dream about having sex with her right there
I'd love to record my mom naked too but sadly don't have a camera small enough to hide it
Just trying to keep it real with you guys. I see this thread as full of people who deal with the same issues that I did. It's not something I have to get off my chest, something I have to confess. No, Im here to share my experience. I spied on my mom, I never got caught, and I feel guilty because I should feel guilty. Is it normal to be aroused by your mom? I don't know. Some people say yes, some people say no. All I know is that I don't like that my mom turns me on. I'm a grown man now. I believe in giving into desire, just not those desires.
I hope you die from a car accident
Ummm, but don't you understand that this is perfectly normal ? The entire Œdipal complex as described by Freud, and in the subsequent psychoanalytic literature. This is perfectly normal, is a sign of healthy development, and it basically means that you have achieved something of great psychological success. All little boys lust after their "Yummy Mummy", and remember what Freud says, it isn't the mother who is now 50, 60 or older, it is the image of the boy's mother from when he was 2. I cannot tell you how normal and actually commendable these feelings are. From the psychoanalytic literature, it is after having these feelings towards his mother (at an early age), and then his feelings of rivalry with his father and then fear of castration by the father, and then the subsequent alliance built with the father and the resolution of the castration anxiety. Remember castration anxiety is horrific and can destroy a person's life. The idea is that the boy needs to be excluded from the "Primal Scene" (where Mommy and Daddy do the Nasty) this exclusion from the Primal Scene is what builds and adult stable psyche. How many Troons out there are castrating themselves, and destroying their lives ? Psychoanalytically speaking the biggest contributing factor in taking a person out of the pre-Œdipal Schizophrenia and into adult mental life is the resolution of the Œdipal complex. How many people out there are fucked up psychologically on this level, and become Faggots or Troons ? I cannot tell you guys how much you are getting it right, and how much you are all on the right track. The Œdipal Complex and it's subsequent resolution is the building block of adult mental life. One caveat, and please listen to this one, under no circumstances fuck your Mom in actuality. Incestuous desires and feelings, are just that. Also, beware, beware at all costs of lonely, crazy (i.e., Schizophrenic or Borderline Schizophrenic) Mothers who rope their sons into psycholo [will cont]
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I'd hit it.

Anon. Do not let us down. Impregnate your mother. Do not settle for someone who looks like her. Plow the real thing.
The additional comment I wanted to make is that young men, need to beware of those lonely, and unloved Schizophrenic, and Borderline Schizophrenic mothers who rope their sons into Psychologically Incestuous relationships. The son becomes psychologically "married" to his mother. I see this so often, the crazy, divorced mother is there psychologically, emotionally dominating her son and he doesn't know that he is being seduced into a relationship that will destroy him mentally and turn him into a faggot. The son in these cases gets turned into a faggot essentially castrating him in relation to women, despite his hypersexuality in relationship to men, particularly sexualised father figures. There is a good book by Kenneth Adams called "Silently Seduced". It explains the lonely, fucked up (Schizophrenic, and Borderline Schizophrenic) Mother without boundaries who silently and without the son knowing seduces her son into a psychologically incestuous relationship. In order for the son to not commit actual incest he has to castrate himself in relationship to women and delude himself that he is so-called "gay". (The lie is "I was born this way"). This is why I am saying, I cannot commend you guys enough, and tell you what great work you are doing by keeping those Mommy-Lust fires burning, because this is what will eventually enable you guys to work through your Œdipal issues, be excluded from the Primal Scene, and build a mental life that takes someone out of Schizophrenia and into adult psychological functioning. The Œdipal complex is the basis of healthy adult functioning and is what will enable you to fall in love with your own (non-Genetically related) "Yummy Mummy" and have a family of your own. Remember, please under no circumstances take these feelings into actuality, and please beware of the Schizophrenic and Borderline Schizophrenic Mothers that will rope their son into a psychologically incestuous relationship.
Just wanted to let you guys know how excellent you are, and how much psychological genius and perfection you guys always come up with. Can't thank you guys enough. Other interesting factoids are that people who have not gone through the Œdipal stage and it's subsequent resolution are basically trapped in Schizophrenia. Pre-Œdipal is another euphemism for Schizophrenia. Remember all toddlers are psychotic evil, and if male will want to rip their father's (Œdipal rival) head off and sleep with his mother. Remember it is the having worked through the Œdipal stage that takes a person out of Schizophrenia. This process of being excluded from the Primal Scene is what takes someone out of Schizophrenia. Having done this the "Difference Between the Generations" and the "Incest Barrier" are installed into the person's psyche. If a person does not have the "Difference Between Generations" and the "Incest Barrier" installed then that means they are Schizophrenic. I remember reading an article in the newspaper about step fathers who kill their step children, and in court the murderer (remember he murdered a 2 year old or possibly a 4 year old) said "I don't know what is wrong with me, it was like I was fighting an adult". That means there is no "Difference Between the Generations" in the guy's psyche, nothing that tells him "You are an adult, and this screaming creature in front of you is a child". So when confronted by a screaming toddler, it is just one toddler vs another toddler except that one "psychological toddler" has an adult's body and capabilities with predictable and horrifying results. This is why Blacks are always killing their 2, 3 and 4 year old step children, it's because they are a bunch of mentally fucked up Schizophrenics with no Incest Barrier or Difference Between the Generations installed into their Psyches. Whites do it as well, but not nearly as much.
Just wanted to add another nuance. This is a thing which manifests in parents with Schizophrenic. Remember with Schizophrenics there is no "Difference Between the Generations" or "Incest Barrier", so things turn to shit and quite horrifying ways. There was this famous Italian playwright called Pasolini, Very famous, and as an adult he manifest behaviourally as a Homosexual. His father abandoned him when he was a boy and left him with his creepy, no-boundaries Mother. I was reading an article in a magazine about Pasonlini, and it showed a picture of him and his mother, my neighbour who was there at the time blurted out "they look like their doing it". Anyway, this is where the weirdness starts Pasolini wrote a play about a Father who takes out his Œdipal issues on his son and eventually kills his son. Pretty grim stuff, but for many men this is a silent pain they live with. The play is called Affabulazione (Fabrication). This is what happens in Schizophrenia, no Incest Barrier and no Difference Between the Generations. So there will be father's out there who actually kill their own son's in reality, or who find surreptitious and hidden ways to murder their sons on a psychological, emotional and societal level. Freaky stuff. I'm glad that Pasolini was courageous enough to talk about it.
I also wonder how many fathers who abandon their sons to live with toxic Schizophrenic mothers knowing unconsciously that doing so will psychologically castrate their own sons. I could sit here and talk all day about this shit. Anyway, all the best, great work chaps, and you really should all be commended in the very best of ways.

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