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File: escape the city.webm (2.25 MB, 640x360)
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Lets get a REKT thread going. Any type of video will do.
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This is a funny rekt thread now
File: I can stop this.webm (658 KB, 640x336)
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Yeah, that survey about soldiers not being willing to shoot human beings during WW1/WW2 was bullshit.
sometimes I forget boondocks didn't invent nigga moments
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good thing he didnt go gun shopping that day
people back in ww1/ww2 were not trained to shoot as a reflex. modern police/army training is designed specifically to allow the person to shoot before he can even think about what he's doing.
also, the vid thankfully doesn't represent regular sane people.
oh god you can see his leg get crushed so clearly. Shit looks super painful.
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Perhaps chaining them to the table was not the best idea.
GTA move
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They just can't help themselves
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did you forget to post a gif?
It all stems from military training to adapt to urban warfare
The guys who got out went on to train police
Problem is the police don’t have ROE as strict as door kickers did in Iraq and Afghanistan
Also police aren’t subject to UCMJ which is infinitely more strict than US law
Guy who pioneered these training methods, that is adapting military to police force, was a Colonel in the Army who never deployed to a theater or combat or saw a firefight
Basically some larping faggot telling cops how to be GI Joe in America, says stupid shit like “killing is better than sex”
The people who dole out this type of training and make decisions to cross train with police forces in violent third world country’s are the real problem
>"put your hands up like a man"
>cries like a little bitch
I kek everytime
File: Leave the car behind.webm (1.07 MB, 640x360)
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Pulls gun on someone clearly armed. Don't touch me dog.

Doesn't drop the gun despite having 9 new holes. Come on dog.
he yowls like a cat jfl
dude shot 20 times and missed so many shots the guy still had the energy to funnily say "really?"
Is that a cop wearing flip flops?
Kekkeled audibly
I was going to say its probably just his friend but I think you might be right jfl. Never noticed that before.
Whew lad I had forgotten about this one
this is the first time I've seen a drunk driver that actually acts like they care they just killed someone. A lot just deny it or respond like "whatever lol"
Ment to post a picture of mario screaming. Dont know what happened
Those soldiers were white men living in a white world. 100 years of Jewish domination created hell on earth.
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Yeah that's bullshit though. Why do you blindly believe some retarded myths and then make up retarded reasoning as to why they're totally real instead of just thinking for 5 seconds and realizing that they're just retarded myths with no credible evidence to support them?
Wtf are you all going on about? This is just a guy shooting someone who pulled a gun on him. Why are you bringing all this dumbass rhetoric up about ww2, you retards lmao
Wasn’t a drunk driver
Guy with his brains smashed in was the driver
Girl is his girlfriend
I said fuck all about WW2
This the kind of shit I was talking about

Dude never deployed or saw combat but talks about killing like he’s done it
Is their entire mythos centered around the Train?
No, just payment apes in their natural habitat
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Is that a bulletproof vest he was testing with a knife?
This needs HL1 sound effects
ooooohhhh. that makes way more sense. Would explain why she isn't a self centered asshole.
Is that a black guy beating him up or just some faggot racial pickme? Either way that guy is a nigger.
new ringtrone
Could be fake.
Why record some of it then cut out like that instead of playing the whole beat down?
>le Benny Hill music
Isn't that song like 70 years old now?
how did the cops arrive so fast?
Jesus. Presume that's 2 dead kids? Any link to an article?
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File: oops I'm dead.webm (635 KB, 372x874)
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It's a white guy doing the beating, check the hands. I made the same mistake a few threads ago.
>Not self-centred

Hmm doubt.
For context: They guy that got shot was already told to leave once because he set up a food truck without permission in the parking lot. He could have kept it stepping and set up shop elsewhere. His sense of entitlement got him killed.
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The real Hawk tuah
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Idk if this counts or not
>that sign next to him
That's it, clean up the blood like a good housewife
File: thief kills driver.webm (2.23 MB, 848x480)
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smartest zigger
That poor tree.
File: Santa has had enough.webm (3.77 MB, 886x682)
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File: gunman kills family .webm (3.7 MB, 280x480)
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File: slips on piss.webm (574 KB, 406x720)
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the nigger whipper 9000
It was a setup. The guards in charge knew what they were doing to create this situation.
fake. he's wearing one of those shitty fake cut out knives for costumes they sell during halloween
why does he just walk up to them like a retard
what was this fat retard even doing
Mr bean third world edition
nerve gas anti aircraft cannon got him
Hate it when your spawn point glitches
It is their natural predator.
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san francisco you faggot.
I hope the merchant who owns the house got a good insurance check.
Indian movies always give me the impression of having been created by some alien trying to imitate humanity. They are all so impossibly weird and cringe.
>It all stems from military training to adapt to urban warfare
>The guys who got out went on to train police
No it doesn't
>Problem is the police don’t have ROE as strict as door kickers did in Iraq and Afghanistan
Dunno when you deployed but our ROE was pretty fucking loose when I deployed to both. See a weapon and can articulate hostile intent? Cleared hot. I dumped a bunch of 40mm rounds from my MK19 in to an Iraqi apartment building because "I think I saw a spotter" and got a commendation for it
>Also police aren’t subject to UCMJ which is infinitely more strict than US law
Lol. Lmao, even. The UCMJ is a fucking joke and as long as you're E5 or up you can get away with anything up to and including literally kidnapping and smuggling a prostitute on post, then leading the MPs on a high speed pursuit.
>Guy who pioneered these training methods, that is adapting military to police force, was a Colonel in the Army who never deployed to a theater or combat or saw a firefight
Who was that?
>The people who dole out this type of training and make decisions to cross train with police forces in violent third world country’s are the real problem
The places in America that have the most police shootings ARE third world country tier. It's fucking crazy how predominantly white areas don't see weekly police shootings. Almost as if they're significantly less common when you don't need to worry about violent niggers and wiggers chimping out over being asked to leave a business or over speeding or whatever fucking reason their chimp brain comes up with.
He looks fine to me
Kinda dramatic.
tried to save the dog
ended up taking his place
That's the most botched autopsy I've ever seen, I mean for a start they began when the guy was still alive! Not to mention the less than sterile working conditions.
No ...Created by people who shit in fields.
What was he so mad about? I don't speak Spanish
Is she ok?
I'm fully erect.
>ironed shirt
>rock solid grip
>waited until the backstop was clear of civs
>kept shooting while he was falling
>scanned for accomplices
yeah, this guy fucks
How you find my funeral?
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>dies in ER
sounds like the hospital's fault to me.
ER should have sedated him long ago.
even if the cops restrain him perfectly (which is pratically impossible) the exertion of struggling for that long is often fatal to someone one drugs.
look up acidosis
The wheel demands blood
Uncontrollably kek'd.
It's remarkably dangerous to attempt to sedate someone who has taken an unknown quantity of an unknown drug.
its like that guy trying to fly with magic in the elder scrolls game... shoots himself into the sky and falls to his death
if you sedate you can then safely monitor and do all the interventions you need if the drugs don't play nice together. or there's no complications and he sleeps it off.
or you do nothing, let him exert himself into cardiac arrest, injure the cops and any nurse who tries to help, and he dies anyway.
sedating is the lesser of two evils, just gotta write it up right, cover your ass
The first guy is like "You burnt my tacos motherfucker" and the other is like "I'll show you what a burnt taco looks like, for that slander I'll kill you and your senpai bro"
The name of the song is Yaketty Sax by Boots Randolph 1958. Benny Hill liked it and used it to close many of his shows.
Public torture and execution of a schoolteacher accused of giving information to junta forces that led to the capture, torture, and murder of two rebels in Myanmar.
God you have no idea how many of these niggers Seattle is infested with, and they keep importing more too. It's fucking awful. I wish we could purge the dumb monkeys.
LOL. Pulls a gun and talks shit to an armed man.
File: hair on fire dance .webm (3.9 MB, 720x1280)
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They even steal goals!
He’s ghost riding the whip
i never understood how people could chimp out at the way someone vibrates their vocal chords... i mean just imagine it for literally what it is... thats primitive behavior. "muh huh..niguh?... MUH HUH!!" the only things that react violently based on vocal patterns are feral animals reacting to growling... he didnt even threaten his life. humans are retarded.. plus he isnt even black it has nothing to do with his lineage or up bringing... am i the retarded one anons?
He is trying to use his size to intimidate them, same reason he had his hand down, to show confidence.
File: chimps disagree.webm (763 KB, 270x480)
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Ganggreen needed
Nobody wants to know
File: oops!.webm (612 KB, 360x360)
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Nothing of value was lost.
kino kek
you can tank a whole 17 round mag of 9mm and not be insta dead
I kek at the big city santas
Is this the cannibal video from the deep web?
maybe live stream watchers called the cops
20 minutes to make a coffee??
This faggot needs to die
Ecce homo
Qui est faba
Ecce homo
Qui est faba
Best file name
A hero
Shit like this makes me realize how evil and useless a lot of people in society are. Why can't we all be friends. Why does someone always have to die. It's a fucked up world with too many evil people. I wanna go home
>evil woman
>"say I won't"
>girl dosen't say it
>walks away
>"fuck it ima shooter her anyway" she thinks
>goes backs
>murders that innocent woman
Fucking disgusting. People like her need to be locked up forever or simply put down. Evil.
>fires at cops
>throws empty gun
>keeps shooting the other one
>covers behind wall
>checks gun
>Ok, i'm done now :)
he thought he was playing halo 2
Definitely sub human
> i can't breathe
lmao the mantra of saint floyd
Even white people's medical technology couldn't safe this one from his drug overdose.
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why was I more disturbed of her moving around his brains than seeing his obliterated skull
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File: Joker Reaction.webm (3.92 MB, 896x504)
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useless cunts didn't even try to save the dog
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I miss this era of memes so much. I did not know just how good I had it browsing during that 2014-2017 era. I haven't really been crazy about the political memes posted here since 2020.
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If you make a targeted spell of slowfall and manage to hit him with it he can survive, but all he says is "I dont want to talk about it".
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like a bug slipping into one of those big carnivorous plants
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heres another good remix
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>no diving
I was honestly expecting him to hit shallow water and not extinguish the flame.
Did wile e coyote get a different haircut?
He died
can't quite tell, but looks like it might be the luke magnotta vids
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Qhy the long face?
kek this is confirmed but for some reason in ES3 they actually add dialogue and in ES5 they dont even add a piece of dialogue. missed opportunity if you ask me
>Free Palestine
>Kills himself in front of his kid
Palestine is already free what are these freaks on
Damn, I was about to give you the audio version from a few threads ago but it doesn't look like I actually saved that
Fight like a man? Men use tools, oh you meant fight like a monkey. No thanks, tools guarantee a win.
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Yes it does, I’m not just pulling that out of my ass I get it direct from buddies who are highway patrol.
04 - 07 with the Army, I see cops getting away with shit that would not fly when I was in
When I say UCMJ is strict, I mean the way it can be applied to discipline, you do not have even close to the same right to due process
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman
You’re good with cops operating like that on American citizens? I’m not. I think it’s the kind of training that makes guys open up on their squad car because an acorn fell on it.
Setting police officers up for PTSD is cringe, I work with retired cops, first responders, fire fighters, dispatch and 911 operators etc.
The cops have way more mental health issues, 911 operators are close though.
Because you’ve never experienced live
Brown creatures are alien more or less to humans
We tried that, the bad people won
am I going insane or did he shoot to his side thinking he would hit someone like a movie character?
Example of cops who are doing wild shit that even surpasses our ROE was that guy who recently shot an airman in his home

That would have violated our ROE when I was deployed. Your squad would cover for you, but you don’t really want cops operating at that level in the US yah?
There is nothing wrong with shooting to your side if you are skilled enough to do it.
Well naturally, that is why we are trying to end qualified immunity.
Ignore all of the dramatic bullshit in that YouTube video I linked and just focus on what the guy is teaching
That’s not the kind of training peace officers should be getting
That’s theater of combat shit
what an ass
It's pour-over, you dumb illiterate faggot. He's probably backed up on orders. You've never done a day of real work in your life. Go fucking die.
More of Grossman

You can dig from there if you want to. I understand the warrior mindset and the need to be alert and aware on the job. Grossman goes way over the top and speaks with authority as someone who was not scrolled and never saw combat. He’s playing GI Joe after he got out and I have issues with that mindset being applied to our cops, with the exception of SWAT.
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The Boot: "dOn'T tReAd On Me!!!"
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Yah at the very least these funds need to come out of police pension funds instead of tax payers
There’s an accountability problem and I get that it’s not a cut and dry topic like liberal fucktards want to make it out to be with their defund the police shit
The overall way the system is set up lets bad actors get away with way too much
Something needs to be done to get leadership less lax with cops that need to be put at a desk or retired
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this world is hell, literally fucking hell, I'm and going to fucking murder whoever put us here when i get the chance

>muh "hell is where ungrateful unrepentant faggots go to march around in agonizing pain, cut off from the vengeful, jealous god that tortures humans with pain and misery while they are alive anyways"

no, that is just another layer of the torture sim. this place, biblical hell, dante's hell, all the same thing. fuck you and fuck god

>retards getting in accidents and being traumatized for life is hell

97% of the world population are worthless subhuman savages. It's easy to forget living in the west (for now)
well its not like he was going to run
ok Dr4Chan
what would you sedate him with?
knee to the neck
Bro, you can't park there. Gotta move your car, man.
if only we could engineer some kind of worldwide virus that kills all niggers and can be used to punish nigger behavior
Not anon you’re replying to but typically the go to is either Ketamine or Thorazine if you suspect opioids
Narcan has probably caused a shift towards ketamine these days
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Don't rock the boat
Don't rock the boat baby
(Rock the boat)
Don't tip the boat over
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3 MB
good, fucking whore
why ask for pour over if you're not willing to wait for it to be done correctly? fucking retard
What makes you think you have the power to kill the thing that did this to us?
All I know is that I used to be pro cop, now I am firmly in the fuck the police crowd. They trample our rights way to often and get away with it scot free.
You're that lady in this video. Pour over coffee is an art. Don't rush living art, you faggot
It was very considerate of them to not hit the other cars or the tree. Good boys.
I came here for REKT. Not YLYL.

Fuck you, faggot. How dare you make me chuckle.
Theres a metal gear solid edit of this floating around anyone got it?
Surely just make AIDS more deadly?
I saw some statistic that said something like over 50% of all black women have AIDS. That would be a pretty large reduction.
Disgusting anorexic chink.
Well that sure worked.
What a nasty freak.
I’ve seen this a few times. what was the story here? Was this guy known or just some rando?
Yah because of assholes like Greenwood promoting “killology” training
One cop who attended a training class of his put it this way
“By the time he was done he had me so paranoid that I’d want 3 squad cars to do a regular traffic stop.”
Cops just need better training and less blanket protection when they violate civil rights
They used to be “Protect and serve”
god damn, she's not even phased by the gore, just the sorrow that he's gone; that's real fucking love
Some dumb ass tik tok trend
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Let's keep the good times rollin
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I fear their results may be skewed by the conditions. Concerned parties may be dangerously misled.
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Unironically yes, Look into the indian juggernauts. Giant vehicles that they would sacrifice themselves by letting it run them over.
>starts blasting the ghetto nigger with a shotgun when he's down and unarmed
Fucking based but I sure hope the kike prosecutor in Philly didn't get him on that.
holy fuck I'm dying. how the fuck did they not hit this guy once
he tried to activate his higher damage at lower health perk
Holy shit that's fucked up
>Miraculously, all three survived
Well that makes me feel just a little less depressed today. Nice.
Niggers wouldn't do something like this. They'd either chimp out and kill you right then and there or just ignore you. Only a white race traitor subhuman would record and upload something like this for virtue signal points.
>97% of the world population are worthless subhuman savages. It's easy to forget living in the west (for now)
We're all beyond fucked at this point. We westerners got too comfortable in our own success that we deluded ourselves that everyone could be like us. Even the very (obvious) notion that different ethnic groups/cultures can have their own positives and negatives is extremely taboo.
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Was he so deep in wagie npc mode that he didn't even notice the guy, or did he just not care?
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Even if that was just a cooler full of tannerite he is standing retardedly close. If its anything bigger its a miracle he didn't die.
This was one that really stuck with me, so ummm, don't go searching for it. Buuut nevertheless... What happens... In the actual video?
Dude was just live streaming on Facebook, I think it was
Girlfriend was a cunt that emotionally tormented him when they broke up
He finally snapped during a phone call with her and just blew his head off
That’s how i remember it anyway
His name was Ronny McKnutt

Patrick Bateman finally did it
three blessings to you, sera
did this savage just an hero by taking out a grenade and laying on top of it?
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Most oldfags were first introduced to gore with this clip
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>"why do small businesses in black-majority areas keep closing?"
what was this retard even doing in the lion enclosure
Damn, that gunshot was so loud it made his ears bleed.
>Benny Hill
far too opposite
The moments leading up to this make it even funnier.
Tyrone and his lawyer both made speeches claiming he had learned from his mistakes and planned to conduct himself as a peaceful member of society in the future.
The judge knew this was a dangerous violent nigger who did not deserve the leniency he was asking for. She read aloud his long list of charges, and quoted his lawyer's request for a "taste of freedom." She said it would be more appropriate to "give him a taste of something else" and attempted to announce his sentence but was interrupted by the now-flying jigaboo.
> Why was this asshole not cuffed or restrained in any way for this hearing?
Apparently that state's criminal-coddling laws forbid cuffing or restraining a perp in the courtroom, because they consider it "systemic racism" that could unfairly influence a jury or judge. Later reports stated that Tyrone was indeed cuffed and restrained for his next hearing, where a different judge dealt with his charges for the chimpout seen here.
Such a pity this doesn't keep going
More fun with the airborne dindu aftermath:
> The guards at the ready to give Tyrone a beatdown if he tries that shit again
inner thoughts won this time
This is so true for Russia, it's crazy how they project everything.
No, he did the poofter soft cock routine and commited suicide.

Notice at the start his leg is totally fucked up, like hanging off at the knee. Yeah, he realised his onlt option is death, so he decided to make it quick like a pussy.
I can't fap to this.
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At least post it with sound, fag.
Sounds like something someone who got their ass beat using the gamer word offline would say.
This is what happen when you deal with Venecos Gangsters
committing suicide
>This is so true for Russia, it's crazy how they project everything.

its not the same in Ukraine? millionaires' sons, ministers' sons dont get to dodge the draft?
Needs a second train hitting them for being in the other lane
Personally felt guilt is met with violence. This is why we put down dogs. You can't fix it.
but all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put humpty together again
Good job agent K9-47, prepare for extraction
you have got to be joking with this... what the FUCK was that retard doing
Looked more like a cable strike.
wife material
audio transcript:
I'm surprised they didn't start shooting the fire.
A series of poor decisions led to this interesting outcome
The first time I met your mother...
That poor car...
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it's unbelievable how the world went mad at that crackhead nigger who died of a drug overdose.
This. Based and faba pilled
Too big to fail
>It's easy to forget living in the west
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Guy lets his hooker girlfriend freeze to death on stream
Damn I hate those shirtless redneck
Cops and soldiers currently choose that profession, they know they'll have to shoot at someone at some point. You're probably a bit retarded if you think that civilian being forced by their country into War is remotely the same thing.
The chat message at the end. Topkek
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You are never suppose to turn your backs to them, let alone slowly hobble away like that. Guy activated the lions prey drive so hard is no wonder that happened.
He was PROBABLY trying to intimidate everyone by showing he has real bullets in his gun. That's what I assumed when I first watched it.
I'll correct my self: It used to be easy to ignore
He actually hit the guard once or twice by the way.
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A murder most foul
What a horrible way to die, all because he was being responsible.
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silly billy
Thank you, instantly saved it this time around
The panicked manhandling, every single fucking time
>This person has a head/neck injury! Laying still on the ground will kill them! Help me jerk them around violently!
People are retarded, what else would you expect?
Fyi this is why UL code forces anything with a full metal chassis to have a ground (3rd prong). Also why your vacuum cleaner doesn't need a 3rd prong.
it's the haste to get them up that kills me
>if I can get them up, they'll remember what it's like to be conscious and will wake up
"An hero", spell it right next time.
idk but this is EXACTLY what I want to do to my ex's lover, who fucked her the entire five years she was with me and lying to me. goddamn biatchez. And also I want to cut his dick and balls, and bring them to her, on a golden plate. fucking cheating animals.

but I dont have anyone to help me do that to them... and its impossible for me to do it alone....
wtf, they use hl2 manhacks now?
Got the BeeGees edit?
Kek. Didn't even kill it.
First I remember was 3 guys, 1 hammer. Haven't seen it in years.
Glad i don't have NIGGERS in my country, these disgusting violent smelly apes don't belong in civilised society. They are below humans, they are retarded, black, ugly and incapable of thinking rationally. "He dindu nuffin, he waz good boy, he only meant to teach dat cracka a lesson" each time they get caught raping or murdering without provocation. See a nigger, kill a nigger.
They were already there, they were pretty much forced at that point to come in once they heard the loud ass gunshot.
Weak/fat people immediately find out that a swinging rope needs to have no slack as you leave the ground. The instinct is to pull it into your torso, which as we can see, doesn't work as well as overhead.
Really dawg? Really? Fuck really? Really dawg? Really? Fuck really? Really dawg? Really? Fuck really? Really dawg? Really? Fuck really? Really dawg? Really? Fuck really? Really dawg? Really? Fuck really? Really dawg? Really? Fuck really? Really dawg? Really? Fuck really? Really dawg? Really? Fuck really? Really dawg? Really? Fuck really?
the tree caught a love tap
>shot to death for setting up a food truck
So glad i don't live in a shithole like amrica
A sharp blade like that feels like someone merely flicked you with a finger for the first 10 seconds, so he was probably really confused about the blood. He didn't even have time for adrenaline to kick in.
I've done this in middle school but they weren't asleep, and I did it in such a way that the garbage spilled on them

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