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At request:

It's adult women, in diapers!
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Any ABdreams stuff?
I'm sure someone will have some. I'm all out.
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I have some gifs saved. Mostly Baby Bea.
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She's one of my favorites. I wish I had a rip of her content.
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Bless you anon. Here’s to a good thread
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Men will never know how good this feels
this thread confuses my boner because at the same time I find this cute, I am not into piss or shit, but a diaper being soiled by cum or vaginal fluids sounds hot
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I know this is just a horny thought but still, no joke, I really believe women are meant to be in diapers.
It just seems so fitting and natural for them. Besides the fact that it's already so much more natural and accepted for women to act childish or enjoy childish things they also just conform to and complement their anatomy so well.
Diapers accentuate a woman's butt and hips in a way that seems like it should have already been a cosmetic upgrade.
Diapers fit the curves of a woman's body so much more naturally than they do on men. It's so difficult getting the full usefulness out of a diaper as a man since we have external genitalia but they're much more comfortable and form fitting on women. Much more effective to.
And like that webm shows women can enjoy the sensation of masturbating in a diaper far more than a man can, because the vibrations spread out through the diaper across their erogenous zone, making it a much stimulating and pleasing experience than someone with a penis jerking off in a diaper.

Not only all that, but also it always seems like diapers are getting marketed to women anyway. They are sold pads and absorbent undergarments already. Most women develop bladder issues after having children, or just later in life in general. It's far more common for women to have issues with peeing while laughing or coughing or sneezing, etc. So you see all these diaper-like products getting marketed towards women and sold to women all throughout their life.

I know it's not really true, but I still can't help but think that it's just natural for women to be in diapers.
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It kinda looks like Soggy Strawberry but I might be wrong. I'm not the best with faces.

It's a very broad fetish, with a lot of different variations on it. There's also a shocking amount of women into it. It's how I met my girlfriend.
You don't have to be into piss or shit to get into it, although your brain will probably go there eventually. Some people like it for roleplay aspects, some people like it for humiliation purposes. Some people just like the aesthetics.
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How'd you meet your girlfriend? I've heard fetlife is good but that there's a big gender imbalance (more so than other dating apps). Did you go to some irl events first and meet her that way? Also heard those are difficult to get into as a single guy
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Without giving away too many details, we were mutuals on twitter and then we started talking on discord for a while and then we met up in person.
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Gotcha thanks. Yeah I need to start putting myself out there more.
I think fetlife / hinge / etc are going to be easier. Twitter seems pretty difficult to me to find someone located nearby, although I live in a fairly densely populated area. Not sure how to go about it. Figured converting a girl or finding one with subby / ddlg type tendencies anyways would be most likely
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I always thought that converting someone would be the most likely thing, I always super nervous about it. However, meetups do actually have women that go to them depending on where you are. And it was really random that I met my girlfriend how I did.
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Gotcha. Thanks for the advice anon, will try and find a few things in my area. That's a good route
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I miss the time when this fetish was all about humiliation. Now it's all camgirls acting like little kids, basically begging to be put in nappies.
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IDK if this fetish was ever all about humiliation. Girls acting like babies has always been the main thing. I do think that it kinda sucks how little variety there is in content nowadays. Moving away from paysites and all these girls being independent creators nowadays did that. Now it's all just girls alone in their rooms with baby clothes and diapers pissing themselves. I want different scenarios and different kinds of content. But that would probably take someone being behind the camera and coming up with ideas, organizing everything, and virtually no one does paysites anymore.
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I hope this thread is still here in the morning. I didn't know this board moved so quickly.
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Certainly had this kind of content back in the early 00's, with site like diapergal, diaperpunishment, auntelli etc. Now you can see it occasionally, but it's only from one or 2 of the larger sites like AaliyaTaylor or ThetKinkyGirl (when they used to do that content, now it's just hypo stuff nonstop)
Depends on the (blessed) jannies. The lactation thread went literal days without a bump and stayed up
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Here's hoping this one fares similarly.
Jesus, I'd be more embarrassed to wear that top than the diaper
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That's Bea right? She does have some crazy exhibitionist energy sometimes. One of those girls that strikes me as having some bipolar tendencies but is also just up for whatever sexually.
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i've heard of DDLG but what the fuck is this? actually my ex told me about DDLG and once called me daddy, i never told her if i liked it or not tho. lol
See this earlier response: >>27470430

Like I said before there's a surprising amount of women into it. Some people just see it as an extension of DDLG but there's a lot of different variations on it.
I'm surprised you're surprised. Times have changed on 4chan. There used to be diaper threads on /b/ all the time and it was /b/'s favorite fetish.
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One of us, one of us.
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>There used to be diaper threads on /b/ all the time and it was /b/'s favorite fetish.
Revive /r9krinkle/ you are the chosen one.
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I was never a big fan of /r9k/. Besides porn and /b/ my boards were always /lit/ and /tg/. Maybe /ck/ but mostly for trolling people's food opinions.
Do you diaper in your magical realm?
I actually do have some character and setting ideas for an ABDL themed DnD world but I doubt I would ever do it. Coordinating people to DnD with in real life is hard enough as it is and I don't know if I would want to put in the effort to DM a fetish-themed campaign for people online that I could never talk about.
Also, I've got a feeling that anyone who would agree to play in an ABDL DnD game would be kinda weird and probably take things in a different direction than I wanted. The ideas are still there though and part of me thinks it would be fun to develop it more and then maybe just put it online or something.
Regail us with your ideas while posting more gifs and webms
Calling it now, cursed pacifier.
I'll take you up on it but I'm actually about to run out of the stuff I have saved that fits the file requirements.

Main point of the setting is this: A couple hundred years ago, there was this genius elf artificer who was kinda autistic and absolutely ABDL-obsessed. She used her skills to manufacture all sorts of magical baby products meant for adults and then flooded the world with them, so that they soon became so prevalent and widely available it changed the culture of their realm. This is also my way of being able to explain why disposable diapers and certain other modern baby products are available in an otherwise medieval fantasy world.
The culture changed such that not everyone is really ABDL, but wearing diapers and acting babyish is incredibly commonplace and widely accepted. Which means that there's room for characters who identify with just certain aspects of the fetish can reasonably do that.

Main thrust of the campaign would probably be this: The magical manufacturing processes that allow their world to enjoy widespread availability of diapers and baby products is beginning to break down, and diapers especially are still available, but are becoming perhaps slightly less common, meaning that they are a resource the party might have manage/ration.
The elf artificer who created all these magical baby products is still alive, but few people know where she is. She secluded herself years ago in a secret location with a group of dedicated cult-like followers/assistants so that she could focus on her inventions and being a 24/7 diaper-brained gooner.
The party would be a group of people who set out to explore the lands and find the elf artificer to try to convince her to fix whatever magical problems are affecting the world so that their society can still be supplied with magical baby products without worry.
>I'll take you up on it but I'm actually about to run out of the stuff I have saved that fits the file requirements.
So fetch more (:

>Main point of the setting is this:
Not the direction I expected you to take it. I think as a player I would want more of a Rugrats-inspired funhouse campaign. Just dropped in one silly ABDL scenario after another. Maybe trying to escape an ABDL-obsessed sorceress who wants to capture and baby the party, with characters having to take on increasingly infantile curses
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There would be other stuff in the lore to help reinforce the ABDL themes. Like a series of god/goddesses who all represent ABDL things like youth, innocence, etc.
I specifically thought it would be fun to have a fae trickster goddess who has warlocks sign pacts with her in order to gain powers, but she specifically only targets people who don't enjoy diapers and baby things in their world, so that in order to gain her power she forces them to wear diapers and act babyish and do generally embarrassing things or else they violate the pact.
There would be an order of clerics/paladins dedicated to the god of innocence and wearing diapers would be one of their tenets. Stuff like that.

I wrote out some character concepts for each of the DnD 5e classes as well. I'll try to summarize them real quick.
Artificer: That elf artificer who populated the world with baby products I mentioned.
Warlock: An ambitious young noble who makes a pact with the ABDL trickster goddess and gets babied against his will.
Barbarian: Giant woman, fearsome warrior, who messes her diaper every time she rages is incredibly baby-brained and has to have multiple party members change her.
Wizard: Scholarly girl who wears diapers so she can read for longer periods of time.
Paladin: Typical devout paladin with the god of innocence. Diapers are part of the uniform.
Cleric: The former Paladin's squire, who is secretly deeply in love with them. Also wears diapers.
Bard: Traveling children's performer
Sorcerer: ABDL Succubus domme-y mommy
Fighter: Strict ABDL daddy
Druid: 'Crunchy' ABDL mommy. Believes in cloth diapering
Rogue: 'Silky' ABDL mommy. Think of wine mom or lazy trailer trash mom stereotypes
Ranger: There's a subclass of Ranger called 'Swarmkeeper'. I thought it would be funny if there's a ranger girl whose 'swarm' is the flies that are always buzzing around her dirty diaper.
Monk: Drunken Master monk who wears diapers since drinking alcohol means they're peeing constantly.
Yeah I'm out of stuff that fits the image requirements now.
>Not the direction I expected you to take it. I think as a player I would want more of a Rugrats-inspired funhouse campaign. Just dropped in one silly ABDL scenario after another. Maybe trying to escape an ABDL-obsessed sorceress who wants to capture and baby the party, with characters having to take on increasingly infantile curses
I like the idea, but I also feel like that's maybe just... like two or three scenarios? Lol. I would want a world where ABDL shenanigans can kind of just reasonably happen. Also, most of my fantasies in this way tend to go towards having diapers and ABDL being super commonplace and accepted, rather than a forced humiliation thing, but legitimately that would be a fun ABDL campaign.
You can still have a cursed pacifier in either setting lol.
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Any webm?
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I barely have any compatible content left at all.
What's the full vid? I've seen a couple webms
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I don't know but if you go to: new-bound.com
And search for 'diaper' and 'gym' it's definitely one of those.
Any messing stuff?
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>Some people just see it as an extension of DDLG but there's a lot of different variations on it.
in the real world, only girls care about kinks LOL
>I'm surprised you're surprised.
i'm being ironically postironic. i only heard about DDLG from the girl who had to catfish me to get this cock ah hehe she likes cute things, this is truly the girly girl meme that even the femboys want to emulate
>Times have changed on 4chan. There used to be diaper threads on /b/ all the time and it was /b/'s favorite fetish.
indeed. i just got no clue about the women, they are all kinky sluts one way or another lmao
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Another day and this thread still lives. I'm impressed.
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Was really hoping to see that swell up :(
Alright these two are the last of the .gif or .webm stuff I have saved. I'd have to make some more content in order to keep contributing.
Godspeed to the thread though.
name of the full clip?
It's from Adult Baby Source or Adultbaby.tv

The name of the full video is something like 'School Trauma - Examination Day.'
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where can i find the full video?
On ABDreams
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Thank you based contentposter
How did she drop her desires?
We were both already open about being into it on twitter. That's why I said we met because of it.

I think the key difference though is that I already knew she was into it and she already knew I was into it, I didn't open talking about that stuff.
Just talked about hobbies and life in general, then once she was a little more comfortable with me we started talking about diaper fantasies and stuff.
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I know it's Penny Barber but I can't find this video
It's ancient. Though available from the empornium is tracker
torrent id=39666

Resolution is 320x240. Pretty sure she scrubbed everything with her (then) husband that she made.
I have a suspicion she's going to scrub all of her ABDL stuff eventually. Now that she's gotten so successful doing mainstream porn.
Eh, I dunno she has always done more mainstream stuff alongside ABDL stuff and has spoke about how much she enjoys it. She was still releasing new diaper stuff on ManyVids as recently as March 24.

The only stuff I've seen scrubbed like that are the oldest videos that have him in them. I'm pretty sure their separation was bad, which is why I presume she scrubbed it all.

To confirm her TikTok from 2 days ago is pretty clear:
Maybe I should specify but I mean that I don't think she's going to do stuff with diapers as much anymore and even more specifically I think it's very unlikely she's going to do anything with her in diapers much anymore. She has a new mainstream porn brand as a 'MILF' which is fine if she incorporates some mommy play into it but having diapers involved is going to bother people who know her from mainstream porn and then appearing in diapers herself is now going to hurt her brand identity which I'm sure she doesn't want.
It's pretty impossible to get rid of content she already made, it's all been downloaded and made publicly available by multiple people. Plus she clearly enjoys it
Summarize the video?
Anyone have one of Rachelle Summers?

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