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Trans cumming hot cum, big cocks preferred but any size can do
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Posted more than 3 fags, contribute
Could someone post a Norwegian, Swedish or Danish transgirls?
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>be born with a big dick
>literal "key to the city"
>as in literally show your dick to women and they froth with delight at the thought of being penetrated by it
>but noooooo
>decide you want to BE the girl
The mentally ill should be rounded up and purged from existence.
Hey now she cummy in xer car woohoo boing boing boo boo cummy poopoo woohoo hip hip hurray
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The universe could lose all knowledge of this clip and I would shed not one year.
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That's actually a small shot for her. She's legendary for spraying a lot halfway across the room.

I've got some Nicoles.
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fuck you nigger. hes cute <3
>Posted more than 3 fags
Getting heavy incel ---> tranny pipeline vibes from this one.
As it should be
>Be you
>Have a small dick
He went further and got way prettier posted more stuff years later.
This is really nice, but I wish there was a little before and after. Trimmed too much, IMO.
Ah, Stephanie Lovell, I'm infatuated with this juicy dicked tranny slut. I could suck on her shaft for days and never tire of it.
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this guys are sick
They're gay, dude...

>as in literally show your dick to women and they froth with delight at the thought of being penetrated by it
exposing yourself to women does not have this affect even if you have a nice dick lol
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Does anyone know who the girl in this video is?
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a favorite.
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I thought transfats are banned
michelle ryan from ireland
Could you provide some examples and names?
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>show your dick to women and they froth with delight at the thought of being penetrated by it
Mandy arrowsmith on FB will let u blow loads in herhis asshole
Jonah Hill, nooo!
yeah and he married some chink and they both got theirs cut off and faded into irrelevancy
so why do some trannies still get to blast ropes but others are cursed with orgasms drier than the sahara desert? what the fuck is that about?
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Few things
When they take hrt some trannies completely lose the ability to produce sperm and barely have prostate fluid while others only get it a little reduced
Those who aren't in effected can drink a ton of water and take supplements to shoot more out
And then do kegel exercises to shoot farther
And others fake cumming by injecting fake cum up their urethra into their bladder then just piss it out
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I kind of figured it was the last one lol
Do you happen to know who this is?
She's my type. She's lovely.
you're a faggot
most are asian sissy wishing to be bleached lol
tranny with armpit hair is not ideal
It's mostly genetics
Hypersexualization of society leads these extremely virile men down this hedonistic path
I concur. Luckily I know EXACTLY what's coming and never click on it. I'll never understand how it became such a commonly posted clip. Probably because it's so divisive and always spurs debate.
Nope. All cumshot clips are welcome here.
whom? not that im gay or anything im just asking for a friend
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I love squirty, more translucent cum. It's not only more aesthetically pleasing and hotter to watch, but it tastes soooo much better than...

....thick, white, dribbling, gluey cum.

And having sucked and swallowed both, I'm never again going to go down on a TS until I know what a typical load is. This fetish has become more refined over the almost 20 years I've had it.
For your own good, I recommend not taking the leap to actual physical meet-ups if you haven't yet. I haven't been out and about since Covid started, but I imagine with all the fucking camwhoring now it's not as easy to find SWs who will leave the house.
Last I checked, Kendra Sinclair fucks fans for $500. She's not the cutest in the face, but her cock and loads alone would be worth it. I'd hate to show up though and not get a big blast. Everyone has an off day. My luck, even Thippy would be dehydrated. Or fucking blow her big load for cam tips just prior and care not about the dude who traveled to her and paid for a once in a lifetime experience.
WTF? This video is a full minute too long. This post-cum cooldown period is not as amazing as the 'editor' thinks.
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I know she's going for: Bimba, TS. But it'll always just read as bim-bats to me. So silly.
Dumb cunt cums out of frame. Pathetic.

One job!
DAAAAAAMMMNNN! We have a winner.
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No. The fake cumming is VERY obvious. You have the dead giveaway of the semi-soft cock they are holding the whole time, and the sustained flow rather than stilted spurts of actual orgasm. I'm sick of all the people out of the woodwork these last few years claiming that it's somehow doctored video like CGI or AI, or that it's just fake cum being pushed from the bladder. Sure, I guess the former COULD exist, and certainly I've seen the fake peeing cum, but the idea that any of these big hard cock big load videos in these threads are either is frankly just incorrect. And I'm pretty sure almost all of us understand this.
As far as supplements and exercise; the notion that many of these online cummers are actually doing anything like this, purposely 'training' themselves to bigger loads, is doubtful. I used to spend a lot of time watching and chatting with live camwhores, and every time I saw this question fielded by them the answer was always along the lines of "I've just always had big loads". Sure, you see little advice pieces and infographs on supposedly 'bulking' your loads, but I've never heard of any of these porn people doing it. Not much change can be expected no matter what you do. A dribbler is never going to become a fountain with work. Just like nothing you take or do aside from surgery will ever noticeably increase the size of your penis. Hormones can absolutely DEcrease cum, but there's not a lot anyone can do to increase it. In an era of everything being online, naturally the big cummers are going to be seen more, and this leads to theories and ideas that huge loads are more common and widespread then usual. Just like anything extreme is amplified by the internet. Doesn't mean there are more people doing it, just more views of those who do.
her kidneys arent working right
Yeah, you've gotta be REAL hot to step back over the line and purposely do masculine stuff. It's almost always a turnoff for me. I love a big bush though on the asian ladyboys. I don't know why I'm into it there. Seems exotic I guess.
I would be so mad if that's all the cum she gave me. Just do bottoming stuff at that point. Now I have that One Drop song by Bob Marley going in my brain.
I'd gladly scoop it up and savor it
Visually both are appealing to me, good to know that texture/viscosity can influence the taste
Is $500 the standard price for ts courtesans?
Chinese tongzhi probably are some of the hairiest asian transformers, such a turn-on especially when the perianal area is darkened due to hyperpigmentation
Yessir fantastic spurts, have another one
katerina is a shooter for sure
would be cute if he didnt look like someone had him at gunpoint
I wonder how far that load travelled
Are you ready to drink up and then refill the good stuff?
Check out that primal grunt
moar high viscosity semen
terrific tanlines great money shot too
I hear that if you put a shotgun barrel in your mouth you'll be more attractive to women.
I had lots of times in the past where i jacked off to trannies and felt ashamed afterwards. I once again got horny for some tranny cock and cum today and just went out and got a clear dildo with balls and a suction cup to suck off while massaging my shaft today.
Slobbered all over that plastic cock and balls for a solid half an hour, with some anon to dildo frotting in between.
Came buckets and had a blissful feeling of relief afterwards. Very much unlike some past session where i fingered my ass or came in my own mouth.
Clear sign for me that I'm actually just a 100% straight, orally fixated, cock hungry animal and not actually a sissy.
Recommend an oral only dildo for all you tranny chasing cocksuckers out there. I'll probably seek out some tranny to kiss, love and suck off irl now.
TLDR: I love trannies even post nut clarity
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shame those big beautiful cock genetics wont get passed down
Anyone got a sauce for any of these
I forgot the name of the sauce, something something thighs?
No, just "famous" ones. I had Kendall Penny for $400 (now she charges $300). You can meet a local trans (even a couple of those did Grooby and Femout vids) on Grindr (and previously Craigslist) and usually not pay over $200. I just suck them off, so that can be anywhere from $60 to $100, depending on if you develop a report with them. Don't get pulled into drugs and hanging out with them, because surprise surprise, they're usually a little mentally cuckoo. NEVER start dating them, especially if they're an addict. Drugs and fetish sex tend to go hand in hand, but keep it separate. You don't want to end up sugar-daddying them because you'll get way less sex and way more headaches. ALWAYS keep in mind how you met them and assume any time they're on their phone it's to set up hookups with other dudes. There are some really hot transgirls out there just filled with deceit and looking to punish someone for their crazy problems. Be careful. Once you get a taste for it you may lose some of yourself before waking up and realizing what you put up with while on cumdrunk autopilot.
Yeah sure, in a hypothetical situation you take what you get, but you'd also just rather pick a TS who can actually cum, seeing as that's the fetish here. You don't go into a tits thread for A-cups probably; or gore threads for minor bicycle collisions where no one is hurt - you want cumSHOTS in a cumshot thread, not cum drop.
Cumming in cups and glasses is always hot. I wish there was more of it. And the heavy cummers can never seem to figure out their aim. Always shooting a couple spurts over the rim. There are like 3 perfect clips out there of huge loads being pumped into the glass where you see it all and none is lost.
Those are crossdressing men. They're dime-a-dozen. They obviously want to remain anonymous or else they'd identify themselves. Also, there's another reason they don't show their faces. You don't necessarily want to peek behind that curtain, anon. Bonerkiller.
Is it just me or is every tranny got a dick and balls bigger than mine. I'm 5.2 inches hard. Do I just have small balls?
who is this?
Mexican Sandra Bernhardt with a penis? I don't know and I don't WANNA know.
If thick, gooey, drippy loads means bitter, so be it. If I'm slurpping cum, I want it to taste like cum. FEEL like cum.
Maliyah Loren.
>Degenerate faggot without hips or tits immediately hotter than all these western e-girls in LED caked rooms

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