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another bussy thread. femboys/twinks/twunks but NO FUCKING GROSS BOLT-ON TIT TRANNIES!!1!

this round is a bunch of webms I made by scraping various paid OF accounts and redgifs posts. I do a lot of editing and cropping, and the webm encoding alone takes hours, so dont pollute my thread faggots. also bonus points for nice squishy balls
this ass looks so bouncy
this is the closest to tranny i will post...
you walk in on this, what do you do?
how could u not fuck this hole anon?
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I'd have to uncontrollably breed that boypussy while jerking him off until he's got no cum left in his balls, so the only cum in his body would be mine deep inside him.
This one is perfect. Any sauce?
oddly specific but ok
this is the gayest i will post
this one was the other option for thread opener
any source? looks hot
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damn he's hot...name?
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Sauce pls
Kill yourself.
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Every bottom says they want to take a fat cock and when they get a fat cock all they do is complain how much it hurts

what gives
Is there any way to get the hair off my lower body, and keep it off, without hormones or laser treatments? I want this kind of perfect bussy, but I still wanna be a dude when my clothes are on
As a straight man with a wife and children, I have to say pussy has lost. Every time I go on here I end up pounding my meat to boy booty. It’s embarrassing but what am I supposed to do when it’s this hot
drinking a bottle of bleach will probably do it
good contributions ty
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you're lying or you fuck like a brute
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Perfect body, any one know who this is?

Also this one I'm posting, cant find more.
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3.2 MB GIF
Here's a second video from the same person.
some OC x I hope my bussy's pretty enough
I've been an incel for a while know and I said fuck it maybe a cute femboy wants me. But nope they are just as high standards as the average woman. For ck I think it's over for me.
Nice, got anything showing off your legs?
how can I look like this? do I have to get laser on my butthole?
i think genetics plays a big role desu. you can do a lot with just shaving and laser etc but its way easier to maintain for some
drop these into your mouth
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its the same as >>27471402
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god i love twinkie that ass is so fucking edible
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would lick and fuck
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^ this one is peak
>As a straight man with a wife and children
stop larping you colossal faggot
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so tragic and so true brother, i feel ur pain. both my partners will like beg and beg and then immediately cry n scream and shudder and fight for mercy n im like >.> the curse is real
I've been shooting so many loads of cum to this thread
Shave yourself
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sad bc not fucking her :C

avavum on twitter
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Aintapuppy turned me out. Before him I at least had to pretend it was a trans girl to get off.
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need her so bad
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cake :3
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This shit is too fucking hot. Like it's unreal
this not only looks so so wrong but IS WRONG on so many levels... its not normal biologically, its not normal psychologically, its not normal morally, its not normal in ANY KIND OF WAY... the fact that people in this day and age deny homosexuality being a neurological/mental defect or disorder is beyond me...

just the fact that only 2 sexes exist with animals and that all animals are on a fundamental level wired to reproduce only with the opposite sex, should alone be enough of a giveaway that being sexually attracted to a member of the same sex is so so fucking wrong
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how to call someone a fag in 581 words
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Great thread OP, appreciate the time it took to make these. I have a few webms to contribute with, sorry if they're poor quality tho, I mostly took them from twitter and coomer

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cheers. good shit.

sauce on >>27477962 is @maxandyos but their stuff is mostly meh
primate mind wonders: "where to find bussy?"
@wizkide on redgifs. theyve been posting new stuff every day ish this month. no other socials from what I can find
well I'll be damned, thats my ass
thats crazy show hole
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twitch streamer narpy
so do you want someone to hold your hand and explain why that's a bunch of stupid bullshit or are you gonna work it out yourself? after you're done masturbating to man ass of course
I've only ever kind of showed hole one time, sorry
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>explain why that's a bunch of stupid bullshit
Dont, lets just post and enjoy webms without derailing the thread into meaningless shitflinging
Need to pump that pussy full of hot cum
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id be trying to get you pregnant every fucking day
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sounds good to me :3
dubs and I post my bussy
I have an ass that big desu
I've came three times to this
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hot. i think this is the same ass
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so much video content out there yet ppl still post 10fps gifs...
prob. reposting their old content, too braty/lazy to make new OC
I have a pretty fat ass but never gone full boi
Hey I remember this post from the last thread, do you have any more? You've got great legs too, would love to see more of them.
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share ur cake? :3
lewdestdudest on twitter, ur welcome
Lmao I have an empty twitter I made years ago just to look at convos without getting bugged about making an account, no posts and a fake name with a pic of a jet fighter. But I guess I'll log back on it after all this time to check you out. Ty.
i would refer you to the paid stuff but nobody likes that lol
Yea, makes sense. It's hard to attract customers with the saturation of content on the internet nowadays.
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especially when you aren't one of those "perfect" boys with endless luck
It's cute how hot you find this, blackanon.
I hope one day you find the courage to try a white bussy.
No such thing as perfect, everyone has different tastes which matter more than the standard of beauty at the time. You could make extreme case examples like obesity, but those are the exception to the rule.
i would marry him and then cum inside him until he gets pregnant. while he wears his wedding dress :3
Animals (read primarily mammals) engage in homosexuality at a similar occurrence to modern society actually. There are many recorded instances of animals from lions to monkeys to horses that all engage.

Embrace the bussy, reject pussy.
How do I make an onlyfans without literally everyone i know finding out? I have a super girly ass and bussy and I wanna make money off it
Ask >>27480233
face masks, use brand new accounts with unique names, remove identifiable stuff from your images, basic security stuff
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wish i had sauce for this
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