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Post only the cutest girls getting fucked, masturbating, naked, or just being adorable
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She can't be adorable with big horrible bolt-on
Man, where did she go? She was perfect, the accent, the body, the content. Damn I miss her.
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friend of mine's ex gf looks like a fatter version of her with bigger tits.
she's an empty-headed 19 year old tiktok addict though, still would've if I could've though.
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Some of these Ukrainian girls are so cute they almost make me feel bad about supporting Russia.
We need to replace at least a fourth of the population with clones of lovelilah
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Yeah, they're so tight and delicious it's surreal.
>supporting Russia
lmao. Cartoonishly pathetic.
Don't post anyone with tattoos idiot. Also, a majority supports Russia, get over it
Could you imagine seeing her getting gangbanged by 4-5 russian soldiers
This thread is so fucking depressing
>a majority supports Russia
ahahahahaha. he probably actually believes this too.
It will be a big wake up call for you, I don't hate you for it, it's just that I woke up and with it comes the knowledge that it is just a matter of time until the rest do too. I'm just ahead of the curve, as usual.
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wow good for you man
I love indiefoxx, I can't believe she somehow hasn't done full nudity yet. She always wears pasties for some reason, and never shows pussy.
>Don't post anyone with tattoos idiot.
i love her trashy tattoos. gets me rock hard.
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Funny thing is SBU are going to hunt down Russian propagandists and shills when this war is over and have their merry way with them. Chances are some big titty Ukrainian minx will lure Sergei Sucksputinoff and Ivan Tinytinklepedononce into a hotel room with dem doe eyes and DSLs, door closes, and Budanov with a blowtorch and pliers emerges from the wardrobe.

It's gonna be fucking hilarious. Daria Dugina got off lightly.
We see you, Sergei. Fuck off back to your cubicle and fellate Putler some more. Or at least do something constructive and post your sisters tits if she's not already getting raped by Chinks, Chechens, and curries.
I'd give her 585 pumps of my 5.85" kek
cute face but big old pussy
fucking gorgeous but ruined by tattoos. please sauce though.
I'd bust a load in her in seconds if i ever had the chance
booking a flight to china to go fuck this dame
the FUCK is this pixelated shit

learn2encode vide you mong
Lol, lmao even. They'll be too busy with the neo-nazi civil war that will come with Zelensky's surrendering/negotiated peace
Name? Best girl in thread
>supporting russia
ok boomer
everything arya stark should have been.
Eh those aren't that bad
Russia is shit and Putin is a fuckin moron
any pics of her cunt mate
Hmmm, I wonder of she works out.... nice body.
Le ebbin nazis in Ukraine russian meme
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I'm sorry about the severe concussion you suffered as a child
Going to need sauce please
She's Korean
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the leftoid seethe is almost more enjoyable than the girls ITT kek
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does this classify?

Please sir, may I have some more?
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>Supporting Russia

As if anyone on the planet is supportive of your idiotic bloodthirsty fraternicide. Even the fucking Chinese detest you and what you're doing. They just go along because they have nowhere else to go. I'm guessing you haven't heard the leaked audio of Chinese officials making fun of Russia.

Enjoy it while it lasts, cause you morons are going to be put back under America's heel when Trump gets into office. No more sleepy Uncle Joe .
100% spot on arguments.
Even more my kind man?
You have it backwards you moron. Trump has always bent over backwards for Russia, been anti-NATO, and Republicans are the ones blocking military aid to Ukraine. Utterly delusional to think Trump being reelected would mean a harder line on Russia.
Trump regularly slurps dictator cum. The Kim Jong Un meeting was one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.
This chick is perfection. More/name pls?
What is her name?
Trumps a fucking retard who sells this country out like a crack whore on the streets. Utterly autistic to think he will do anything to help ukraine, he's too busy getting his ass pounded by Putin to do anything.
know her name?
Samefags, but anyways: NATO will not exist in even 6 years. How can you tolerate this organization?
mara wilson
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All I got. Great thread
I would marry
Sasha Amberlynn
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Adorable is just thot then? K.

Surely we have a name for this one. I can't find anything on reverse searches... She's a perfect ten, unless she's all tentacles from the knees down.
A majority of what?

I'm not even sure a majority of Russians support Russia at this point, you brainwashed stooge

You have brain damage
Trump can't fall over for Russian fast enough.
Please tell us more about women you met who you would liked to have fucked but did not.
Go back to your blacked threads faggot
That's big tit slut carina
How and why is it "leftoid" to you to see people voicing things against Russia? It's a country run by a dictator, making a mockery of capitalism, owned by oligarchs that are opposed to freedom that America supposedly stands for... They are attacking a European country, illegally, against the laws they agreed to in joining a union of nations literally called the United Nations and in large part run by the US, meaning they are acting indirectly against us. That is in addition to known DIRECT actions against us, such as cybercrime (hacking and disrupting US power plants for one example) and known social engineering intended to tamper with US elections, etc.

So... What part of being against an Anti-American fascist regime which actively attacks us is "leftoid" in any way? Are you a fucking Russian psyop, or are you just a goddamn moron?

No fucking right wing, conservative Republican with two brain cells to rub together is pro-Russia ffs. Republicans stand with our country, support our troops, support our constitution, and support democracy. No one can do those things and side with Putin. That includes Trump, who is also an un-American POS who wants to literally be a fascist dictator, openly stands against our Constitution, has literally tried to overthrow our government, and is only in this shit for himself. No decent Republican can stand with Trump either. He's literally the tyranny that our 2nd Amendment is designed to arm the people to ensure we can fight against.
She fucked a negro.
the moment a woman does anything even remotely sexual, she just stops being cute imo.

cute = purity and that's just the opposite of sex.
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nobody likes russia. nobody has ever liked russia. it's the american south of the world: crude, drunk, inbred mongrels that will fight over mud because they're too stupid to modernize in any meaningful way. the only culture it produces is rape and theft. russia has no inherent value and no redeeming factors
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do you remember the cold war, you fucking retard? russia has always been our enemy
Then post cute girls not having sex
Why do women insist on getting shitty bolt ons when everyone has unanimously agreed that they look like shit
>simps for a flabby old man hiding in a bunker losing a naval war to a country with no navy
>started a war right when the echo of the WWII population slump hit
>drove all of the intelligent people out of the country to his enemies
>reduced to begging for North Korea to sell their own ancient society tech back to them
>pays the massive markups with collapsing currency, rapidly becoming a vassal to north Korea
>this is why he feels bad

Lol at least this time you didn't wait until the war was already over to join the losers, that's progress of a sort, I suppose
A majority voted for Biden too.

More people being stupid doesn't make them less stupid. But if you were smart enough to understand that I wouldn't need to point it out, it's pretty intuitive. Not to you, but to those of us with more than two brain cells to rub together it is
Not into dismembered corpses, sorry
>thinking any majority is inherently right
>thinking something must be right just because lots of other people are doing it

Christ what a braindead collectivist shill. You've never had a single original thought, have you? I bet if you close your eyes you can't picture a house. You don't even think about the stuff you're told, do you? You just internalize and regurgitate whatever you're told, the only requirement being that it doesn't conflict with whatever you already believe.

I'm guessing you're also so stupid that you've been called a pathological liar because of how much obvious bullshit you spout.

Captcha: VD W8R
I'm guessing you'd swipe right on a profile with that name.
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Because Pop culture and the makeup and fashion industries drill into them from an early age that they NEED their products if they want to be attractive. Their tits are too small, legs too short, skin to mottled, etc etc. By the time they start dating and meeting people who actually have opinions about them personally, they've already internalized these ideas and since female culture is just lying and backstabbing and just girls spend most of their childhood years around other girls they assume that guy's are the same way so they don't trust us when we say they don't need the makeup and the fake tits and shit, they think we're just trying to make them feel better, at best, and lying just to lie like they do at worst.

Most of the women that I know are ones that were smart enough to either see through the bs from the start or wised up to it and got out of the racket, and they all agree, female culture is disgustingly toxic and counterproductive and the best thing they did for their social lives and mental health was extricate themselves from it.
He's a fascist. Fascists are stupid. They always have been. It's why they're fascists. It's why they support Russia: they're fascist and stupid. They're also cowards, like all fasc trash, which is why they're still here. They'll argue that relocation is too expensive. It's not though, because Russia is actively trying to recruit American expats and even made a big deal about building a bunch of new housing to accommodate all of the Americans they're expecting to come flooding in. If they actually wanted to live in Russia, they'd already be there.

So yes, he is a Russia shill. And yes, he's also monumentally stupid, and yes, he's going in the ground where his kind belong.
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Does anyone have the clip of Hayden Winters sneezing? I love this girl
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She's the cutest
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Name? I've seen her in another video and want to find it
Can we get a name? I've tried to reverse image search this one a few times, and can never find anything.
that's in china right?
>whatsamatta chuds, dont like open borders, unending waves of illegal I mean asylum seekers, you must care about Israel and Ukraine's borders, drag queen story hour, firey but mostly peaceful BLM riots, blackwashing, pronouns, slowly being disarmed, government colliding with Big Tech to censor you, child drag shows, inflation to idk stop Putin, White hatred, owning nothing and being happy and not eating meat to idk fight climate change, WW3, you have to call men women now, super deadly pandemic lockdowns that only blm protests can slow the spread, children transitioning, Antifa, globalist world police, having your history and culture destroyed, media that will only ever be leftwing establishment propaganda, having masculinity attacked and shamed, climate lockdowns, statues of your country’s founders being torn down, fat positivity, degenerancy is praised, you have to celebrate homosexuality, Democrat tyranny

>and none of this is happening but I fully support it and think you are a bad person for not but you are a conspiracy theorist for saying this happening but it's a good thing anyway

Ahh yes let me be lectured on “true American values” or “true rightwing” by degenerate tyrannical leftists
ok newfag, why did you read it then?
There are russian shills, and idiot republicans who will reflexively go against any position a democrat voices.
D: "Killing babies is bad"
R: "Fuck you! Don't tell us who we can't kill you lefty motherfucker!"
It’s funny you say that when the democrats and the left are the side of killing babies
Dakota Tyler
who is this? sauce?
Foxy Di
Fuck she's cute. Name?
Imagine being deranged enough to write such textwalls in response to "hurr durr i support putin".
You better be ukros, guys. They at least have emotional reason to buy liberal propaganda.
And cope with it already. Russia was never going to lose.
Unless you're Trump. He's always had a crush on Putin.
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Foxy Di https://www.google.com/search?kgmid=/g/11g2t_z38s&hl=en-IN&q=Foxy+Di&kgs=a1acc82bd6173ff3&shndl=17&source=sh/x/kp/osrp/m5/4
Is her of worth it?
Carolina Sweets Is A Honey In A Short Skirt Craving To Be Fucked
Yes, I know. Now instead of just saying "it's funny" why don't you type LOL you big phony.
She has a beautiful smile. She's frowny in like 99% of her content, I wish we got to see her smile more.
Those hairy arms…
The video your student replies back with when you email her and ask where her biology paper is.

The reality really just doesn't live up to the fantasy when you see her in porn vs when you see her dressed like a schoolgirl on that bus.
tits never actually come out of the top. Waste of a post
>t. virgin
What a lightweight. That dick isn't even that big and she is acting like it's so hard to deepthroat.
Teach her how, you faggot
god please source

>t. 14 yo
kill yourselves natotrannies, you know you want to
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Maya is jawdroppingly beautiful.
Prime bait
She an heroed
she looks like what I expect lolita from the book to look like (idk what she looks like in the movie)
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i'm so lonely
Do they have pussy?
I remember after the fall of the Soviet union the cold war was over. Russia emerged eager to make peace and become a friendly country. Russia welcomed all western businesses to come to Russia and the world embraced a new friendly Russia. However, NATO never stood down it's war like posture. In fact, NATO increased its aggressiveness and started rapidly expanding eastward. Something NATO promised it would not do. This aggressiveness caused Russia to call to arms to prevent NATO from encroaching on Russian territory. Now Russia knowing NATO's true intentions, will defend its people and will not allow any further NATO expansion.
Like a bot with a script for dumbass russian talking points.
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yes, big tit slut carina does have a pussy and a nice one at that
I hope you two faggots get banned for derailing the thread.

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