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Women being retarded
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does this count?
>real UK prison guard fucks inmate

I can't rip this video from the website, can someone convert it to a webm and post

She's not wrong about the best food being opinion based, taste and palate is probably genetics influenced too, I quite like British food, but I like Italian, french and Asian food more, not a fan of mexican food, Indian food or African food.
What is this educating us about? And sauce?
I got you
based english rose telling that refugee what's up

> thats a good guess

what kind of a retarded exchange is that?
Wait...isn't it opinion based...?
> Food with flavor is trash
> Food without flavor is the best

English food basically is Indian food these days, their national meal is chicken Tikka... Even their own country disagrees with you hahahahahaha
Taste is subjective, so she's completely right.
I hate tourism so much.
Worse people just have worse taste.
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just a bunch of sluts trying to exploit the 'educational' exception for nudity on youtube. their damn near a dime a dozen, you can look up 'wet vs dry t-shirt' on youtube, you're practically guaranteed to find a few. or just go onto ytboob.com to find all sorts of other things just like this. as far as who this bitch is, can't help you there.
She's right though, England makes the best French food
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The terrible thing is you just know she will make an OF or something make make a shit ton of money off the back of this, like that Dr Phil skank
roast meat, specifically spit roasted meat (titter) is our traditional speciality. Globohomo fucks everything up though.
This is great! Bitches leave = more food for me!
This shit happens, you got a bunch of guys doing hard time, working out all day and it isn't like they're going anywhere anytime soon, so all they do is plot, plot, plot, think of ways to fuck each other over or gain something from someone, punk someone, play mind games, play the long game, start small and break it down until they get what they want. Guys extorting other guys, punking other guys, and sometimes even running game on the female COs.
As if one thot wasn't enough for one stripper pole, two thots and then three thots.
They even have the dirty florida hoe look.
>exploitation of a region should be easy
>modern luxuries should be found everywhere
>i had to walk
>i didn't do my research
Uh, mate, it sounds like maybe you should have given it a bit of thought and consideration given that you'd be spending money on that, but she probably spent someone else's money so what do I care?
Wah wah wah, I had to walk up a flight of stairs with my overprices shoes and bags shit full of makeup. What a fucking waste of air some people are. Walk in to the sea you trollop and never look back. Walk untill it gets dark, then keep waking. Fucking disgrace. Gtfo the internet you waste of bits.
I sympathize with her, italy is so fucking old, they should have made more roads by now. Glad i left the countryside and moved to the city
i mean she is making a reasonable complaint
>exploitation of a region should be easy
it incentivizes the economical growth of a city, more tourists = more stupid people with wealth to buy your junk
>modern luxuries should be found everywhere
i dont think she is implying that its the fault of the influencers that didnt warn her that getting there was a pain in the ass
>i didn't do my research
thats the only thing you can blame on her
I'm just being a hater cause i'm a loser, she actually seems chill. i'm on 4chan so not like i can judge
well atleast you are honest, props to you
Omg she's so gorgeous. I wish she was my wife.
Shitaly is basically a third world country outside of the big cities.
I'd be surprised if she had toilets there
based english rose fucking up chud tiktoker video
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I'm with her
love me pie n chips, simple as
Schizo this triggered needs to eat a bullet, what a loser, kek
Indian food is complete shit. the only reason it has flaming hot spice is to kill intestinal parasites. we literally use chili flakes to kill parasites in chickens. hot spice is not Flavour by any stretch of the imagination. cope harder rag head
It's about the questions. You're either still you, or you just don't understand that these questions are not really good for conversation when everyone you meet keeps asking them. lol
I really can't imagine the level of fucking stupid you'd need to be not only to do this but to allow it to be filmed. There is zero good outcome.
The guy that is going to fix that window thinking:
>What a bunch of retarded twats. Fml
imagine talking to someone who has a fade on their beard, what kind of faggot iraqi shit is that
Both vids are Based, taste IS objective that fag needs to stfu and accept that, and build some fucking roads already its the modern age ffs.
What consequence could she really face?
brazil mentioned!
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There's no way in hell this is real, i refuse to believe they are that stupid
Fired, bf breaks up with her or maby not because i seen videos with him on tiktok and he kinda zesty sort of so he may forgive her. Family seeing this no contact with them, people knowing her outside harrasing her, She doesnt fell safe anymore. Probably gonna do OF being recognized even more feeling shamed for the ret of life, Men who want to wife her/have kids with her cant because other men will warn him online etc
beans on toast is the pinnacle of english cuisine
she has my sympathy for being patriotic though
Interviewer was not clear on his questioning. He didn't state if it's based on an opinion or fact. She's not wrong on her opinion on what food she thinks is best.
Das racist
any word on her? can she ever taste again or what
It's real. Full vid was posted over the weekend (Think the full is maybe close to 5 mins or something). She was terminated from her position as the Jail. Guy who was filming even had a Twitter account where the vid was posted.
Based protector cat
the hell was she doing?
nah, first part is completely correct, the part that's retarded though is that she names popcorn as an English food and its the first thing that comes to her mind when asked about what English food is delicious.
I don't understand why women love to suck dick so much. It's very real. I had a two girlfriends who loved to do it so much.
My cock is about the size of the guy in the pool, not sure if it's related to size

A prison officer has appeared in court charged with misconduct after allegedly having sex with an inmate in a cell.

Linda De Sousa Abreu, 30, of Fulham, south-west London, was charged after a video of the alleged activity was shared on social media.

Making headlines in UK papers.
But she's right tho. I don't care what some poll or "research" says. I can enjoy food from one country the most. It's a subjective question.

If anything there is nothing worse than those faggot subhuman retarded It*lian e-celebs who try to gatekeep food and post their faggoty, retarded, niggerbrained reaction to people cooking food the way they don't like. I hate them so fucking much.
She's right tho. For literally one of the Top 10 richest country in the world and member of G7, Italy is such a fucking disgusting shithole in 90% of it's area. You have people living in literal mud huts in some remote village with no public transport where everything has to be delivered by shitty cars once a month.
She was literally arrested and is facing trial for misconduct.
Sunday dinner is the Pinnacle of creation.
Which carries what kind of minimum penalty?
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this is seriously fucking retarded. from the thot's idiotic response to the moron pantomiming holding a microphone
looking at her race, i doubt she'd know how to use one.
Usually 2 or 3 years
Pretty sure the UK has more Michelin star restaurants than any other country.
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>Michelin Star
Please, France has the more Michelin Star, basically because it's a way of rating restaurant that basically follow the French conception of cuisine.
Michelin Star don't apply very well to local culture too different from France, That's why you don't find much restaurant with stars in other countries (Japan being an exception)
Please bruh stop making us look stupid you could've easily have looked and seen we're 7th behind all the obvious European countries the US and Japan.
No she's just fucking with him because she prioritize being precise when making a statement than participating in stupid make believe reel
Pretty sure all those are French or Indian restaurants lol
>she didn't parachute in
My uninformed guess is most of those Michelin Stars are not "UK cuisine" and are just good cuisine from around the world since the UK is a culture hub. English food is a joke, fish and chips, sausages for breakfast and fucking entrails... give me a break.

stop vomiting your sentences, brainlet
Holding her friends nose closed to wake her friend up
>No public Transport
>Beautiful village away from the faggots
>Difficult for outsiders to get there, when they get there it's difficult for them to do anything
>Goods still regularly delivered from elsewhere
Sounds like fucking paradise you urbanoid bugman
never underestimate the power of stupidity
I miss growing up in a touristy place bros. Not the beautiful coastal places in the Mediterranean, but the place I grew up in VGH America. Every late spring the towns nearby started to become so packed full of socially retarded career women, cute college girls all doing what they do. This was back when fatties were still shamed too.

Though I have not had sex with this bimbo and have no heritage from Italy these are Eskimo brothers to me. I live vicariously through all those in Naples who have hate fucked this woman.
the guy that is going to fix the window is going to think
>oh i got a call today to fix a window, im going to fix that window
This is a sound strategy if times are tough. Many women could afford to eat less.
Fucking gay lions? Holy shit
she's completely correct and you're the retard
Landlords should charge more.
What are you even trying to say?
and half of those resturans serve french food lmao
I hate them so much
it's black cunts like this that give good Americans a bad rep

totally real guys, she doesn't even look like a dolled up pornstar amirite
a true representative of her constituency
>That name
>Of Fulham
Not fucking English. Get out of my country you spic negress
are you dumb?>>27472501
Lmao I was next to this if not in this BnB one month ago. Had an amazing time in Minori.
I really thought this would have a joke where the dad is just enjoying his meal alone afterwards

But I guess that would be too self aware
She's not wrong though

English Breakfast
English Roast Dinner
Fish & Chips
Beef Wellington
Victoria Sponge Cake
Scot Eggs
Chicken Tika

Should I go on
Looked up. She is Brazilian and married to a black dude that's a fighter.
They had an onlyfans account together and had an open relationship for 3 years prior to that.
It's probably a child abuse thing. The only women. I've been with that obsess over oral were abused by their fathers at an early age. my ex's that have not been raped and passed around as kids have all been more fun in bed and do give head too but not like that
Scrotums & malaria mmm bri'ish food
>bawww why is rent so high everywhere?! >:(
>You're either still you
No fucking shit. How could one be anyone else but oneself?
Let me guess, you're one of those retards who says "it is what it is" aren't you?
>or you just don't understand that these questions are not really good for conversation
They are. You just don't like them because females hate accountability.

Tits + timestamp then gtfo, hole.
This is why holes should not be allowed to have rights, nor to vote, nor to be employed, nor even to speak in public without first being spoken to.
>fridge body
>zero ass
Standard beaner shit.
Scot Eggs..
Da fuk.
I remember 20/30 years ago when you could go down to your local travel agent and have them book you a budget flight+hotel combo (with an airport transfer if you wanted it), hop on a flight to literally any mediterranean destination, hire a car cheap as chips and be in literal paradise for a week or two with zero effort and low cost.

Now, almost everywhere on the Med is a rundown shithole full of brownoid illegals midway to Sweden, the absolute worst of Britain and Germany's lower cast drunken louts smashing the places up, and in spite of all of this insane tourism revenue, thanks to the EEA and their completely fucked euro meme currency, these countries somehow look even POORER than they did back then.
I think it can go either way on that. I been with a few girls / women who were abused or I suspected were abused at some point. One I know was abused would absolutely not do oral on me. She was fat, so it was a real deal breaker.
whoops I meant to tag
I mean it is opinion based.
Millennial women, being all +30 and no kids..
All those eggs be gone in 5 years, enjoy the cats..>>27472620
Women lead nations, nations go to shit.
Every civilization has done this.

totally on the size, i have the average looking penuses and my ex suck it uneventffully, then the next boyfriend comes having the horse cock, and she went full vacum cleaner mode on the guy and subsequent guys, and now her blowjobs are way better
Imagine how much stuff you could store up her nostrils.
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she just got bailed 4 hours ago

https://www.dailymotion com/video/x91ai5c
cats are our friends
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English breakfast is the best breakfast. So that's #1 for 33% of the meals. Builders tea is second only to Flat White for hot drinks.
>white lives splatter
they were niggers who got ran over dipshit
No, retard, it was two white liberal women. It was a black man that ran them over.
French eat snails and frogs legs and cover everything in butter. The idea that their food is good is national marketing like Korea pushing k-pop.
all they had to do was wait and travel the zip line one at a time. that's all that was required. even after the point was proven, the wet one still tried to go and collided with her colleagues.
To think a man is probably dealing with that daily. Bitch shut up.
you're talking to a video, retard.
>remote village
>cheap housing
>no imported niggers
>no public transport
>get supplies using a shitbox or motorcycle

Dude this sounds like paradise tf are you on?
man, I fucking hate her so much, but she's right in this one: irregardless of the interpretation of the law: separating children from their parents on grounds of them searching for a better life for their family is downright evil. (doesn't matter how you stand on the issue of immigration or racial purity - at least send them back / into the gas chambers together. ... fuckign obama neolib shit.)
As a europoor, I like you Americans when you aren’t obnoxious niggers or city dwellers (libtards). I like the chill, southern people (if those still/even exist). But I don’t know, I’ve never been to America. If I were to fly to someplace like bumfuck Tennessee would I like it there? For context I’m Hungarian
Oreo cookie on that pole
Feastmaxxing chad
fuck off, lardo. we don't want you or your culture anywhere near our continent. gettign raped by sandniggers is worth it if it only means less of you around. hon hon hon
lol put sound on and listen to the shit she says homies
Man I swear it’s always the women and basedboys who make a scene at the table when uncle Jimbo says a sex joke or says something unwholesome
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look at this retard
>on grounds of them searching for a better life
No, it's on grounds of them breaking the law.
If you actually supported this wording of yours, you wouldn't immediately say "send them into the gas chambers", because that would be "downright evil" under your standards.
>women lead nations

How? I’m pretty sure the Middle East is 100% NOT run by women. Maybe their nation isn’t great but it’s not falling at least
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Look at this retard. Retarded for small cock
Is that a word?
British humans aren’t people. Just today I went to a hardware store in Germany and saw 3 British zoomers buying some chipboard and hearing their retarded accents made my blood boil. Id think it’d be great if all the British in Europe got deported back to their island, and not by force, I’m sure we could make them leave voluntarily if we mention mandatory dental care or something
Can someone explain in non gay corpo-speak what's being proposed/refused?
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That's a girl being retarded, no?
not even close, bitch
it's japan
england... you stupid bongs really are shameless
Same man. When I went to Italy for a school trip for my Latin class I appreciated the architecture and museums we visited, and I pride myself in never being in a restaurant while there. Grocery stores work great. The famous places we went to like the Arch of Titus and the colosseum, I hated all the gooks taking pictures there everywhere and I can see how tons of retards flocking to see this cool place they saw on social media that they must visit, is annoying but it brings in good money so it’s ok.
lol, you can't even comprehend what you're reading. retard.
Pest control service
whats the deal here? She's a prison officer who lets inmates fuck her or some shit?
I’m too much of an illiterate goy to even know what a RICO crime or whatever that guy said, is. Is it something like income tax fraud?
This isn't a woman thing. That company specifically has been a nuisance lately with their sales reps cruising around on hoverboards and being overly aggressive on their sales tactics. They claim to have sold to people's neighbors (almost always lies) and ignore "No Soliciting" signs and refuse to take no for an answer. Oftentimes they make multiple visits to the same house. It's ironic that they're trying to sell pest control.
Slavic food:

Should I go on?
Whoah is that twomad?
What an idiot.
Obviously staged
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Black man getting cucked? I thought this was impossible!!!
That's not a graveyard
>you have to travel to get to places
Mind blown
One of the most common mistakes of the right is to say that homosexuality is not natural. What is natural is to seek animal and fleeting pleasure. The right should emphasize exactly the opposite: what makes us civilized is our ability to sacrifice animal impulses in favor of a transcendent well-being.
I have a suspicion
Guess what is happening in Swedistan..
small town America is great
the only White places left in America
the only safe places left in in America
people are generally good, you may the occasional ignorant asshole but generally people will be interested and ask questions about your homeland, Tennessee is pretty nice, beautiful state, Nashville has become a liberal hellhole and don't even bother with Memphis, it's basically the worst parts of Africa now
just keep in mind, America is fucking huge, each state is like the size of a European country
>agrees with AOC
>thinks she's smart
yeah that seems about right
This is the worst porn I have ever seen. Weak stroke, no tits and no footage of her giving head. This is like the best way of how not to do porn.
Sauce is Cadence Lux
You guys are making me hungry.
Yeah that's it. Has a history if being a swinger too.
Textbook concern trolling
holy shit faggot you have to be 18 to post here
How was that pole fixed to those surfaces?
Indian food is good you stupid fuck. I bet you think water tastes bad and have never been on an airplane
zoos also need ESG money. If it wasn't for blackrock all the animals would starve.
She took that stupid fuck to church lmao. They did that retarded """Biden Investigation""" for forever and found nothing. Republicans deserve the gas.
This cunt is filing articles of impeachment at SCOTUS now kek
No, it was black people you fool.
So you work on revising the laws that allow it to happen
You don’t dress down people who are doing their job and obviously well informed on it
RICO is for organized crime
It was originally created so that entire gangs could be tried together for racketeering iirc
To be charged with RICO someone needs to have committed two acts of racketeering within 10 years of each other
Racketeering is basically organized crime, usually if the illegal activity crosses state lines
Arson, gambling, murder, robbery, kidnapping, bribery, theft, fraud, drug trafficking, money laundering and a lot more
I think the full list is like 40 crimes that can be charged as racketeering
>lol men are so stupid for ever having insecurities
>OMG did you just ask me a heckin' QUESTION i'm so DONE with this SHIT
They had to invent a class of crimes to take on and dismantle the gangsters, mobs, and organized crime. That's rico, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. Joe, Hunter, and Joe's brother were running a corrupt family enterprise based around Joe Biden's political connections. He and his family will never really be charged because then half or more of the government would then also need to be charged. It would set a terrible precedent.
That UK Queen u know, they are trying to rule the world, so let's say about 30 seconds with theae girls. But wishing to fk for 3 hours at least. Fk that queen bitch.
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But he's still pretty fast on the grab though.
Those lions are fucking screwed, broo.
It's better shoot that lions broo, so they will rest in peace.
My genital organ is half of the pool guy, i so depressed that, i don't want to try anymore.
yours is 3"?

The right is mentally retarded.

Left policies are better but it's all corrupt so that means nothing.
this genital organ is bigger than mine, i feel so depressed sometimes.
what is women obsession with therapy?

Holy fucking toothless burnt toast britbong cope...

Your country is shit, get over it.
2,5". i don't have money, i don't use drugs.
All they wan to give me, is schizo medication, bro.
Fcking schizo pills.
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The british empire once ruled the world...
Yes nothing better than to live in a garbage old ass house you cannot renovate because it's a registered relic. Cannot even change the fucking windows without the government's approval.

Oh and you live with the shitty, obnoxious and rude southern Italians as well.
this is so monumentally stupid I'm actually at a loss of words
all they had to do was follow the damned train
it would fail one by one as well, cause they were too short, had not enough mass, momentum and strength. Maybe 1 or 2 could make it
any hoe fucking a black man is retarded by definition
no offense, my black friends. But it's just like russian roulette with 5 rounds chambered in. I'm sure you would be the empty chamber, cause you're different
How come she doesn't get aids doing this?
Ooof , your showing your ignorance there westerner. We have a LOT more than that. Google some.
Sour about that.
so some faggot wog expects sheila to know the specific survey he refused to reference
>tourist hotspots vs small town babushka cafe
mutts are retarded not women in general
I'm autistic and one day my turkish boss when i worked in a shwarma place took me to the local strip club
some girl did a whole routine probably about 5-8mins long on the stainless steel pole thing, i put a $1 note in her panties and she ran off crying.
>pay people to listen to your vapid shit
>pay women to have sex with you
>their damn near a dime a dozen
and you're worth about $3.50
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The depravity of women in the age of social media.
this happens more than youd think, not just a bong thing either
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Imagine the beauty of Italy then imagine some filthy entitled nigger.
whats the difference
they're both amerimutts

Depends on what you think of when you hear "best food".

You can judge quality of food by the ingredients, nutrition, and pricing. If you were judging by taste, then yes it's pretty hard to measure.

Popcorn is a retarded example either way.
AOC is an idiot!
Therapists listen to their shit because they get paid for it.
still would
and now it can't even rule eastern London. Fade into irrelevance Arthur
Lmao more of these female SWAT challenges please
she'll probably spend them getting fucked
most I understand sure that can get annoying but
>how's therapy going
the fuck you mean whore, asking how well your shit's going exhausting now? fuck off
fucking LOL, Americunts are so retarded!
>muh michelin star
it's just food, the shrimp on your pan tastes the exact same as the one in the restaurant
Ah yes, the classic disclaimer that allows you to get away with softcore pr0n on YouTube!
Michelin Stars are American, and have fuck all to do with France, you fucking retard.
Michelin are a tyre company based in Clermont-Ferrand, France, the Michelin guides were conceived to get motorists to go out and about visiting places and restaurants and in doing so put miles on their tyres and eventually wear them out so they would buy more! So Michelin stars are French but they are awarded internationally.
Other replies are retarded writen by people who never touched a woman. Actual reason is that they think it's a way to fix themselves without doing work. Women will always pick the easiest path to their goals. As for men achieving things without working for them does not feel like anything.
Consider me educatshmet.
Imagine being this dumb.
So convincingly, but incorrectly trying to correcting someone about a fact that most people in this world actually know.
Thanks silly anon, your stupidity made me laugh.
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>Average male off-duty brazilian cop: Fear of robbers and murderers
>Average female on-duty brazilian cop: Cumdump of robbers and murderers
Anyways that's HOT af
>walking around filming and shoving a mic in someone's face is the only way bearded beta browncels can get any attention from women without the rape whistle being busted out immediately
A lesser actor could simply just pretend the iron is hot but she's method through and through.
This is why the lease said no stripper poles
She's already on OF
These bitches are all eating too much and the shit on these tables looks nasty
>married besties
>negro pretending to be italian
How do you let this happen black man?
I bet she is not even aware her DNA is mostly white and barely black. Still a retard unfortunately.
English food is definitely underrated. It gets a bad rap because of pre-war food I guess. It's like every retard saying AMERICA when they see a gun literally anywhere online.
Because they're women. I guess you grew up in a homosexualized society but women love being submissive, dominated, and serving it's biological. Maybe it would be helpful for your zoomer brain to just imagine how gay guys behave when tehy want their ass and mouth full of dick & to be manhandled by a strong man.
people who think this antz character is hot are as dumb as she is
I’m Slavic myself man I know we have a lot more but I’m not at grandmas rn to remind me of them all
>RICO act
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
no it isn't
most of them don't even have access to food
you people also think cow dung cures disease and injuries and pack wounds full of it
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you said the same thing they did but you insulted them
Salvic food? sorry the communists destroyed it we're all going to starve to death
Why can't you distinguish between Americans and niggers?
jiggaboos are infamous for being the worst tourists but that's not surprising since they're generally the worst people in general
This is how you weed out the dumb below 90IQ whores who don't understand irony and how to react to it.
She's mentally retarded.
>The right should emphasize exactly the opposite: what makes us civilized is our ability to sacrifice animal impulses in favor of a transcendent well-being.
That's what we do, retard. Lefties are the ones who use nature and basedence to justify hedonism.
They don't even do this. The ones that get separated are kidnapped children being used by the border crossers.
This is hot af, sauce?
He also mentions gas chambers. The Germans could not possibly think up a more efficient process to kill 6 million vermin other than "tricking" them into taking a shower 12 at a time but it's really le poison gas! mwahahahaa! And yeah we're totally sending illegal immigrants into gas chambers and not giving them billions of dollars of free shit and encouraging them to come over after destroying the safe border Trump created. oopsie
>mexican woman
>32 iq
checks out
asians is freaky
Not really. I dont care about fags, but homosexuality the way humans practisr it is found no where in nature, homosexual sex within animals is almost always a dominance display.
These lions aren't a valid example as they are in captivity. Animal behviour is massively different.

Also, its a moot point regardless because murder and cannibilism is "natural", but we outlaw them.
she's a prostitute anon she needs to suck that greasy lil weiner so she can buy drugs and pay rent for another month
Thanks for invading russia instead of just letting them fall apart and die off under their own incompetency... you guys could have fucking won. I blame you specifically for this blunder, fag. >:(
There are going to be so many old ass bitches approaching millennial men in home depots when they're like 40-50 and the millennial men will just have some asian fuckslut at home who cooks and cleans.
I beat up a solicitor once because he woke me up from a nap and then proceeded to bang on the door to get my dog to bark at him while he looked through the glass and taunted it. I got a knock from the police the same day and I didn't answer the door. Never heard anything about it since. Feels Good Man.

Not necessarily the problem, the dudes did it all at once, made it across with ease. This totally requires technique. I bet they train this a lot

I'm gonna take your segway and shove it up your ass.
She is indeed.
zoomer is excited to live in a shithole
FYI You're using the English language to communicate your frustrated asschaped thoughts, Cucky.
>France has the more Michelin Star
Brown hands typed this!


Wtf you on about?
Your a hole...ass hole, so sit down on it.
There's a reason black women fap to black punks getting manhandled and arrested by White cops. black men are scum.
This nigger had cold sugar cereal for breakfast and all the boxes are stacked ontop of the fridge in his mama's efficiency apartment.
traveling is gay and people only do it because women are fucking retarded and bitch if you don't take them places
Fuck right off, ma'e
File: gatinha7.webm (497 KB, 300x480)
497 KB
I'm not a Kitty, fk.
>sperged out because he heard 3 people talking
And they're the problem. Sure thing, fucktard
What's the point of going into a place like this if you want it to be a huge american stroad?
Does this enby tard look black to you, you moron?
>Victoria Sponge Cake
It's as bland as the real queen Victoria?
Yeah that's the reason. You proved that you are way more fucking retarded than the hoes in that video.
>he thinks we're using the English language because of the British
This horrible cunt has never worked a day in her life. She doesn't deserve the luxury of travel. I love foreign countries I love travel this horrible woman makes me want to kill myself.
Niggergardless of your evading the topic, you haven't really addressed the moral contradiction of your opinion.
Ti abbraccio e ti supporto, odio i turisti che non sanno fare gli ospiti a casa degli altri.
Plenty of roads and infrastructures to go by, problem is that your lazy ass is just so used to motorized transport you would go to the toilet by car if you could.

Also, guess what? If your 8-lanes roads were in historical town, you wouldn't have the historical town.
Don't come over, stay there where you are.
We got bidets too, but you don't know what to do with that, do you?
three's a crowd.
meh, those wop faggots can get fucked. Their shit is one of the most racist things on that chink psyop app.
>fuck greedy landlords and them raising rent and stealing my security deposit
How fucked up do you have to be that your family dinners need that much hard alcohol within easy reach?
Max Rating: Two hos.
Definitely technique. None of them even tried to get momentum.
>implying I know the name of any of my neighbors
Also, she's hot enough that there's other ways she could make a sale.
influencers who sell motivational speeches and make videos about their success say that you shouldn't take a no for an answer and be very aggressive with selling services/products, so now you got really obnoxious door to door salespeople as a result
>clueless zero iq response
imaging wasting everybody's traffic
Are we going to pretend that bearded boys wouldn't do the same stupid crap lmao?
fucking mutt neanderthal
He's not holding his steering wheel correctly.
there are literal porn clips on youtube marked as educational. Non-cropped, with vaginas being stuffed and shit
the camera dude is way more excited, that's some cuck energy
win-win theta grindset
I can smell bud light
actually made me laugh
>cover everything in butter
I thought americans love this kind of slop
should I guess?
You need to go with some power and push with your legs forward. They went too slow.
You are obviously trolling but for those who don't know: Cucks are 99% black
He was clearly trolling, that's why I didn't respond...
Gay lions fucking*
ITT: Women being women.
isit electrical or heat ?
uhh anon... how do you know her next bf had a horse cock
cause it make they feel their life a movie
based. She most likely overdosed on heroin that night too.
heat, she wouldn't be able to drop it if it was an electric shock.
Nah it's dogs. They're all about the "doggo" meme.
I am in italy, pay attention stupid new banana boat european
Hearing adults use that word makes me sad.

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