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good morning sirs
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that's fucked up. Poor goat
can't be any worse than the actual shit they eat
See >>27473199
>Dumb fucking emoji video that does nothing to address how Indians keep rising to the top of corporate hierarchies
>Can only stutter and mock a country that is in the early phases of its advancement to one of the world's great powers to economically eclipse the US
Cope and seethe wyt retard. Everything I've said still holds and doesn't matter how many cherry picked videos you find


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>a country that is in the early phases of its advancement
The cow IS sacred, therefore you MUST EAT IT. Not bathe in it's shit
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>out of date and irrelevant meme
India has already made major strides in this department. The backward nature of a few years ago is only held onto by seething copetards like yourself in old videos and muslim communities who are too barbaric to move on, that's all. All of India besides is now more sanitary that your shithole, 38 gender, father kills themselves town

>Same old joke
Again, get new material. India will outpace your backwards European african hellhole, or if your american, overtake you well before your country disintegrates from its own bullshit

>One backwards video means whole country is like this
Yeah ok retards and Im sure theres no where in US which is like that either

Sensitive much? fak u bloody, cope harder.
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>does nothing to address how Indians keep rising to the top of corporate hierarchies
They cowtow their way into higher positions unironically
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This is some sick shit. The goat is still alive at the end. Fuck this culture.
sick fucks. but otoh they still have corrida in spain so fuck them too.
If you are white and you take your wife or girlfriend to India you deserve everything you get for being so clueless.
cope you pathetic faggot
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you're not white, remember this
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>saar white women love us
>still have corrida in spain
They changed the rules to that years ago. You can't do fucked up shit to the bull.
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I don't understand why Indian bros get so much hate :(
canadian vengeance
indians are white retard
>indians are white retard
it's amazing they really believe that, kek. and when they migrate west they are in for a shock no white girl will ever go out with them. they will literally rather go out with a black guy, lmao.
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Congrats anon, this is the craziest shit i've seen since the beginning of the internet
>indians are white retard
No, you don't understand what "white" means clown.
>She can drink my milk.
Bad news raj that wasn't milk.
Can someone post the compilation webm that had rape and a whole lot of other messed up shit please
not defending this, it's obviously subhuman behaviour, but to give some context:

The woman is considered a holy person by indians, among the few that are still alive in India. I forgot the term.
Ah, the expert on bovine anatomy. Apparently pee is stored in the udder.
Hello Saaar
Suuuper Marimuthu Cart all-stars Saaar

What am I supposed to be looking at? I can't tell where to focus and I keep missing it
I was just gunna write this. Def cracked my top ten most fucked up
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"show bobs and vagene pic"
Do you know how language works dipshit?
What the fuck
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Here's a classic
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I hear most of the motorcycle people will try to avoid you. It is when you make big, sudden movements you get hurt.
The walkers eating the horse from the first episode of the walking dead.
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That donkey kills the guy after that video. Tears his throat out. The article said the villagers described the donkey as mean, but you clearly see it tolerate terrible treatment before attacking.
bazed donkey, I wish he snapped his bone in half.
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You haven't even figured out toilets and trains. You aren't going to do anything.
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toronto 2024
Even the donkey was tired of being Indian :(
Stfu disgusting retard
why are you indians so stupid
hello saar
The fucking headwiggle at the end
You know what, atleast they stopped unlike the chinese
why are they doing everything wrong? it's like 99% of the population is genuinely retarded, with 1% making sure everything doesn't fall apart completely.
he's almost crying, I almost feel bad for him
are you saying that video happened in Toronto this year?
lol! Where is the full version of this?
you're welcome saar, enjoy all of it saar
Yep I'm in Canada Place Infested by Indians coming to our nice country to murder political opponents and then getting caught because they're so stupid
omg you are a legend! Thank you so much!
it's 75 in average
dude's channel has a lot more like that
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Thanks, I was looking for this version for a while
I don't know what is harder to believe, that Freddie Mercury is alive or that he's straight.
Not an Indian. But you should also consider colonialsim. Britain took many resources as possible and built industries. I am a history enthusiast.
But it does invalidate your main point. Obviously the brain drain part.
I think you mean
>Indians don't shit everywhere
I was with my wife on a nice hiking trail and we came across a pile of watery shit in the middle of the trail. My wife thought it was somebody's dog, but I said "nah, that looks human. I bet there's Indians around." We got another mile down the trail and passed a group of indians.

>India will outpace your backwards European african hellhole
Not until you stop believing that cow shit cures disease.
>Yeah ok retards and Im sure theres no where in US which is like that either
There are places like that in the US. They're usually populated by mentally ill drug addicts. The thing is, no matter how you try to say otherwise, the majority of india is like this. I've watched a lot of food programs on TV and YouTube, where they're trying to portray india in the best possible light, and there's still a horrifying amount of filth everywhere.
It was pretty obvious that the guy was a cuck and was getting off on it.
>change of shifts at the phone scam call center
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I'll have you know that we went to the moon SAAR
Ok, even if you take the stay holy cows out of the equation, there are 30 million stray dogs, but somehow people are undernourished? I've seen the kind of (literal) shit they eat, and they won't eat dogs?
Hello saar please do not redeem saars >>27477514
I've seen they fuck dogs and cows though
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please be true
a bunch of people stopped right away. they're more civilized than the chinese
what being pegan does to a culture
sv3rige would love this
aPOO, please shut the fuck up, just reading this in yall's retarded accent makes me think all yall shouldve been castrated long ago
indians are fucked up what people do in the name of relligion is so un godly

where the one where the man runs around with a dead baby
there is ONE reason i unironically want to see Indians become civilized: they are the n.1 muslim haters on the planet. and for that im lowkey rooting for them.
Thank you sir
that's the only positive about them but they almost seem worse than muslims. I dont know how they managed that
google "thoppi amma tiruvannamalai" for context
You get what you fucking deserve!

are they retarded?

wheres the compilation video of them all being mowed down?
Cool so what have they done with their free time ever since colonialism? Except worshipping cow shit and raping everything in sight.
it happened in Hong Kong last September & the man's name is supposedly Amit Jariyal, it was reported by the media
>indians are white
>it's amazing they really believe that, kek
I knew there was something weird going on with them my whole life at school. wearing cloths that screamed ''white kid" etc. I thought it was just a money thing, never knew it was this bad tho.
very cool
>Im sure theres no where in US which is like that either
lmao then feel free to post some of these webms showing it. Show us the bantz, saar
One of the videos already posted ITT is obviously from US: >>27473295
it's the malnutrition, average heights are somehow going down especially among indian women
Where's the gangbang video?
fake donkey
The British gave them technology and the basic structure of civilization that is far above their capability to understand or manage. This allowed them to breed faster than they could before.
I hope you choke on a piece of floating trachea next time you take a swim in your shitty river
if they are so malnourished, why are they giving food to fucking "holy mice"?
The donkey literally killed him.
But yes, based donkey.
All I can think of is when the dude eats horse shit in Jackass, "It's so dry!"
>Maga hat
I guess she's based Afterall.
Holy fuck more lol
why dont they send all the homeless people to india since they really seem to enjoy their shenanigans
The same reason people give money to streamers.
You somehow managed to become a nuclear power but they haven't done much with it other than breed to the nth degree
Please just fuck off out of the west I'm going to start playing Minecraft irl just leave
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indians value holy rats more than women
we're exporting the dystopia to the west and japan now saars
alright, what the actual fuck is going on here? do these people think this is normal? most of them don't seem COMPLETELY primitive. surely they have enough access to information that would make them realize that this is fucked up psychotic shit, no?
im an outsider but, if:
">Your children will marry Indians"
does that mean that they get to marry and or fuck indian women?
cause that is also going to happen
BBC is overrated and outdated, I want SIC video now
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his color may be black but his odor is definitely brown
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My children will not marry Indians. Better any group than fucking Indians. Will make exceptions for North Sentinel Island folk once we open up trade with them.
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Not all food is nutritious. Indian food has calories but low nutritional value
>born retarded in india
>worshiped as a deity
sirs do not redeem
Looked like it was full of real donkey though
LOL All hail donkey!
640 million indians choose to shit in the streets instead of using a toilet. They literally believe indoor plumbing is unhygienic and won't put one in their shacks. The other half of the population pretends this doesn't happen because obviously it proves that indians are retarded subhumans. UNICEF launched an awareness campaign trying to get them to use toilets and if you even mention this you will get banned from various platforms for hate speech lmfao.
they gonna go extinct because 25% of their marriages are between family members lmfao
640 million indians shit in the street instead of toilet. Look at the videos in this thread lmao you must be seething with rage. indians have the smallest brains and dicks on the planet and you literally eat cow shit.
ahahahah the cope. India will never evolve beyond making textiles and burying sick people in cow shit and all indian ceo's are DEI hires by woke companies.
She could milk me any day
do not redeem the gift card
>is obviously from US
Yes, it's from a Indian woman in the U.S offering authentic Indian cuisine. Your point?
show this in india and they're gonna think is real.
The elefant literally broke all his bones
I only hope the elephant is ok. same with the based donkey.
not just the flies and their shit covered feet but the spit particles from him blowing.
>"holy person"
>covered in shit and/or some other kind of filth, maybe she puked or spat down on her coat or whatever shes wearing?
>indians literally worship and embrace filth
>wonder why everyone in relatively more hygienic and developed nations think they're dirty

like do they know why? I've seen a few of them complain about all that and they seem to have no clue why we think this.

Though I did have an indian friend in middle school, his family were atheists so they were actually rather clean. His mom was a total germaphobe, and they made a great buttered chicken meal ngl Naan bread is amazing fresh.

Not that impressive. Take stick of butter, ram it up a chickens ass, throw it in the oven. Easy.
Imagine if someone give him a silicon japanese sex doll... He would destroy it in seconds....
This one is funking brutal
What the actual fuck!!!
>muh US
I'm from Chile and we have tons of problems yet we know how to eat in a plate instead of in the ground, we don't breed like bugs and we know how to poo in the loo.
Kill yourself, preferently with a train India-style; don't forget to stream it so we can make fun of your disfigured corpse for the rest of eternity.
topkek, love how steve ages 40 years in two minutes
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>revival crusade
>gets killed
I hope Pakistan develops nuclear powers so they can take India down. I hate India so damn much.
>from Chile
India is really not helping your image, use to mess around with a paki chick for a little, she was pretty cool.
ahahahah the seething indian boy reported me for racism for calling him a fragile pajeet. LOL.
To be fair, putting the toilet in the same room that we shower and brush our teeth is kind of gross. If I built a house from the ground up the room for washing and the room for shitting would be totally separate.
The toilet is not in the same room as the shower or sink... Are you indian? FYI you have to clean the toilet, sar.
unless you're poor*
"to be fair" Yeah a toilet is way worse than openly defecating in the narrow alleyways between shanties and wiping with your hand good point sar! india superpower by 2300!
I'm sorry you don't have a shower anon
I don't agree with that opinion but you're free to shit in an alley if you want I guess. Good luck
25% of paki marriages are between family members. They're just as retarded as indians.
My master bathroom has a shower and a tub and the toilet is in a separate room. The other two bathrooms in my house have the shower/bath and toilet in one room and the sink in another.
it is cleaner than your evil western toilets saaar! Dung has magical healing properties you waste by flushing! You should smear it on your hands before you preparing food and always lick fingers because you do not know what part of the food allah put the nutrition blessing in!
It must be true if you typed the words
Got it thank you for sharing your experiences
Plot twist:This is Toronto.
Saar, I am the poo poo mastar!
Scum like this is why every woman needs to carry a gun when they go out. The fear of a bullet in the belly would definitely cut down on shit like this.
It would be so awesome to plow into a woman that big
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i can't stop laughing fuck
They are making a "Fast Breeder Reactor" which is will become one of the first reactors in tue world that uses thorium as a fuel source. However it has been under construction for 20 YEARS and costs an equivalent to 2.5 billion dollars.

Its also in Tamil Nadu, which is quite literally a Tamil ethnostate that is an entire different world compared to North Hindu Dalit shithole that you see most videos from.
https://www youtube.com/shorts/gvVsLdsd0SQ
Interviewer has to be Indian, how else can you deny India is the dirtiest country
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based kid doesn't fall for poo gaslighting
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good to know hes OK!
He's not, he got stepped on by an elephant 15minutes latter.
>the neck

People don't actually believe this right? I hate india more than you, faggot, but come on, this is worse than some cheap snapchat effect
I can't believe people still believe N-word Anita and this indian scammer incel guy
finally found the full version. thanks man!
>The British gave them technology and the basic structure of civilization that is far above their capability to understand or manage
No, the british destroyed whatever society existed before they conquered india, absolutely obliterated their local industry and agriculture and after the colonists left, the Indians had to pick up the pieces of what was left behind and made up a make believe society of what they used to have.

>understand or manage
Some of the only few people who actually can understand integrated circuits are from india, and i dont mean random individuals, i mean a whole cults inside inside india that does this, very hard working people and i've had the honor to work along side a few of them, but these are probably VERY rare.

>This allowed them to breed faster than they could before
The country was always bound to be a shithole, their economy is pathetic compared to the amount of people exists in there, public school is probably inexistent for the good portion of the infant population, which creates ABYSSAL levels of ignorance. China for example put in place a the single child policy, and still, 700 million people were born between 1950 and 2000, and this is within one generation.
What are they even doing?
Cartoonishly flattened kek
you got to be fucking joking
AI has peaked. there is no reason to improve anymore.
Indian King detected, get rid of that Modi asshole and put him in charge
you literally eat cow shit. your race is utterly subhuman. you make africans look civilized.
idk man, jeets are pretty fucking awful. but i don't live near many muslims so I wouldn't be able to compare them.
they've been like that for hundreds of years. probably the most dysgenic group of "people" on the planet
assuming that jeets will use the internet to learn and better themselves is laughable.

jeets can only use the internet to scam and harass women. it's in their dna
Asians will eat anything, apparently.
some of the flies interact with the dough and get stuck, but yeah most of them look like the TF2 massed flies unusual effect
Please tell me someone has added the Marvel theme music to this

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