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File: 1705965081760155.webm (3.87 MB, 1280x720)
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Futa/dickgirl/shemale/nuhalf thread

Post whatever in the genre.
You can only argue the opposite of your beliefs in this thread.
>Ex: "Futa is gay" means you believe futa is not gay. "Futanari don't need to have vaginas" means you believe they actually do need vaginas.
Good luck :)
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>zero engaugment
>zero other posters
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thread needs more than just the usual 3d slop
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If you post more I'll post more
sure, as long as this thread doesn't turn out like the utter shitshow that was the last one
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What happened last thread?
it technically wasn't straight up futa thread, it was male on futa, but tl.dr it derailed horribly, I tried keeping it alive hoping something good would come out of it but for the most part it was just retards talking without posting anything to contribute. Some buffoon even posted irl tranny porn at one point, it was shit. Plus at one point it just refused to die, bc someone always came back to continue the stupid fucking arguments.
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I feel like bible black gets posted so little. This scene and the scene leading up to it, with the crazy dude with the shotgun, was my bread and butter for a long time.

I feel like a lot of animation misses the mark, the girl being taken advantage of should not start to enjoy it, like getting fucked by a demon dog shouldn't be just what she needed.

Example provided.
is this what retarded broccoli head zoomer fags are into?
A bunch of gay dudes showed up and started posting webms of women with dicks.
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>Some buffoon even posted irl tranny porn at one point
Oh I remember browsing that thread and seeing that! Damn what a shit show indeed
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So you're actually into this you mean?
back when derpixon was good
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Pregnant Angel, dunno which one, just look up the name or ''Alons Factory" on sankaku, I know they have a bunch of vids there. There were a ton of entire hour long compilations for the galleries of the Alons games on PH, but they were lost after the purge. Should've saved them when I had the chance
File: Codi Vore Siri futa.webm (3.51 MB, 640x360)
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Sauce for this?
Futa x Futa is gold standard.
anyone have the PE2 intermezzo desiresfm 90 seconds clip
is there any futanari incest? daughter fucking her mother and vice versa? Futanari female on female, not something else.
the problem with these 3d creators is that due to various policies they cannot or do not choose even when they can to make futanari incest films with attractive female bodies. Of females turning into futanari and having sex with other females.
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Who is this artist again? I love when there’s stuff like this. Animalistic nursing, cock/ball worship, the woman/women being in this frenzied state of attention to the futa etc.
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Thank you so much!
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Another 3 day collab animation challenge going on btw. day 2 nyl.
proof that women can never become men
Of course not. You can't just add reason and accountability to someone.
The peridot cucking is insane
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Futa can't be gay guys. When it comes to porn and erotica finding weird and unrealistic things hot is perfectly normal. There's people who find furry, scaly, ponies and anthro hot but it doesn't have to reflect on their real life sexuality. A woman with a comically large penis is so unrealistic and left fiend that it's just a breath of fresh air from the normal dynamics. It's hot because its weird and unrealistic. If you find that purple bitch with a penis fucking that British bitch hot you can still be a straight man. All that matters is what you do in the real world....
It's gay anon but not as gay as straight porn.

You need to watch women fuck themselves or lesbian porn.
Is there a full video?
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god damn that triggers my agp
>anyone have the PE2 intermezzo desiresfm 90 seconds clip
is this good?
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Holy fuck. We're up to a good start!
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I guess everyone who consumes porn is gay then.
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