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Perfect female buttholes
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How open are girls on doing any ass stuff like anal, licking or something else?
From my experience, they are relatively open. Much more open than they would have been in the past. I've never had anal sex myself, but I know that the last girl I was with would have been cool with it. Most women are open to licking, in my experience.
Not much apparently, fucked a girl in the ass on the second date, met her at the club, she looked slutty and throated me after the party, next encounter just asked if she wanted it in the ass and said yes.

The only one i've fucked in the ass, the other ones, completely averse to that matter.

Fucked her maybe 5 times, one of them she rimmed me without asking

I suppose you have to pick a freak
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Yum, why are women's assholes so good bros?!
>she rimmed me
Kek, I've gone back and forth on whether I would like this or not. I kind of like it in a BDSM-type scenario where I'm the dom, but outside of that I'm not so sure. Do you recommend?
Very, very few say no especially these days. Eating ass is almost expected desu
every part of a woman was created for the sole purpose of getting men to impregnate them, they're literally meant for being lusted over and bred
Fortunately, porn has shifted "perspectives" on anal, such that Chads more frequently expect it, so Stacy is more likely to give it due to both female competition for Chad as well as people being less judgy for it overall (remember, being a tranny/pedo is current year's disgusting shit).

Though there is no real way of knowing. Women say and do completely different things, so surveys are meaningless and we don't exactly spy on women to count the instances of real anal sex.
I kinda fucked my dick and at that moment had death grip, which was kinda good for fucking her nonstop for hours but even anal can't make me cum.

She was licking my ass and throating me, was the first and only time i came with a woman, it feels fucking amazing.

I'm ruined tho, fucked another girl 2 days ago, pussy tight AF, but didn't came, i need to stop masturbating fuuuuck
Just ease off the porn and you'll be having the opposite problem, best of luck!

Who is she?
I've done butt stuff with 5/6 girlfriends I've had. Of those, all liked getting their asses eaten, two licked my ass, and 3 took it up the ass. My current gf is Colombian and complains if I don't fuck her in the ass and requests it multiple times per week
>complains if I don't fuck her in the ass and requests it multiple times per week
best girls. if you break up with her, let me know.
Fucked 3/3 girls in the ass. With the girl I stayed with more I did it less than the others, she was not good at sex at all.
Another one was down to it everytime I wanted because she was very submissive
My current gf loves the idea of it and the fact that makes me horny as fuck, but she had IBD so she feels too much pain. She let me finger her ass and rim her while she deepthroats me though
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And how do you know unless you fucked a hundred girls, but that would say something about them anyway.
One thing is sure, porn is popular even among girls (they watch it, not so obsessively like males but they do) and anal is everywhere.
Some still refuse the idea, others are open to it because they think they should, others are really into it.
Difficult to give numbers.
My tip is just start with delicate fingering and don't mention anal, time will tell how far she will go.
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Seek help, sicko
It's more normal than it was but still not THE norm as far as I can tell. Gf loves it and actually asks to do it, previous two didn't want a bar of it.
I'd say it's pretty 50/50 if women are open to it. At least from what I've experienced.
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My girlfriend never asks for it, and I always have to push her for it. Every time she opens her ass to me, she orgasms so hard she cries.
This is what I don't get. Even the ones that end up orgasming from it act reluctant to do it. Why?
Anal elevates her rape kink
How does it feel to be inside of a girl’s butthole?

I’ve heard it’s really tight at first but opens up as you slide in.

God I want to experience this so bad but the girls I’ve been with find it gross.
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That is really pretty accurate. It has less sensation than a vagina, but the mental appeal makes up for it if you are into it.

A lot of people who have anal enjoy it due to the novelty and taboo nature more than the physical sensation.
Tight and gritty around the entrance, and not much beyond, but it might feel a little squishy. It's nice when you're first going in, you feel her butthole twitch around your cock to accomodate you. Then when she's ready, it feels loose and slipper (at least with lube).

Just find women to pay for it. I've had a couple "real" girls do it with me, but most my anal experiences were with "sugar babies" on Seeking.
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My gf likes her ass eaten, not fucked unfortunately. Still a work in progress. She did it with me once but said it felt too weird. Any advice from other anons how to ease her into it would be helpful.
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Anal training my girlfriend got a lot smoother once I bought some small silicone toys. Fingernails are hard even when cut short, but a soft silicone dildo works wonders at getting my girl's shithole loose and ready.
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I just can't help it, I know what I like
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Naomi Soraya
Did she quit? Suddenly hard to find her.
If she really likes or loves you she will do ass stuff. My wife is not into anal but she knows I enjoy it so we do it often and it always ends with an anal creampie.
They're just scared of accidentally shitting
Why do i want to put my tongue in her anus so bad if i know there's shit there?
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Maybe that excites you
After a while, they tend to get over that. Sometimes even cleaning out can be fun.
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nah looks like water
I licked my ex-wife's asshole and I'm pretty sure that's where it all started to fall apart. Her respect for me went out the door.
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My fav webm. Sauce would be appreciated
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Current gf loves her ass n pussy ate, but is reluctant to try anal which is fair enough desu I'd never push it on anyone.

My ex was a total buttslut, though. She actually preferred it. She did once squirt so hard she shit herself a lil, though. She cried and had to go home to take a shower even though it was no big deal to me and I was supportive.
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I want to avoid all the tiring drama and just meet and baby a chill, cute girl with an insatiable hunger for all sorts of anal play. Send me your energy, lads! UOOOOOOOOHHH!!!
top kek
Lolliepopxxx “I Squirt on my Boyfriend's Face in Public” on PornHub
couple_of_perverts on reddit. She has the kind of asshole that makes you want to swear off pussy.
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I am keeping this thread aflout by myself. Where are my turd cutter lovers?
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Sauce please anyone?
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And this is where we keep our prized female buttholes. Go on. Take a look. :-)

assholes usually gross me out, but there's just something about hers that makes me want to tongue it like a pussy

also, the faces she makes are insanely hot

her name is stella mori

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