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Post 3 faggot
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sorry 4 reposting it's just that last time i posted this the thread got slid within minutes
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and there was a third clip of this guy that i sadly can't post or janjan will go feral
basically he played a song on youtube that was requested by his chat and got caught by dreamybull
afterwards he cluelessly entered his email on an imageboard and started getting signed up for porn and stuff lolkek
>It's another oddkast, bossmanjack, ghost, and dellor shitfest
sad to think he killed himself after this stream
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idk why, but the text to speech is funny to me
this made me chuckle
You guys killed this man. May be rest in piece.
Then leave the thread, faggot.
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What the hell happened?
He got sent scheiße.
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crunchy oddkast chocolate fresh from the renowned cooler
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post new content for once, faggot
i miss the old dwane/dale/chernoandyl streams
all the recent trihard content is just the same bunch of retards like this Jew
zero effort into playing anything on stream, zero effort into keeping his "character" real (so much for being a "christian" when you cry about blood then go on to play counter strike), zero humorous retorts
nearly all the shit he gets requested on stream sucks, too
at least there are still some compilations of the old stuff on bitchute/odysee with all the call-ins and nigger sr spam
speaking of which, have a 30-something minute long compilation that I absolutely cannot be bothered to turn into webm's to post in this shit thread


PS.: I hope Bill Jensen gets swatted and shot to death. less jewish money hungry faggots = better
This is art
cool story bro
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He's just a less funny version of the Jesus Charline (RIP Jay Walkow/Steven Chilton)
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Why in the fuck did they raided him?
no, not "less funny", completely unfunny
his only reaction to anything is screaming, beside the rare moments when he plays dumb or tries to insult someone
all the content is provided by the 'tards who donate videos or rarely call in
and even then it's just 90% faggot garbage, 9% anything gore/nigger/earrape related and 1% gold

i sincerely hope that stupid jewish nigger will get a reality check someday and kill himself shortly after
he's even got a fake viewcount up on his stream, there aren't even a 100 people watching, it's 50 at best

compared to all these frauds the dwane/dale/chernoandyl era was great solely because they were as honest as they could. no "characters" being played, faggots universally laughed at, them providing some actual content etc.

there's absolutely zero Goddamn concessions to be made about the state of this shitshow today.
shout out to the "'terror'gang" led by a tranny lover who takes out his frustration by screaming nigger as if he's also trying to make up for the fact he gets fucked, robbed and beaten by them whenever he takes a stroll outside of his jewish neighborhood.
PS.: even that hotline managed to produce quite a few legendary clips for how long it lasted. the kike faggot under the alias of "bill jewson" has been around for ~4 years (with a 2 year break) and has just about none that involved him directly. it's always a video or someone else.

they don't know how to play along. all everyone cares about is upholding the completely soulless wasteland they're stuck in. oddkast should have been taken as a sign of where it has gotten. jew slaves and "business owners" ganging up on a waste of life to act like they're better. literal shit insulting an even bigger pile of it.

might as well just let it all die since it's clear the line is being drawn between sodom&gomorrah cultists and the elect. fuck you and kill yourself along with the rest of them. mentally impaired deranged shit-tier humor apologists.
Love this one!
Did he actually?
i can't find any stated reason for the raid or for the arrest in the raid, just articles claiming that he was either killed, is still alive or he was never arrested - but none of them explain why tho he's involved with vaccine conspiracies so that could be the reason for the arrest
fail lol
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oh mah fukken lord
Bill did get swatted twice before which is why he moved houses and then his family got swatted again.
He’s also worse than the original Christianity Hotline ran by Truxton and that one had the cat killer homosexual Gabe Kekel.
The worst part about Bill Jensen is his faggy community of 9-year olds who think Ram Ranch and being gay is the peak of comedy and freak out when Bill gets sent Ronnie Mcnutt or some other gore or shocker by Medic7 or other trihard people. They all have a discord where they circlejerk each other and cry about Medic7 and how he’s behind everything bad that happens to Bill
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My brother and I quote this one all the time
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holy shit i was not ready for that last one. top fucking zozzle
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LOL their accents remind me of Medal of Honor on the PS1.
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>Is that a white man being an activist!?oyyy vey send in the anglo dogs
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Just make your own lol not like you're paying for anything nigger
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Latinx gets stream rekt, heartwarming <3
it's like he's automaton that gets activated by the n word
is that slimy jew eric pape still making that dogshit buddhism hotline show nowadays?
Shoutout Sean Ranklin
Germans are used to eating it though. It's their favorite national food.
That’s Audio of Dwane himself saying Suck a Nigger. Dwane is a troll who pretends to be a normie streamer
He was peeking.
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as long as it's not too extreme like sending prostitutes to his house or destroying his po box with scorpions, callum takes getting trolled pretty well
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nerve gas (non-lethal)
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I cut the clip
i love this fucking guy
quality > quantity
make the effort to post new content rather than recycle if you're going to make a thread

Scorpions in the PO box is such a funny troll, why those in particular?
Sort of, he is pretty alive but his live-streaming is over. His discord is pretty dead if you are wondering if he has one
Is that Dellor?
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and why should literally anyone give a flying fuck how you feel fag. You should apply to be a faggot janny since you like telling people what and what can't be posted
Did he notice?
That was an accident.
Based Dale.
You type like an underage newfag who's used to discord. Maybe that's more your speed.
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make me nigger
He should've said "Master of Niggers".
you should goddamn respect how we feel if you're going to contribute you vaccinated virgin
Dr Noack was spot on about the graphene micro/nano blades that are destroying covidiots organs as we speak, that's the reason why so many "died suddenly" are on the rise now

jewish controlled media will never talk about this

Dr Noack was silenced and killed for this, but his knowledge lives on

This is the same case as Frank Suarez, who got mind controlled and made to jump from a building as he ALSO knew about the truth of the genetic modification therapy that underwent during the covid hoax in 2020

come to /pol/ If you wanna know more and ask around
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and to further explain how the micro/nano blades works look at it this way:

- they injected you with graphene
- grapehe that is now circulating all over your blood and body
- graphene is a kind of metal
- metal conducts electricity and It's affected by electromagnetic fields
- graphene in your body gets attracted by this magnetic fields slicing you from inside microscopically and gradually without you noticing
- over time the damages accumulates and you mysteriously die as nobody can pinpoint the exact cause of your death
- the jews will classify your death as whatever shit they want to promote e.g. covid19
- nobody will notice the real death toll until It's too late

and that's only 1 type of "vaccine" they injected into the npc cattle (you)

If you think this is bullshit, let me remind you of those people who "died suddenly" during the travis rapper festival a few years ago.....

(metal is affected by vibrations.... like..... huge loud speakers.....)

no refunds vaxxies......................
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This rekt was so satisfying to see. This smug turkroach should have realized not to look in the twitter replies section.
if he was his streams would be getting archived somewhere but aside from compilations made by handsome luke like 4+ years ago there's been nothing
except all the new content is garbage and that's why no one is making any
Unfortunately Eric is still streaming I checked his YouTube account there are still regular streams but it’s boring
>Streamer rekt thread
>90% of it is oddkast podcast shit
>no new content
why even make this thread again?
>graphene is a kind of metal

Police afterwards claimed that they mistook him for a criminal. Same thing has happened to numerous right-wing political activists, they just weren't live-streaming the ordeal.

It's how the state harasses political dissidents while maintaining plausible deniability.
shalom rabbi, graphene IS a kind of metal, thank you for your time
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Nope, graphene is made from carbon, which is very clearly not a metal.

At best, you can classify graphene as a semimetal:

But there's a specific reason why you think that graphene is a metal: you are mentally retarded.
And everyone who talks to you immediately notices that you're retarded.

That's why it's so unfortunate that you're also anti-Jewish. People like you are the reason that most normies think Jewish media control etc. is just a conspiracy theory believed exclusively by retards.
>At best, you can classify graphene as a semimetal
>as a semimetal
thank you for updooting my point and ALSO thank you for not saying what Dr Noack said about the "vaccines" (genetic therapy / cancer injection) is false at all

whatever is your definition on graphene, he was killed by glowniggers
>That's why it's so unfortunate that you're also anti-Jewish.
hurt your fellings rabbi? fuck off and go suck a baby's foreskin
Just goes to show how dumb these shitlibs are.
Look at this nigga's fag ass haircut
"Nigger sayer" kek.
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kek germans are funny
kek i was lookin for this
there were a million perfectly rational arguments not to take the vaccines, yet you assholes kept talking about all this insane horseshit that the Jews gave you.
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That video got him banned from vaughn for good. He was pretty pissed off about it because he said he didn't show porn and it could have been a fake bang.
Lmao get fucked
Two more weeks to the mass die-off
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It was also funny to me that he didn't even see anybody join the lobby yet he still correctly guessed that it was coming from the game and not discord/song requests/etc
Doesn't look like anything to me
Does anyone have the full Pop Monster video? I've seen clips so many times but never the full thing
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get trolled by a kid
i love these ones. anyone got more hulks?
Whos got some bossman clips in honor of his arrest
>his arrest
QRD? You wouldn't troll me, right anon?
i feel so bad for bt his smile bringing all the memories from the good times

but y'all had to ruin it all

doxxers, scammers and pedos

fuck you all
are you retarded?
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search up FURRY_PIG on Pornhub or some gay scat website
the fuck is happening
He still beat boogie2988s ass. It's sad when you lose to something that looks like this.
Don't mind me, just posting a comment to see if I'm shadow banned
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>posts unrelated webm to sperg about 2020 boomer facebook conspiracy
are all Germans like this?
God I fucking love how he instantly knew, it's a fucking classic
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posting the GOAT of streamer rekt rq
"Oh a stranger came in acting odd and then had a device that said it was a bomb"
Running is the least dumb choice. Reporting is the required response. You would look so cool standing there, though. Not impressed or intimidated by his shenanigans. You're so cool. Fuck.
>Reporting is the required response.
It depends on what state you live in, almost all of them do not have a Duty to Aid.
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Just in case anyone thinks they should feel sorry for him:

Slow reactions, almost no facial reactions at all
Just like that "gun in my pocket, spic nigger" one, it's dubbed and fake

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