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Pvts and horrendous music taste, name a more iconic combo
What's Pvts ?
I wanna join but I got diagnosed with depression after my fathers death I don't think military would take me in plus I have minor asthma
eat shit and die, shabbos goblino
Imagine being zogbot cannon fodder to die for Israel
Stop asking questions and do as your told fags

You don't ask questions as a soldier you do as your told
terrible chain of command and reckless waste of human life?
Yes your a slave now accept who you are and sign up faggot
Would u recommend joining military anon as loser incel
Everyone lies on their entrance medical
My recruiter coached me on how to lie to MEPS kek
where da simpsons video at ?
You would think US military would have access to private health info though ?

What enlistments would you recommend
Do NOT fucking join in this day and age under any circumstances.
Don't listen to the zogbot traitor, he's jewish and trying to get you to die for israel
Lot of useful skills plus I'd do something not infantry and even the death rate of US personnel is so low that there's little to no risk

only one apache passed maintenance checks it was supposed to be 3
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No thanks, I'm not a mentally ill dude
>lady gaga
Yeah I'm sure that will bring in record numbers on that recruiting, faggot
America's old nemesis fell in 1991 and has now been crushed by the poorest country in Europe.

China is crippled by corruption and birth rates in free fall.

The world is safer than it has been for the last 100 years.
Can't since I actually have Aspergers and that's a disqualifer

Would like to since I always wanted to be in the Calvary
Wow, I suddenly have the urge to be a government slave for 4 years, surrounded by mutts and goblinas, fed horrendous goyslop, and injected with experimental juices, all while working against the interests of my friends, family, and countrymen for the exclusive benefit of senators, government contractors, and greater Israel (who BTW all hate me and my people), at the cost of being crippled for life or killed! Thanks OP!
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Thread feels as genuine as the holocaust. This is what happens when mutts put all the barely human trash into their military, including recruitment.
You are reduced to beg for morons on a porn and gore board of all places LMFAO.
>Sign up mutts, you're gonna get a FREE, yes FREE random STD from "lady" lujan's rotten asshole! We promise you'll at least get a whiff of that yeast!
>If you behave yourselves, get fucked in the ass regularly and eat enough shit we'll let you come with us to Salo'!
You ought to be the most pathetic sack of crap imaginable to join such a mongrel broken rectum "military", almost as pathetic as the goblins that bit and are now trying to lure you in KEK.
No one is dying for these jews
kys, fed
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>get treated like shit
>get paid like shit
>4 of the best years of your life gone
Unless you're literally homeless and/or there is a very specific skill-set you want to learn and plan to capitalize on after you're out, there is no reason to join the military. Even if you do enlist the coast guard and air force are just plainly better branches to spend your time in.
>Best answer
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>die for israel
Meanwhile 500k russoids die for banan.
Waiting for you to actually make an argument against anything I just said, schizo.
And how is this possible? You convert to Judaism and then join the IDF?? Explain yourself poltard cunt
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This is not ylyl. Also, what a pathetic loser lmao ‘MSc’
armyfags are cannonfodder for the political games of old senile retards, simple as.

Veterans who have not had a thinking brain beat out of them end up with PTSD and suicide. All the rest become hobos.

Janitors make more money than grunts and unlike grunts they have the free time to fuck pussy. Awful career. Jocko Willink niggers want you there so they can shout at you and get you killed because officers are almost as retarded as the soldiers.

ok coward
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you suck cock when given orders (you fear punishment)
i do not live in fear
therefore i am braver than you faggot soon to be mall cop.
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this is actual bravery
choosing this pain instead of killing people defending themselves (and likely dying yourself) because by refusing you are going to be put in prison then transferred to a wagner penal battalion with rapists

So, no answer, k
proxy force aka meat shields nigger
fuck off recruiter, you will always be lower than pedos
Recruiter-anon, how do I maximize my chances of getting 68W? I have no interest in anything else.
I'm a retarded mathlet who never learned algebra and dropped out of high school. Pretty good in every other field. Can I fail AR and still score high enough on the ASVAB to qualify for 68W?
>But muh 20 years in le afghan lost!!!
>I must make a shitty youtube series and sell gay shirts to cope, might even twitch stream and get sponsored by coffee
>You don't understand, it heckin "turned my life around!"
zogbots, anons.
No excuse to join zog
This is the only thing stopping me from joining the military, I want to be a soldier so bad, but they're so zogged it's unbelievable. Is the French Foreign Legion somewhat based?
True. He chose pain over serving evil.
Are these the illegal border crossings I've been hearing about?
Sign up, get treated like a piece of fucking garbage every step of the way - especially when you're injured and can't serve anymore
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Fucking lmao I was just thinking of this!
>Die for kikes
we aren't even in any wars.
Jewish thread spotted
yes actually, the less stuff you have that emotionally ties you to your old life the better. So many guys double down on their civilian life trying to hold on, so many 18-19 year old dudes go put and get married to try and prevent their girl from leaving etc. my biggest struggle was missing my family.

the less you have outside the military the more easy the transition to military life will be.
every western army is a zog proxy, the FFL take orders from France, except they're even more retarded because they're a literal suicide regiment for immigrants, criminals and retards in pursuit of vain glory.
If you really want to die that badly, there are much easier ways to do it.
Get paid to be gay?
>>27476637 this looks like stuff only a psychopath would love.
what? can't hear you over the permanent hearing loss
can't wait to get hearing aids at 40
You can always join Hamas Hezbollah or Iran's army, you can probably find a nice wife and have a street named after you if you die a hero.
USAF 2S051

I love my career and my country. Simple as.
This thread is fucking hilarious. 70% of the soldiers in this thread are one bad dream away from Kurt Cobaing his brains across the wall. Lol I’m convinced that soldiers are cucks anyway cuz they sure love going over seas and letting someone fuck there girlfriends or wife
nafo is losing to russia kek
Then there's no need for me to join up.
>Sucking dick for ZOG
So what! You'd get a sweet 10% disability for the rest of your life - Think of what you could buy with that extra $171.23 per month! Hooah!
High optempo and understaffing
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LMAO, meat bags are so fragile.
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>the FFL take orders from France
I thought it was independent from the French government
>except they're even more retarded because they're a literal suicide regiment for immigrants, criminals and retards in pursuit of vain glory
You broke my dream, but you're right it really is just a brigade of lowlife filth that failed at everything. Back then it was respectable, but now it's trash. So I guess the best thing to do is starting my own militia. What do you think about Iran's army?
Both Hamas and Hezbollah are controlled opposition and I doubt they accept non-muslims.
>you can probably find a nice wife
I'd go to church if I wanted a wife.
>cant see the big picture
I swear to god, hindsight and common sense are fucking superpowers at this point
You fucking retard. If you think Ukraine has a chance in hell to rid of Russia at all, you are delusional. America could still beat them though.
China is currently pushing operations off the coast of Taiwan as we speak.
The Taliban are currently being OPENLY funded by the U.S. government, billions of dollars in equipment and aid.
There is no such thing as peacetime.
There is only preparation and war, where defense contractors supply our instruments in a perpetual conflict that had no beginning nor end and surrounds our daily lives to influence our society of death.
Do not be fooled, the time is at hand when He will come like a thief in the night. Schizo out.
>I suddenly have the urge to be a government slave for 4 years
That's the funny part, your actual obligation is longer than that. IRR obligation is eight (8) years. Imagine being such a retard loser that you sell yourself into this level of nigger cattle slavery.
>And how is this possible?
US military IS the Israeli Foreign Legion. Shoulda read the fine print goy.
>maximize my chances of getting 68W
>I'm a retarded mathlet who never learned algebra and dropped out of high school.
Bro, why are you even considering this? I know an ex Army Medic and an ex Navy Corpsman and neither has a good hindsight opinion of the military. Just get yourself into education and start learning what you need to get a degree or certification for whatever career you want. Much better time spent. Community college is cheap and you can start wherever you need to get where you want. Just learn to take school work seriously instead of relying on the military to make you do it.
Homo detected.
NO reason for anyone to join then!
Again, fuck off recruiters, you're worse than pedos.
Imagine, right, imagine choosing serving the evil israeli empire by slaving away for the united states military which wants you dead.
Imagine not using your life skills to better yourself, your family and your local community.
For those so against joining the military what would you suggest as a substitute for the purposeless man
A trade. Plumber, Electrician, Carpenter, you name it, just make sure it's a trade. Don't be an office slave. Use your trade in your local community for the greater good. You could go Paramedic or a Firefighter, but these take an even worse mental toll on you than the military. Also volunteer for first aid courses and the like. Check on your neighbours, keep your house and your street clean, and be there for your family.
Thanks anon, I think for me it's either a Trade or the Military. And I'm not sure if I feel very positive about signing my life away for 4 years so I have yet to decide
The new jungle camo looks fab-you-luss!
Look, back in the old days, the military was a good career path to getting qualifications and trades, then you got out. Now you get nothing except physical and mental fuckery.
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Suck my cock you whore.
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Bend over bitch
Can't get a regular job anymore. Would never pass the psyche screening. Ntm i'm not legally allowed to own guns atm.
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Spread your slut legs.
Marine anon here. When I made the decision to join the military, I decided why should I settle less than be an infantryman? For soldiering, the only currency is your life. I have found the determination and purpose to preserve it, nurture it and teach others the ways of the sword. Of course, it's lonely as fuck. I'm estranged from my family, can't hold a good woman, reckless with material possessions, they mean less to me than the ultimate game. Truly, there is war everywhere we go. War of the spirit, of our mind...whatever you choose, friend, choose it lovingly.
13b (field artillery) fag here. She is in a chief position usually e-5 primarily e-6
Thanks Anon, somebody may call you a schizo but I can see what you're saying. Your words mean something to me and I thank you
>Marine anon here
my condolences
Already did. Thanks for the GI Bill and 20% VA for tinnitus I don't have
In the 1990s, US Army aided and abetted Al Qaeda killing Orthodox Christians.
Commissioned in as an Officer for the Air Force. Life is good. Pay is good. I feel that there is this misconception that you're some sort of obedient schmuck but honestly, having worked in the private sector, life in the Military is better in many ways.
The fun shit makes up less than 1% of the time you spend in the zog machine and is absolutely not worth the time wasted to get there nor the constant humiliation rituals you endure pretending like the lifer retards who outrank you are worthy of your respect and obedience.

Also you are basically guaranteed to get cancer, either from chemical exposure, the decaying infrastructure, or experimental vax.
Nice no reason for anyone to join up. Lets reduce military funding too.
This. You'll have a good day somewhere in your first eight-year commitment, and they'll try to use that one good day as a reason for you to go indef. Don't do it.
Holy recruiter samefag, get the fuck OUT you faggot
No one's falling for your shit
Fuck you recruiter, see >>27486020
this is a new low for the US Army, jesus fucking christ

of all places in the world and on the internet, they thought /gif/ would be a good place to recruit

>gee I just read some comment by Anonymous on 4chan, that's it sign me up!

jesus motherfucking christ
You're one of those "I almost signed up" boomers, huh?
idkmybffjill roflcopter
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I'll gladly give my life for multiculturalism, LGTV rights and G*d's chosen people!

Blast waves travelling through your brain kill your feelings, your memory, you skills and your personality. Fun? Nope.
a shill thread, made by glowy paod shills.
someone should post some videos from ukraine, what happens to those who join the army.
bro how dare you. this destroys the glowy shilling to join the army. the glowy will try to ban you.
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You triggered all the dirty mudslimes and neoRETARDn*zis, nicely done! Kek
they die so they can free themselves from the burdens of this evil world.

No war is ever fought for freedom.
All wars are fought for the rich!
lol, respectable
the reason it used to have the phrase "the FFL is as good as its worst German" is because so many Germans fled execution, prison or other forms of persecution by joining after the collapse of Nazi Germany - it's the same reason there are French versions of Wehrmacht songs
it has always been a force of immigrants and crazy low life scum seeking escape with little else to go to
like the other anon said, suicide brigade, is a good way of thinking of it, though it's less like that than it used to be I'm sure - by the sounds of things it is just a shoddy military force where you spend most of your time as a janitor doing ridiculous reps of callisthenics and lugging shit about, every now and again you might be on some front line township in Africa or something and get shot at by angry 'terrorists' over there
until recently they would accept people on the run from the law, like drug dealers and murderers, as well as people who defected or were kicked out of other militaries
back then it was respectable HA
not that that isn't a reason for joining, if you want to experience that lifestyle or whatever, get shouted at and made to do 500 press ups or whatever, but sure is delusional to think otherwise, that it was noble lol what a drip
the only parts of the military that are 'noble' (so retarded how can the war machine meat grinder be noble under any pretence) are the parts that are filled with rich kiddies and toffs, like the SAS

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