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idk why ,but I cant jack off to her. Doesnt really make sense
she is finally pretty now that she has got her tits done
probably because she's mid af
I'll tell ya why. Her bf, or who tf is that, has horrible balls. Wtf are even those, it's like a single ball lmao
I liked her better before the boob job
she has no charisma
You're right. He cums like half a mL as well
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Me neither. She looks plastic (and not in the fun bimbo way) due to the combination of fetal alcohol syndrome and weird surgeries that make her face stiff and lifeless. Her performance is mediocre at best, there's never any emotion or passion, just robotic movements and/or over-exaggerated facial expressions.
Also, not that I tend to pay much attention to men in porn but like >>27479424 and >>27480131 say, her roidtranny BF is distractingly terrible too.
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Holy shit that overhead view is actually hot asf
That's probably it. She has the aura of a background NPC.
the soulless whore aura is part of the charm
She's Russian
She was cute before the surgeries
i personally find makima to be the most annoying overated character i have ever fucking seen.
but at the same time... she looks SO FUCKING GOOD with a dick in her mouth and the look shes giving the camera is fucking sexy as fuck
0:04-0:05 i fucking love the way she moves her head left and right while going down
0:06-0:12 her looking down at it then at the camera back and fourth is super fucking hot
0:14-0:15 i fucking LOVE her head being pushed down and held for a second
just the way she looks at the camera while shes getting face fucked is so fucking hot
even her ass in the back looks fucking great
He's on roids. They make your nuts shrink so small that all you have left is an empty ballsack.
It's such a shame that a chick so attractive has to fuck such a tiny dick on Cam & still, retards pay for it.
Her body looks perfect but her face looks dead.
Why does she have that dead glazed look like Amouranth? Is it filters or what
See >>27480571. Bad facial surgery combined with her mother enjoying the good ol' drinky-drinky during pregnancy like all good Russian mothers.

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