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fight 1 vs 1
File: bf vs sons.webm (3.33 MB, 360x640)
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based korean war veteran tomacco farmer vs pathetic lifelong peacetime city slicker
one of the best videos ever bro... kino... the worst and best of british culture distilled into 2 minutes
>he may have beat you while you were down like a nigger but at least now he's helping you up when he realises he's probably gonna get the book thrown at him for this
>bf vs sons
What is bf?
excellent camera work
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I know you didn't mean professional fights, but this is all I've got and I wanna bump.
Also, what a move. Looks like he knocked up out with a sleep spell
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Sometimes in my mind I hype myself up about how good I'd be in a fight
Then shit like this comes along and suplexes me right into the ground
Suplexes are fucking retarded, go watch the video where the brittard snaps his own neck trying it on some guy in the street. Only reason it worked in that video is because the tranny has that stick figure physique
>one minute of buildup
>1 second of punching
>no aftermath of the retard walking around all proud gargling for air on the wet street
get better videos wtf, at least cut out the fifty prior seconds of nonsense, wasting my fucking time
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>suplexes are shit and dangerous!
Maybe you shouldn't fight if you're such a wrestlet? You're right to be afraid of suplexes btw
lmao another proof TROONS will never be real women
A woman would be immediately knocked out after that slam, but the TROON behemoth just walks away as if nothing happened
nigga folded him like when you bend a book backwards
is he retarded? just kick the dude away or turn to the side
If that wasn't in public I think that guy genuinely would've raped him lmao
I don't think you'd ever had anyone that much bigger than you controlling you lel. It would be like controlling a child for that behemoth
then pull out your pocket knife, which every man should carry, and slice away. ez
This is what real fights look like sometimes.. sorry if your ADHD rotten brain can't keep focus .. watch the porn on your 2nd screen and shut the fuck up.. worthless piece of shit.
punching someone who is unconscious should carry the death penalty.. you deserve death for being that devoid of honor
we should just start executing people who do this shit.. the rest of us are out there being normal non violent fucks and we should purge ourselves of these sub humans.
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Only retards get into fights. You come at me, you're getting shot.
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That wasn't a man kek lmao
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>i am such a weak faggot that i cannot into melee combat
>thus, i need my gun to kill you
>since i feel threatened by everything around me, I also have my gun at all times
Cringe lmao i bet you can't even aim
Your Tough guy act will fade away the second that bullet hits you, just like the other guy.
you're the same sort of lame cunt who says that everyone should be able to carry a gun. but just like this, the moment you see someone exercise that right you get all butthurt, make up your mind snowflake chud
Fight me bitch.
>gets shot
Cries like a bitch

Maybe next time don't let your pride get you killed
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Just because i don't need my gun to kill you, doesn't mean you could take me with your piece of shit. I would draw cowboy-movie fast on you, and that would be the last thing you ever see. But because I'm not a pussy like you, I don't need my gun to kill you. I could just suplex you.
bro I'm 9 feet tall and pitch black with a 50 cal dick you would literally piss yourself in submission just from smelling a room I was in recently
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>guns guns guns
What, am I supposed to be scared of a faggot who isn't disciplined enough to make their body into a deadly weapon? If they can't use their own fists, why should I suppose they can use a gun? If you don't follow the Way of the Warrior, i do not fear you. If your body is not a weapon, you do not follow the Way of the Warrior.
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>is actually a 4' 9" manlet
If you were even 6 feet tall, you wouldn't talk about how you need your gun always.
I follow the way of the worrier, haha. That is to say, I worry about running into mentally unstable meat heads like you, so I stay indoors.
I didn't say shit about a gun bitch get those dicks outta your eyesockets you illiterate, sweaty little weasel. Don't make me wear you like a codpiece little man. I'll have you begging to clean my toes by sundown if you don't watch your fucking mouth.
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As if there's any point in entering fights with randos on the street. If you lose, then they just stomp your head out against the pavement because they're apes without self control. You win, then they just stab you just like what happened to that one dude in the Toronto subway.
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He sounds like the guy from the Watchman who gets hot oil thrown in his face
He pissin’ AND he leakin’
File: bass_pro_shops_hat.webm (3.73 MB, 438x768)
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sounds based desu

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