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File: FearfulPleasedGander.webm (1.94 MB, 640x1136)
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am I the only one that wants to hatefuck her brains out? Just me? Wasn't she super popular at one point? What happened?
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was it the weed?
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The classic. Bitch aged, got tattooed (probably the worst all honestly), and she just lost novelty(known as the library webcam girl during her start). Younger and more beautiful pornstars came in, fresh at 18. And bitch consciously downgraded her body with ink instead of doing everything in her power to keep the beauty and youth. I mean i don't care, do what you want. But if you are doing this shit for a living, then you are plain stupid lmao. It's like an olympic class athlete smoking and drinking. In this case literally, because the bitch is abusing, she's got the habit
And don't get me wrong, i still love her tits a lot, and her disgusting nigger slurping is top tier. She is obviously a stupid skank with 0 brain cells and bad life choices who will OD or hang herself before she hit 45 (the perfect pornstar, basically)
But i also gotta look at the negatives too, exactly because i love her body
she got dumb face diseased and passed away

It is worth pointing out that she admitted to being high out of her gourd when she got her tats. Not even remembering getting them high.
I was at OSU when she was expelled for camwhoring in the library. Talk about changing the trajectory of your life in an instant.
I'm not against tattoos at all, but I don't think that's for everybody and that's exactly what happened to Kendra. Her tattoos are weird, very colorful, they look more like stickers on one of her arms and one leg. And compared to how it was before, she was incredibly hot with no tattoos.

I believe that's what killed any interest I used to have for her.
Very well said. I'd gladly watch Tiger Lilly, Chantal Danielle or Anna Bell Peaks for tattoos. Some girls carry them well. Kenda was just a vanilla blonde with gigantic tits and a talent for taking nigger dick. Tattoos didn't help her standing at all.
xan whore
She gets hundreds of thousands of views on tiktok still and gets booked for all the big porn agencies so .... yeah shes popular still. nothing really happened.
so when's her downfall?
she will probably kill herself in 10 years or so
can't believe she does this now
She was an original GOAT with her milky white skin, god-tier tits, and going full-on BBC whore right out of the gate. Girls age, i get that and it's normal but she accelerated her downfall with the dumbass tattoos. Why ruin a masterpiece? It's because she lowkey hates herself and is subliminally trying to self destruct.
All tits, no ass.
Any pornstar I like that does this gets completely ignored afterwards
Tattoos are a result of mental disease. Self-harm, if you will. Sad! No pretty woman looks better with a tat. Only in movies and games, but showing up anywhere with a tatted-up woman gives off skank energy (which she is, but people that didn't know her didn't have to know. Now they just assume it).

It should've been left as a prison/gang thing. Now it's just open proclamation to the world that you're not content..
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>just drop out!
>and lick nigger asshole for a living
Bait used to be believable
she'll do this but not anal
she'll be like Natasha Nice and won't do anal until she's a washed up porker
She said she was depressed as shit during that time as well. Really makes you think
>Wasn't she super popular at one point?
fucked too many niggers nobody except for trannies like coalburners
nah we were just younger and naive
Pornstar going full-on BBC right out the gate hates herself?? I'm shocked
>Wasn't she super popular at one point? What happened?
did nothing but interracial probably caught a disease and blacklisted (pun intended)
A shame desu.

Perfect body, trashed herself at light speed.
She aged herself like 20 years in 5 years and is legit just a gutter hoe you could find strung out on fent in Compton now.

Just what fame does to some people I guess.
>What happened?
Got old, busted and thus replaced by fresher meat. It's that shrimple.
like 99% of these whores are drug addicted. start feeling ''regrets'' when they sober up.
>did nothing but interracial
damn I feel stupid for almost believing this lol
Interesting to imagine how different a trajectory her life would have taken if that one single library video didn't go viral.

Really foreshadowed the whole tiktok -> onlyfans pipeline that's endemic now. Any bitch goes viral for any reason and she becomes a pornwhore now. Like every bitch on earth is playing a lottery their dad is praying they never win lmao
idk she's ugly and retarded I don't want to fuck her at all. I saw her posting on twitter asking what the fuck some specific weird STD was lmao.
It is worth pointing out nothing is ever their fault. Crazy coincidence.
I don't think there's a single person saying it wasn't her decision to get the tattoos. Just explaining WHY she made such a terrible choice.

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