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Religious nut heads
يا الله
Midsommar movie vibes (2019)
we are doomed as a nation
Stanley cups have lead
Imagine amount of sex he gets
Both arguing over Semitic schizos

Semites truly won
hot & would wife
homo kuffars will deny it but this is what peak tradwife looks like
Imagine her flat tummy and dainty hands
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Now posting about a South Korean cult.


>doomsday cult
>they have falsly predicted the end of the world like 5 times already
>they believe in a living goddess
>forced marriages
>they believed Jesus came in 1948 and die while eating and pass his god powers to his mistress
would breed as much as possible and teach all of the kids to spot & behead kikes on sight
one family army of unstoppable TKD
lmao, who the fuck actually watches this and thinks the guy is serious about a take over or that the woman with the biggest nose in England isn't there to agitate carrying a cross. They even put music over it. God, man. English Christians belonging to a church that exists purely cause the king wanted to get divorced it also a hilarious aspect.
Any one here have religious moms
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Why do humans falls for this
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More about the WMSCOG
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My mom paid a exorcist 500 dollars who used pepper spray to convince her I was possessed

They know they're scam artists
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A classic
If u make fun of them your called a Redditor
>>hide your kids
>>hide your wives
>>hide your husband
>>hide your pets
>>because he's going around everyone
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It's okay, they'll just fall back on "It's not true Christianism" cope and go back to their own personal basement-dwelling version.
Somebody post kikes bashing chickens!
Omg is she ok?
How about a kike bashing kids?
Ashkenazi send their mizrahi golem to fight for them
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They're coming to get you now.
What's rationality behind this
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Catholics are worst >>27480721
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When people come preaching their religion to me, it makes me want to vomit
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Jacob has 8 year old's brain in his skull, cannot compute. That goes for all the others he's talking about.
Is the little guy going to space ?
>he decides he's done with religion, I know, let's make him outright hate religion by forcing him to go to a church he obviously doesn't like!
Bonkers. Then she really thought she could get him with "then you can't celebrate Christmas".
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Anyone got any Hindi goods? Like their filthy holy river of sewage and death.
Conformism, all humans fall for it, you included
Creating and strengthening group cohesion
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>Classic Vito
>Anyone got any Hindi goods?
Hindi is a language. I think you meant Hinduism. Also, it's Gods not goods.

>Like their filthy holy river of sewage and death.
The river got bad because previous governments didn't enforce environmental standards. The current (Hindu) government is doing a lot.

Also I remember a french guy whose parents were Hindus and has been living in India for his whole life, had a great insight about this. According to him, Family is the most important entity for an Indian and that's why their homes are so immaculate and spotless and they make you take your shoes off before entering their homes. But, everything else becomes secondary.
It's no coincidence that Asians don't believe in religion
To clarify the tax is 3% or 5 % of what u make yearly and about the slave part it's not like the traditional slavery u know If u chose not to be a Muslim u will work for whoever but not in a u will get tortured and whooped way. u will work but u will have a salary food and a place to stay so it's like a corporate slave type of thing
the Muslim guy is in the wrong what he did is based on culture and hate. islam doesn't tell us to start fights and insult other religions and people at all but to live together
That's probably a joke if not then she can get a divorce islamic wise but probably bec it's dagestan she wouldn't get anything tho
That's a >>27482338
political matter rather then a religious one
Depends if you read the medina or mecca charters.
It's about context and a lot of muslims think they are in mecca everywhere except muslim countries.
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Scientism (treating science like religion) IS a big problem, but not among scientists. Its midwit atheists who do this most frequently. That doesnt mean science is trash.
"You can not love God and the world", they pay Jesus lip service for the culture, but they are not christians, they are politists, they have faith in politicians, not God.
Their minds are so open that their brains up and went on vacation. Retards.
Charismatics, ouch. What they are doing is more of a sign of possession than of faith.
I have never seen a single megapastor that wasnt a fraud and a liar, this one is no exception.
cont from>>27482763
NOT an average Christian church. The average would be something like Lutheran, big church, boring service. This is a cult church.
I have no problem with this one at all. Spiritual warfare is a real thing to believers, this mom is rational about it.
More charismatic crap. At least the sneks get a few of these degenerates every year.
Pure cult. The moment you shun outsiders is the moment you have forgotten Jesus and you have a true cult.
Exorcisms are religious theatrics. Unless that person devotes their life to Christ afterwards, all youve done is dance with the devil.
Wheres the religion here?
Thats all I can stomach for now.
I hate religion, it pollutes true faith. If you are getting your ideas on religion from people like these, I can understand your position.
What I don't understand is why Muslim women aren't murdering their husbands by the bucketload in their sleep all the time if they are brainwashed like this aswell?

We all know that Islam pisses on women in general, and everyone has their breaking point, one night is all it would take for your Muslim 'tradwife' to look down at you sleeping with your throat exposed.
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Silly mortals thinking the illusions before their limited apertures could make the slightest attempt at the anomaly know to them as reality.
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Same lady at it again
faux pundits used to be hilarious and much better actors. now we're stuck with niggers who just want you to buy their shitty books or listen to their stupid fucking podcasts
this shit made me laugh so hard.
what ever happen with this? did anyone get charge with anything? I doubt it.
>It's not TROOOO Christianity!
Right on cue.
Fucking protestants.
>>The St Petersburg lawyer plunged into an ice hole to mark Christian Orthodox Epiphany
>>Oredezh River, Russia

>>People believe that water blessed for the annual ceremony possesses special healing properties.

Some people go into the icy waters on their own, while others often take part in the celebration in groups as they remembered the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan.

A hole had been cut into the thick ice and the air temperature was around -5C when the Anna jumped in.
Burka mithosis...
The only good thing what fucking muslims do right is killing fags...
What the actual fuck is happening here?
worship a boy they believe reincarnation Sathya Sai Baba (god)
are these people polish
This might come as a shock but religious people are, in fact, religious. They actually believe this stuff. Men and women.
When you only view the world and every human interaction as some sort of power exchange like you leftoids do, you are not seeing the whole picture. Muslims actually believe.
do they glue their hats on their heads
holy fuck, the projection is ridiculous
> science is a pagan faith
what a fucking retard
this woman is schizophrenic.
literally 30 IQ
this is just sad
two retards arguing
i had a conversation like this with my family, it makes me cringe in hindsight
> no material gifts for you if you don't believe in my cult!! because that's what it's about!
r e t a r d
why the fuck do they immigrate here if they hate us? greedy morons
you're a subhuman like them and should fuck off to live in one of their shitholes if you want to be like them
Really ?
That's awesome where can i sign up for this shit ?
>Only 1 (one) jewish video

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