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File: 1636437890783.webm (1.48 MB, 720x1280)
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No negros
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Who's this
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who this maga pawg?
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"Post Pawgs" then proceed to post a skinny chick with almost no ass
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3.57 MB WEBM
weak bait
It's impossible to not cum from that
you'd be surprise what SSRI's can do
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sauce please
get me under an SSRI for two months and put me and her like that inside a room for a day we will see
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so fucking autistic, kys
I’m not sure. Hope this helps
Meri Mouse
>phat ass white girls
>no negros
What did he mean by this? Are you so obsessed with black people that you start shoehorning them into places where they don't exist? Are you constantly thinking of black men fucking white women? Jesus Christ, racists have looped back to being cucks.
that's Jada Stevens you fucking mongoloid. They practically invented the phrase PAWG to describe her.
he means you nigger lovers can’t stay in your containment threads and constantly shit up the whole board with posts like yours and every filter evading nigger on here
case in point: >>27483915
Nice try getting into that anon's brain anon. But this approach is easily put apart and it's very transparent what you're trying to do. Gasing/triggering. Do you get a good salary from JDIF or are you just a fat useless tranny?
Seriously, I had women tap out because of how long it took me to nut on Venlafaxine.
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19yo thick ex tweaking, anyone want more
>If you inform me of my mental issues, you're le jew-tranny boogeyman
Ah yes, the so-called superior aryan, who can't stop thinking about negro cocks, cut cocks and literally cut cocks in a PAWG thread, is truly being manipulated by me.

Damn you, anon, for catching me red-handed. Now I won't get enough shekels to spam BBC porn to lead the white, aryan man astray. It truly is over.
Dude, yes. Venlafaxine in particular is ridiculous. It's great for lasting really long, until they actually want you to finish already. Then you just look like an asshole, I'm fucking trying
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No don't be a cunt
>Op makes thread.
>No niggers allowed.
> Cool, everyones fine.
>enter you
>retarded fag bitching about not being able to see niggers fucking white women
>literaly several threads you can fuck off to
>chooses this one
Kys. If op has to specify, its because you motherfuckers constantly spam nigger dick. No one wants to see that. Also
>what is preference
Again do the world favor and kys.
File: STPeach_Cammy (2).webm (3.29 MB, 576x1024)
3.29 MB
3.29 MB WEBM
amethyst franklin or some shit like that
She has aged bad
The amount of delusions trannys like you go through to deny reality kek
Trannys truly are delusional
Call it what its closest to turd dick
fuck yes
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3.61 MB
3.61 MB WEBM
mirtazapine is better if you can stay active and not give in to food cravings, you can actually enjoy sex and feel orgasms, shit it great.
>No negros (black men/women)
>Immediately spergs out because he can't post his beebeesee porn
posting negros in non nigger threads should just be a bannable offense at this point
nigs are ugly, get over it
>first girl is jewish

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