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File: 1.webm (3.9 MB, 1920x1080)
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I want to cheat on my husband by fucking some dog with a big dick. I find it very frustrating that women can't get pregnant from dogs.

I remind you that real zoo porn is not allowed on 4chan, only 3d porn is permitted.
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>my husband
>women can't get pregnant from dogs.
jumps from pretending to be a woman to inadvertently admitting they aren't a woman within the next sentence through choice of grammar.
nice RP retard.
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no, i'm a woman; you idiot. just english is not my first language
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368 KB GIF
Tit's or gtfo...
I am incredulous. Present your breasts or leave immediately
dogs are fucking terrible at sex. they cum so quick its hardly even sex. stop roleplaying like a retarded faggot and just enjoy the fetish
>he doesn't know how to train his dog to last hours
when the dog paw pushed her head down bahaha.
i need that milf tifcow in my life like you wouldnt believe
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here are my breasts
thats samanthacurves
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No, you're a fucking retard larper who's first language is absolutely English. Show tits or fuck off with your shit larp.
I'm always suspicious of small wemon with very large dogs.
is that fucking santana lmfao
You can't fuck animals, you can only rape them.
animals are capable of giving consent
Such a waste of a massive ass
true story
when I was a kid there was a serial rapist targeting my apartment complex
he broke into my friends house when only his mom was home and left her tied up with a wad of peanut butter jammed up her snatch
my friend came home from school to the family dog trying to lick the peanut butter out of her
fucked up
but they actually like peanut butter. So if I put out peanut butter and they begin to eat it, am I force feeding them?

Yeah so.. fuckin sauce?
top kek
I hate dogs, but somehow I want a GF that fucks them. Like where can I find a GF like that
dont ask me how I know but its heavily modded and photoshoped second life stuff
Same. Unfortunately can't get a dog so have to live vicariously through 3DCG and masturbating. I have one of bad dragons dog dildos but it's very small (would get another but shipping to the UK is ridiculous)
It's SRVN, a Second Life artist making this content for profit. She was on Twitter, but it seems she got banned recently. Trailers of her stuff are on Rule34Video site, but otherwise she's hard to find :(
OK, I've found some of her productions on the NaughtyMachinima site. Anyone knows how to rip it to gif/webm on the phone?
Alr but this edition is raw af
F95zone has her current material and WIPs, but you need to register an account there.
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I think you may have responded to the wrong post.

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