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File: 1595645460495.webm (1.88 MB, 640x358)
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1.88 MB WEBM
why are all the shitty threads posted at more or less the exact same time and with the same filenaming convention?
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2.66 MB WEBM
File: chud.webm (1.5 MB, 1168x846)
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It's the Russians trying to divide America to weaken the nation and turn young white men into right wing extremist.
I mean duh, it's been working pretty good too
its clearly isreal and not the russians and the posters are commies
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It's pretty obvious, too. Makes me a little sad how the dumb anons fall for it. But I know they'll be out of the equation soon.
what the hell is going on? I just saw 2 filter evading threads get nuked
shalom yid
Think some of it is guys training bots (/church/, flat earth) and some of it is autists that think they’re contributing to social engineering
You’ll see the same sort of theme in threads all get bumped in the same time frames too
church and flat earth aren't the problem
Took me about three tries on what was happening. lol.
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the real atrocity is that you knew these webms had no sound and you posted them anyway you weaselly faggot nerd fuck
keep being mad

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