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Post 3.
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Whens the last time you sucked yourself?!
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Guys send me your best dickpic, this is my french number (+33680533113)
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should also allow/advertise self facials, not enough self sucking to keep a thread going really
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Great point I'll include it in the next thread
is it gay to do this to yourself or is it masturbation?
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Clearly its just masturbation
Fucking hell who are they?
NYPA faggot.
Standard are so low the only person to fuxk you is yourself.
Someone please post that one vid.
You know the one I'm talking about.
Where they're talking to their mom?
no gayer than giving yourself a handjob every day since I was 11 and never missing a fuckin day
When I was 40# lighter I used to do this all the time. I miss those days.
I fucking love this shit. A cutie happily cumming in their own face and mouth is the best.
I actually went on a diet and exercise program specifically so that I can get back into it. I'm still a ways off from the good ole days of feeling it throb in my mouth but at least I'm back to folding myself in half and not immediately losing all horny motivation when I feel my gut crushing all the air out of my diaphragm
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wondering if this is the complete video or there is a longer one
I tried this once myself, the pleasure and taboo makes it so good but it's not exactly a comfortable position, at least for me, so I never did it again.
need a tutorial on how to achieve this
same, only way im getting blown
queue the 300 retards commenting they could do it when they were younger or whatever

no one cares, post webms or stfu
I predict that penis extenders, weights, pulleys, and various devices will be used widely by so many men...that...the average male penis length will be 8-10 inches in length in the next 2 decades. That's when autofellatio will be a very common activity for the fellas.
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next two decades we'll be able to log into our dreams and just do it there with zero effort

love those dreams when they do happen, always realize that there is just this one silly trick and boom I can deepthroat myself
who is this?
I think its pandalunluns
holy shit, I think I dated this person
That's true. But in case we can't login to our dreams, we can make it easier on the spine and organs by just extending penis length as much as one desires.
this is the most overrated shit ever. I stretched for months to be able to suck myself and it's so underwhelming. it's like tickling yourself. it's not the same and it feels like nothing.
You might think it's gay or distracted by the pain your spine feels. Once you increase penis size to 10+ inches, then it becomes so much better.

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