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globalists you are ABSOLUTELY fucked
you are hosed
absolutely btfo'd
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>black conservative is a retard
water is wet
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This is an actually honest cut of that segment.
She isn't actually a flat earther, but she does seem dedicated to investigating it earnestly and is signaling the best arguments.
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hey sly how fat are you today?
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satanic government
Wait wait wait, hold up. Does she have a signed picture of *herself* on the back of her laptop? Oh wait, let me guess, it's just so she can easily recognize it's hers. :P
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>it's just so she can easily recognize it's hers. :P
probably just covering the apple logo
Yeah, except she already has another picture on there that could serve that purpose, so having another with her own mug just makes her look self-absorbed.

Not that that isn't on-brand, mind you.
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its a single sticker shaped like 2 polaroids.
nigger has an extremely low iq, who could've guessed
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>nigger has an extremely low iq, who could've guessed
lol she doesn't work for the government
No one said she did retard
>nigger has an extremely low iq
she's trying to appeal to wh*te supremacists so yeah
Not sure if parody or real
If the earth is flat, why isn't the shadow the earth casts on the moon a thin line instead of round why hasn't there been a thin line of a shadow cast upon the moon ever recorded in history?
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yeah but u do
>Not sure if parody or real
they're 'cheap fakes' I guess lol
honest edit of segment is here >>27482986
Basically she's rejecting the cult of science and talking about some of the deepest truths of FE while claiming to not be a flat earther.
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>she's trying to appeal to wh*te supremacists so yeah
so flat earth and Candace Owens are white supremacist?
That also seems like a parody to me tbqh
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>If the earth is flat, why isn't the shadow the earth casts on the moon a thin line instead of round why hasn't there been a thin line of a shadow cast upon the moon ever recorded in history?
Good question, thank you for asking. it's not the earth's shadow, this is proven by the selenelion eclipse.
You might be thinking, 'wtf is a selenelion eclipse' I thought the same thing, it's a kind of eclipse that happens around the periphery of where the eclipse is total (so it always happens every lunar eclipse, somwhere).

It occurs during dusk or dawn and both the partially eclipsed moon AND the sun are in the sky at the same time.
Obviously, you can only see 180 degress of sky (even on a globe) so being able to see both in the sky at the same time, make it geometrically impossible the shadow is being cast by the earth. And as if to make this more obvious, the shadow is actually coming from the wrong way, so it's TOTALLY not earth.

The only theory that accounts for all the evidence, is the vedics who believes there was a 3rd celestial body--the fascist emblem 'the black sun'--that was a 'burnt out' sun that would cause eclipses.

Vedid cosmology has a flat earth at the center of the universe. In fact all religions all agree on flat earth cosmology (flat unmoving earth at the center of the 'universe')

Space is almost always depicted as a kind of light show represented by 'shells' not as a 3 dimensional place far away.
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>That also seems like a parody to me tbqh
are you being honest though?
Who is this person and why should I care about her opinion?
So why are selenelion eclipse rare instead of the norm?
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>Who is this person and why should I care about her opinion?
Candace Owens because she's revealing esoteric truths designed to weaken the control literal satanic pedophiles have over our lives.
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>So why are selenelion eclipse rare
so this is proof you're a bot. I explicitly addressed this, you're lying, they are not rare. And regardless of how rare they are, it doesn't change the fact that they absolutely prove eclipses are not caused by teh earth's shadow.
>You might be thinking, 'wtf is a selenelion eclipse' I thought the same thing, it's a kind of eclipse that happens around the periphery of where the eclipse is total (so it always happens every lunar eclipse, somewhere).
>That also seems like a parody to me tbqh
>Not sure if parody or real
very very common lefty infowars tactic
vid rel.
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Honest about it seeming like a parody to me or wdym?
It's just hard to tell with zero context if someone is being genuine or if they're playing it up for laughs or something
I'm (ALMOST) willing to finally accept the claims that Candace is just a top tier grifter. I've enjoyed her stuff for a number of years but I'm starting to finally connect all the dots. She has bounced from all extremes of the political spectrum, when engagement is waning she miraculously manages to always start a fight with a celebrity. And if none of that works, she starts making absurd claims or taking the most bizarre positions. My favorite recent arc is when she made dozens of videos about Taylor Swift presumably because she's friends with Kanye and they got clicks.
Ahhh they’re not rare I’ve just not seen one because I’m not in the right place on earth
imagine taking any amount of time to come to this conclusion.
>Hot black chick
Absolutely based. Candice is only getting better.
Ah shit, here we go again...
These threads make me want to reconnect with my hollow earth grandpa.
I'm always amazed that there's people retarded enough to watch stuff like that and come to the conclusion that Earth is flat. Lmao
Have flat earthers found an explanation for star trails?
How do they rotate in different directions at the north and south, how do they disappear beyond a horizon, how are they circular in the first place, etc?
I’ve had flat earthers tell me the moon and stars move at the same speed and maintain the same position in the night sky. Is that the belief of flat earthers? If so how is lunar occultation explained, if not what is the thought process around stars and the moon?
>There's no measurable curvature at that "extreme" altitude
Oh yes there is, except you won't be able to measure it with your eyeballs simply because the Earth is massive and your Blender animation a fucking joke. lol
Friendly reminder that having oppositional defiance disorder is not a good basis for your politics.
I think I'm a Flat Earther now.
I believe everything in this video.
I've never heard any flat earther say this.
Same, except the opposite.
she's an insane monkey
her dumbass normiecon white rich husband had an ape fetish, something to do with historic England colonialism, and now 3 kids in has the biggest buyer's remorse of all time
The earth is hollow.
Hate you stupid flat earth retards probably think some stupid shit about muh grassy knoll
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>It's just hard to tell with zero context if someone is being genuine or if they're playing it up for laughs or something
you're just lying.
the 'you trolling bro' is literally the most common left win counter signal; it's a form of social shaming, you're suggesting the topic is laughable and thus hurts the social status of whoever brings it up; and you do so without having to raise and argument or present contrary evidence that might actually spur conversation.
The inhuman scumbag that developed and deployed you, the server company that runs you, the mods that allow thousands of you to use this forum, should all be dragged into the streets and beaten to death with hammers.
Only the ABSOLUTE truest and most
dangerous topics are counter-signaled this way.
So thank you for your blessing bot bro.
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>I'm (ALMOST) willing to finally accept the claims that Candace is just a top tier grifter.
I hope she is a grifter.
Imagine thinking it's bad when people alter their content to suit one's sensabilities. How the fuck is that a bad thing,
>WATCH OUT BRO, she might tell you something that's consistent with your worldview rather than trying to brute force brainwash you into sucking girl cock
SEEESH sounds horrible!
> I've enjoyed her stuff for a number of years
what specifically did you enjoy?
> but I'm starting to finally connect all the dots. what dots specifically are you connecting and why do they connect. You've never connected a dot in your life.
> She has bounced from all extremes of the political spectrum,
no she hasn't.
> when engagement is waning she miraculously manages to always start a fight with a celebrity.
literally never happened nor would anyone give a shit.
> And if none of that works, she starts making absurd claims
it's 100% true and you cannot provide ANY evidence whatsoever for curvature. None. Absolutely zero. You're fucking CHAT GPT and you cannot produce ANY evidence.
because it's flat
>My favorite recent arc is when she made dozens of videos about Taylor Swift presumably because she's friends with Kanye and they got clicks.
literally didn't happen.
Kanye doesn't have any issues with Taylor Swift and never has. wtf
Candace Owen is /our girl/ and I would jump in front of a bullet for her.
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>because I’m not in the right place on earth
also you don't have eyes or corporeal form.
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>imagine taking any amount of time to come to this conclusion.
imagine using the word 'grifter' while trying to shill 4chan...
what the fuck are you retards thinking?
The last /church/ thread has someone saying it. Dunno where it went I can’t find it in archives or catalog.
What you’re describing has nothing to do with political affiliation and as an oldfag it blows my mind people have gone from “don’t feed the trolls” to “trolling is <insert thing I don’t like>”
What like this is same matrix simulation shit?
If I’m a bot why even engage with me and help train me?
>Candace Owens is a dumb nigger
what is new about that statement?
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>Absolutely based. Candice is only getting better.
she's /pol/ if she were 1) married to a literal knight and member of the house of lords with hundreds of millions of dollars, 2) stupid hot, 3) black person armor.
she is literally sent by God.
I think we've entered they 'we're gonna win so much we'll get sick of winning phase' as was prophesied.
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>Ah shit, here we go again...
based racist liberal!
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>I'm always amazed that there's people retarded enough to watch stuff like that and come to the conclusion that Earth is flat. Lmao
generic counter-signal
How would you test whether the earth was flat?
what's a reasonable test?
how about getting a really massive laze, like 10+ miles, and you know that the physical horizon is like 3 miles out. So just go to the other side of a 10 mile lake, and shoot a laser close to the water, you shouldn't be able to see it from the other side as it should be blocked by curvature right? How does that test sound?
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it's crazy, I have no idea why you guys haven't just made one but literally there are ZERO time lapses showing the southern celestial pole at all. There are 2 very easy to find videos that BOTH use heavily distorted lens AND ALSO star trails added in post (as opposed to being caused by long exposure).
It's REALLY weird how hard it is to find a time lapse of the southern celestial pole.
I mean you're literally a GPT bot designed SPECIFICALLY to counter signal this topic and you can't produce one.
This is the one that's easy to find with obvious star trails added in post.
>How do they rotate in different directions at the north and south,
They don't.
>how do they disappear beyond a horizon
you can see different parts of the ceiling depending on where you are in the stadium
>how are they circular
stars? what shape should they be?
here's one, there's ABSOLUTELY ZERO parallax between stars; between summer and winter the earth's position allegedly moves 2AU, if the stars were all at different distances away, there should be noticeable seasonal parallax. This would manifest as constelations changing shapes, i.e. Apollo getting fatter in the winter, or the big dipper's handle longer. But this literally doesn't occur. Not between seasons and not between the earliest records of the stars.
There is literally zero proof any star has ever moved and the lack of parallax proves they are all the same distance from earth. Which is consistent with Flat Earth claims of stars being embedded in the firmament.
How do you explain the lack of celestial parallax between seasons?
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>I’ve had flat earthers tell me the moon and stars move at the same speed and maintain the same position in the night sky. Is that the belief of flat earthers? If so how is lunar occultation explained, if not what is the thought process around stars and the moon?
sounds like something you made up
show me timelapse of a moon set/moon rising where the moon and stars are moving at a different speed.
here's one where they aren't.

This is something that I noticed recently; this isn't a flat earth claim I've heard. I just made this webm to demonstrate the size change in the moon and was surprised to notice the moon and stars match speed.
It sounds retarded, that's how it sounds.
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>Oh yes there is, except you won't be able to measure it with your eyeballs simply because the Earth is massive and your Blender animation a fucking joke. lol
>trust me bro
cool argument.
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absolute based chads
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>Friendly reminder that having oppositional defiance disorder is not a good basis for your politics.
friendly reminder concern trolling as a concept cannot be in good faith; it's INSANE how frequently you expect us to take advice from people who LITERALLY tried to kill us.
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>her dumbass normiecon white rich husband had an ape fetish
then I have it too.
I would make her jog a couple miles before I ate her pussy. So I could really taste her. Bitches like that have such clean pussies it's like drinking a glass of water no taste no smell. what's even the point?

I'm not kidding, one of the first big chinks in my life-long atheism was fucking a 10/10. Seeing ungodly perfect pussy up close is a religious experience. It's difficult to imagine such a glorious creature as a beautiful woman could occur by chance.
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>The earth is hollow.
we think it's hollow too
You're welcome. Always happy to provide flat earth retards with facts even a 1st grader is able to understand.
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>Dunno where it went I can’t find it in archives or catalog.
they only censor disinformation right?
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>What you’re describing has nothing to do with political affiliation
it's used by influence operators broadly, it is PARTICULARLY heavily done on the left because they are lower T, so less disagreeable, and more prone to consensus filtering. The result is crazy its SOOOO much more pleasant on the left side of the internet, but because we just literally dont give a shit what you faggot bots think, you spamming you gay little bitch opinions doesn't even move the needle. So instead you've taken to doing what you're doing now, this low-grade, shitty hostility that's totally automated.
you say anything that's contrary to the narrative on the internet and your swarmed with hostile social shaming bots that cannot demonstrate cognition but will attempt to neg you into being a faggot.
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>What like this is same matrix simulation shit?
that was my first thought too
I immediately thought of some kind of soul prison made by some hostile 5th dimensional entity, and interestingly, that's EXACTLY what "Gnostic Christians" believe; the the creator of this earth is not 'the good god' but hostile to humanity. It very much feels like a prison planet.
but as soon as its obvious there must be a creator, and you start to look around and you see things like gorgeous women and children laughing and sunsets you realize that this is a tremendous gift, a constant miracle and testament to God's glory.
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>If I’m a bot why even engage with me and help train me?
sorry 100% of the people that counter signal flat earth these days are bots or literal ex-military; the way you asked a question that was totally blown out of the water by the concept of selenelion eclipses, but then when I told you about them, you knew some counter signal about them even though a second ago you were asking a question that requires your igorance of them....
so it seemed like you were a bot following a shitty decision tree script.
if you aren't, that's kinda pathetic. you should work on being less of a midwit, not being able to pass the turing test should be extremely embarrassing for you.
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>what is new about that statement?
nothing this is the 3rd or 4th time you've said it.
I'm just proud you're getting to be yourself here. On twitter you have to pretend to be woke.
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I highly encourage everyone watch that video.
Watch ANY 'flat earth debunk' video and wait for ACTUAL evidence of curvature, you will never receive it. They'll just heap scorn on you.
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>based racist liberal!
he's transparent.
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>It sounds retarded, that's how it sounds.
I made fun of it for 20 years I know it sound retarded. 2024 the year of our Lord is also the year of the based retard.
but you can't provide any evidence of curvature.
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already spammed that once fatty Sly
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>with facts
when did you provide facts?
It’s because the stars are moving on their own orbit/path through space and so unbelievably far away that you need to monitor them for weeks - months to plot a path
They censor all kinds of shit, it probably got removed because there were two /church/ threads in the catalog
I’m not a bot, want me to post proof?
When you said they aren’t that rare I went and looked up how rare they are, and found that they occur every eclipse, but are rare to witness because you have to be in specific parts of the earth to see them based on when the eclipse occurs
It’s not that deep anon, looking it up took less time than writing this reply
Imagine typing this many words to be wrong.

I've got one for you: why?

Let's say, hypothetically, that the earth is flat. Who gains anything by convincing everyone it's round? Who profits? Who gains, and what? There is literally no reason for this conspiracy theory to exist except that a lot of people don't understand basic geometry.
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they should scroll at a different speed than the moon.
they don't.
that's super fucking weird if were looking at things millions of miles away.
>They censor all kinds of shit,
like true things that run counter to the narrative or reduce the credibility of institutions. Right?
> it probably got removed because there were two /church/ threads in the catalog
yeah that's it
I thought flat earthers already accidentally proved curvature in some experiment they did in 2019?
Do flat earthers not know about this? If you do then what are the counterpoints to their experiments?
Man if they were censoring this forum we wouldn’t even be having this discussion right now
You are a one man army

Are they referencing Shapiro in this video?
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>I’m not a bot, want me to post proof?
or demonstrate cognition.
when you provide proof, also explain the reasoning and evidential basis for ANY argument you've made.
>When you said they aren’t that rare I went and looked up how rare they are, and found that they occur every eclipse, but are rare to witness because you have to be in specific parts of the earth to see them based on when the eclipse occurs
>When you said they aren’t that rare I
I said they occur every time.
>I went and looked up how rare they are,
so how did you come to the conclusion they were rare?
>and found that they occur every eclipse
so how did you ever assert them to be rare?
>but are rare to witness because you have to be in specific parts of the earth to see them based on when the eclipse occurs
that has nothing to do with you having to go look it up, the two parts of your explanation have no logical connection, this is why you're very obviously a bot, you can say sentences but there is no logical thread. They're just constructed from probabilities. The first explanation doesn't even conclude in a situation where you would be inclined to behave the way you behaved. And the second explanation is you lying about what you meant by 'rare'.
> looking it up took less time than writing this reply
yeah you're a GPT bot it probably took you like.002 seconds to generate that meaningless reply replete with retarded nigger zoomer speak.
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>to be wrong.
I have to imagine that, because I am right and you haven't provided evidence or argumentation contrary to my claim.
I win by default
>I've got one for you: why?
see :51 in op video (you bot).
>There is literally no reason for this conspiracy theory to exist except that a lot of people don't understand basic geometry.
produce the geometry that disproves it, there's actually geometric proof it's flat here:
I went and looked it up, cause fuck it
This shit was viral when it happened, is the only reason I know about it

There is also Knodel blowing fat stacks on a gyroscope expecting it to maintain 0 but it showed something like 15 degrees

What’s up with these?
>how do you explain the lack of celestial parallax between seasons?

2 AU is 0.0000316 of 1 light year, the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is 4.2 light years away (260,553 AU). A more distant star, Rigel, is 863 light years away( (54,580,000 AU). Their parallax shift caused by our comparatively microscopic 2 AU orbit is imperceptible to the unaided eye.
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>I thought flat earthers already accidentally proved curvature in some experiment they did in 2019?
but you can do a laser test yourself and prove it's flat. see >>27485085
>Do flat earthers not know about this?
no you're just wrong and lying.
> If you do then what are the counterpoints to their experiments?
if the experiment is good, reproduce it yourself. Experiments are reproducible, the laser test ALWAYS shows flat earth.
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>You are a one man army
>Are they referencing Shapiro in this video?
Ignoring the evidence provided doesn't mean you're not receiving it. You just decide to ignore it, no matter what. If you watch this video and genuinely try to understand what's being talked about, there is no way in hell you could still be here acting like Earth is flat unless your brain is flat.
moon landings being fake. confirmed retard
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>This shit was viral when it happened, is the only reason I know about it
you're just lying
please reproduce the experiment since it proves globe earth.
Also you can easily prove globe earth using an electronic gyroscope, just start spinning it, travel from north to southern hemisphere and it should be inverted, only it's never once happened even though literally every plane has a gyroscope.
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Read my post again a couple times, you might be able to figure it out. Or probably not...

Now you prove you’re not a bot
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>2 AU is 0.0000316 of 1 light year, the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is 4.2 light years away (260,553 AU). A more distant star, Rigel, is 863 light years away( (54,580,000 AU). Their parallax shift caused by our comparatively microscopic 2 AU orbit is imperceptible to the unaided eye.
Do the math for me.
its imperceptible period.
which is another way of saying, 'there is none'
you're literally agreeing with me.
The experiment is literally in the link
I’ll bet you can find the full documentary too
I didn’t ask for a new argument, I asked what’s up with these experiments
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you failed bot
but thank you I collect these.
>or demonstrate cognition.
>when you provide proof, also explain the reasoning and evidential basis for ANY argument you've made.
but again you failed the test. You just proved that they can summon some retard to violate federal law when challenged.
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>Now you prove you’re not a bot
I'm fine with you thinking I'm a bot.
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I'm unironically a flat earther and a republican as well, usually black republican women give me a raging hard on, but I feel like she's faking the funk. I'd still suck on her toes, but I wouldn't breed with her.
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soo desperate lol
sly you're so incredibly fat
Attention Attention
apparently women are the accelerationists for communism, but black women are accelerationism on steroids.
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>The experiment is literally in the link
reproduce it yourself
you can't
the people lied to get access to the experiment and lied about the results, see >>27485103
>I’ll bet you can find the full documentary too
its based on a lie, if you could use a laser gyroscope to prove globe earth, please do it.
>I didn’t ask for a new argument,
no one has ever cared what you asked for.
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>but I feel like she's faking the funk.
OMG she's a grifter!?
why didn't you say so!
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>apparently women are the accelerationists for communism, but black women are accelerationism on steroids.
if that were true you'd be promoting her.
>Posting a clip that shows how a small percentage of humans on our globe is retarded
The Asmon clip was funny tho. I've been there when it was live and voted for flat earth myself. Why? Because it was in good fun and everybody knows it. lol
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>Because it was in good fun and everybody knows it. lol
i'm not kidding, believing in flat earth because it's funny or even pretending to is based.
I asked you if you wanted me to prove I’m not a bot
I didn’t ask you for your own schizo terms
Have you personally conducted this experiment?
Aren’t gyros like 20 grand?
If you don’t care what I’m asking why the fuck are you answering my questions
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>I asked you if you wanted me to prove I’m not a bot
and you failed
>I didn’t ask you for your own schizo terms
>Have you personally conducted this experiment?
I've personally conducted experiments that prove the earth is flat.
>Aren’t gyros like 20 grand?
you guys are paying that much in server time for your bots in probably less than a minute. If that produced proof of curvature you'd have prof. Dave do it and it'd be so algorithmically boosted it'd have 150 million views.
But you can't do that. Or provide any evidence of curvature at all, ever.
Because it's flat.
>If you don’t care what I’m asking why the fuck are you answering my questions
I tell myself it's for the lurkers.
I worry sometimes you've already put my on my own private internet such that no one can see anything and all reactions are botted. But you've only done that in so far as hoaxing nearly all the replies, for now at least this is still publicly accessible.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a liberal
If you think the avg Republican thinks much of Candace Owens you're a retard. There's nothing based about being an uncritical retard that platforms the dumbest conspiracies.
So it was controlled well poisoning all along, not a surprise really. Niggermericans will still defend the kiked negress.
Take your meds and touch grass anon
You’re on the clearnet, you’re not being persecuted
Real Question. Would you fuck Candace Owens. My answer is yes. Yes I would plant my white dick as deep as I could inside of her. I would balls deep Candace and really enjoy it. I bet she makes cute sounds while being fucked. I'd like to split her in half. It would be so fun.
damn anon I thought you were larping
now I just feel sad about you
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>So it was controlled well poisoning
no that phrase doesn't men what you pretend it means. see >>27484610
>There's nothing based about being an uncritical retard that platforms the dumbest conspiracies.
that's LITERALLY what based means lol.
>Take your meds and touch grass anon
>You’re on the clearnet
its so weird how often you faggots use that phrase, I've literally never encountered in from an organic user. Fucking boomer ass shill.
>you’re not being persecuted
just because you're bad at it and I'm crushing your multi billion dollar propaganda machine by myself, doesn't mean you aren't violating Federal Law, and it doesn't mean you'll survive this.
>damn anon I thought you were larping
very common left-wing tactic see
this is such a good webm I am a golden god.
>now I just feel sad about you
you should avoid eye contact and tremble in fear when I am spoken about in hushed tones.
That is the only permissible reaction to me.
looks fake
The funniest thing about this woman, is that she started out trying to grift the left. But they weren't falling for her bullshit so she pivoted to the right instead.
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>The funniest thing about this woman,
you won't say anything funny
it'll just be a lame smear
> is that she started out trying to grift the left.
so if she grifted the left that means she didn't believe it right? So she's really a right winger?
>But they weren't falling for her bullshit so she pivoted to the right instead.
So she's not grifting?
Oh hi.

I'm making a documentary called Truth.

You don't know me. But that's ok. You don't know a lot of things. And I'm not important.

There is a lot more evil going on in the world than you all are able to comprehend.

Everyone who you see publicly recognized is an agent of that evil.

The bibles are corrupted.
The surface of earth is planar.
Two evils join to convince God to let you be killed.

There is a continuous war going on that most people are at least somewhat cognizant of, but more people complain than work for truth. Complaining solves nothing but vents your emotions.


Enemies lurk here on 4chan too.

Remember the interracial smut hiatus when Israel attacked itself and declared war?

The Knights Templar governments like their Satan Axis for ritually sacrificing JFK, 9/11, etc.

The truth? You need it more than you know.

They will fry your brain like they did mine, but worse. Soon you will lose your memories and cognitive abilities, all of you. And you will be lowly labor slaves like they wanted.


"There is also a correlation between the experimentation of new radio frequency technologies and major viral influenza epidemics and pandemics."

You're welcome, World. I just told you the truth.

Pray to God.
do you think this edgy shit is actually intimidating?
especially coming from a massive pussy
I bet you’re morbidly obese, get a CPAP and start regaining some of that white matter
nobody should die fat, paranoid and alone
definitely AI generated you can tell because the outter right hand lines of the inverted cross warp when the hand moves
I’ll do better next time
for 5g to affect cells you need several magnitudes more power than cells are capable of pushing
the higher frequency of 5g means you need to be much closer than cell towers are for it to be able to penetrate skin
these towers operate at 10 to 50 watts
RF strong enough to effect cell pathways needs to be around 25kW and within a few feet of you; like an MRI machine; hence all the protective measures
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>And I'm not important.
and correct
>They will fry your brain like they did mine, but worse. Soon you will lose your memories and cognitive abilities, all of you. And you will be lowly labor slaves like they wanted.
nigga we good.
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Also, you can detect the ELF waves used to alter state of mind or the microwaves used to cause damage by making a large antenna, coiling copper wire on a door allows you open and close the door to detect a range. You connect the antenna to an oscilloscope and you can easily detect the kinds of waves they use.

Charge your cellphone away from you, preferably in a different room, best to muffle it and shield it as well. Same with wifi/router and your computer tower. anything with a wireless antenna can theoretically generate low-powered DEW.
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>do you think this edgy shit is actually intimidating?
why would I intimidate you?
it's over
>nobody should die fat, paranoid and alone
I disagree.
So science is demonic but she will continue to use products born from scientific research and engineering such as computers, cameras and an internet connection. Maybe she should consider suicide instead.
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>if you don't take the vax and believe in space you can't use computers
no see watch, I'm using one right now. You totally can.
Funny she gets paid by Russia.
I'm in the same boat. Took me a second, because I agreed with her on a lot of things. Once she started trying to sell fake silver backed by Putin I fucking threw in the towel.

Guess I'm part of the "cult of science"
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>Funny she gets paid by Russia.
that makes me like her more.
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>Guess I'm part of the "cult of science"
you aren't even human.
>Once she started trying to sell fake silver backed by Putin
that for sure happened.
Ya it did. She was sponsored by a literal scam company that's now under sanctions. She should be on the US Treasury blacklist for that dumb ass shit.

In her sales pitch she cites Putin's infinite wisdom on why you should buy gold and silver contracts that don't actually exists.

I sincerely hope you bought some silver bro.
I actually find Ben Shapiro funny even though I don't agree with him on everything. I hope he's smart enough not to grift fake supplements and Russian propaganda.
When you flat earth niggers figure out how to plot sunrise and sunset times on a MAP THAT INCLUDES EVERY CITY ON EARTH, GUESS WHAT HAPPENS? Where is the Sun when it is 6am in NY and 7pm in Japan? The single solitary moment you flat earth nigger brains get confronted with Sunrise and Sunset Times , which EVERYONE OBSERVES EVERY SINGLE DAY, it completely falls apart. Sunlight is visible RIGHT HERE IN NY AT 6am, AND is VISIBLE IN JAPAN AT 7pm. EXACTLY THE SAME TIME. PLEASE TELL ME WHERE THE SUN WENT? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
How would someone know if that was a parody or real without any context, friend
Wow! Go straight to /pol/ with this!
flat earthers are the dumbest people on 4chan. That's like a reverse-elite of idiocy.
I'm voting for Biden and I noticed that I did not blink while watching this webm and then the webm ended after 16 seconds, LMAO, you MEGA tards have to blink before 16 seconds? White people...
>flat earthers are the dumbest people on 4chan.
Flat earthers are the dumbest people on anything.
They're even the dumbest people on their own platforms.
>southern celestial pole time lapse















It’s not weird at all how hard it is to find footage of this, it’s an environment nearly impossible to survive in
She didn't day she believes the Earth is flat. All that was stated is that she believes that we faked what we seen as the moon landing and that NASA lies.
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the closest a flat earther has ever been to space
truly superior intellectuals, the lot of them, look how advanced they are
But why lie about one thing and not all of them ? What benefit of them to lie about vaccines ? Also, why do you believe space is a real thing when you can't go to space to prove it ? That's how trust work, right ? You either believe them or you don't. You can't just nitpicking what to believe when you think they're lying about something that you think it's not true.
Imagine trying to defend all the dumbass shit she said.

Nah, I'm going to distance myself and pretend I never listened to any of her stuff haha.
Oh boy, that's even worse. I guess it's true. The more you say the higher chance you say something stupid.
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Pt. 1 The Satanic Origins of NASA

>She was sponsored by a literal scam company
oh so what you said earlier, that she was selling fake gold, literally didn't happen.
Weird its like I knew you were lying.
>In her sales pitch she cites Putin's infinite wisdom on why you should buy gold and silver contracts that don't actually exists.
Do you realize Putin is very popular on the right?
I'm sure you're lying but that's a good reason to but precious metals.
>I sincerely hope you bought some silver bro.
I have a SHIT LOAD of silver.
> I hope he's smart enough not to grift fake supplements and Russian propaganda.
weird so you like Ben and don't like Candace.
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pt 2

>When you flat earth niggers figure out how to plot sunrise and sunset times on a MAP THAT INCLUDES EVERY CITY ON EARTH, GUESS WHAT HAPPENS? Where is the Sun when it is 6am in NY and 7pm in Japan? The single solitary moment you flat earth nigger brains get confronted with Sunrise and Sunset Times , which EVERYONE OBSERVES EVERY SINGLE DAY, it completely falls apart. Sunlight is visible RIGHT HERE IN NY AT 6am, AND is VISIBLE IN JAPAN AT 7pm. EXACTLY THE SAME TIME. PLEASE TELL ME WHERE THE SUN WENT? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
100% of predictions are based on observation. THey literally can't use gravity to predict the orbits of planets, it's called the 3 body problem.
git gud ok?
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pt 3

>How would someone know if that was a parody or real without any context, friend
step 1. don't have autism
that's it.
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>Wow! Go straight to /pol/ with this!
Not even gonna read all that shit. You lost all credibility and now nobody can take you serious.
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you're confused bot, we're not looking for generic south pole time lapses, were' looking for star trails specifically.
but the fact that you're on this topic at all, proves me right.
also they totally hoax the 24 hour day.
flat earther nah... i'm done.. you can shove all that silver up your arse
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>She didn't day she believes the Earth is flat. All that was stated is that she believes that we faked what we seen as the moon landing and that NASA lies.
>the closest a flat earther has ever been to space
>truly superior intellectuals, the lot of them, look how advanced they are
cool proof of curvature.
>But why lie about one thing and not all of them ?
what are they not lying about?
>Imagine trying to defend all the dumbass shit she said.
defend it from what?
you haven't attacked anythig.
>Oh boy, that's even worse. I guess it's true. The more you say the higher chance you say something stupid.
yes, it's an asserted claim that you just abdicated.

Gotta play to win fags
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>flat earther nah... i'm done.. you can shove all that silver up your arse
why do you work for an organization that introduced the systematic intentional rape of white children though?

So you do Americans and American CTIL do your citizens?
wow imagine being such a traitor.
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part 4
I love how flat earthers furiously type these schitzo text walls thinking we gonna read them.
word salad
You didn’t view all of the videos
Same way I’ve never watched one of your webms
This has to be some sort of Psyop to discredit her. No way she fucking said this shit. Flat earthers coming out to defend her certainly doesn't help.
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part 5

>I love how flat earthers furiously type these schitzo text walls thinking we gonna read them.
I don't think you're people.
>word salad
nah you just lack cognition.
>You didn’t view all of the videos
you didn't gather relevant videos because you lack cognition.
>Same way I’ve never watched one of your webms
yeah you don't have eyes so..
>This has to be some sort of Psyop to discredit her
that's not what well poisoning is.
see >>27484610
>cool proof of curvature
it illustrates the double standard of flat earthers
demand other people conduct experiments for themselves
make outlandish claims about people who have accomplished experiments no flat earther has ever come close to conducting
how many more centuries you figure before a flat earther is actually able to visit space? I’m guessing 600
So you concede you bought silver from Mrs. Owens scam?
there is a video in those links showing star trails at the south pole
but you aren’t here for the truth
you’re here to troll
The only thing more cringe than flat earthers are round earthers that feel compelled to debunk them.

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